Ep. 1396: Alien communication fragmentation
Ep. 1396: Alien communication fragmentation

Ep. 1396: Alien communication fragmentation

Friday. -- -- I'll -- results. Hollywood buzz out loud as I tested independently it's episode thirteen 96 and say I apologize from outage yesterday they should be sorry for. I am sorry that well I'll. -- -- There will be -- comfortable sorting -- the most likely. But there's also pretty big news going and in the world of the Internet today there is apparently. A complete. Internet blackout in Egypt. Either to shut down the Internet as the protests continue I heard today that opposition leader had been taken -- the house -- The civil unrest has just been increasing they were hoping at some point yesterday -- story where they they were hoping the protectors that. They would reach such a critical mass of protest numbers. That they -- the government would have no choice but few. Pay attention. But instead it appears that the governments respond -- husband had to shut up virtually all communication in the country. Yet they put up a group -- -- they -- up the great law mean -- In in a modern day right now they're kind of acting a little bit like north tree with disaster shutting off every -- possible to get through. How we had talked about earlier how they were just blocking Twitter -- but now it's literally gone to as. As army -- you -- thing not only. Is it blocking complete Internet access where you have businesses people doing their banking and finance records that's all done there are also blocking Blackberry services. And SMS messages that they're making -- they're trying to they're not trying they are controlling this -- not a single leak of information goes out. And it's terrifying image taken on land lines also evidently and and now they're talking about taking decisive messages are -- -- measures against. The protesters would ever -- think you look are -- gearing up for wholesale massacre now that nothing. No information getting out like you said they've been in use and just now and -- -- they've been confiscating cameras and cell phones from journalists and it's. Is this is -- this is scary stuff it's scary stuff and also shame -- you Egypt I mean this is like. I connected country it's not -- that as that Egypt had body and this is a very connected company with a lot of of people online and they are. They're shutting down every aspect of the country's operations when they turn up the Internet instead of this is definitely gonna happen in other countries like yeah this isn't gonna do is in the -- isn't gonna be the only case this is gonna keep -- -- -- it routes via you know and it really have incurred in terms of lesson which is I am also shot that came from Egypt it would have been high and -- to countries -- -- -- hot. That would shut off the Internet I mean. It's very unexpected. Apparently thank you to hurricane creek in the chat room. There is evidently a French Telecom that's helping Egypt -- get dial up. In Egypt there I don't know I I doubt anyone can hear this but like -- -- -- him the number is. 33172890150. The log in is Toto and the password -- Toto. TO TO TO TO. And we also talk about kind of some of how far reaching these implications could happen if you could see -- other governments doing things like this. And it's not too long go on actually last year and there's an article in -- when they talk about how -- several senators senator Lieberman Collins. They were introducing a bill that would allow the US government to essentially if the situation arise to shut down civilian -- -- the Internet like as in a cyber security emergency and keep them off point indefinitely. Com its its third it's gonna be voted on later this year it's been referred to the protecting cyberspace as a national asset act. It does and -- I mean that the US would do it in the same situation that. They had in that they're having in Egypt but it would give them the power and ability to do such. Exactly and in fact. -- -- just because it doesn't mean the current government led doesn't mean a future government wouldn't and actually our current government has been highly over reactive it this is. If anything exactly like -- Egypt Egypt situation is exactly why no president. No matter how all seemingly pro civil rights the government is no president should have a kill switch between here. -- -- You know it's kind of good timing I guess in that sense of -- on a -- relying on it because. I I would hope that our congress that the -- and mania in LA now notes have details that congress is looking at -- -- and -- This -- I. And I mean anything -- Power -- well hopefully just -- -- civil liberty think you'll. Hopefully just the corporate. Influence alone would keep. Our government telling us from acting on those things because. Because of all of the business that is conducted over the Internet and how you know how crucial it is to running -- stock market. I mean I'll be pretty shocked if our government can actually get away without apparently massive corporate president well and you know that's -- you know why it -- -- happen. That's the thing I mean think about all there's plenty of corporations need -- that are -- like what the hell's going