Ep. 142: Windows 8 hands-on, and the end of the Digital City
Ep. 142: Windows 8 hands-on, and the end of the Digital City

Ep. 142: Windows 8 hands-on, and the end of the Digital City

By hello everybody got -- -- -- -- twice as rescinding of some very exciting stuff because -- a lot of advances being made. In the CNET video podcasting studio. And of course one of it. Apparently not as the scroll -- to my microphones holders stands out a -- note you called is there ever used a radio guy I know all the terminology is it's not just with you do -- thank you. Joining me here you know today is ladies and gentlemen Monday. That He is the very last ever. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Before have no fear. There is life after death we have some very exciting stuff coming -- that -- -- able to herbal -- it will tell you about a little bit later in the half -- -- This was down depressed and not and I don't abide the last episodes -- -- the as the but -- the -- look at it that it's easy edit it and -- -- and -- -- yeah. But we are gonna continue our our new sort of more hands on. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We're going to our -- -- yes. I would prefer camera thank you I was watching camera all weekend long. In fact just very quickly that -- mystery science theater 2000 box and it has gone on on on Amazon. -- one barrel on Netflix streaming and don't let Netflix later but we have windows eight we've got it installed on a bunch of sorry we've got off as a reminder to grab your refreshments. And let it go out to the snack bar they had to bring my. -- below local Obama. As a smart to -- -- That's right it -- -- to talk about Angola and now I'm sponsoring their brands it was a big was the big story of last week ambivalent -- to play -- -- finally finally got to look at it and talk about it as far as its touch interface and -- it may look like -- on the tablet. And -- you've actually been playing around with -- -- -- and what is your initial report to the people I like -- a lot of people don't like I like it -- I got this on the box I like I -- think -- -- I -- is similar. As a developer's edition it's nice I I see where -- what does that mean that developers that are more than that the specific version we have here is for developers are making tools and apps for windows and -- and handy and it believes it's it's it's free to download anybody in the general public -- you don't know what I mean I think you know the only thing that a lot of you remain I want to do was suspect. Trash -- systems to put a developer's build of windows on it but that's important their -- here. Reaction test bed that we we put windows -- on and then we're like okay well this is supposed to be like a touch interface OS would -- is an on the standalone systems though. We actually -- touch screen device and we put it on there as well so you know that's something that -- -- the average user can do so we can at least share that with everyone out there. Hopefully they'll you can do when. You have an idea yet but you particularly -- -- -- Wilson did that -- it has never automatic. But I know you wanna test and a touch screen as you know that's worth -- -- you know it right report right that's the whole thing -- -- whole -- -- -- get a -- tile interface is geared towards that that's -- mean. If you're not putting -- on a touch device. You can't really I mean you can't really appreciate -- and it's an operating system what it it's actually probably if it's not that's probably more -- Now we took some -- get a better closer view we shot some video -- -- and Julie testing. Or windows agency I'm gonna -- and actually play their video now on an exciting new video input system overview we have here approval preferably with sound and everything looks a little -- to the sound off actually an idea I -- -- rule toggle reliant and commentary. -- system -- Republican in person but it's have to get a camera -- -- and aren't -- -- see it up there I thought a second ago they are there isn't a -- and data. Okay but it I don't know -- that's -- six Julie ethnic. There we go -- is just playing -- tell -- what we're seeing just. Only northerly. Or started -- were saying basically just showing the you know the responsiveness of the keyboard a -- going to cnet.com here. We're gonna go to a flash page or -- we gonna -- attempt to play a video but flash is an installed yet and so blogs is -- not gonna play. -- could close out and it's gonna fade from go to Julie. Which is actually doing some doodling the computer has done this is actually on the Toshiba DX. Twelve tanner and that is a touch screen -- -- and Monica. Okay and the yard -- as we try to play the video. Palm the other acts and that is -- categories Star -- Verizon refused and many more clicks and your idea so we close. Expect looking on the -- and we're seeing here is really what we're seeing it. It's only ten minutes -- and then. Doesn't that was when you gonna that a -- there you're just because you're putting -- And as -- it is you're at the touch using the am and that's built into Israel and as I installed apps and there's an. Academic and -- has like -- -- and a. It is very iPad like. In a -- just on a much bigger screen now Cuban mine I I use the iPad to -- the so she is drawing