Ep. 1377: 2010 Annual Listener Co-Host Show
Ep. 1377: 2010 Annual Listener Co-Host Show

Ep. 1377: 2010 Annual Listener Co-Host Show

Today is Monday December 27. -- -- -- Somebody -- results. I'm Brian -- I have Hollywood welcomed a buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of indeterminate length it's episode thirteen 1791. Of our. They rent one of our most favored -- episodes of the year earned -- The listener co -- show I wanna give anything away your totally innocent and some of them -- There's no -- loses all value guys I mean you guys make the show what it is we're just like. Robots. We're at your service still factors there you controller is pretty nice nothing increasingly without the chat room -- -- -- without the listener that basically. Wildly inaccurate -- I'm corrected errors of balance. And doesn't have the most important part of that allowed back exactly -- of the time of year when we bring that feedback loop. In Athens -- talk to some of them bit the most like active users the people that we hear from the most in the chat room or in email. And and the ones have done the most for kind of an island community which is we now have we as we have now I -- made abundantly clear. Is the heart and soul. Yup now and like a lot last year the first time we ever had anybody in studio we have that again if you're rob Redmond. You know how I share progress in the Arab and how whole thanks for joining us now if you and I'm paying attention. And you you didn't know the -- it has become like. -- -- -- -- Trading all levels. And -- -- like you're -- -- -- -- on Apple. Cables. All kinds of hiding how do you know some. And how how do we know arguments -- and one dollar bills -- hand them. I can't -- -- at all. You know whenever I see is completely made up in fictitious complete words and have you killed and left a number nothing in the list is long and distinguished one dollar bill that politics that's politics -- -- -- with our panel. Well did it right a lot of things of one dollar bill of Alitalia will be in touch. May Day yeah there is that might result from remnant and a little -- -- its funny actually. Started the show from the very beginning and then came back some months ago. I -- -- I've picked it up was probably ten minute audio podcast -- -- -- the only them back in the day while all. -- and trees it will actually to take it really far back members CNET ready. Local station know who -- -- -- -- -- the -- CNET rating of -- particularly new idea. I often I -- -- it you probably about fifteen radio and you should be needed. -- -- -- -- -- -- It's illegal to abuse them why would give you some already viva there's -- so you can specific that would. You know so lot of. The stuff that I get really comes from relationships -- built over the years I spent about fifteen years wireless does on all kinds of different things analysts. Enterprise sales management's. Technical liaison between corporate customers and almost missed so. -- maintain a lot of friendships and -- relationships with the people. You know excellent business and one dollar bills and one dollar and want aperture -- of people known terrorist activities. They do as long as long as I don't mention anybody -- -- taking reporters on the pretty much find that it. The in the -- that comes recently actually spent three years working for Comcast cable -- and often catfish. Any -- I was gadget basically negotiated contracts that allows Comcast service community. So sort of big picture contest for them and a that was a big education cable -- never wanna go back. -- it just put it on points on -- -- generally any bombs he wanted to opt for the coming year means -- in the now iconic. Two timing for example our. While I can tell you this I had an opportunity. Recently to look and logic board for an upcoming laptop. And it looks like if it kind of looks like a MacBook Air logic board but it's a little bit different in size and scope and the -- So. You still it's an Apple don't be surprised at the MacBook Pro with an SSD hand mechanical storage and one. And -- to -- no optical drive through. Me. -- bank account little sketch here -- I looked at the the only iPad prototypes that had the chance -- look at happened last January. It was actually several sizes and -- kind of no brainer for lot of people but there was a seven inch size iPad protect engine for at least -- -- ourselves yeah Steve Jobs talking about. -- -- sandy -- opted I don't know how genuine that eat EM. You know lot of this stuff. You know used to be. You know really easy access back -- -- -- -- Apple back in. -- -- -- Everybody in your pants back and public thinks about that lets him know and love that that's your question he can't really knows he can -- -- hugely -- -- everything you. -- but I think really -- and -- I can -- you Florida where have the small in this permanent collection. I. I think it's -- that for them. So it there a lot of the times you know lot of stuff I see or hear about from France's you know very early stage staff and especially in particular Apple intimate yet understand when -- talk about that stuff. They do all kinds of exercises or kinds of products all. Of them and -- so far nobody's come knocking my door -- Apple's Secret Service to light now. China to touch me there looks. Try to keep that happening like I'm knocking allies seriously I'd debated whether it even have you in studio -- get that was put up on Myanmar -- -- -- -- But now it is awesome and Vietnam brought this -- cnet.com flashlight when we live streaming you can -- like -- be talking about them and and he'll be in -- like. Money without delay happening. Money it does not