on oh absolutely I mean this is -- crossword. This is this you know this whole protests and some these protests were inspired ballet you know potential police corruption. And then you know of the alleged beating to death of a person she during the protest and -- escalated. Higher and higher and higher so not only are we complain about the Internet but you know this from a civil rights standpoint and from there it I know this it's a deeply -- situation in. We hope that the stories come out from -- to -- the worst part about it there's no dot if they're shutting down any time the documentation. Of what is actually happening out there know they could potentially go to the next separate imprisoned journalists and keep them completely isolated what is -- Happening on the streets unquestionably unquestionably. And probably well. -- of Mary Mary serious interests -- Knoll will keep. Keep -- -- and so hopefully this thing turns out he's over the weekend and we have better news on Monday I know and hopefully we start to have some serious global pressure political pressure on need to get financial bacteria in it you're gonna be -- part of the kind of the modern global and and honestly you start to wonder if NATO or the UN needs to start having serious conversation about. Disrupting Internet access if you want to be part of the global community of like that that that's not allowed right that there will be sanctions against your country. If you disrupt Internet access because it is such a global economy that -- you know any any kind of extreme action like this can have. World wide ripples. And I think that it would make perfect sense for further nations of the world to get together and say there will be -- there will be consequences. Because the Internet is not just yours to -- -- -- -- -- Not not -- hopeful that a total shipped in and told me at least the FBI has executed forty search warrants throughout the US as. Look at pro as part of the probe into the pro WikiLeaks cyber attacks by the hacker group anonymous. Yet they obviously claimed responsibility for the attack -- the -- services on on like MasterCard they were going after PayPal and on some of the banking sites that -- now we're freezing the funds of WikiLeaks. Other sites so they thought they can hide the FBI is doing -- about a tracking down I mean they're they're probably just likes new and has yet trying yes. Gray area and I and not -- like you got leather keep. I don't love it that they're dramatic language cracked me up another like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm sure we all will be sorry -- totally missed the yeah it's sixteen year old he is -- you know the guys you. Not that I would ever poke at air. Linkedin has formally announced its plans to go public becoming acting the first tech IPO of the news here and really the first tech IPO in a very long time actually and it was an attack IPO that everyone was even talking about are the rumors about it and -- Ten under the radar -- now now we're waiting for faced by typing elephant -- just ignore the whole thing is a Goldman thing because it's so complicated and and sort of not relevant to any of -- and a US investors can we get in on it in uneasy lately private note now don't have enough money to do wanna know about that we did a whole lot reported on -- -- -- the Apple pay. Their ego but then yes well everyone -- look at the other way. Leaked and published sneaked in and federal and entertaining than a 10075. Million dollars in her -- it is actually not months. Some analysts were saying they thought it was too soon. I I guess I have no idea that linked in with with that solid. You know. There are so and to some of the numbers ellington's been talking about on the bare investors at least at this point to 2003 and put an approximate 130 million of the company. The user base on they had more than ninety million users in over 200 countries -- and of 2010 up from 55 million. At the end of 2009. Still pretty small compared to Facebook's you know. Hundred pound guerrilla 500000600. Million members but you know they are different types of sites. Definitely well in Lincoln actually I think does have potential to make money from its recruiting contacts the other really doing. It says. In two point 103900. Companies -- is linked in hiring and marketing services as part of their recruiting efforts so they're not just a social network actually offer. I think some some data based services you. So it you know I mean any time you're basically in the business of business -- you have a better business. He and now I think about it kind of makes sense that economies you're picking up again there's not a compact sort of yeah and I've yet to spot from the in this -- -- I mean I'm a -- and -- in Wellington I mean I've had a few friends that unsolicited just because there Arlington they -- They -- -- and and -- got jobs in Alitalia no that's. Just the beyond their who notes -- I mean you should be on Linkedin but with an up to -- risen rapidly and -- I think everybody should because recruiters are totally trolling in and if you have useful -- crazy that is you'll you'll definitely get. In fact that I know a lot of people -- noticed that. When they update like when you update your Linkedin profile sometimes just that will trigger like a flood of -- -- -- the -- and a absolutely thanks. -- Microsoft earnings news today hang our earnings aren't always the most thrilling thing but in the world. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Billion dollars in net income on -- nineteen billion dollars in revenue and it's basically mean the upshot here right is that it's entertainment entertainment devices keeping. Them -- yet they have on their entertainment device division had a growth of 55% of revenues honestly success they said was linked to the Kinect sensor boosted sales of Xbox consoles. An Xbox Live subscription -- games. The business division grew 24% year over year on a date -- office 2010 is the highlight -- is selling consumer version of office in history. There you go great job -- -- meanwhile though there was an interesting debate on CNBC yesterday they were talking about whether Microsoft should be broken up not -- Anti -- reasons but just to get its. -- -- -- -- -- They said innocent didn't do that does this company need to basically split off into more focused business decisions. The divisions though that entertainment which with a huge driver could capitalize as much as as possible and that may be being dragged -- whether the company. -- personally I mean even if they -- left. They wouldn't because they have you know they have so -- after the but even if they lesser product out of the categories that from the -- and focus on what they're doing -- rates. Yeah -- -- be a better move and itself. That move -- itself but helped the focus of much more I think it departments is -- doctor -- there. Italy. Like some inter departmental communication and exactly okay -- you know it it's the love it. -- still is surprises I mean they have again like when you type of communication they have a hands in so many pots and you still. Always kind of want to better integrated experience between all their products yet. East I mean that's one thing they -- have so much in their. War -- -- -- -- say but it still has never been able to make that kind of seamless transition in an animal does make it the old right -- and if if they could somehow some day I mean we probably than people been saying that for years may get work. Well there's no real -- not. It and then there's no reason at this point of the can't -- at this point everybody is probably having serious conversation about leather bomber needs to go so that accompanying it back together because really. They're making money basically by the grace of god and if it if it is just the Kinect sensor in -- there if there is beyond that is that living paycheck to paycheck. -- implement product -- product and that's not staff hope that none -- you know I hope we come up with some of -- of the Kinect next. Corridor with some. You can always you can always -- said coming so -- would they be without this -- build what would they be without their entertainment division I. Really yeah exactly Alienware is a process via windows -- where the majority of the profits coming from right. Probably still software but while the upper -- -- let's take a quick break when we come back we will. I'm a little bit -- -- but. And the also Ngo hot get the ban -- and -- To make enough not that may be coming to the -- -- Welcome back to buzz allows I think it back into reality and -- -- -- and is -- means Amazon just released the results of fourth quarter on ending December 3 2010 the company's sales. Came in. -- these -- said we had our first. Ten billion. Dollar quarter boom in sales -- a twelve point 95 billion up 36% from nine point 52 billion so net income -- 8%. Yeah they're they're doing all right and one at one of the biggest -- ten billion and a quarter. -- -- Amazon Microsoft and hold down my does not -- Yeah -- -- almost when he billion dollars but Amazon is they are just making an all the right moves. You know there under the radar. And before you realized I mean I sort of feel like before I realized that I bought everything and -- I have literally got -- might sound like. I've never -- events -- I don't know attached -- like senator you know thinking to myself I should shop at these places and but instead I just like you need. Name update -- I need a thing and did not. Done and what you get comfortable the idea to do it -- networks like holiday shopping completely -- -- -- -- -- attendant walked into a single store you have Amazon rolling out their new initiative pushed their grocery service worldwide -- -- not worldwide nationwide excuse me I know it's in the UK as well right now. But down there it continue to grow another kind of the earnings report that stock -- Is the fact that Amazon said there Kindle books are now outselling. Cheaper Macs paperbacks people not -- hard covers because if they had reached you know previously said okay we're outselling hardcover -- -- like alright whatever you know heart covers on the majority. A book's been sold but now in -- latest earnings and -- onset -- selling more Kindle books and paperbacks. It's a huge -- 100 paperback books Amazon sold 115. Kindle books -- And since the beginning of the year it sold three times as