and it is responding it's just in yellow in the united. And you make it doesn't just to be. That we apply. An -- that -- note that if they eat. Now we just you drill now the United States is -- -- like that on I don't know that it's it's a thermometer the so He -- jotted them. -- -- -- currently and when I think dictionary we put in an accident congress attack humans and then -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- dictionary and -- -- -- it is best dictionary editors tagging again. The -- a new York and you see that tag that's actually in -- okay. You know the interface of windows -- from the little bit that I've seen it reminds me when I -- as a Windows Phone but also of of the new upcoming dashboard for the 360. You know -- that certain. That'll really help people and other video -- -- -- Microsoft look if we did a media ads for governor and the interface well I figured I figured since I actually brought an action I thought. But you know the windows it is on actually put the sleep -- You see in the over a camera on the you gonna do and -- the New York camera closer to. You stay in front of it and -- in the camera that this is this is very -- -- -- -- -- Yeah I got -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Boom boom and it seems almost like windows it is a layers give you an additional tablet capability and then you pop back in -- -- where Windows 7 that looks very much like -- every other version of windows right so what does this cultists have you know. But I guess it's critical to -- and now it's called metro U. Metro is the metric value and I am -- and I imagine a technical investment yeah. Problem. -- -- political stuff on what it was equal them all. Easy. Human epidemics and -- from. Other right I'm -- I just -- -- -- for the option says they're just -- joining us right now the control panel view which is actually a lot. Simpler and easy to use I think the Windows 7 -- -- ever had. Oh I like this one. -- what it says right here is it's a reset your PC and start over and that's just one button you hit. And it -- blanks everything out for example if you gonna give your computer way to charity or give it to a friend to your -- in the -- do -- -- You know used have to be to just pulled hard drive out and -- drilled -- the power drill. And and also -- PC option which basically it's not working properly and can be fashioned equally in music document. It keeps a document will be little windows okay okay -- that's really did. -- all very iPad like you to separate the don't have like custom graphics for the app although these they have some reference. But see the piano -- -- in -- a whether it. And of revenue and now it's a good point we were unable to gather any weather and look at its analyst and why -- we do not Avian very Wi-Fi friendly part of the building right now is I believe we do it at a licking my computer and then given an. -- TV viewers via via. The roots of Vienna. And I asked -- and -- Drizzle didn't. Do -- play chopsticks. Yeah. -- can't. Unions. Rebecca. About it's it's the windows unit that's going you can rearrange -- yeah a little bit of mobile. I think there's a program experience perhaps agreed not -- it's an. -- -- and I. Agree with that theory AM EQ you were appointed neutral a little counter intuitive and -- in the united yeah I. I went for the unit in the intuitive pinch to close just based on the -- think. A -- -- get out of the alarm clock controlled. The one button I press only those -- and Ljubljana couldn't get out of the -- -- where there's a labyrinth and then you said you -- the windows key to get them like exactly as Andrew when you -- -- -- and bug music please bring it here. I want netting a -- and it -- and it happened -- don't think it we're gonna yesterday about the -- at the -- Has been testing. -- testing and more on these tests and that there you know seven -- windows eight and actually. Scores don't put them. Out -- -- -- but if you pretty awesome if you crisis when that. -- now I wanna see now this is the metro high Value Line but underneath this there's just a regular windows what does that look. It they gotta look like regular windows and there go to the yeah my computer with the -- -- to start -- market slightly refined -- slight tweaks and job in terms of like an old rock and doing all that. All you can see from up here and some of that we see the start menu. Department had this happen get over this I don't fly so -- -- just don't post officials target Asia is this is great yeah because that's where the programs are here wonder how well that works if you just have a mouse and you know the touch screen. Yes roll -- want to play what I would have liked is in the browser on. Elected -- -- -- If you're reading. World but only get a full screen view ago -- again -- -- and act a by the like but that's good because you know. Lord knows everybody to be Boeing's only when you want good schools and epic roots school or -- at -- -- -- product. -- That's very well they -- that's probably the first view of this windows eight a lot of people have had and it's and it's cool that we can sit down and play with this that developers. Like that. And -- -- we'll go back and do more testing in the next couple weeks and maybe do some -- benchmarks -- stuff in in podcasts