Ep. 1443: Google's Double Rainbow Strategy
Ep. 1443: Google's Double Rainbow Strategy

Ep. 1443: Google's Double Rainbow Strategy

It is Thursday April 7 2011 welcome about that allowed mining Stephen -- -- Back from the dead I'm -- -- I'm Donald balance. And -- Hollywood welcome Cuba that Latvian -- -- an intimately that episode 144381. Or rent on in only mostly dead. I'm here I'm gonna I'm of the zombies they right now but I'm I'm I'm gonna play -- Donald -- to pick the -- comment that is still better than a medium that are well. I don't know about that come alive there's and then there's a there's a power Donald -- Bryan console -- on your energy source and other something and that's my point. Then the Brian Tong. It's got a little bit of that can be -- -- -- if they were out of the -- BT -- -- -- say otherwise is also just ma'am you know me copy to -- -- -- instant. -- attorney Donald it is fiction and movies and I love it when -- bells on the show I feel like -- -- and now I'm back. The way it men came back -- and -- -- -- anonymous on mysteries and that's Donald bus didn't -- give -- not about give me well I've been. Give him do a lot more shall Ballantine run now. And it's scary we lock the door behind you that okay -- you think -- right and -- Exit -- think windows here to pumpkins and another and a bully proof the look at the new company this week -- -- the panic room. -- -- -- -- -- -- sponsors in the corner with the daughter right now you have no idea if all goes well it didn't call relatives aren't immediately thought imovie another area typically. Daughter has diabetes -- insulin -- Are odd and it relates here's all I enjoyed it though I do have an. Account that -- monitors on the prowl looking out. The bad things that McCain now. It's pretty off of that go to my Netflix queue and I don't know associated -- David -- naturally good movie panic -- it is worth watching as and that if it's on Netflix queue. Now pennant penitent is definitely -- -- -- would -- Indymedia network the impact it has never been -- and -- the thing that it. -- let's do the -- -- you Google is on Capitol Hill yesterday for the first time I think actually. Testifying. As part of a hearing on. What health. Antipiracy. In our national obsession. -- he representative Bob good luck -- Now that Ares I that. Well act -- good black day good let good let good let probably -- analyst -- -- and I missed pronunciation of -- You'd. Think it's okay that that -- -- good latte. Immediately started after the hearing by saying that Google was falling short. In its antipiracy efforts he said. He's cited a story published by CNET about -- Google had removed group shark. Which had been accused of copyright violations -- some of the major record companies but said overall that Google has not done enough to filter out. Copyright infringing web sites. Mainly that I think -- and and and keep out Google ads that might lead to infringing. Yet they also claim that for over the past decade in music -- -- -- videogame and other industries. Have complained about the distribution of you know unlicensed and counterfeit -- counterfeit goods claiming billions of dollars in losses. And jobs which we've known for a fact that's not really true because they're still raking in quite the profits yet. Every year they have is the best -- ever had. If that's true it's true that we're not gonna lie about your -- -- did with the you know every time they put out the movie studio results. Digital music sales now I mean -- apps it's a ludicrous argument to keep saying. That they can quantify the losses they cannot now every time they have tried to quantify losses they have been unable to -- does not and a piracy apologist argument. As some have accused me of doing. But this is simply like it work in a past bad law there -- -- at least be good reason and good evidence and there's not. I know for anybody losing money it's just that the patent -- the other hand the results speak for themselves yet. The content is actually getting a more people's hands via the talent into -- -- However. They sentiment now much like you know red fever in the fifties are -- there. It really like this that basically are you know Communist witch hunt. Is is that piracy must be stamped out all across the -- Google even that even search engines have TU. Filter results that they have to be in and aware of the content that they are delivering all the time. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- explained YouTube -- you know I mean. They typically -- shark and the Android marketplace -- can still searched for pretty much any song you'd ever wanna listen to one YouTube written some version of it with some. You know -- bailed them the excuse for a video playing behind Britain. -- at least some -- some publishers meet in the music industry have wised up so and they put it on the themselves via you know. Rendition -- one -- that Google's they let you know it's like -- us the answer -- -- pirate you know. Stuff yeah go the -- -- -- do what Google's argument and that at least with YouTube they do have their policy for takedown notices. That a lot of the labels and media companies are saying it still is a pain in the butt to file for those takedown notices but one of Google's arguments is that -- They have that in place. And they're trying to make it easier in other venues for example if you're talking about. -- scam at people that are associated with Google ads so that's -- arguments -- Okay you may not think that we're doing enough but we are at least trying and making the avenue available for labels and content creators to get their stuff from -- Yeah and actually I I totally -- in that that same thinking about it because it's it's a hard problem to solve for like if if if part of the problem is that Google ads are on like the Ku -- -- later something that's helping fund you know. Some organization or some something like that and who who is gonna rat out the -- that -- to Google if they IK you know I am totally I had no idea and happy and they think I might actually -- some horrible organization -- any money off of Google ads. It if it's required it. -- that someone rat out on that site detailing K look this this new terrorist organization or whatever is using Google ads to make money -- Google please move you know. Pull the plug on them being -- to do so. It's it's kind of a hard system to pass those people who would otherwise go to that site -- the actually blow the whistle on. Now. Or for its part Google and at that it is committed to removing infringing site when it when it's notified via DM CA takedown notices and that they want to make -- -- -- you know I mean they're they're telling a lie and unquestionably Kent walker. Who is. Google's general general counselor council. Said Alice -- -- and general Mattox has toggle a little wobbly -- -- with. Said that the DM CA strikes the right balance and