many Kindle books as hardcover books so across the board. There are now more. As we've seen and we know it's gonna put the model -- time a brick and mortar stores there I mean look at how many -- -- you still have now seek -- music stores. And we saw how that transition happened the same thing is going to and we love books -- who doesn't love a real book. I know I'm sorry but I still over a book I want -- do it well and and I say that as an avid Kindle user and I still want to have all the man like taking simple -- valuable I think that you know. That actually if you're gonna get into books. If you want to write a book like to -- -- -- but. Because that's kind of you know -- -- talks about books and you shouldn't have any books and -- should only -- between. Environmental impact of allowing a Kindle in a landfill -- there's you know there are a lot so it's evaluate green and then also. Parents are still buying books or their children up like -- lot of them because it's really important I mean there's still. And there's there really -- note at the bottom of the story to the talks about how. The downsizing of the brick and mortar superstores. Might actually bode well for independent bookstores because there are better equipped to tackle meet the unique -- -- -- -- children's -- store. And you and have story time he could still be. A textbook story could still just specialize in nonfiction or you know of any. A when I was when I was on -- case in my book I lost my book it actually have like the colorless -- on and I had the choice at the moment should I buy. A book to read on my iPad. Which is going to be at least ten or fifteen dollars cheaper if they go in the storm by that same book that I had. That was damaged and I -- the physical book yeah. -- I think there's some been about it still -- -- paper but they're gonna do a lot better than. CD in -- hey they make it. -- -- -- -- -- By no that are currently on them and there's those specialties or three get final -- and looked again and turn that especially at specialty and is a sad because I mean it's. I was there I like a world record double again like I do like reading on the Kindle I mean I -- probably the majority of -- but my Kindle but I still like to get books for Christmas. But I was that same guy that says I love the CD cover manual -- -- lyrics. And that you know that that experience that feel like you know when you open it up and you read the lyrics to the songs he figured out. I was like -- about double now I don't really care anymore because it's so much easier to get. Just the digital download and I and I was back guy I -- -- and if you don't have to know. The idea grow -- I had. But I wanna channels like it is the beat it you know it's the device that I can just let it get beat up an entire that I don't think reading an iPad Portland are actually really don't like -- think -- I think there's still. Quite a place for Kindle -- I got a little Netflix that day normally handled and can -- you examine the chart -- him oh yeah -- talked about this yesterday this is just an update where Netflix is basically. You know I think the articles yesterday -- -- made it seem like Netflix is really. How to -- keep all the ISPs. You know. Would have -- -- to return acumen they were they're trying to out them right yeah I did note though they're blaming us -- -- -- exact. -- but on the here here's the chart of Netflix performance. On the top US and USA networks on there's also one in -- Ellison in a second now Canon in Justine is the thing you have to consider is this is -- that's pumped through arm when their time not east he broadcast specifically and they know that it throttles opera down during the course of the broadcast. The main thing about it is that some of these services also are does DSL or is able yeah some of -- offer -- Our screens of cable service and DSL service so take into consideration but if you look at -- the at least in the US charter. Is number one you have this kind of bracket of Canada's first here we have. Charter. Comcast kind of hangs around number two -- -- Cox number three and then you have some others what kind of was a little more surprising and I'm assuming it's more because they're I'm. I think this eight AT&T is as the Postal Service offerings as well Linear and -- and university. Verizon and AT&T were kind of on the second here right. I have then yeah users that's testing a beacon that things that like their big claim in and you it I would just you know it's not the end of the world but it does when you look at the rankings of where -- all you would have dot or assume that they might be at least a little higher. I like this though because it's an in its chemical that the it's cool thing Netflix come out and defend themselves against that you know is there that went -- are being painted -- in Edmonton. As I like them coming and -- summit stated we actually is one. And then there are basically providing the competitive chart for broadband providers that we have all been hoping our. Like government in tandem and they with a broadband plan that the -- You're out -- here's how good your -- it's I mean -- Even though I'm not like tight -- -- to come Catholic suite a number two or