live. Line I mean you know whoever is whoever it's not casting a Monday's will do that obviously not us is the show's going away. It's a nice clean look and especially for this thing about those windows tablets that we tend to see from time to time and and among the gripes we had about them was the fact that they. Well you know putting windows -- touch -- always -- -- -- -- -- -- -- saying what about some interface that at least -- -- tablets. -- -- you and Lenovo and others have developed tools like that but this will go great leaps towards helping if you when He will establish Yahoo! members got. When the existence came out the bomb -- everything of this is that this is the -- us for touch screen and Windows Vista can have a -- -- that this is it. This that the windows protects against and I guess is a farewell I'll put that that windows -- video up on the digital city podcast with audio so they -- -- that the movie -- -- I guess -- Ackerman -- Munich scroll have been down. And special occasions when that's what they think he's and it should be well. Any direction that -- had undergone. -- -- but doubted that Ackerman directing me scroll -- -- -- if it does He now Hispanic. Growth enabling direct and. Yeah besides do you think you get close -- get that doesn't. Not that easy it is and yeah it's -- yeah. And slogans are these look at big cigar. And he's blind although he's blind item on the lot and actually the good look at you -- care -- you use secure enthusiasm -- argument -- -- Jones -- moved to Wear glasses. And get a lot more respect. And it actually worked out for -- and are -- it would also take. Even crazier than my directing skills. What the hell is up with Netflix if you got to what happened last night at like midnight ideological breakfast cereal called quick start -- -- -- malicious ruffled -- lead -- lives there we are committed to a mile -- midnight -- you're changing -- don't dinner is obviously -- and that's honestly I'm -- this morning and -- are nocturnal person okay nocturnal stuff anyway I was actually watching camera -- guy. That the mystery science theater 3000 version for my new camera. -- scientists who pock adds these analysts -- I was brought him NFL highlights yeah I need to converted to iPad format in the -- organized edit edit the files on off. The dvd business before it got let me just note that I bought the spot in -- -- -- and Amazon and like less than a month later. They're all on -- -- I mean but for now that anything different or cool they can watch all five of the mystery science theater camera movies on Netflix right now ice chiller. That that was my key photos for now you never know they'll -- -- I was watching -- -- vanished. And I TV show British cop show. And like Mike fees and 50 it's gone now and test and leaping opportunities quickly. Right so this got may be briefly tell us what what happened at midnight last night time in what was the how how -- they drifted up. Well the you know Netflix CEO. -- Apology is claimed He says Reed Hastings every Hastings and He would have said -- apologize and maybe. Maybe they were a little too arrogant about the way -- handled the price the pricing change in the split between Netflix dvd in an instant streaming now. The Netflix dvd business is being -- police spun off into its own web site. His own business and as being renamed as quick start. And if -- -- they're also adding games so they are taking nine. Deem fly and blockbuster in the gaming area but it's all disk based stuff into space entertainment. And most frustrating -- which is a little lot of people are pointing out is the annoyance matches the name change. But of course as -- pointing out before. Your cues are very well integrated -- Netflix if you can't assign a streaming you know you can least get it on dvd you can manage them together now they're going to be separate. And and neither. Is a perfect solution and the streaming driver's full polls so. You know if people were ready not in my opinion they were not going to be using Netflix dvd before. It seems slightly amusing now as ecstatic as an immediate point but they're consumers -- its -- things that we do huge what's the news -- -- -- -- really. Com I get up in time to get ready for work not to watch news -- every try to speak tonight but. That He had registered -- ads and it's -- -- human -- for his -- upgrading again to Blu-ray and now my. And the moment do we were all dvds altogether and industry right and so we know -- but they do this of themselves and -- -- it is because it's like. -- -- -- bootlegging and torrents are -- level when you make it so complicated and just to -- -- and or the cable company with these outrageous prices in the you know. I know why people bootleg I mean I told I'm not saying it's right but I know why it's that you want it -- I personally think movies when -- in a theater. A month -- a month after -- out the theater they should -- -- -- -- there's no need to get over that. You don't need to have a -- for six months if you wanna cut down the bootlegging as I you know I pretty much would pay. -- -- -- -- -- They make you wait in the need the DVD changer rules on your between maximum and chat rooms talking about the sprint premier program -- -- -- back and forth. And extras like going from your