we should build upon -- not undermine it however he did warn lawmakers not to go overboard. As we've talked about he said quote -- over broad definition of a road that could easily and -- millions of popular US web sites that allow users to sell goods or upload content. Web sites that responsibly respond to takedown notices and comply with Indian TA should not be -- -- Give content providers are of the opinion that at least that part of the war. I mean what it really does that protect them right because they can say we can take them instantly and take them that the takedown notice process itself is rampant -- abused as we've seen. But at least from the perspective of content owners they don't have to. You know what Google is arguing what the -- are are arguing is that Indian district -- -- because they don't have to filter content. Constantly which is impossible as we know for for Google for eBay you know the ideas that -- basically undermine the entire. -- and function of a search engine rankings could get -- energy would create another set of prop. As we get in the free speech issues where if every video you upload to YouTube had seen it passed by committee take before it gets published yet. Near going to be running up against it by them that get published because these are you not publishing my video because -- said something. You know controversial about the government here. Whatever the issue might be giant -- -- with. Whole other monster yeah it's it's really not up to Google to decide they have -- him if there's also put all the pieces in place for it to -- an -- than they're doing their part. Yeah I think -- although I will say that the congress the members of the subcommittee were skeptical of that argument basically they said. You know for example Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Florida Democrat so that she had to Google the term knock off. Which you know she's and then led to the presentation of all sorts of illegal goods and was unhappy that Google hadn't done anything about it -- -- to suggest. That this is too difficult for you to accomplish demonstrates I think more and expression of a lack of will. Sees that the whole thing is when you index right every reading -- -- -- -- out those fake Gucci bags when you index everything and -- real time as it's happening. It's impossible to filter out everything. In real time as it's happening and that shouldn't it's not so and that shouldn't be the job of the -- sentinel -- to search engine is not the cops Googlers should not be held personally. You know in the synthetic a company can be considered a person under our laws and responsible. For the fact that knocked off duty persons exist on the Internet. And by the way -- BS that that the get them I'll laugh at anything but the fact. That -- whole other thing I mean you know I think. Google -- look -- and -- and to prevent the commission of crimes via our company our site and let you know I mean it but I think. Basically our country right now our lawmakers are in absolute brought about -- and there's no telling where it can and there's no way that -- can make them happy because the patent is you'll always be able to find illegal crap like searching on Google. And all it takes is them for further people that are selling illegal -- -- discrete new words. The final legal crap and isn't it better that that stuff confine the light of -- quickly if forward to get stamped out by the people were actually in charge of stamping out a legal. You know knockoff bags or whatever instead of it being completely. Off the I didn't that it you can Google lately you can find them and -- -- and put them in prison there is great was irate listeners and -- that right now Craig's list you know adult services argument regularly all right there that -- If it. As we mentioned Google has removed group sharks music app from the Android market because of the top music labels have accused the service of violating copyright law. Google said we do you remove apps from the Android market the violate our policies although it is worth noting that the web site is still up. Again though. This is such a fine line for Google have to -- rate is you know at some point when does -- become anti consumer. That they like and now we epicenter in an Alley at the center apps Willy Nilly immigrant shark has been operating pro life time -- awhile. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah. Weren't valued said -- I have a -- friend actually told me that that group -- model. Is that they receive. On file from venture capitalist and then they'd just transfer the funding directly to easily and I understand that unless you label they actually pay that off when you know of it with the -- dynasty money but then that gathers light on an area about the nominee I -- that because it is they can't come up with the big. You know they're -- it should. So groups -- -- guys are familiar with it it's site or service that people are users pretty much uploaded a variety of songs. And you can search them and -- them whatever you want EMI. Filed a lawsuit for copyright violations group tried did and have an agreement with them but then there's plan any of the other big four labels that they did a -- -- with which makes there. Website little subject to one copyright. Also just means it is so been so many other sites like that. That have -- shut down and shut down pretty quickly he ran -- are seen sued into oblivion. Basically. As always it is the more kind of forward thinking labels that are on board with groups certainly universal and EMI while. If you know Warner music and Sony music entertainment that content considerate of pirate site because it lets you listen to music for -- that's not acceptable yet but here's the conspiracy -- part of it is that isn't Google launching their own you know using your -- streaming music service now grant as long as they have the agreements so they don't care Mary -- that conflict of interest starts to get involved -- public a little it -- this actually could have nothing to do with copyright because lately is that the web sites still operating him I mean the fact that kicked out now after all -- time. Just landing and that you know within the same breath that -- Google music player has started to leak out onto the web is a little. They did this with that Sony emulator. Right before the Sperry a plea came out they ticked on the Sony emulator -- They've done okay we've done thing back then I kind of public all their could be reasons for that now. And they've done things like that before but now in a content that's actually. Legitimate home from Google's owned YouTube their plan to spend as much of 100 million dollars to develop. Original content for the site -- this'll be a site redesign. Around channels based on categories and the look and introduce -- -- -- or so. Premium channels between five to ten hours up for a