number one in my area basically. I'm good with that -- charter you'd happily fired up and actually they're delivering they're -- good job. -- -- -- -- -- I move it out in the news that George -- otherwise known as. -- -- Lost his. Current battle against it in his attempt to -- the PlayStation 3. -- federal judge upheld Sony's restraining order found that his -- was. Probably a violation of the DN CA and cancer prevention tool. And said that via -- actually have to turn over his computers and hard drives which that's the really big deal yeah and stop publishing tool they used to reduce. While -- -- he argued. Pots and argued two weeks got people in 21 man and he's been like in in out of court more times and you -- you think I am not like in you know. -- -- and he didn't -- and everything. He said that he wasn't subject to the lawsuit actually because he doesn't have the Byzantine in northern California. And then the currently -- we're bringing stuff over -- I mean. GO hot or hotly he was he's been all over that and the jail breaking acting -- He was the first to jailbreak iPhone and the thing about the whole selecting of these to have you know when -- Linux running on the PS3 yeah you could do you could do that. And -- decided to take it out because of clinical -- -- actually in the him. They definitely felt that he found the key right about relating either too painful memory access of the tenants at all other than they've disabled the other. It was also the first to jailbreak Apple's iPhone that it would work and carrier network that it and AT&T. What is the damage -- yet. Want to view is a little bit of -- liability problem that doesn't. Is your corporate insurance not gonna cover this -- The government should hire him now -- on the one hand -- sort of like a crusader for consumer -- but on the other hand you know. These these guys are all companies they're all businesses and me. -- that look -- using mountain. I mean the iPhone though. IPhone jail breaking has been exempted from -- in but the thing is that the PS3 there's no real consumer benefit other than maybe enabling partners in now. -- of the kind of a hard argument make him. That's the deal with that I let's do it let's get through -- and a -- -- Microsoft is apparently. Fired up about that story about do you got a million dollars on the Mac App Store but the later there. Looking at the possibility of offering -- office productivity suite. Through the Mac App Store. Yet I think they should get on -- -- what yeah definitely I think they should -- get -- happening NSA. Only. There's nothing the -- And there's remotely -- commitment backed up with from in this -- needs like when Guba is available and that happens that what that -- -- -- A lot of people still buy immediately grew up on -- I'm not gonna leave. It's -- the thing down. I'm still needs its own kind -- have to talent to Google and other web start -- -- partners also teaming up for Chrome OS CR forty giveaways. -- -- -- -- -- -- On soul -- Like those he had it's basically they're teaming up the company -- mod box -- that chart and Zoho. It's not like I guess if you use them in each of them will be giving a certain number of your party game -- giveaway. I'm really. Mile and make a lot more than I would. Yeah if they're -- and -- chart a hundred which is a diagram app Zoho and Zoho apps like that -- -- I just -- isn't -- -- -- part of it is in his article mentions part of it's like the tablet. And -- stealing the thunder of the promo last night. I -- we still even with these all these development. You know it's your party it's out -- -- -- still haven't heard too much about. From last year it could also be that liked the recent -- not that everything and it could be that -- secondly. -- I and I just don't -- don't feel like -- -- like irony yeah or -- I don't think actually as many got out and the community and they made it -- you know as they made it sound I mean really. They were only I think it's that they're gonna doing 60000. -- and that's really not that many science thing. And hands on one for a weekend and another of its -- and -- -- -- The Beatles haven't talked about government -- its relief well this is not an impressive so far but it's still very very alpha. It forget hot hardware those that he had company accurately and around Google. I did apply for -- and -- half I would really like -- and to arrive at my house. A -- and voted on. Julian Assange don't miss sixty minutes -- innately domestic humans ever but definitely Sunday night at the CBS property because it's actually a good show that. Julian Assange will be on sixty minutes this Sunday there was -- -- connected the -- the interview with Steve croft -- awesome ones via. Craftsman and you can't -- that signs on the grounds of the primary evidence residents in England where he and author -- And he talks about the attempts to indict him on criminal charges the torrent of criticism his childhood Australia and elements -- an excellent Tivo -- it. Yet -- it also Android app users basement deals is coming to the Android version applications so. Rican you know take advantage of this check in and those deals you can do that on your Android phone now I. I've violence has been had