customers get -- for those not from the was -- -- -- the program for customers that spend over 400 dollars a month or been with the company. For ten years you get an annual upgrade to talking about doing away with -- the -- on. -- -- Obviously because they're probably getting the iPhone and that things like that they constitute I think people need to band together -- -- -- -- -- reform. Where we can stop all this this disgrace and we need to stop this crazy and -- serious as we know it's just a particular is in -- asked about the -- -- that the cable company you like all these apps like com which is -- -- -- schema TBS that came out. -- -- -- -- customers can use well there all the appointment literally -- cable that's what's ridership what is -- deal with Time Warner and you charge your premium price I can't even get a free app. -- -- it took the time only apps are -- becoming objects of cables while. And a time when anything that deals with the app makers and come it should be noted that this is an IMAX Warner has to coming and it's it's it's really it's really nightmare and in what -- -- about the -- you -- about the Netflix is crazy to me. But then again I know why this but the cost because they want is for the company and and and I don't I don't like the dvds are. Low margin high fixed cost business and if they put those on its own set of books kind of they can say Netflix streaming is making all the -- and that part of the company looks more profitable. If your -- Netflix stock got like twenty bucks a couple weeks ago now it sounds like 150. -- because the other -- -- these on dvds and measured Macs. I -- here for every problem is it doesn't matter -- call it. But what I like about going that Netflix is known as a movie when I get it put it on my dvd Q I check back later and it says this is now available to stream instead of waiting for the dvd -- that's great. Or if you've -- -- McAfee search connector will show you which movies. Are available to get on dvd and which movies are available to get streaming and which ones available for -- the huge hit the play button right there with Netflix and -- -- -- They're very very unclear. About how those two databases will talk to each other and whether you'll still have with rave reviews for movies. That pop and and friend recommendations -- work across both platforms where the -- UWB evils He Whittier creek to movies available on Netflix streaming -- the -- treated totally separately. I've read that Reed Hastings -- put like five times last night and I still could not figuring this out. And well and. It just reminds me ages to -- and speaking an integrated integrated cues. You know I think about services like apps like -- and accurate about last week and my iPad here. Now you know that tries to you it's a service that that takes library -- -- of content from Hulu plus Netflix and others. So it like you said you could search for movie -- -- can tell you where you can get it is an iTunes they're right here yes -- Russia and I've never I've heard of definitely know what it is for free it's there's no reason not to download it it's actually a pretty nice although I'm what -- -- -- A -- -- -- for instance let's say you can browse the pretty nice browsing in a variety of filters. And let's say I wanna look at shows among Rob Schneider yes it's realistic -- well it's star trackers that certain that you see or hear watch now -- Netflix iTunes and voodoo. So I tap on Netflix who -- -- It takes -- to Netflix should -- -- Latin. It launches it directly and he's -- want to know what it's calling him is called Manhattan analytical Manhattan it's terrible name is and I can work and -- plant diets. Attempts to build a community in network I guess and -- I don't know really why it's called and was originally -- I don't like it. -- they went for the iPad direction first. And as -- dot -- here at -- had shrewdly noticed I think the app. He thinks the app to looks more can set top box interface to -- -- leading towards a direction and future years ago reviewers -- -- has been adding that Blogosphere and then now its gonna be streaming in a moment by. Once the -- there but anyway that's. That's what's really cool that it is it is a launcher as well. And you can it'll now has -- can libraries that can launch the safari web browser now the Chinese search -- So what -- have to live search for me -- -- -- if you don't when indulging yet so I'm going to search for more -- on grievous hurt him again. And try some different yet -- we -- after a fix for camera. -- about the giant -- -- It also connects to -- -- -- and instant sellout business this was his question and we can't just -- don't get these thumbnails area. There's -- don't have to take a thumbnail and it'll tell me you yes -- -- that feels very set top box it -- so click. In the camera garden of the universe. This is why it's been weakens require genotype and iTunes for my iTunes Apple -- enhancements. Now it was a cool now what's cool about this is not only could futures options to discover at the bottom. Now it brings out. It servant -- -- like movie details. We're gonna use now if you bring up. Casting crew that's annoying He can't search for this let's say you want the director here and you wanna see his other films. Now. As an as an