professionally and top professional interviews original programming. In a week it's like a Monday at ending the -- there's no witnesses we talked about the evolution of Google. In less than a year ago their first gonna release movies that never been seen against -- on YouTube then they started talking about how they wanted to take some of there. Most subscribed content traders and fund or have -- American Idol like contest to fund that winner to them -- is more content. And they're following a little bit of the Netflix model now securing their own original content on site. So because this is a destination for entertainment. This is such a Google moved here to say now where if we if we can't make money for camp gotta make money and the content authority there and we can't cut the deals to get the content and the people would -- what is gonna make it -- -- I -- I am I mean I have been saying this for years I just really don't like the idea of Google getting into original content in this way I think -- them. It's always evident it's that I feel the same way about it but I feel that Comcast. NBC which is that it's a conflict of interest for a service provider. To be ending this is only going to increase if they really follow through on that and apparently you know they just open up a studio in LA -- opening offices in Beverly Hills. If they really start doing this it's only going to increase -- antitrust. Investigative pressure I think because it'll be like are you prioritizing your own search results over other videos they will -- -- -- Comcast. The -- -- think they I don't know availability content provider for the Internet giant -- This in the past although to me that -- just asked -- off against the quite rightly hourly. This really brings the serious level down -- not to be like -- often get more than a little at I. Whether the premium channels mean paid channels which they probably do that the really important and -- I think it's also. I mean Google's attempts to -- they've done they tried to do this -- the dozen different ways to get people to linger on the site. For longer -- -- time instead of being that that site you go to. Just to -- that one viral video clip that any bounce back to your FaceBook feed or whatever else you're doing but to keep people engaged for. He now. Hours at a time with either longer programming or channels filled with similar programming but. I mean there -- they're definitely YouTube -- schools. We are holding -- -- but I think for the general audience he kind of go there for -- one you know. Kitten video and then -- -- he bounced back though with different. I thought I do not I was -- general onetime hit user but the more and more I've played on it I end up getting. -- in that in normal and you get sucked in heartily. Triple -- and what kind of don't even know it could quadruple rainbow remixed. It's hard to chocolate rain both dark chocolate -- crazy man known as -- -- -- thing semi sweet shut the -- look at our man. -- -- -- -- all this kind of goes back a little bit of -- like met yesterday all the different here but that idea that at some point content all content. That delivered -- your TV will does become all content right like you're my Tivo now searches -- it would -- or on the Internet -- it's a month ago. It's got to -- and U verse it's happening next week and however if it were on the Internet it's urges all. Video content right not -- cable listings but also YouTube and also Netflix and also Amazon video on demand and -- YouTube is then creating its own original content into shows up in people's cable boxes and their roku boxes all just becomes TV the jail. This is a thing as we've seen now Internet video. Is transporting itself over on to mainstream TVs and we know Google has -- whole cool TV interface not. On that many devices yet but there's also builds. A platform for them from a TV side were now they're gonna have all this content original content they pop out people gonna be starting use TVs with Google TV software -- it as long as it last. And now yours you're seeing this as a delivery vehicle O'Malley. For the alma. That's pretty excited as I mean more and more now than our videos are everywhere on TVs set top boxes and other and other what's that they're doing the same thing so it's. Going in the reverse direction now. Now I gotta say though I mean as a company with an -- CBS parent company and its gonna be some executives in the TV -- as saying good luck with that. An elegant because it's a long after I -- -- big screen TV into the studio and prices right is on or something like that there and a let's make a deal on like. You know there's even at your best you're still finding wasted cheaply make it. Hours for the content at 800 million dollars for five to ten hours -- -- -- content is not I wanna -- -- not much money not very much money on their pit their positioning in as low cost content and you -- -- cost -- -- million dollars an episode to make. Any kind of reasonable like satellite 50 or something like that. It not and not and not trying to enter this if I was the first thing they came at the same time in our generation is a lot more used to -- low quality content now. That's what I wonder if you've got these jobs mean like nobody would amateur hour on their thing but I don't know that people -- -- -- little TL anymore it's it's changed the. The whole of the whole home shaky camera. Sometimes gets this is much -- uses your professionally produced video I think quality is less important it is generation meaning you look at just. Then. -- Camera phone phenomenon alone right that shows that at some. At two a whole entire audience of people immediacy is more important than quality Charlie Sheen -- our. Yeah that's a quick -- and it makes money and attention really -- that I. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Who let out -- volume year old who -- -- -- -- to show here Google is apparently beginning. At least according to -- in Google source code it looks like company programmers have began building a tablet virgin. Of Chrome -- What grade. So we are not letting -- which is half baked yet now they done the security have the Android vs Chrome OS tension. Then you have the honeycomb like and they come out and to give -- paying nearly honeycomb is the one for the tablet into the demo and looks to -- them. And then now they're just a bunch of signs that they're also targeted -- -- -- -- I could see some -- up drama and that's how. Fact I get on both sides -- -- -- Google -- -- the Apple apologized if you -- the new -- to win the battle that we -- -- -- important but here -- if they really are withholding honeycomb from that the general. Tablet making manufacturing populist news -- is so worry that. The cheap tablet makers are gonna screw it up. I think Chrome OS as an operating system. On the cheaper tablets is gonna be so hard to screw up -- separate is having