Ep. 1415: Going where no Wii-mote should ever go
Ep. 1415: Going where no Wii-mote should ever go

Ep. 1415: Going where no Wii-mote should ever go

Today is Friday February when -- when -- eleven. -- really doesn't help I'm Brian's song I'm Molly -- -- a buzz out -- unit podcast of indeterminate length it's episode 14115. -- I'm sorry there right now but I'm glad to be here -- mostly asleep because -- I can actually believe that this does when Letterman had. You were at prince I was John in the -- ranked -- it's. What how I don't have that link unit and you know that we had seventy dollar to get summer lower level two -- from the back. It was legit tell me about the thing my friend got -- I -- around I don't -- soul you know. It was not it was amazing and so on -- about this and it would -- now but we have someone help -- helpless with -- operate. We've got -- a little extra help believed to be idiots are so excited yes our good friend Jill Schlesinger is here twitter.com flesh still on money. -- -- Public -- queen of all things money related I -- that princess. That Jewish American princess saying money and get. -- the Jewish American princess of all things money related I'm not -- like the title queen of green. I like that all you green -- -- green fuel a -- that titled Indian names of the shows that we didn't. Yes so -- -- -- new radio show it is what you're here to tell all about and it's like watching tonight. Yeah yeah in day -- not slept in days I did like television hits this morning and the guy comes in and it is like doing my hair and think -- -- back. You know nothing that good -- Do you do maybe I -- to -- and and a said. So I'm -- has read issue with CBS radio and it's we of course because I work for CBS interactive we're not streaming like. -- -- -- -- -- But we will -- now. -- -- I think I swear to god I'm pretty sure that they do things slide unseen it like a lot a lot of time co op Ed daily and -- my front of the month. Exactly. Though anyway it's gonna get up and running but any NM you know trolling for financial question -- -- from anyone so he can go on to Twitter at that. -- on money and tweet me question or -- we can take questions the email which is -- Jill money like dot com. And we have an eight hunt -- it -- toll free number they don't want me 800 anymore. So by the the most fun you can have as teasing an 800 number for yourself and you go through annually. That actually sounds like a site. Like ask -- Oh yeah kinda ill so we -- we did something different problem I had it -- -- and -- totally forgot appeared as. So here is 855855. Is the new 800 number -- -- black -- 80855. 411. GL oh my goodness that's 8855 Portland -- -- as Hewlett money much dot. Anything like that. And though I mean any money questioning and then how people -- -- -- human question meant at that and how people company heater. And infinitely. If we're okay. Million or anywhere it's like worker butts off and and actually have it disappear is what -- So right now we're syndicated in Nevada half dozen markets so in Baltimore and DC in LA in -- my -- -- my -- and expert Mississippi. Why you're glad -- like that -- -- and put up days. -- -- -- And terror on -- That fit that. -- money making its premiere of in Hartford at any point this -- it also. Sony where it yes and that have the show will be able to download and I'll pop into my blog and ever and can get it in and -- the and has an it will eventually be. -- -- Hampshire well I'll keep the drumbeat on for the streaming thing -- -- -- now while -- on -- in Tokyo where indictment if not in the car. When English monument that would that be an Elliott road trip Vicksburg an out I'm -- -- dynamic travel in and now. A -- -- -- I do have a money question actually. Which is that I am about -- this public sample question expert at the lovely clean and green. Don't mind -- agree that as hot and are you starting Bryant we had -- the queen of green was one of our working titles as was collared Eva. You don't kill solid even. You gotta laugh -- appeal. And that he speaker -- -- that is a terrible name. -- -- center five different names like solid even at the terrible name it -- Yeah if you're you know like at the coupon cutting them exactly and are not that brought up smart -- -- right. Through here and now. Because I am interest in starting -- college fund from -- darling child yet. But I have recently been told that those by 29 things are no good and that I should look at them and like this camera -- well. Thing I love 529 plans because the money grows tax deferred and it's true that not all of them are created equal and I take a look at the California one but some pretty awesome ones and the deal is you put the money and -- no taxes do. And when the money comes out you have to pay any tax would normally sell an investment that would be taxed it. Couple of little downsides to it which is. You know obviously. Brilliant and and then the money in there right -- -- all this money would he do it right. And that in that case if you don't use the money for education or you don't have a sibling that you can transfer the money to yet to take the money -- and pay taxes and there -- a penalty but. There's a bunch of really good plans if one in Michigan it's amazing -- Utah -- really get that money Kansas it's really good. Unfortunately California is not one of the state three in an income state. Did that tax deduction like here in New York Molly you don't want to move to New York -- idea and -- it. I knew no matter what the question that it again and it used to get in here so if you lived in New York. By the way -- our by 29 plan here you get a state income tax deduction of up to 5000. -- right off of your taxes estate taxes. -- -- -- That alone is probably worth moving -- expecting it at the end of every single trip here you should have very exit now so. Now. Not enough and the fact that you have -- yen at the top up again if they've gotten over the bridge they with the clouds nearing an it was stunning. The cost of living on new York and higher than San Francisco -- -- Really that much higher. Is that I mean premier. -- -- -- -- but -- you know when we -- look at it here I think we know its its allotment or more to do you don't have to live in Manhattan and he could live in the -- birds he can't -- value if you kind of look far field and care Molly -- Bryant -- Should help me. No okay okay okay we actually got a question from the tower of -- and while you're answering that amazing and EW wants to know if I wanna start a