actor but here is credits -- can look through his credits click on this movie. And C knife now that such as the trailer they actually says it worked in the trailers -- because her browser and say let's seal team record number X films. That's that's He can't view on its -- start watching. So and the sun -- On on Netflix. And end and -- opened up and who's like the first IDC -- -- -- then the the -- doctor that's right. And and it's Hobbits actually syncing now one of the new editions as FaceBook like everything else but it sinks all of your friends' recommendations it's -- -- clever polls. Any movies and TV shows your friends of light and it just makes them -- double entries so there's another way another type of social everything but. That goes back to what you said Netflix should be pushing more in that direction by splitting the -- movies is actually going farther away from that. Connectedness and it's a strain on the needs to connect my daily -- today and -- and they need to ask is worth a try and its its -- fun. -- Netflix seem to do for streaming is. The need to add like a cache feature where you can cash X -- -- -- to movies for like a day or so one year low on your -- -- where you can watch offline. That would be -- you're going on a flight or something they're paying all the smarty me as will be able -- -- interest in their apps they have up there are now delighted to -- -- iTunes library. And you send your iTunes library in you can download your iTunes library like a certain movie -- some in -- -- -- on taking down at the bottom and as for music I don't care I don't care I -- and gentlemen I need access to content when I want it now when. You want me to have it or god forbid they might have a middle range at a higher price streaming option before the dvd comes -- -- -- -- I know it's true. What's wrong with you may come down we're passionate about -- -- avenue we have new rules -- -- -- rule is -- thirty minutes heart out. Okay is it and restarted a couple inflate the we have a lot of important in the time. About their mother is this the molecule award program -- in the -- -- This game thank you is discount was gonna show -- actually a little clip -- north blu rays came out and we've -- shall -- -- diligently testing them over the weekend on various phone home -- -- really -- is down charm. Does that -- -- about sensitive -- we dive master impression. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Some of them are just clips instead of the whole thing like -- -- -- somebody. I've been hoping for the Star -- holiday special and I'll just -- ever gonna they're never gonna Nevada brief cartoon -- that's about all I can overdo it I think the both -- data center summit got showing you some of the action is actually available on an iPad app that gives you previews -- the extras. But the political stuff -- it's disconnected me from the HDMI AA can actually do in this view but not in the twit am but I'm predicting a peak demands are like. The other. In -- the menu here sort of imitates an interface of a clean look you in the box that has is very simple and animals the movies look great especially Katzmaier -- -- writers trying to -- on the TVs in the room and was commenting at those original movie transfers do look great but -- almost so clean. The commander being an it and they're all -- work and -- do a little additions -- and to try out. I knew how open that stepping on job as tales in which is so annoying. I notice it's changed yet again we have got subtly because Java it to its credit because Jon originally looked -- horrible. And home almost again I don't even ask them and now he's -- -- our seven specialists and I mean 1997 -- actually enough moisture for the together for dvds I know nothing about greeted him again. I don't know what it looked slightly different again but I couldn't talent went down side by side comparison to data those additions do you stand out as being a little cartoonish and Allen and and -- -- Christine transmitter to the rest but the. Is the last show we're going to wait and I know I think we're going you know we're going wait out the only what's been a master at an event and -- -- -- I I -- sentiment has held -- surprisingly well literally five lines of dialogue I would insist on being cut from that movie. But most of it -- jar -- most of them were Jake -- we don't think it actually worked -- Now. He is just intolerable. Everyone -- is okay and and and and good shot deficit how would that these guys are in Novato city and you -- -- I think every Star Wars and appear and when they originally launched yet when they originally launched. My whole point is that Ellison -- to make it they they they did beat the deal was deliberately pictured here year round yes there Richard -- -- He did it once again I want the original. The optional releases that no I don't want to see I have not listen to what I'm saying I want to on the Blu-ray I don't wanna divided into do you know I have the full set on dvd you are really what about a similar Blu-ray in the -- again I don't. I wonder and keep your commentary keep your -- -- give me the original. And you're in your from -- easy re release because I honestly empire strikes back was the best one. The best yes -- very rapidly and that's -- -- Another