a slow processor crappy screen. That this could be like there hear you guys keep chew on this and we're gonna keep -- for ourselves. I mean I just. It's a you know and you totally -- offering in the market which is exactly what it seems like Andy Rubin is trying to stop the date within the Android -- -- the lockdown on yet and that will kill them this brand I mean you cannot have this totally like what is Google mean wouldn't that mean to have Google -- unless I mean death is this is a double rainbows strategy. At that it breaks your brain but I mean it to a -- that isn't Chrome OS just. A browser I mean it's the Chrome OS is the -- We've installed the web on your touch screen. They're trying to -- nobody will understand that and their larger market -- a bit like Apple. From my honey -- not quite honeycomb Android -- by Andrew is different handwriting and it looks like Samsung and -- think this is this would seem to be exactly the opposite. Direction -- that they are trying to go by consolidating under. With that with this a case sure it was leaked by someone found source code in -- Chrome OS but. This that's have a thing we're allowing Google has so many things going on. I think in most companies shared -- probably working on this in the back of the companies are working on all types -- -- -- OS is in software but there's something that you probably didn't wanna hear. I -- Google would not want this one of this to be leaked out. Or even you know. Potentially talked about because it then throws into the whole fragmentation here again all over again it -- reinforces that mentality of not only is there Android App Store and at Amazon App Store a fragmentation of their App Store a time out there was getting fragmented and not a good story. I was definitely I totally agree and I was definitely saying yesterday that I think when things Larry Page I think -- should do at Google as CEO is to get some focus. Like figure out you know pick them directions and go behind and I mean to be honest you know even look at their original content -- -- and everybody and everybody I know -- -- content on the web is like. What to do an hourly wanna be working next year like an original content Google and that -- likely need -- latency because they're able flaky. Man in -- I mean that that's my whole -- about Google to look like they get into an epidemic -- up. They're like and reliable friend. And I still see that there is there is a logic to a strategy where instead of trying to compete against Apple and the magical -- you know catalog and you just -- -- look we can give you a fast web experience on the tablet really cheaply. And that be the big draw edit that hasn't -- for Linux. Desktop clinic at the school have an affiliate of the desktop Linux model it's Google thing like we got seventeen different things -- she is the fifth -- London. -- App it now I'm not saying its its not using. I am just glad you're saving money every I can understand how they may may have thought of this instead. I mean I think they get local governments depending or whatever but I think that -- -- -- business and may prevail. Let's take a quick break and come back we'll talk about -- at the line knew and when they knew it. All of the things that pandora is telling advertisers about you and you will be surprise and one tablet maker. Did he. -- -- Welcome back to buzz -- everybody we've talked about the capsule on email. Read for security -- that -- where people are customers of Wal-Mart or Walgreens best buy -- chase -- -- Tivo. Target there there use their names and emails were leaked out or acquired by a hacker group so. In more depressing news and it according to IT news. The data breach that was expose all that data was. First reported by an -- technology partner for months ago in. So the world's largest email service writer Athlon it was disclosed on April 1 that the data in managed. Had been hacked and they had known that there is a vulnerability is socially engineered attacks that were hitting its site. That could have potentially been prevented if they addressed it earlier. -- -- -- Months ago. You're sitting on a database of you are sitting on arguably one of the world's largest databases of email addresses names and who knows let us -- us information we can I'm sorry I am still waiting we don't really know where all that and other shows that adding companies just keep coming out of the woodwork -- A fifteen or so -- also lets you yeah -- that actually and so you know it's only a matter of time for a link there may be an -- amber in it he he anyway. Apparently they -- totally -- There were Phishing attack that were. Going on that were sent specifically to employees. Email service providers who had access to email operations and they would say like. These pictures and letting you literally on time -- married Brian how'd you work with return and I mean you can't. Still good enough to name I would click on -- and they would go like -- hear you company a few pictures taken in our wedding. Love Michelle and Brian and then the little link would go and download three malware programs. And eventually. They were able and in our marriage and -- your marriage to pressure that so apparently. That lasts forever Donald. Neil Schwartzman senior director of -- security strategy -- return path email intelligence group warned all of the partners. Quote an organized deliberate and destructive attack clearly intent on gaining access to industry grade email deployment systems. He said specifically the potential consequences should email service provider client mailing list to be compromised at this time of the year is. Unimaginable. -- His nightmare. Only -- -- -- Schwartzman -- manner she came through within days I don't think -- EEE. It's legal are they now. Oh yeah so it's well -- they go there -- There's a lot more all the stories we heard this so many times you just can't stop. You know. Especially missiles and -- you can't stop people. From exposing their companies -- happen with leftover laptops. You know -- cell -- -- -- the stupidest things. That you keep the letter what a company does they can't prevent and they always say you know people are the greatest weakness but it but it didn't mean it. But there's definitely some kind of education program you can do for -- lately -- -- Mercury don't click on Michelle -- -- displaying a picture now and I I I do feel like the doomed. The way the Internet will eventually break will be some behavior can photo that it sent my mom and then forwarded to me and all my friends and -- -- everything becomes an absolutely. They say they I genius points out -- the challenge for -- line now and I think that I think that -- what this really is is that there's like. What the lawyers are gonna use -- these are putting together the class action lawsuit because now that's not want to convince that clients. And then all of us exposed consumers