business but I only need a 100000 dollars. And banks don't wanna talk to me because it's too small of an amount to get a loan for where -- -- -- Small small business -- You know one thing to do it's -- -- -- the Small Business Administration whatever municipality living until -- every state and usually every large city has one. And they're really set -- to do just that it's especially good. Not that you. Where are don't know what your ethnicity is but if you are a woman or minority there are always special programs that really give a boost that to -- folks even if if you're not if you just a plain old -- -- They -- get a woman partner or perhaps someone who -- Minority partner or minority partner Bryant. All those guys yellow fever of yeah dad go get your little Asian lady go about it you know Tokyo and go get yourself and it's slightly yellow fever -- -- it's often. -- Not a matter and that. The applicant you know I look like iTunes and now you can. -- -- -- -- could make Molly blogs -- tracks via. So an -- That's a good that it SBA try that. No I like -- that your rich friends. That's always a good way to gather money and their applicant as throwing money and dumb ideas or is it doesn't matter but that makes it really -- about themselves I have noticed that rich people like the thing I mean investors -- -- It's -- -- it. Yeah you're really cool -- -- -- -- all night and today. I'm. Tired of -- let him pay whatever they whine. Beta but you get their money. Now that but the thing is that it's really important -- -- no matter what -- you get your money you know you give something up right get a front bank it's usually the cheapest money -- to be pretty good terms. -- get it from you know. Any rich -- he might say you know I wanna controlling interest in this and then you're stuck with a jerk for the rest your life right. Says -- to be careful that and that's -- we try to do the SBA. -- -- -- Since the financial crisis by the way way -- to qualify for anything and they do want you to put up at least half of the money yourself or. Well. And then have one last question normally get the content in -- -- -- -- so you need a camera but now I'm not -- you look glorious. Be you know -- Another great -- other great lies in America let's go. Couldn't be more beautiful how all why it's okay. Maybe as a deep breath and others there right now we weren't we are -- -- -- Bryant I'm in love with -- and you don't even know project through Molly. That by approximately yes. I have -- it and it looked used to be pretty grateful I don't below high end here now and hello I'm here how high its -- -- the thieving interest rates right now are. Is there any better or think -- apparently. Okay so emergency reserve when we say to people like you know what you gotta have some money sought to in the -- something bad happened late offers something. And you know used to say three to six months into the six to twelve months because if your job it's so hard to get the job right now. So for that state money there's not a great place to go. As he said savings -- pretty rotten. He didn't get a CD one of the best CDs on the market right now is the ally a LL light me hear them advertise a lot -- public radio and so that that. -- very good CD. Five years CD with low penalties if you blow up for the five year term is -- -- to -- place. But otherwise you know don't get fancy with it I I can't make -- -- -- put the money Apple's not edit like Aetna. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- just don't know what's gonna happen at the -- he yeah exactly keep that money safe. Checking savings money market CD not much more than her and now sweets alright next time I want -- your list of questions for. I don't I -- my questions range from alternate the things financial and non financial. Mainly are ready -- marina and -- money is ready for any question would be time -- don't worry our. Opera I'll bring the noise next time -- and -- -- an island next time -- on we will have streaming. That in now of streaming instructions for -- people to chill nicely. That's a good product yet there that the deadline we like the street and then she does email -- -- -- -- for computer lab and -- -- that it finally remind. -- you this story one time about how. When you get in -- at my previous business was a retail investment advisor and the government basically can come in and take your emails. Five years they can go and they deaths at the rules securities law they can come in and see that -- -- communicating. And you know and my -- and I had a courtship via email and -- and I had to turn those over. To the securities regulators -- it let me just tell you that there ever had a good time. Non. -- Didn't loan level computer elaborate there. All -- -- and I just woke up I actually just like. -- -- -- attention now and yet you're anybody's in the securities business. The your work email address they basically have access to anything and they just didn't do retain their emails -- last five years. An island. Part dropped us like eight years we can well that sounds like it's time that would cover -- certain period. -- I. Noted. That an address of that recipe of -- wasn't actually a recipe for that. Can -- that in the air -- Enough. It meant that job and came -- at eleven AT and attractive in dialing will be listening -- you -- And will be watching but that that stream the line accidentally excellent and that and -- that week and thanks for having me alright with the -- I. But that Lila is only -- meant to be like a computer that turns out. I got story for you ala you know that if she was bold enough I would love -- -- include -- -- -- emails. Sounded half -- show you how -- our own wherever now heard and I will read it word for word -- FCC has no rules here. By the way Alley off notice -- that they think for Everett for reminding me if you go to is it snowing in SF yet dot com I. The answer is still on and I -- speculate will be now. Have a fit if you do but they haven't -- -- freaking love with the Internet. Like I know you guys they're fitting their -- and that it doesn't know we're very outdated and they're better at all week that it was going to possibly know it's clear and sunny and warm. It is it's beautiful every student got rid under the in this bunker that we're in -- or OK but I love the Internet and the fact that we live in nerd patrol -- epicenter. -- -- -- -- -- Anyway. And are preventing or at some and has built it -- knowing ineffective dot com I think you might be the most visited website on the net right. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I didn't check near the in this is that what we're -- kinda. Like the pre show only nominally of -- -- okay let's do it -- -- make that up. Google has promised to taking action against the contents -- website that we're starting to be the top listing for a lot of search results. And would -- -- basically web site that had like a bunch of links and no content. They rolled out a new algorithm. That they say will impact 12%. Of US results which is actually. -- huge numbers because they're known for changed their algorithm you know in subtle ways but this is a big change that is. Literally potentially targeting some of these content -- sites yet. No big deal they and they are there are not officially saying him that it is better than that thing I can think people are gonna get the idea what -- that -- The others on -- -- type sites people are basic complain about because as we noticed school -- Three search terms has been kind of popular with more more spanning type site so they have these -- sites with. Essentially kind of reformat content from other sites and throw them out there that they can get higher -- dongle and then these content farm sites. That pretty much what they did they're just like a collection of content that doesn't necessarily even it is even relevant your search a lot of times -- -- We'll get you'll -- results of the top of the page that they find more information about flying ducts and -- in San Francisco or every now and then you click I don't expect anything like -- -- -- -- instead of you know -- friend finder and -- me like. Other useless things should you should visit -- -- before you knock it. I'm not gonna I don't like to -- it. I'm shared with -- it's very. We're all mammals account anyway apparently it had become enough of a problem Google is saying. I wanted to -- Didn't think. -- Little. I once -- bill bill. -- By Google and have been some -- girl and Ben in a bag that guarantee they've been working on it in January -- not tied directly in response to all the recent complaint. But I think it's gotten. Pretty badly -- the -- Google will will be watching a -- -- legitimate sites get removed from the. I get really mad about it. Also -- -- news are responding to complaints that. They it wasn't -- secure -- site FaceBook recently had that. Armor ability for people -- -- AT TPS where basically your activity on FaceBook would be secure. But now they're trying -- also seek out to encrypt apps to make them a secure. And mobile as well because a lot of times what people found now is that apps -- supporting the protocol are. -- -- outside of HT TPS they're becoming insecure and then it doesn't bring you back. To -- secure version of the site. -- -- -- -- pushing third party developers to start supporting -- -- again as soon as possible their offering an easy way. To encourage developers to do that. And they say there was where they're also working to provide SSL protection on mobile platforms in coming months because apparently computer science professor. At Rice University. Demonstrated that his Motorola Droid X running Android could be -- I'm not happen. With the right and sniffing software. Because even though he has his face an even though by the way he s.'s -- the content that set to use HTTP whenever possible. The thing about this is they're not making it a requirement for these apps to do it they -- them to they're rolling it out potentially but. At the end of the day is developer how much does an app developer who's making the game really care about it being secure well they're not -- when they don't have. Have to do regular and they don't it there's no incentive for them to secure the -- like is that if it doesn't return them -- to secure browsing experience when they come out of the game. That vulnerability is still going through -- and then FaceBook has not made its TT PS. Standard if that's an option and they say that when they launch SSL on mobile that is also going to be. And option and I think -- -- know when it's time to get off the stick when it comes to security and just make this. Why -- -- -- the opposite on the stuff we don't care about -- he did it right but I don't directly protect all of yeah it's like look. We're -- -- weighed more than we should people are giving you an unbelievable amount of data at the least the very least you could do with brick and secure it by deep well now. Why -- what is possibly reasoning forgive them for not rolling and acute PBS's standard or SS on mobile devices -- standard. And I agree with the -- secure crops now. Make sure her. You lock down your core appeal to exactly and I've seen people actually people are posting as their -- but that that -- -- the instructions for how to -- -- on HD TVS that kind of you know. It's becoming a little a little -- but movement but you know -- Make it standard. May come on make it so if Intel held a press conference yesterday Thursday the 24 few offer additional information about light peak flash thunderbolts. And they they didn't some pretty cool demos basically to show. The possibilities the -- possibilities than the work flow capability. And then they also said. Basically indicated that Apple has a significant head start with thunderbolt that they're gonna -- potentially about a year. Head start with it because other OEMs -- rolling it out until -- -- -- One of the reasons though why at least you know you might see Apple who has been an early adopters of technologies even for example when the USB interface came out reviews -- standard Apple's efforts to put on the devices. And then once it took off. Other manufacturers on the PC side ended up saying okay it's. It's kind of proved itself a background -- and they took up with SP two and -- three apples also done this historically with firewire were before you know. It was a faster more reliable connection at the time for video. Over USB at the time and then you started seeing some PCs incorporate per -- but then once USB 2.0. And three came out a kind of eliminate the need for fire workers say they're still drives out there but this is -- -- part so. Intel essentially kind of cute potentially reduce the costs of building this collaborated with Apple and by doing so it clearly gives Apple an -- to have this. The thing about under -- that. Will will it take off. Passed this I mean the connectivity. And the potential of it is great but I still see that. I'm not saying it's gonna tell because I don't think it is the -- I think