surprising invention like yes it was behind it and heads of -- -- and and I want the original releases that's but it is that nobody is getting -- several features -- outlining an August I'm not waiting another ten years of their new. The -- I didn't wait because I live action George Lucas the season -- the first -- -- -- a time capsule archival it is pretty hollow. But nevertheless if you are I mean the price which recognizing -- -- it's like. It is and it's expensive iPod and it. You're gonna let you get six films -- that and 66 years old and you guys are still the best looking versions of that our -- branded emerald and you go -- you're right is frustrated -- those other options. But on but it appears that I was there -- -- -- like three years we'll have the Star Wars 3-D edition can't -- -- -- like c'mon guys -- You know you -- in it was gonna -- stuff. I'm gonna -- -- I'm gonna milk the announcement that this is the very last episode of the digital city and -- and and I'm -- people the chance -- beside themselves. Freaking out. Yeah they're really freaking out here -- -- there and I don't know while they will get on with their lives. The ability to Georgia we start our own podcast however. However we have some exciting news -- -- Julie that's a little more positive than that benefit. I'm giving them and we are as they missed the last thing -- -- -- and back the -- -- here's the big news announcement starting next week which is September. The retirement -- didn't they -- may 26 if -- really starting September 26 instead of tuning in at 3 PM eastern to see. The digital -- Podcast you'll be tuning in at 2 PM eastern to -- the same four people and not really. Now if our people probably play -- exact -- viewing -- and basically the same show as this can be as you just not a day. Except for it is going to be called -- brand -- game is gonna be these CNET labs cast. Emphasized the fact that we are people who work in and around the vaunted and and and heralded CNET -- department. Where we tested handle all the cool gadgets out there. Computers laptops desktops monitors printers. Tablet whatever. And that's the that's the short version of -- the long version of it is. You know there's not enough guys doing shows and actually play around with gadgets and tech like we did with windows -- and with the iPad -- -- so we're gonna do more than. Rather than just doing talking -- -- -- I think it's very cool and I think the Hebrew with a four X if you talk about stuff you -- -- that just doesn't do the two guys on the -- all of America you wanna talk about this stuff really not to mention the lab is hot summer try to get some footage of the lab well yes but what we've got fifty on the -- Yet but -- yelling at the -- a -- walk through tour oh yeah totally -- everybody -- if -- a virtual tour of the labs that they haven't you you have to separate yourself from the people who say. The testimony and a lab for the people actually do yet to -- the -- we have quite a few little gadgets toys and things like that in the that -- -- you -- shots of my fifth FF FF. We can't do anything it doesn't tell us -- coincident -- the -- I can't even go on net for Europe bookkeeping purposes. Every Monday to PM eastern as part of this -- CNET. Live lineup for the gonna have live programming for 23 hours a day. A starting the morning and going through the early afternoon and we will be on FaceBook at FaceBook dot com slash CNET labs cast. I -- Twitter account. Seen -- -- -- that that's a new Twitter name. And we're gonna avenue -- and that'll be Atlantis -- dot cnet.com that -- on actually set yet but we'll put all the links anywhere. So if you're following us on FaceBook on a post to FaceBook the link to the new FaceBook page and we can just jump over there and people kicking off by giving -- technical Jon -- and. And in the -- mass about you know with -- B Tribune actually there will be a form of questions but no longer will Julie myself with Scott Hansen and you'll easily that I know there will be responsible for their own I think noting that. I -- -- that man on the street at I had an idea where -- question someone in the office. In you give you the listeners of the viewers and what happened and what I'd like to pick whether they get the question right or wrong if you -- if you get it right I like many -- now we -- we don't we could brother but if -- that immediately known if we could -- one question out their products like this new so that well that -- -- they get to see the office and -- get to see some of the cool people we work with. I'm working on questions -- so you. Know the -- should be shorter everyone's getting ratcheted were very strict thirty -- time limit which were quickly over to. We could probably a little longer because we at a critical national Monday that if I say so I think it's -- for thirty. -- I would really point. To get more does honestly. -- -- to revisit that Netflix they got to get direct and definite agreement as well as we certainly cannon at the topic we can -- them again next -- you know I'm not know it's now or never -- start eating my heart goes on on there any of questions -- I -- go. Netflix Julie Netflix right. -- BI TC. But it wasn't that. The questions -- -- average. Is an immunize just yet for -- regarding. I've