it for a few months now but it's it's gonna it's nice I think it's the only time I've checked in the using -- -- because the deal service and now it's the only time I've done that. The -- -- by the second increments hunger. Interesting news today -- Massimo apparently living social is now closing that gap traffic live with -- -- -- though mainly because their traffic skyrocketed by eighty per cent last week thanks to the Amazon deal that was the ten dollars for a twenty dollar. Amazon gift cards the Amazon -- who. It is kind of the Amazon -- -- and and they are at their their creeping up and it goes to the point that bigger plot group on with easily replicated but also. Member when we made it a quick kit that Amazon had invested like 840 million dollars for a little -- -- living social concern Amazon. -- -- -- -- -- And day -- saying -- now that's another thing you can handle because. That -- -- -- so we gadget site gets it out. -- Semi old school -- pretty much this was the messaging phone that set the world on fire years ago. -- images of that from T-Mobile news -- -- millions and a fifty moblog. Pictures of the new sidekick. Fourth generation. In the wild -- -- the four G. I don't know how many of you guys actually use a psychic but it was the first thing that got me addicted to texting. Instant messaging on my iPhone got -- in trouble with the lady that I was talking -- at the time. Plenty of times. Iowa really have because you don't have -- story and I'm -- that this is when the it was the first device for you could I am anywhere you like literally I -- anywhere you're. Asked not not and it's not about SMS are MMS was not that hot pack than this than when I'm time -- back then I'm -- like. Well as it may be 2005 -- some 101000 of Orange but the psychic was the -- -- Iowa thought everytime united you'll -- It has -- ejecting it in a serious fans here I'll -- it it was isn't it just. It's to the -- -- -- it felt good so these are pictures of on it's been manufactured by Samsung. These images are in the wild. Doesn't look that bad to you know possible psychic only Android on the skin will be used on top -- we love those Android -- not -- But -- -- there will be for area. It's 2.2 point one now. Tactic and Mac sweetness like it and of. -- -- -- -- -- -- Apparently a group of US physicists have decided that this. Approach that women taking -- try to contact aliens. In both disorganized and an active and they would like to form a party committee to come up with a standard. I love I just love -- I can totally imagine that if you make all. You -- just like he got some people shooting up. Capsule with you know episode that I Love Lucy and other people broadcasting mathematical. Signaled -- out of -- The -- like we needed transmission strategy. Either simple physical our mathematical language with the signal repeated regularly to avoid being overlooked as -- As our alien communications sent so you're saying viewed Q -- alien communication fragmentation. Add. They need us open stands heard. While this sounds so familiar aliens met the team for -- -- all of the out of the gap on this. This is the wrong way to go like having a bunch of different kinds of signals going out a total budget that the iPad and the -- the right ridiculously think you have -- carrier right. Physically you really don't know his via although the funny thing is that it's all -- saying that the messages have become increasingly -- centric and complex. Which would make them more difficult for extraterrestrial listeners to -- that word it was complex I totally completely new. The I think you've gotta throw spaghetti -- the law already got to listen to Stephen Hawking who it turns out is really smart and today. Shut it now -- They were -- not want them to find that they're going to consumers like locusts is the fairly quiet and hide here under this -- utility what's the what's the benefit of tiny aliens. I might have superior technology. A third arm they almost certainly after superior technology they wouldn't have like cracked -- not on being able to travel that -- from their home planet without intruding into little downside you'll also another psychology Leo yeah that's their physiology we don't. Know maybe maybe I am and in a thing about media am for the approach that says we're gonna have a bunch different fragmented method development knowing -- -- amenities that'll never work well yeah that. -- whatever will never work -- -- from. Oh man I Ed Diana and happy ending and we got some things that you did definitely them. It and it is the soldiers he so when you have a high tech problem to solve such as a giant electrified fence with sensors and cameras all over it. But there's only one thing that you can do effectively and that is. -- -- -- On its way on his diet that's right players being here and like satellite footage of a giant. Drug catapult. On the Mexico and Arizona border. They were literally in the acute how to pull blocks of -- even. Over the it giant high tech fans and in the United States after. Hawaii -- Hawaii dig tunnels what you can make it had a pot. I I had died in wanna -- in breach -- -- -- -- fired today I just say. I dig a tunnel. And out the best about it is that