it's gonna take at least two to three years before we start seeing this as an actual port that is standard button on on computers and one. Definitely and -- you're actually has a really good write up about some of the risks that are involved with Apple being the the pioneer of general I mean for one thing they're saying at this point it's not like it's simplifying. Apple's suite of -- port it isn't you know I mean when you look at the MacBook -- -- it really does is the at a New London and it looks the you know about much more like confusing and what is this and they say it's not that beneficial right now all. Because it hasn't it doesn't simplify it's just not standard enough to truly simplify. And then the advantage of the exclusivity is pretty minimal right now because the technology will still be moving over the next year right now it's a thunderbolt has. Top speed of ten Gigabit per second. But at theoretical top speed of a hundred Gigabit per second but only when they move from copper to fiber to fiber have am and so. And the fiber at the proper cables right now that they're limited in that ten Gigabit for second throughput and also in link -- to -- others -- -- There's also other challenges for -- been adopted its not on it's not backwards -- USB three point oh. And then also for it to gonna take off you you can't just put a thunderbolt port on a PC it has become a lot more because axis is both the video. Brought pat power and the innocence it PCI port so it's gonna take time that if you really wanna say is the potential -- -- is let's say the big pie in the sky as if down the road we just have a laptop and -- we -- is a single port and would like to vulnerable ports and that's it because it's all the connectivity and it's the video. Yet did you think that I'm not gonna come down taking its in my verses. Thunderbolt and in terms that does blink one port thing -- all the potential -- solidity is really evident right now like I do think. I don't think necessarily Apple's getting a giant advantage out of it because there aren't that many devices that -- there won't be that many devices. And then Intel has not -- in the press conference they wouldn't say whether they're going to offer any kind of like PCI or PCI express. Dongle yeah that would enable it right now the only way to get it like you said is -- replacement aboard. -- and also you know of some the -- -- right now I think -- announced the hard drive their tech demo is impressive but then when I saw that. From a and maintenance in like who's gonna that was gonna have their -- -- Then that daisy chain into a hard drive. And then daisy -- a TV just you know to watch 1080. At the into the daylight you know -- you're really gonna do that and yes no probably not there yet. Is -- now. I mean I'm sure there are video editors like can you imagine everybody anybody and -- TV could be -- was lacking is demo where they had a MacBook Pro they've pulled or raw uncompressed 1080. -- it into -- thunderbolt attack display. And topped more than 600 megabit per second and transfer speeds with -- to 800 mega ten megabit per second predict and -- synchronous. Data transfer so they can build Android and receive at the -- speed at the same time they can literally be pulling and rendering video and displaying it on -- thunderbolt device. Combined thunderbolt -- glad that -- -- come up. With drive them around in branding thing and Bonita you can let your now play video and healing ahead of -- are still liking your on your -- -- at the -- right now allotted. Like literally everyone who thought -- ever to edit the videos on the demo and fainted but that's you know that's right now that's pretty much -- -- yeah I mean. Getting even that standard video you divided into. I did not center on cameras right I mean the port has to go everywhere the port has to -- -- -- though it'll be allowed over the you know. Don't act like all Apple that it Internet mail and it now in -- in progress but it's really it's a price it's impressive got some potential via okay while he noted how hard we actually did you know I don't even think we expected to talk about an herbal tablet without half asleep also let but I actually think -- Them it's really good old right. I know I really think a little break and when we come back -- the the big changes that are happening happening now -- AOL owns a -- These big changes systems. And Sony's history of cracking down on anybody -- even a tiny bit of different things. -- -- Welcome back buzz out loud at them Hollywood you're -- -- video Gonzales. We just. These wrapped -- now we -- want thunderbolt now replace her division here daydreaming about all the video editing that Bonita handed him. If they lifted more work permeate but I don't butterball -- at a faster -- that and I don't know early fans are left file. Done. But I promise that we would talk about the big changes that are happening at Huffington Post now that AOL has purchased that's -- and buy a big changes I mean. Here at the apparently who doesn't love bigger ads -- -- AOL's rolling out project -- which good name. For those statements just going to annoy users. -- -- project Havel a larger ad format that it hopes will deliver a higher ad rate while decreasing this -- good at least decreasing the number of ads. On a typical web page. But it will also apparently play a big part in the integration of Huffington. So if this is a larger ad space -- might decrease the number of ads all those different ones butt from this little outline it looks like. A single company's gonna have to invest a lot more and and the end of the day. I don't we we are so used to just been averse to not clicking on these ads. Yeah I mean what's interesting is if they have just one -- -- they do have you know they've got an image here -- -- the -- that was Vander ark animal but. Toyota has been testing these double ads and so basically what you have is you know. About two thirds of the page devoted to -- And then bully a third of that right hand column is just one -- that what they're doing is they are reducing the number of ads but as you can see. The one -- on the pages basic it's the size of the content you know that Leila -- much more you know -- That page looks like gawkers redesign but instead of stories in the right hand side. It's an added to handle it if they did that on while that had space now that landed on semi put stories on the right hand -- -- it's so bizarre because. It always anyway -- anyway. They got -- -- we could benefit and they on and we