Motorola. -- -- As the universe speculated that He knew Visio but you -- go into the -- to shoot some background video to explain what we're doing into its new iPhone V two and you are related links sensitive. Maybe the. I could try these and the answers here and -- yeah. Yeah. A list of -- I -- they are surprising results. For for for those who don't know this can go about -- we are literally only in the podcast studio 510 minutes before the show five minutes after the show we. Do not been many more time in here because we have -- -- will there be a new -- track by as a matter of Apple's ipads. I -- it's actually -- (%expletive) you mr. Julie last week -- preview version of the people that live at justice and got -- and and they seem to like what they heard. It was a kind of a little bit of its funky actually I think it was my favorite version I just need a deliberate speed up a little did I I need Hanna -- -- blindness on I was playing it I thought it again. But -- funky Brazilian -- Digitized medical stuff anyway there's a harder B -- I definitely encourage anybody that's gonna -- -- into the the the revised version of labs and labs -- bomb. Look look -- getting like higher capacity devices ice exist -- have been we're gonna try to do a lot more. -- stuff that's like video intensive so this -- you guys want -- What we do or where we are or not just the like I've been -- going to -- around so -- I strongly suggest getting a device that can hold it. A larger SD card. You know and -- -- -- a Wi-Fi hard drive that works with your iPad something like that you know whatever he's given only keep a close. -- -- -- -- -- -- That'll be that'll be revealed in the future. Possibly -- implant is CD for the last name -- -- W. Nobody has received this -- but I don't see another -- -- because my next record is on the threatening exactly. Okay record you'll hear him out. Incentive payment now and I don't need it find hotels motels automate school in our new show no. No no -- -- Latvia Slovakia and apply it to graduate -- Mexico -- he's still a well yeah and install it -- another regular. This is another coming. Now without the garlic isn't -- -- -- Our dominant I'm gonna I I I I will -- upload mine mine 2000. It was a we -- that immediately. Global look at possibly next -- -- you have to go to -- now what we have to go. That that was 4 o'clock -- -- networking so you -- -- but yeah. I'm not playable in one I think I'm quite proud of this. UT -- I'm wearing which ordered from my favorite museum in LA the museum of your analogy only minutes and this is that's Soviet cosmonaut dog. The I'm not on my shirt right now. Looks creepy and by mechanical fiscal editor an -- like. Meet up museum of -- public weird we just some pressure almost be true and there are things that are -- -- it's very funky. I'd go see it in Culver City it's a fantastic actually does not the last the last -- the city I'm gonna be doing beautifully all by myself from now on digital -- city although my ultra -- morning Joseph Joseph Joseph Joseph all data on and I thank you really. Thank you Scott Mark -- gets only one. Fantastic episode I wasn't all that we're gonna reset to we started -- for about sixty of them. -- -- got to be on this email He was never legitimacy email directory get rid of that group be mailed to stamp hole allowed decency and how much did we get on that. We get spam mechanism data and that's why people policies -- the government usually using CNET labs -- carrier pigeon. Yes that's right I I will I will still check -- into the city email -- guys. -- units are coming -- this tune into the go to the did you -- FaceBook page it will but only -- -- -- turn music off them I'll start my car got out. I don't carve up my dad and accessories to no idea what is right now you now as our vocal about.

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This Van Builder Has Tips for Life on the Road

Super Nintendo World: We Tried Everything!

Super Nintendo World: We Tried Everything!

Real Estate Pro Breaks Down Property for Sale in the Metaverse

Real Estate Pro Breaks Down Property for Sale in the Metaverse

Reggie Fils-Aimé on Nintendo and the Future of Video Games

Reggie Fils-Aimé on Nintendo and the Future of Video Games

I Lost My Mind on Guardians of the Galaxy Roller Coaster

I Lost My Mind on Guardians of the Galaxy Roller Coaster

I Went Shopping in the Metaverse and Tried On a Gucci Bag

I Went Shopping in the Metaverse and Tried On a Gucci Bag

How to Download Kanye West's 'Donda 2' for the Stem Player

How to Download Kanye West's 'Donda 2' for the Stem Player

MoviePass will be back this summer -- this is how it'll work

MoviePass will be back this summer -- this is how it'll work

Watch ferrofluid turn into art

Watch ferrofluid turn into art

How Black Friday is very different this year

How Black Friday is very different this year

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The Apple Core

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Alphabet City

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Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

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Robosen's Megatron Transformer Is Too Much Fun for an Evil Robot

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