it medieval technology that become an Internet sensation make me glad that video at epic music at -- -- out. Oh it's a very smart I don't know if it actually satellite -- but it looks like -- he now but it yet. We -- that's amazing stuff like -- so smart -- had a pot that I like that. -- -- as a via The Herald night that generators that -- All right also and in other. Disturbing yet. Entertaining news his motor in a story. Basically China -- on central television they were showing footage of what they claim was like an air force training exercise. Conducted. But then people realized -- this -- looks all too familiar. And they matched the frames skewed. Actual clips of top gun. Top guns though. Where reported during the news broadcast program that they supposedly show the G ten fighter. I read a vessel of other aircraft during practice a whole but now. -- it was -- Top the and it. Minded and believe me that top and but it is still awesome that I can totally understand why we would be compelled to try to use that as propaganda video ahead of the -- here citizens'. Home man anybody on us. And we all know there's nothing more off -- -- -- bootleg our movies and they bootleg movies we're news footage that's what they've been doing this whole time it's not to make money we're gonna build a second economy. Basically you know I think it is ripped off the music -- because nothing makes your propaganda -- look more often than the music that was meant to go. -- that you put it that put it. After adding that off and do it to do. -- 200. And I thank you China. Thank you China for the fiscal Q thank you for that moment of polarity and also a reminder that I'm totally -- movie never -- them that -- and -- -- let's hear from you. I would think how our stories over the past week have pointed to one single inescapable trans fat and that -- has sung we are what we are or whatever. And could not be -- A that is being able James your nails that -- the decline of western civilization part pattern 027. As well and I aren't about it -- -- -- on the podcast. Work schedule. But. -- -- episode you were talking about now. -- about 466 in the world and science education and on -- outlet on which it can -- -- out amber as -- -- -- actually think for ourselves -- create. I wonder that leads to things like the black. Meant a lot and actually seen popping -- every popular movie remake. Every popular song to the millions samples. Every TV show TV show from the seventies and they're bringing back and I actually turned they're about to bring back under caps which. -- is just well but that idea there what you got. He was so bad that other countries are using our movies our old when an analyst at our Booth for news -- shack where they were cool. Everything cyclical world. Tragic. It's got a good point and of the world like we are so uneducated as that of the culture that we actually like the Black Eyed Peas have. -- president. And emails first of these let me -- here today the eating infant. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I.s so personal little update on the status of the I PV four -- areas prediction contest. We decided to go ahead -- and that you Monday because the submissions are so funny and yet their possible. There's a lot of and they are -- -- there's tons of them so we're gonna extend the contest Atlanta money and we'll we'll we'll read some of the -- and declare a winner on Monday. By then by the way. We'll probably be out though. We'll know -- -- -- predictions are coming to earth. Right so than geek -- wrote in to answer serious question Percy says what happens to the example of the kinds of things you -- enter in the content. When we ran out of IPV part of -- -- -- chamber opened up in the Mayan ruins revealing the rest of the calendar that -- of them between 93013. It sucks now that Syria's explanation yes when we ran out of IP addresses no new device will be able to get its own radical IP address in general the -- the Internet won't be able to increase. It'll come to a halt and simmer until I PV six is -- real and viable option. Of those cheap website that don't have dedicated -- will still be able to maligned because -- shared IPs that are -- allocated. But serious web sites with real servers that require dedicated IPs won't. People's eyes peas will probably start using Nat all the computers and then that router will appear to have the same IP address from the rest of the unit just like -- -- home. Your house has won -- TD devices inside the network along sort of it is the wild growth of the Internet will suddenly -- to a stop. There will they can still be a small amount of growth but not multiple millions I believe and everything will have to wait until I PV -- Ukrainian implement. Although other people do say in -- -- -- and thank you for that explanation was yes Cogent and understandable. And outlook redundant and -- -- I have heard a lot of people think -- that -- will keep going for -- is distributed in ninety yeah well that's. Where it will still survive will what will be at okay. Well looks -- -- it will be okay inch fish that -- me in a real good -- -- He that's -- that we talked about here. Okay you know -- satellite -- its computer -- time we -- you very special emails -- announced yesterday first line. Comes -- from Jack and a thirteen year old -- and I've yet have my first kids. Boy did I think that eighth grade is too old to have. Yet to kiss the girls of my friends think otherwise. The surprise I haven't had kissed yet which makes me wonder how cinema going -- I'm a geek which means that I'm not one of the more popular kids in my class -- you think of anyways I can use my computer skills -- knowledge to impress. The ladies remember. -- only middle school so. Please keep an appropriate -- -- I've got viewers for the sky Angry Birds. You -- -- your little phone or iPod Touch and say -- little girl. You want one of what you -- admitted it would theoretically my bird. -- -- -- It's -- this poignant. Also thirteen is an -- efforts if they know that Wal-Mart is rolling out a line of make up. Herald. I think properties of the site is for a little carried up right now but thirteen is not too old to have yet to get them I would say you know it. If you wanna -- old school. I try to get a girl coming out you just her homework assignment put on top gun and the lights down in the top can help me want -- Few words. A seriously -- -- be copiers that you know just be yourself answer I honestly. A little iPhone -- action it would be huge ice -- At that is via Italy's as I indicated that I was actually did it I was kinda fitting with -- -- accidents kind of device deaths accounted. -- -- getting get a -- game like like Angry Birds or like I didn't know. The best gadget in -- to make -- your friends. Or at these obligate trick. Told him the way -- man -- them and also three. Take your time there's no hurry. And it gets better -- -- yeah it definitely gets better after thirteen let me tell you have yet not that I know -- I only got one from sleepless without -- like the -- fit into a computer not. I decided to leave -- -- the other day after hearing about the whole address and phone number debacle but now I'm left wondering without being on a social network how -- going to meet new people today. It's been so long since I've unplugged from the matrix I don't know how people bidding activity before the Internet calling and even if I were to meet someone would it be socially acceptable -- is not to have a FaceBook account. I mean when the woman asked for your -- and I'll tell you don't have an account she gonna get the wrong impression that I'm not interested in trying to block her off. Please help this social outcast and tell me everything is going to be -- I never went up apartment that's totally true now how -- they gonna look you up. Are they gonna stop you are -- in stock if we all know we all know how women use. Google right when they -- -- -- they're gonna find out everything they can about women in the guys having to do that nearly as much as one of the on this you know what. Here's my suggestion. If you do meet someone and -- -- that you didn't you just gotta be obviously you know I'm serious about my privacy you might think they're a little bit of a bunker type -- -- now and -- I understand other reasons to get up and let them place. It it it does. Paddle like he -- about it yeah but tell the truth fidelity comparable on the information being -- and democratic and again a Renaissance man yeah earlier in France and I'm not and then -- they -- -- Because then you're an assortment is all about business I would just be -- dual you know what there's people that sometimes kind of. A little. You know admirable that they're not -- in it because I would go don't you wanna know me for me. There you go -- I'm not that I'm not the Internet FaceBook -- of me now I'm back to that question about higher gonna meet people -- day he had had. You -- you may have to leave the house. Yet you might have to take a class or join a club though you have to -- all those things that people talk about you know just be out there doing the things that you like but be out there doing it with other people can't put it on your put your parents do they're open to being fed up -- sometimes you have -- honestly tell your friends page. I'm looking for love and you know anybody you can do meet ups don't eating and don't be like freaked out about -- -- threat to pretty fun also even though you're not of -- but that doesn't mean you can't -- -- knapsack found. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The street so sleepless. Hopefully those that can help you out Cleveland it's an -- and -- it gets better. It doesn't get better even if you're not -- -- -- you don't need it now the big. And make -- really cool and it has -- Like that our rights. That's gonna deal for this week that's it for an update on a Friday remember guys send in your entries or I PV four and of the world what -- What's gonna happen it will do that on Monday and also pleased to -- you keep sending your computer -- -- to us because of them yet -- put those -- PV before. Or computer lover whatever you want in the comments actually our blog -- that cnet.com. Email us that buzz at cnet.com and policy when -- and it's excellent -- that's something -- so you. A great weekend everybody and anybody I have -- by.

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