don't want to but they CEO Tim Armstrong -- into -- answer has -- that he wants to just redesign the Internet. Quarter and -- of which means he says decreasing the sheer number of ads that are blasted -- readers and then selling these bigger more interactive. You know more like a higher impact ads. For higher rates which actually. I think that makes it and anything else. We do just. Glaze over and it makes sense it doesn't mean I'm gonna click on them to they'll put out -- television ads diets like that pay a lot more development pleasure. Yeah you're you're trying to just take up more of the mind or even just like the peripheral vision so that they even pay attention to it for that. Extra moment that they -- have. I wonder what the rates are gonna be like I wanna rather than -- you know now that'll -- agency advertisers really wanna -- an outlet for their. They're talking about. Magazine like ads for light rain like 35 dollars sepia and -- 35 dollars per thousand viewers -- three to four times that of a typical banner -- right now and there's what there's that interesting metaphor that they -- though is that they say. Bogey is there analogy for this that people by vogue. To read the ads almost as much as -- into that Netflix is totally true and -- -- saying we want is to be magazine like ads to that are just as interesting is that you know I mean who doesn't mean. AM the vibe of a lot that you are literally don't go there and stare at -- home and no -- -- -- yeah I have to -- yet to different medium but the other thing. This is they wanna be -- Internet -- in the medical bill for I wish you wealthy I like the left -- I do like that a lot. -- continues to predict the entire future of the Internet. I'm on fire by the way I'm not gonna lives up to fire am -- gonna lie in 2011 after predicting accurately -- like the next. Movie and social networking would be food based social networking. Now Google is getting into his old food universe with Google recipe search only tell -- which by the way. Well it's in that the -- on the left that is sweet. Apple up how common -- don't like the Internet is dominated by police it really is it is all about -- -- want -- there I mean there are more and more like duties are. Now the -- US does dominate -- -- more than ever have many don't know now people are way more into food -- -- -- aware BSE gain in status seeking filter your search results. Four and I love that these chicken and dumplings another example he Ramon. The then you can filter your search results by like images videos news shopping teams also yet you can -- use fields of the cooking time less than sixty minutes and -- a time or calories you then -- guy used in filter by calories. -- -- This just so -- W what Google doing this like. Kinda takes the thunder out of some of those sites that are trying to have their own food search engine with in it a little bit it adds a new poll. Ecosystem of that I can mean -- is Google dumbing using all their search algorithms -- which. Honestly when I see this somewhat I would probably go to Google for recipe I would too because the thing is that a lot of -- when -- search for attribute I know. What you get are those content arms and -- don't even talk to me all recipes dot com. About -- you do a search and you think you have the result -- the thing in the new go to page in the pages of the list of a whole bunch of recipes but not the one that you -- the previously thought with the one you are gonna get weekly Pennsylvania the look at the whole page and try to figure out which is the one and that. I mean. Recipe aggregation -- right now. Are by and large pretty terrible -- And by side panel partnered moment I am 1 am and -- partner now fired up about it suites. Speed of fired out firing up this. -- discovery and space shuttle discovery. Finally year rocketed into space yesterday after which is like literally seconds to spare -- that take -- window. -- devoted -- and they were already three and a half months behind schedule. And then they -- having like other tiny little mechanical issues and they were getting -- the problem that. Countdown entered an unplanned hold -- the T minus five minute mark them with I'm reading -- the -- finally resolved and everything in -- Walnut hall thirtieth that it before the end of the available on -- who pushes that -- they're like. Do it you're probably good alike within that last of such an ambulance be like -- -- the -- as we. You know we've done like like even elect talked knew each other in the classic three things like -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- don't really to do without is out what happened here for those Aaron -- TV show movement stress management and the path to each other tell you what to do and an agreement are regiment. So it was a computer glitch that threaten to derail the alliance there it -- -- shuttle discovery with -- all veterans Treo six critical supplies and the final US module for the International Space Station. And -- they tell you they need that. And it is. The third at two the last shuttle flight only two more shuttle to land one by endeavor in April and a final mission -- Atlantis in late June. Before all three of the orbiters are decommissioned and turn it -- -- While -- victims up and -- and -- will -- streaming video. May dot com may mean you know make the meet me prepare me yet they have -- rate articles that basically just a month three -- they've got a really cool -- kind of upsetting article today. On Sony it. -- are on makers hackers and innovators. Note taking -- -- Playing off of the current arguments. The current lawsuits that they have filed over toward people who jailbreak and jailbreak in jail broke I broke and look at the jail breaking -- late -- answer what's. Version of the word could go to be in jail breaking their -- to play number games and anything in them you know about that. So they put together a compendium of other things that Sony has attempted to stop and you know it's not possible -- I guess you. -- even trivial things that really don't affect even the bottom line for Sony means just the fact that you can see in this list. In the DNA and the culture of their company they don't want people messing with their toys so these days shut down what hope I -- dog. First -- -- their enabled the robot dog to dance via have a high removing joy from millions of children -- children the -- was actually pretty cool they also. Shut down on the these sources connect it -- Lima I don't know if you guys -- but as a disk. That