to seek his friends on your right every time thread time and have an -- I -- actually it's a quick -- just you know on a lack of six just an actor -- time now that. Anyway thank you for all of your obviously like help and invite them -- it's been pretty have been pretty interesting to see which of your predictions school. And you know I actually degrade myself so -- blog so what's my prediction and later. Yes this is because either ill -- -- keep there stuff and has not happened yet it's not that black and we can put it in the senate. I mean if you want if you want it I haven't touched and we but it's definitely. -- comments the -- it really it not infinite. I got it the -- outside. Or force my photography staff the Robert Redmond come you know seriously at lake that is one visit the rare and that I'm going to allow because he that retired that -- man and is just amazing relief. Great kind of a collector of -- you know I still have wobble wobble items -- -- don't. Still had an ally -- I don't liable Booth they had an -- -- -- -- and that means that if the if the meeting preaching anything. Nothing -- know what. They. And you go back to -- Girls poster one in the girls who sees them. I mean clearly is awesome but -- -- posters -- people it is now. Sony doesn't work -- should get another maybe it's time again in the collar -- another another relative. I'm worried -- -- there are great charity. Apple like Ricky didn't we're keeping suite three Allen now otherwise known as jacket that in the Tara -- all of -- -- It -- -- where you think they re calling -- -- Where -- -- in the Netherlands. -- -- -- Which is. Probably the only thing about net NGOs Amsterdam. The -- I'm too little answer. Her short road from. -- wow thank you so much for staying up all night and thought what kind is it out there right now. -- -- -- 1:30 AM almighty and it's way past at that time right now is seriously and he's got great hair I Aggies britney's -- that Google -- Dragonball Z I mean I tell them -- -- -- This is sleeping Luke. I keep the jell that night maybe I know what you -- -- did you like those. And there's not there's actually nothing in their milk products as impressed I don't I don't believe that does it compare that there -- -- there just isn't there. That is out stating. If you aren't technically you're a chat room regular how long have you been in. How can listen this I know you've been in -- emperor. If you'd like -- forever they look so long now and -- next guy actually. -- we've pretty wrote in the chat room. -- -- -- -- -- Yet gay that they -- and now -- -- -- and keep fitness that the voters out -- whenever we say we needed Steve. -- -- the -- rate than Mario. And Mario. -- imposed on him. The doctor hill sparky employer primarily on all of that to highlight the -- my entire Brian. And yeah there -- a variety of -- and found was that. -- be on the Internet is -- beautiful dress shirt and yes I didn't. Have. Sparkle like diamonds. Beautiful. -- -- on them yes. And April. -- -- -- -- -- It and he used fast too literally so that it will make what -- doubts about sparkling member on and then boom we've got it yet tried that yet -- there are trying times literally. Within minute. I sometimes before the end of the show -- my pocket and -- of America. Q love today -- -- -- and -- there at a law because it's also a little bit about yourself you know look at things you do lately like to do. Wooldridge or sons play -- -- -- -- not -- to find out about cuteness. Just sent -- -- small link that might be and he later wrote a moon. Well it -- link included should know I haven't gotten it. Yet by the way just in -- when they haven't done it thought might have -- -- my spam I'm not sure. How on the -- it much and yet. I work as you best loader and eject so you don't like -- well you know. Well and you know what I think needed in the Netherlands are obviously totally different and has the beaten -- it -- become -- -- bags -- the yet. That's why that's why you what -- you start a war. With one of our loyal and we like. Way to get on an island with listeners not the bad not good health and safety DJ do a lot events. More about yields with -- -- of destruction what is your tech tool go to you're detained. So yeah are usually filled in nicely on vinyl using -- -- -- on MacBook their way. Literally just -- -- nothing special just these. I am just anything special rule. Boris. Adware EJ its that I use for she -- rich fortunately there's at the same time. -- -- Yeah well I hear what I did it because he's -- that is -- or less equipment. -- -- because as a -- With -- -- CD. Players -- in it what song gets the ladies move in the mouse. You'll notice on your day. Your -- or it. Euro pop -- like. The is like his pride his wounded or had wanted to add to Michael and over -- -- though wouldn't it well. Something beats per modem days and feeding it fish underground music. Saying things like those steps UK -- -- -- I'm. Which is which isn't big in the united state. Under the title won't -- Chinese that -- them some -- third names that it is now. Okay on the prototype. Battery and -- Alice. And -- that -- -- Brooks Brothers -- quarter. -- -- -- I knew him and I played okay and hit -- -- instead sending a film some links to some of them can you know we like to incorporate a little music in the new -- because shadow out. The out of the optimists -- contribute to musical -- something with lyrics and it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I've got something for you said earlier oh look now -- and -- now. So failure are you you're new to the chat every minute someone -- to -- show he's been listening last year. Yeah have