that it did enough to protect -- data considering. The number of months. It had known about the owner of crazy -- for months -- We'll get to it a little widget that eventually. In other super Frick and -- pressing -- -- we reported late last week about the federal grand jury that investigating various mobile apps and all of the information that they illegally transmit. About your personal data. That they send a third party advertisers. Pandora did come out and say they -- the only -- named in the Wall Street Journal report about this grand jury investigation but it is now come forth. Just what kind of information pandora specifically. Was turning over to third party. Advertisers including. Can't remember pandora. Like you just turn us on to listen to some radio right I just turn on mainly to listen to -- -- -- -- every station banana -- than I read this story. And and that's. Pandora via an analysis by an application security firm on the pandora's free mobile app for Android phones. -- and submitted a range of data including your gender. Geographic location. And the unique ID of your phone. Also home. I want everyone to have that information Mac -- that's tailor it it also included. Other tidbits. Not in addition to your gender such as your birthday. And postal code information -- There was evidence that the -- attempted to provide continuous location monitoring. Which would tell advertisers not just where these -- -- -- the application from also allow them to track your movement over time. While also pandora's also -- attract traffic the same time that's awesome added elaborated -- I gotta come to their defense now. -- -- won't tell that -- selling at the whole thing that is selling ads against. You know their media stream and they want to sell you ads that are relevant to who you are -- where you are. Then and let me know. Old then and I gotta tell -- here let me passing a Krispy -- right now here's a crispy -- even know -- -- -- -- not left -- if you -- it okay if pandora had a little map. With my little geo location dot showing me move around because I knew that's what it was doing it then that's okay because I agreed to that. But that's pretty crazy yeah like constant geo location uploading in my. I agree that I mean that's the that is the thing about targeted advertising is that -- the consumer have to be informed like I get to opt into that. You don't get to -- -- currently be doing that because no one would ever think you would never think -- using. Pandora -- lets you are the. I -- serious conspiracy here -- already -- but I -- be like pandora one users aren't on track owner of that information to Eleanor opted out. That and a hot -- protect it's Arab descent that pandora nor -- Letter -- that I like that -- that. Elvis that's just well here's that thing mind blowing yet. The investigation is following a variety of apps for not clearly stating. How -- using your data summon the -- said -- don't you don't you say yes when it asks you of the application -- usual location services. I mean there's plenty about to do that where. It's you don't think it's it's inconsequential -- say oh yeah well at the time I say no because I don't want them to know ram but if it is whether he serious or no. It which it deceased Al right in this article in it's still tracking your every move. As you go around -- that's exactly and that's a little fishy -- -- a little different. There's a big difference -- between saying that an app has access to use certain features like you may have access to your location data or whatever and saying. -- -- -- constantly uploading. That's just that is she came up. Paul and I for one will not be using pandora -- -- I hear from pandora with some sort of an opt in or opt out agreement because that's. Not okay. Not -- -- -- that I mean at the opt out would probably be that you need to pay for that -- -- I think it's just the cost of doing -- offer. In advertising supported model for mobile me. Really -- to be tracked every single minute everywhere you are made it. That I want -- every Thursday. I have to be like you're allowed to know my gender my birthday in my poll numbers -- here my phone number and the -- -- the unique idea of my iPod and where I have every minute that's pretty content how good do you want the I. I. Admit it. You have actually really strong point they're not look -- and here I had to be like hey use your favorite brand of champagne for nine dollars -- you al-Qaeda. And three days -- is needed and I think that I don't think -- that of the devil's bargain and it doesn't want them now and I think there's a devil's bargain anytime there's a really good free quote unquote you know application on humans and apparently the cost of pre -- -- -- that -- -- I'm -- pay attention to those -- and -- they -- the -- It's easy to be must be following me just like in the car -- publicly they're tracking my every break in Motorola may now doing -- this. Wow at the -- pandora I'm not kidding Tim Westergren I would like to hear from you personally. With about my -- -- opt out now while we get the militia based on arguments and Oakland. At the you don't write them let's take into and out. And we're gonna tried again and are on the -- -- -- and now we're -- -- thinking out loud right now about the act we're making profits also on ACC. Carrying it up climbing past Nokia in market cap recently so after recently dethrone mean and passing of -- rim. ATC also overtake Nokia Nokia has their own world of issues that their deal with but ATC now. More market -- than those two companies and we've seen ECCs -- with their. There evo four G is really what made a splash -- -- have their -- they're doing a tablet out there CEO has talked about how their wanna get in all these different. You know mobile markets and that's where the -- -- letters. Yeah absolutely it makes you -- really I mean like you said the kill it now. They just they came out of nowhere it is but they just make it -- hardware in it produced -- -- -- mean pretty good. And July -- printing and very pretty. Template also makes pretty hardware but they are still feel in the pants from the iPad and back. Franklin is Eric Franklin with an honest for there's a show yesterday that Samsung he -- -- -- elegant little tiny bit of and -- you know compared to link to the room. But apparently not enough amendment because they are now lowering the prices on the Galaxy Tab tablets for the second time this year. In hopes of competing in -- well is it is it with Samsung must. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- When this thing is free with a two year contract. No one while the tablet I know -- contract how it especially now. Especially when everything is -- up in the air that would be like signing up to -- in blood to -- the first automobile ever made or whatever and the thing is if there were changing market people if every tablet. From this yet go. Was locked into a contract like phones people it wouldn't be as big of an issue casual -- televisions -- that -- G area so want to tablets in even next Smartphone but the fact that -- -- -- -- if there's tablets that are likely -- -- -- don't need to -- people like -- I'm gonna do that now because of the options. -- it in case you do want it on a carrier which you don't it is now 199 with a two year wireless service contract. It talked about the pricing of that irrelevant now but -- -- on -- you are curious so let us. But -- -- if any of you have actually -- the tablet on a contract. We're curious of what I'm I'm just here so -- why you might like to -- you know what why it was compelling community that something delta confirmed Wednesday -- that the Wi-Fi only version of the seven inch Galaxy Tab will be available for 34999. The type of thing that is a pretty compelling price for that. That's not about Factiva without a contract let. -- I -- -- me though is that this is I mean if they they probably had this ready. When he came out with the with the three G model you know like this is -- purposely delayed product because they want to give. The contract. Experience. As much leeway at lately -- as possible to get people hooked into contracts. And they had and they had a version of the tablet every single -- here. And it just know and then rather like okay you obviously people aren't quite buying up the -- we'd anticipated and here's that here's the Wi-Fi only version everyone -- -- the house button now it's just too late. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Right in the foot I think and we set it at the time it was like don't get a better -- -- -- why would you edit your tablet maker. What how what of the carriers ever done that's good for consumers or manufacturers you know you. And now we're passing the same thing over again with models and yeah absolutely and and honeycomb on tablets -- -- Attached to carriers yet I mean there -- a decent write up saying that you know the fact that Motorola did fill a 100000 -- as -- -- -- -- actually wasn't so -- -- considering. The fact that at first it was all tied to carriers and it was all being -- only 800 dollar tablet you know they only just got the one. I think is that the 599 -- one out the door why 323 weeks ago. Of a flat because do. Analysts there's animals as a as a -- there's a story just either yesterday a few days ago about liking the the graph of ipads are being sold on. Yet where they're going damage what models that are going as it bit them by far the best selling model is the sixty gigabyte Wi-Fi only rumored. Absolutely that people really want -- -- -- -- version that's you know congenial than bare minimum ya in a price wise and also Wi-Fi only is fine. It is I'm -- and get an -- door as I really negative I am so baffled by the manufacturer behavior on that I really don't understand I think they just got sold. Some insane bill of goods by the carriers or something like don't you know just a snow job again all this is ridiculous. And then finally before we get to the -- Kindle and -- users are taking to electronic bookstores in droves to give one star reviews. To publishers who -- to books. Whose publishers have -- -- the digital versions at or above the cost of the hardback. An example is Michael -- is of the fifth witness its -- something like number four. Offer. Number -- -- are one star reviews. Because the e-book version is 1499 where the hardcover. Is. In a little less than that. -- 1428. And 147 -- fourteen Tony and on Amazon 147 Adrian Barnes noble dot com and fifteen bucks for an Eva. The people -- saying that's ludicrous there's no way that you can get away with charging. A higher price for the buck -- -- -- hard but it only cost savings to distributed electronically exactly. -- -- -- It anyway just pennies so that the bill hot you know at Donald that they represent and some with authors are suffering now because their books are getting these bad reviews but that's kind of people feel like that's the only recourse they have -- and and publish its. Yeah I mean and all of and brighter wants to do is make money off their book and I don't think they really care has been canceled is now. Audio book on papyrus just one -- lets them find some money and actually publishing books anymore. Well done so it it can suck especially when there's a publisher that's -- is not tuned in to went the way the audiences for particular kind of book. And -- points in this article in his article. That they're really following the model almost like a win do we model that we've seen in the entertainment business where sure its fortune and I now. In a month or two it'll go to 1299 when the paper -- the version is out a gun and a 799 so there. Trying to monetize at every level that they can. But does it but -- -- once our reviews helped the writer. -- -- Yeah I mean it announced it hurts the writer and in any encourages the writer and some might the only thing and -- rightly -- without the only thing -- actually make a difference in pricing is. Sales though people refuse to and I I've been thing for a long time that the e-book pricing was gonna start to sort out now that we had. Had removed artificial restrictions that Amazon was basically doing price fixing on. Forcing all the publishers to put him on and I 99 and then as soon as they -- remove that kind of artificial cap the prices shot -- And that it was like right now we're gonna really truly find out what the market compare. And if people actually don't buy these things at fifteen but the the president gonna. As had a deepening that the cheap app model of the unit with Italian went out here -- union and people -- get publishers and realize that people wanna pay less for books may probably like. But you can make it up and volume because they mean. Conventional bookstores all closing up and millions of digital bookstores via -- pads or candles or whatever are opening up every day camp and that's we need to go to find the money -- -- We had a story earlier -- like them a few weeks ago about it seems like 25 real girl. That basically had built up her own -- and -- community -- and she's selling books on the on -- Looks like he'd just a -- she just signed a book deal now a physical document to a publisher but -- -- it mattered then you know they -- bidding was over two million dollars and one point. I -- -- some little miniature Bobble like that's that's not in seeing that now that -- would like I don't think that's gonna be replicated gonna happen but it is it does encourage doctors and them -- I think that may be bypassed. Because the middleman the publishers are they gonna go to their graves holding the dwindling in the pricing model -- -- identical little to act now and -- You don't want it to go that way of an author you on the got to get out the system are we gonna get on the cricket is we are -- -- -- -- time