allowed you to play PlayStation games on your PCs now I do you know the reason why they might have shut them down is because you could use burned. PlayStation games yet to run with this so. I kinda get that but at the end of the day I mean there's many levels of other things clean up shutting down mod chips -- -- Linux support -- and other OS support on their lazy Sunday that. Doesn't hurt the overall product but just. -- game masters the distributor of peripheral devices that let you if you own a PlayStation play games that you bought in -- -- -- country that's awesome I -- I think the worst thing on the list by far is the oldest one when they when their DM CA. They used the DM CA to delay disclosure of their rootkit vulnerability so when they were -- trying to prevent consumers from. Ripping their own CD is by installing a rootkit backdoor on their computers. The DM -- they were able to the -- -- to this delay that disclosure because people were afraid that they would. Literally be sued for copyright their convention by trying to reveal the fact that Sony had hacked your computer -- Down but it is it's in the DNA for them to just like stamp it out. And that I mean I've nothing is a perfect example they could have won the goodwill of millions like Microsoft did that with the connect with encouraging connect -- And instead anytime that you -- -- you know tinker with these machines -- a little bit there's Sony with a panorama. I mean -- is clear that at least from this list I mean its -- a thing what no matter how big or small they just don't want to do it would. It didn't really think it's a thing now it's a good read. And it's a great round up and have them something against them in the commentary and and the -- I'm really funny -- they. Make. -- -- -- But I so we get there in Israel quickly and get them some computer love yes. Google still -- after Microsoft Office they have now released Google cloud connect so that the free plug in. That lets you that improves viewing of Microsoft Office 20032007. And 110. Documents. Spreadsheets and PowerPoint -- did you do the cloud he commuted and he can share now through the cloud. And the big bummer no Mac support for any human organs. Natalie that's you announcement -- There's no Google cloud support for your office documents. For Mac users Molly. Although also Motorola's -- has been rooted in few hours flats. So. If you wanna have you know you could do anything with that in yet you. You can -- it then you can. PayPal has reinstated. A -- a fund that was raising fund raising money to support the legal defense of Bradley mending the army. PFC who was arrested for downloading classified information and providing it to WikiLeaks. They had taken a -- down saying that it hadn't that the organization raising the money hadn't provided a bank account to match with its PayPal account. And then of course the world went crazy and thought that PayPal has maintained that the PayPal like -- even -- opera cannot let its just because that data -- gap. That apparently they're gonna give them a bank account and now the -- back -- donate all the manual so we. Also the Android market we've been talking about. Android and releasing some sort of an ecosystem it looks like there was evidence. That down potentially that might be happy when one of Glenn Beck's books was thrown up -- an Android market link. For nine dollars and -- it doesn't Reno reveal whether there's music or movies coming in but. Clearly they're kind of -- -- -- developed media content support their Android platform on tablets -- good timing slated. I mean -- when there is smart you know I am moving on to gadget news. Gadget -- let's see it terrifying -- -- variety. Did he. -- -- visits is now reporting mean they what's going on that thing where robots are inevitably gonna kill us. Oh -- let me tell you let teaching them to walk as far as possible without ever having to build the Japan who had. And in -- they're holding a robot marathon the first ever robot marathon an actual 26 mile marathon in Osaka. Sponsored and organized by BSBs stone which specializes in robot plan. They had these little -- -- -- there's no huge -- stumble in around the track going on and on -- And reading encouragement -- -- -- it seems like the two Canadian tell you fast forward in your brain and picture them as terminator. Like stopping in megs -- heavily across a waste land of it is -- what about like on -- Iraqis seen -- you know you robots landed around. Can you can do. -- That made it ballots -- the crap and now you're terrified you know you might be also terrified about her happy ending didn't -- -- you should be -- they're tired I'm scares you really -- -- guy's arm. The Wii has been used for many games but a new one by French thriller movies off -- made amazing popular games like battering you -- and -- -- and splinter cell all the stuff avenue game that they're gonna be releasing in this is legit if that game called the we -- And it's basically like. Involves group a group of friends who -- you wanna play with each other so. They kind of describe it as -- first sexy party game for the Wii and ports to the -- been taken down a of copyright grounds yes I detect the -- I mean yeah 00 -- -- -- they had -- of the video I've seen it would show a group of friends and come. You had dangled the Wii -- between again and a girl and they would have the light. Make out -- hand out is like a Bobby out all theory is -- it's the the mood of your party can be selected from. In chanting persuasive -- the adventures of brainy where they get and it. You found it at -- -- on it and -- it's got I also get this going as fast and everyone -- -- is just like I'm pizza time bomb yeah. It's -- home. Yeah will bring in a critical -- while lasso it and look at it sounds like it the only and only marginally paper weren't there like the guy it's it's okay don't watch or are otherwise -- put in here. Yeah I can't believe there's that we swing again and the Rio all platform they -- that they need to innovate their products. But is -- you can apparently. Hi -- that have -- and they're making Alex that we mode as if they're eating an Apple. The forbidden fruit. And I know -- and the girls. -- -- girls gone out there with a little rubber thing you between their bases in them are you put them -- in her that we enter it and it 00 yeah now. Our -- extend -- -- your daddy did not even happening hoses we will let the wages of. And have -- bank in the field get freaky like that. And chaos and I got an airline will