been lurking around -- should with the show for a long while because. Our own rule you wouldn't guess -- hasn't been Florida -- netbooks I'm. But go to -- He. Interest in new technology and I want to our room incorporates. New things and new developments. -- -- -- -- And below huge New York State are a lot of thinks so. -- one column now here it's -- -- -- hard to think what we can do that we hope it doesn't solve entertainment data were -- like a month. Well thank you so much checked that are listening for the awesome photos -- partly seriously keep becoming. You have to do more of Mali because the move I mean VMware -- that -- an -- and an. It actually it's -- that you put -- -- just yet but it didn't work out well. I really. That's the I'm impossible to detect -- Utah hospital don't -- it. I tried to put -- based on your -- or. The -- a lot of bombing nation. That's another Enron does the troop Raleigh north Raleigh that is probably that is generally. Yeah. Actually I don't know if that I don't wanna think about it -- never mind about the Photoshop this is the music. -- didn't -- -- he didn't that. Win me over and the deejay thing. I think you so much for being on Enceladus is definitely getting hot and get the rest many. And I've had it right now that's a happy holiday I don't let me and -- behind it -- -- next seven name that you have probably heard a -- a lot over the last year partly because. This -- was among the first in the world to get an iPhone four in the mail maybe around and I made him payment he was tweeting is reviewed gill net in the -- Other -- Joe from San Diego. Are in there as -- Gillis. Thanks for having anglers and they you you became like a little bonafide tech celebrity for awhile there when you -- that the -- biathlon. Our I think we can measure celebrity time in tweets I had my like hundred -- of Famer -- -- What appeared Twitter account and then I mean did you get like crazy about the -- I mean it wasn't it was me and stated it I think I went from 150 the I don't know for something like out of that served her to back down once -- stopped reading about the iPhone but it's it's been hovering in the high -- that there's there's a few a few people -- although all the political reporters in town that followed me were confused for awhile but. What -- -- -- about -- and you are pretty well known forgiven -- legal advice in the chat which we often need. If we're making an -- on Leo I. Let REE sixty are you a lawyer in real -- -- Miami I'm -- litigator trial lawyer. Mostly -- business litigation and I can't get away from tech -- actually defended two cases this year there were brought by Michael Robertson is the founder of 3COM so. Like I got cross examine -- -- understand this really. Why don't -- likable -- in court Canada. Again king. And publish -- Bulldog they I have fun though it's it's it's about as much for as you can -- working. Let's I'm guessing you don't it's -- this nicely in the courtroom the right now is a very pleasant tone. A GI -- bring okay -- cross examining Brian Dunn. I think I do it because you talk like I don't think I changed that much that'll I don't know that I I'm fairly certain I -- pretty mellow and in court and and there's and cross there's a lot more sarcasm that comes in it's obviously I'm usually trying to secure -- I don't believe anything a person telling it. Nice little product like I don't I feel like they know almost no lawyers are actually group that's pretty that's and -- That's fun it's it every news cross examinations of those -- -- because literally you get to ask somebody else. Almost any question you want within reason -- -- a judge there to tell him to answer your feet up. -- -- -- -- Via -- school when it. And -- -- the that goes beyond that I mean I haven't I have a passing interest I am super interest in the line definitely not a Baghran logical -- I know that we might we commit terrible atrocities against the -- and it. Legal analysis -- -- -- show you how bad about our -- -- -- -- -- -- I don't you guys are pretty good I -- -- I I don't. I think I've only spent well actually email or or phone call from a couple times in the in the time I've listened to audio so much of the discussion you guys are having its policy yeah and whether or not that's a good idea that the Largo in a particular way so it's it's not necessarily that -- wrong on the law oftentimes -- -- -- -- sucks in particular area. And and we just have to deal with -- -- unfortunately. You -- don't -- very -- that was very diplomatic. -- -- -- -- could have -- well managed elements of -- Holland of the accident was in the show when you just start. So I wish I think -- that when you guys are talking -- -- the other guys. I remember Veronica when she started talking. -- -- A series -- -- And but I -- do that the chat room alive stuff until more recently -- couple years you're. Or so for that. That I don't luckily -- I have my own firm so. I can work -- and then watch or listen -- simultaneously. -- a sign outside your door that says do not disturb BOL. Though but if I don't close my door have people who walk by going with the hell -- with an extra -- -- What is that thing you -- of -- that they think are clients of that something this. Whom you need and what you do to a client their did you miss something -- neighborhood that's. We think -- some of the top. -- actually. What do you think about the addition to that the chat of the chat and a live streaming like act like that's really taken her show in a different better and more interactive direction. And I know you're in the caramel -- how what do you -- think we thought. I I like -- just a discussion yesterday