in the studio -- talking -- -- -- -- I'm just sits on -- right in at first quake -- Apples to release it's not so technically insensitive IOS four point 3.2. In the next two weeks and it'll be any new major features according to the sources but potential performance and in booths and battery life issues that have been. Plaguing it also. In might be compatible with the Verizon iPhone which is the yet to get a four point three update. -- -- -- -- Atari is releasing -- is greatest -- all those classic Atari games will be available on violence it'll be 1992. Titles for the Atari twenty -- -- eighteen classic. Atari arcade games like -- and -- -- the app is. Fully free but then you can buy these games packages with and it. You can buy all the team packages -- fourteen and it. I do feel though this is one of those things where you buy it and you played like well -- game was funny never play it I think actually the worst thing about that by Mars back in pole position. -- -- -- on his Friel and ignited an obvious really. -- have some of -- Bluetooth -- Clarence. That's the only -- the only saving grace -- opposition coming to get that in the unit also us if you aren't surprised by this you might be I don't know Apple's. IPhone and iPad. Popular for the teenage. Kids real real posh kid's club -- stuff -- data average there's survey average age surveyed was sixteen point six years this is over 4500. Students. 37% and plan to buy an iPhone in the next six months already seventeen of those asked. Who were asked on an iPhone compared to fourteen in a similar study also 22% of students own a tablet. 20% plan a violent and -- they -- Yet they wish their parents would buy them even when you're sixty if -- sixteen years old and you can buy an iPad. I don't know what you're doing on the side but you're doing -- -- -- that I wasn't in any that's -- not the answer is allowed to. This BCI totally avenue I'm out make tonight and really didn't constantly beat it -- -- -- I mean in the good way. I actually want -- to make some noise as I'm. -- continent where the. But the -- -- there's -- -- now. That they have a Tumblr blogging. Where you can listen to -- -- -- know you know at that -- than anything. I've been through it should -- this yeah and it is gen is over my -- -- today today's the day if you have any follow up on their bids. We're beginning of what they having their bids on certainly yesterday and audience anything on them but there are no there were no stories following up anyway it'll. -- -- Also Barnes and -- is now allowing the app submissions but they are asking nicely to not include any Turkey apps they're -- take an Apple model -- the oil and now he's. No Gordon and -- Android basics. -- -- It's -- if the level -- ultimately porn free and -- and fragmentation. Man. Make sure they they want to make sure the content appropriate -- -- and Eisner's warnings he hasn't produced their own horn tackler tablet. Now they totally could porn version of Android just like but -- -- in women didn't mean well they I mean they could do it now I don't know if they have got to be a pretty good book. I don't know I don't know if there yet it -- -- -- again now would they produce their own tablet. -- -- It could have some crazy vibrating sensor on the -- hey. -- -- -- -- -- came up with it known Nokia on the note that there's -- note yielded an hour ago show title but it -- let's move it directly online Q&A happy ending on that. -- -- -- A gay guys this is here's the title drama shuts down entire country's Internet. So the entire Internet service and all of -- -- was cut off for several hours when an 875. Year old Georgian woman. Actually cut the means service line between the two countries -- its own. Out there she was averaging for scrap metal -- into the story. And he discovered the primary fiber optic cable and what would you do if you saw a cable I would slice it in -- with my shovel it. Collect the metal. I sell it. That's still apparently she hacked she should -- not in the dirty alleys and literally hacked that paying seven in the line. -- -- to -- it -- so severe that 90% of Armenian users lost access for nearly twelve hours. There are also because they could see in their systems where the break was in the line is that had authorities go to the spot and arrested -- just a. It and run 90% of Armenian is -- -- hours and they head of the company is marketing department -- We literally I cannot understand how this lady managed to bind and damage -- cable. They've been taken into account her advancing years she has been released pending the end of the investigation of Olivier B of internal wrestle the -- -- of her hands -- He hasn't noticed the hacker you don't -- and I'm glad you're. There are related bullet point they did mention a copper -- is com is a common means of making money in the former Soviet sub. That might have been a motivational. At the -- -- Clark and Ian Oakley or -- to think that tech. Pain at all the guardrail on an hour a night literally being lied about it and killed up an academic field out of -- -- -- street -- working -- There -- -- and -- -- element that's awesome. I let it about time I think we heard that the. Kind of -- I'm actually in a switch up to order a little de -- banner voicemail released yet definitely it's in order I've learned the right color once you we talked yesterday about blockbuster what ever -- -- answer. While he feels that what -- blockbuster straight up karma. -- -- You are a lot well Chicago -- Like it might sound like blockbuster. Ali Al. About blockbuster where it currently active. While they react well -- Spot on. Connecticut and -- -- Ironic -- digital. Good -- -- out well there are a lot. Will an -- yeah we're wondering will you -- -- huge video store enthusiasts in the -- section or. Or you don't -- -- and I heard the same sentiment from like. Bookstore owners do I definitely border's closing everything light bulbs are meant to put all the bookstores out of business -- making -- definitely miss the independent bookstore feel well now. That's just that a business disruption -- -- and grandparents and it and it's the world's oldest story world the -- the story. -- -- in NAND. We debated I got a thing about whether receive -- at the plaintiffs and a lot that we did wanna leave it like a flood of creepy -- I would like to hear more calls just like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- unscrew. The -- an episode 1441. Ali. And they had a problem. Many gadgets. Also mentioned. -- single. Well I'll call her -- you're MacBook here. Detroit acts operate -- and tech review -- PHP pavilion with this book and not hook up that aren't quite 600. Yeah you're gadget type Mike -- -- -- -- And we got the strawberry is the whip cream in the snow Annan. Hadn't met in my Vista had. Announcing my child moon yeah I agree that Jeremy Blake I'm scared for you think the outcome movement and viewers are pandora don't know where you live -- -- -- -- -- He Molly no thank you don't -- -- thank you buy a script thinking are you saying that other very high enough and earth line. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Crew. As it. Us say that same that we want as we need that we need that little. Three lines and -- relatively field lightly and neglect throw me my game and those citizens despite that little. I. -- How. Or I'm rather that's the effects maybe that's good stuff Steve Jobs your god are you ready to read the excellent yeah I can -- it. Who clearly -- right then -- If it. Where the black president installed on today's show in -- chairman recent movie rentals -- a man of my. That combine related but luckily got a sudden and immediate need for the princess bride at my plan with -- sick from school and ability it's somehow never. Of course that was not on Netflix instant watch is what is. I checked every store in town and sells movies and no luck in that -- finally remembered. Are we still have one of -- a short drive and a dollar fifty later I was holding the five day rental of the princess bride in my hands. Sick days saved. So there is still in -- for blockbuster there isn't currently filled by other services. However -- me remind reading this reminded me that I haven't taken back yet and it's -- -- I have to rush to avoid late -- -- Doubtful an -- and a black. And I love that that's like a little blockbuster. Tale does I'm not one I've -- Let's -- to the agency's own princess bride. You guys -- like Andy down if -- sick days -- daisies of the press. Like that that movement and me. RI NYNEX and I see now -- -- true love the show -- -- -- Supervalu now and I'm hooked. I listen every day well I drive from job to job. On May TC hero and Google isn't any -- to my point avid Netflix user for about a year now and about one month ago a sort of notice these Netflix version dvds. And -- and -- are annoyed. The fact that all I can now get is access to but the fact that now than I -- -- the fact that I now and the hot. Get access. The bonus features and also have to watch all of the opening plus I'm guessing they add about tenets of -- -- stuff and finish it off the quality of the image is terrible. All that. Although that just maybe. I'm sorry I'm having trouble every news at ten of its NAND on the were just wondering if anyone else seen this and why they are doing in this is -- the -- There. They not only did they tell us straight down the river with a thirty day release window thing. They sold it straight down the river with the Netflix version dvds -- -- which are basically they strip out all of the extra features. And I've -- dvd in I've heard of them but I haven't ever gotten one to really watched the -- features but I know that. A lot of people do and so that since they're trying to keep the dvd the literally the market for purchasing dvds alive. There are giving these -- stripped down -- half bath. Dvds and that there isn't an. -- idea though because the super collector freak that -- will buy it if if they can't get the bonus features to watch at the my wife probably isn't in favor of this issue hits right after the M movies over -- -- I wanna watch on the bonus. God you don't mind until -- -- until it -- I put headphones on or something I don't want actually I. Against civilians got high from them the big exciting action team at two or that we p.s from and a heart wrenching paying now and it's like you know if you click -- actually knew that -- -- like in the mood. Until it was -- like outtakes the multiple angles on certain beliefs Ayala a lot these -- Animal divided into doubt about folly inlet and -- valuable -- and winner of an imminent. In the. I'm. I don't mind beyond the then -- -- the -- and -- with Warner Bros. That's doing it of course none of -- and it says that rent hello on the death -- that I am actually blushing from. I wish I knew that and -- -- -- to the my other in the email Geoff from you can have a that I. Maybe you bring high tech governing your house Colin handing -- a little sock in the upper hand him over here it's like a mustache handset pop up consider hiring. You know via the ansari -- -- -- sixth and Jeff from Sydney right then and those -- -- -- -- -- help out -- -- congressmen and -- by creating this simple guide to building -- luck. One -- lobbyist manifesto to press control a three press control fee for -- new legislation document I've pressed control V. Tick -- legislation to the house by following this simple -- I'm sure that we will all continue to get the amazingly high quality laws we've seen over the last decade. Two years. Content from that -- and it's gone from gem is probably probably put in mining here because of -- New -- but he says hey guys this as a little wary that my four year old daughter was going to be some kind of weirdo because she is this -- eyeball fascination. Does very happy to hear when -- that her son does the same thing. How -- she isn't going to be only eyeball. -- at school and apes incrementally this. Like all kids go through the same milestone that the thing timely belzer -- death -- at about four or whatever and apparently a fascination with Apple -- -- also pretty funny. The funny little funny word you know and a and then you can get -- -- -- -- a grown up every time he takes them by multi. Rightly or like I hate the cartoons and when they pop out -- their heads 11 goes Google we you know my LL AM Mondays is totally it is likely the camera right to their eyeball -- its -- need -- -- -- he loved that. -- And even in the late -- but if you go -- like where late the other night after at -- -- -- whatever you like that it makes it is -- likely -- -- And an island roll my fire around you know and he -- it with. Revealing -- and the -- It -- games we'll -- now you know -- It's ultimately get developmental milestone both print and Internet I expect -- a -- -- center email. The -- -- with that I involves little. And -- over today everyone we are -- both group and. And I need a blood and the minute -- well. You can find on it that I mean contact -- -- -- our -- I'd be all that cnet.com. -- -- -- -- -- X 260 today and also you guys send us your emails we have -- luck tomorrow we get Wheatley will have a computer of tomorrow at. So so -- -- abuzz. At cnet.com because we want to hear your stories good bad at you know get a little of GROUPE -- did you do and don't -- about how to pick up women. Now offered little -- up and down it. What I think I wanna hear more from women. About you know their interaction with males may be their likes they like need. You geeks need to step your game up. I. Under we've patently bad Vista but not with the united -- -- -- -- emails a -- email -- of us who. He milkman handles email and -- we want to get some email a -- no emails. Are right guys here -- the event.

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