fly like an eagle. Yeah whether -- -- other pieces that you have a girl on girl named. The big game itself isn't even that out near the technical fascinating I think the thing about this is -- -- of all the Wii mote and all. Don't -- -- these guys are desperate. -- that's what. I mean the Wii mote was even used. -- -- on my mind blown into. Edit and her parental code name and a plan and. Thank you eagle I'll get everything exactly right is -- -- -- but -- -- console is it's for making families now. -- Wii mote. -- -- to that Wii -- to never have to go -- Thousand me I'm gonna definitely without my -- we now -- of the Internet. We're gonna run at the network to be -- okay. The -- -- whiplash right here because our first place -- typically. Is about Disney saving the children from -- but. Mr. David from previous -- episode 1414. Comment about me buying -- -- social -- it. Outsmart that -- you or what you kids who sign up for the social network. -- -- -- -- -- All their current product is not so who -- making beyond. Are trying to start turning it or not and it starts to roll out a -- -- were slightly older chips can move -- monitor. And in this at this whole group -- brands that stressed. All grow up -- to social networking site that's been noted that -- get -- FaceBook. -- -- -- -- -- -- Then another really good point for all I can think about was that dirty dirty Wii -- you know -- my Miami that's your about it than. I was an endless notably as -- I was right. I'd like I wanna be at -- party. As a result -- -- some really cool. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Which is breaking -- union you know that ally you know -- -- and it says the cosmonaut lot of my -- my game. Fabulous. And you you get. Now I don't -- Owen Nolan and Oleg. And I feel almost certain that you should not explaining I -- believe. I know ultimately I'm not gonna explain it but people don't explain and I will look it up later don't. Okay -- They -- that it was again they casual thing you think a little bit casual game effects. Console -- -- my -- what the -- and. So -- -- and and. It'll look again are we I realized I learned that every coming out even -- -- I'm gonna hit. Thank you David Disney will save -- children from things like that absolutely genius death. -- -- Any email -- well read today. Ninety degree in Rhode Island would think that it's hard to guess about Apple's re -- -- until light peak technology I agree with Molly it's hard to get back and real. I agree with Molly and disagreement. Brian about they re branding not being big deal and people identify -- and have an expectation about it good or bad. And why is Apple re branding of technology that's not -- -- even -- a partnership the action confuses consumers. And create a sense of exclusivity for Apple products when in reality the technology Intel developed can be available for other computer manufacturers and public. And -- -- so he has a point but I can tell you like I said before. That light peak with the name it was it did in a pending in the south itself as a brand at a bet you talking a hundred people on the street. Okay well you will know what it. -- But not radio but not even who's it for what what is -- like. I think we get caught up with is the name of things I don't even feel like an established a brand at all. We knew was a technology Intel is working on I think it did for some people though and then for those people it was jarring to have it renamed them out. I think in here now it does sound like it Apple's technology. Did you know that -- will promoted as the you know it and with thunderbolt whenever it sounds like Apple technology not until now if I were Intel -- would -- -- I want to announce the name for Apple's okay that's true but if other companies descend upon it vulnerable and no one double and a year to from now we won't even if Sony make a difference I'm going into you know the way it was rolled out -- -- and I would element of okay. But enough are. Next you've. Seen our back to -- to -- like an -- Jeff. Free in Pennsylvania had buzz -- so one on Amazon video on demand last night to use the new streaming service on Amazon and discovered something very interesting. You mentioned at the streaming service isn't for the free college prime account. But it's also not available for shared accounts my dad has the primary prime account he's one who pays a million dollars and he shares it with me. Apparently only the primary -- gets access to the free streaming everyone else even shared accounts must happily pay the -- nine dollars a year to get the streaming Amazon fail. Love the show. I think that's legit. Adding that flew around the of them until at all I think Amazon's been very nice by letting people share these accounts -- would -- -- surprise that I that people thought I was gonna be included and a really. And if you -- that. Again it's -- -- come up with -- -- Or GE. Of the other things that we're never ever gonna does that put him. Genius -- I think it's time. Yes. You know how we do it. Series so you tell us we're gonna stick this in my populist message will have thousands. -- -- well. My boyfriend -- -- -- Q okay -- that some months ago shortly after we met I moved in with them leaving my full time job at home -- stayed behind. In the show that I love him and wanna be with him. I guess not since he's always on my case for having my exes as friends on FaceBook. I see them nothing more as friends and I rarely taught them not to mention that one of them is today. I'm -- and I think he's going through my online -- personal things what is his problem. A man page you -- today. That is beyond me adults that you gotta jealous boyfriend and -- -- -- anyone who's been with the jealous significant other knows it's. It leads you down a very bad path. Yeah you know I gotta say you needed nip this in the bud now like -- the confrontation and say either that behavior detained or we're not gonna work out like an expert on you obviously do love -- -- you did leave your job. And your state and that's you have done enough. You have done enough that does nothing new review. And unfortunately -- but this makes it that much easier for the -- to freak out -- they can sit there and go through your friends. Like an older person having you know you've had some would say we why did you talk to that person like that I'm like like -- it like that. Right I was just you know so the -- jealousy thing I mean. You don't wanna you wanna do it but not edit and sometimes enough and you don't wanna change yourself just to make that person happy -- -- won't be -- because you know what they're gonna still be jealous and now. And and you ask the right question which is what -- this problem is his problem is -- sat. Alicia really -- event Harris alleges Iraq held flirting -- are well. -- you know what the once that's that's that's of you that you knew that coming in via -- knows people are exactly gave him jealous people are insecure. And if you can't get past that because I'd say it's not government. -- live and on drain from Chicago as little issue with a woman in my job and texting -- texts to mean seem to be suggestive and frequent. I -- -- too -- under -- -- -- difficult to ignore one caller on this just to see what's up because she's about because she's someone I work with I don't wanna make a fool of myself. Beneath -- and examples. Of what I have received in the last few days. I liked the way your pants fit you. And how was your weekend mine was boring maybe -- had a boyfriend wouldn't be -- wealth. Subtle and the another coworker is hotter than -- don't answer that and -- don't ever and -- what kind of women -- -- like. These techs and getting it seems like a no brainer drain suddenly you basically like this you like me. But I've been mistaken before again I don't know they -- to someone that I worked with what's an ideal. Plain and simple BM man I got three words for you get all back. Panel on it. Jump on it to -- Right up -- now that's the about -- three words that ultimately let them know I get really I -- three that are like a little less than a little more friendly artwork and then ask her out. Bullet that's if you if you have a genuine interest -- Hewlett you know usually -- Asner. The -- -- the union and the nozzle kind. Of a vague idea if you like that girl police -- in and around and getting very ignorant character obviously and if she says no then say let's. You're gonna go. And -- you know and be like knowing you need to stop I think people about like this because he even your not gonna look like an idiot if you ask them and add to that -- just -- people -- -- them and know if she says no this is how you answer questions. I like the way your pants but so do why do you think another co workers are the -- yes. What kind of -- you like not you. -- if you -- know that's exactly that's how you answer for adverse. Features. Our writers and other computer love our final email for the day. A few this one comes from ole and Oslo -- when I have you read this one a few weeks ago he suggests the following algorithm to get a hot day. One girl last -- to -- computer to -- fixes computer in return for. Three girl goes on a date with -- the obvious problem is -- for them is that it requires a computer problem on girl's computer. So. The industrious devious creepy geek will of course insert. Let's -- -- boy uses Leet skills to inject a virus on girl's computer. This is a college Psycho -- movie awaited and a -- been. Love the show -- way and Oslo well. -- her computer Toledo clearly worked for a lady thinks that he says. He said that you know he's listening whenever his schedule doesn't conflict with his daughter's -- time so -- only. He did that trick and -- That'd rural -- don't break people's computers that he can pick them and that's that's. Really smart is that hard for people ask people out our web that scary our boy have they have -- to become this. Mine is not -- count on doll might this -- yes okay. How many times have you a gala this let me -- -- the other way as the guy how many times have you asked a guy out and been rejected and felt like. Due to. I like how -- -- ask and answer than I am always -- -- did you do so that's actually yes that's how guys feel they feel like due to. Because. -- you're on average. Come on no -- rejected their talents and your done that's all know I knew you'd doesn't you don't ask you only get you it doesn't mean they don't ask. Though some terrible sometimes die size of the girl you like to have intensively yes or no and if -- -- at the costs -- -- benefit customers of the risk. It is an hour and like a -- -- on networks. Analysts by I I I I think its -- and out we have entered an era. Where I don't know where -- -- not have gone. We've had this conversation off line in much more you -- -- -- -- -- That's insane it's not as easy. Every guy in the chat room here we'll say it's not is. Easy as you think you know way you know I think it separately if they don't -- kind of -- idling of -- you -- -- personally attest they did that but this if it's not that bad it can be taken personally. It's certainly what I -- have delivered at five dollars and think they know they have every right -- know but it doesn't mean I like that then my life as a different question there's another Nidal -- yeah because I like Cuba you may or may not like mean in practice there in the -- And and see how you really have no interest to me whatsoever and and I turn around and walk while you watch me walk in chain. Why. Heartbreaking like that are asking -- to see if there's an interest. It's like okay EU apparently you've already -- within their dominance is gonna be agonizingly painful you know it you know -- geyser. -- studies have shown that men because they hold all this stuff in east side tend to be more emotional than women -- An I have believe that. -- they internalize these sensitive the year -- sensitive than they are. And I. Ego than the ego is bigger than that men mad men are more fragile than they would ever admit and that's the tree apparently. That's his name. RI would -- want it wanted one cowboy will pay relocation. I. Did -- that cowboys. Don't that. Today we think he added. If you don't like it might -- the -- beyond an Internet icon there's a -- and. You know I don't have a covenant with some leather of the past -- capsule. And a hat and little lasso I. I'm gonna -- the show -- and cannot believe. It's expected the shows -- -- -- in the post that we can't have this via back of our blog what -- Olympic team that created our complaint line. But at cnet.com and now forwarded directly to her about that but if you really have that even fuel yeah and -- remember you guys. Please continue to send us recently has been a good deal of questions you're actually emails and comments we've been getting some awesome feedback lately so as we really appreciate -- and we wanna keep on the ministry -- love to -- you haven't all right. High robot that. Director of -- we get us the again.

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