about. Twitter and how it's increased transparency fur like government and and for politicians -- -- in their staffs. And I think it has the same thing it I think it increases the sense of community and and they get to see how the sausages made it's -- -- so. For listeners it's cool because we really get to hear the pre show in the -- -- and that's that's a lot of fun for for somebody that the fan and and just enjoys. -- -- -- -- Or more the point here you guys talk. Yet the one way conversation right we respond to what we want responds yeah. This its younger ones are like -- Let I think I know he doesn't like nano could -- -- and I -- now I don't. Thanks for responsible just repeat my money but what I think is that we equipment and I don't get a response -- obviously wasn't as would be looking -- -- and until we have to address -- -- -- -- leg -- -- I know -- always -- -- -- -- idea. -- -- Well it's it's it's an interesting exercise rest and it's hard obviously it's hard to monitor like -- it all goes live but it's it's. I feel like it's made the show so much better to have you when they're saying like one actually a lot -- -- or -- saying like true not true you know. Or exactly the sending -- -- like. It creates a real time programming elements of the show that mean it I think -- better. Or an hour -- drive I've always impressed with the multitasking ability we always ridiculous -- that when you tell you I don't think I'll see you respond. In the chat window to something I said and talking about something else on the areas. Well while -- another story and looking at me straight in the eyes and that's -- I'm serious -- alma -- often piper I'm. Yeah I think I'm still young but in times like Wii how are you doing that that's scary give it give it 400 episodes. -- like a fine line. I have to say the Bryant have enjoyed having you on a lot more extra you bring a level of entertainment that that is is just -- -- -- -- Kleiman and and -- and I'm not it's a fun way and and obviously the thing. The singing styling is a nice addition itself. And things you yeah I am glad I haven't broken the show yet. Had no way am I talking on the iPad is both its updated I get it I -- trust me -- I do. We cannot handle aid to turn on my computer when you knew that I get we have one more person to talking about I'm hoping that -- of the atomic time again here. I find this in my tell you I can. -- -- their -- so yeah it's. There's I mean -- -- just randomly like you know among all the people -- -- along ran into the compound is often. Then he probably approach because I wonder woman checked okay Bollywood this is through the rural southern elegance and I think it's either -- -- live. Well eyewear that -- -- every other day and it -- if he does. Our producer from CBS during that week is like is she -- as with any -- and only to in the past three and get her -- and a let -- and completely -- -- Its pretty for we -- we're stuck in the extended a few more years or so and again and a -- hopefully I'll be back and will be talking -- -- and chat room obviously. They -- -- they -- radio. Thanks -- I thought. -- and last up. Joshua -- okay if I curriculum and not mess around with contributions to the show -- created the department of what could possibly go around the theme. He liked rounded up and kept the -- -- the -- with all of the remixes during their remake contest which is unbelievable and also you might be. Like second only to I corps intern distributing titles. Hey there. -- Hold on Joshua I knew -- say -- at all and finally the U guys why doesn't somebody -- him diesel and -- -- -- you know. I know you and -- and it would -- end listeners. Do a thing. No adapter available in the morning for us because of the Asian Jinan and now this hinted they might be forty but he looks -- -- But it looks -- -- via. -- -- -- -- The cold reaches of Minnesota almost saw it I mean I -- -- in an -- All my might get faster and then -- -- to do. -- -- -- idea of fluid in its -- and one point five advertised. Advertised. And I looked pretty good right now -- they're wasting if you're not in the twin city. It doesn't. Really document Dallas where you know and above he's also uses its own third patch. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So doctor -- calendar listings posted here. 45 matter. I I made it's more over a year. I think gays started listening when you guys are having that the week of starters -- Mostly the stars thing. He has -- like Tom Strickland you. -- and -- like doctor -- years something in the first times. And I remember watching a couple times trying to -- -- -- the point the whole show. Was that. You know. I don't think any heinous -- these aren't watching -- live and yet you're still here. So -- it out that it Portland but that. Moon mr. -- -- and could not know club at the end -- keep my thoughts to myself it created. If you -- -- but -- got like. For only listing them on your super involved like your all of the Wiki thank you for everything needed to keep those remixes in -- to -- and no child. -- The contributed a bunch of -- sounds we're using right now. I think -- which with -- gonna get out and -- keep track. Which was that you're doing and -- I did the department a look at possibly go wrong. And I did didn't you happy endings one and -- did he did this -- idea. Nace. And there -- -- couple other than my fair use and that might be just -- science when it's well that you. This I know mine was the bubble EU with. The football kicked. You go back when you actually called it kickers and. Science. Yeah totally okay. Them -- what do you what do you do now are you. A lawyer and I know that dried up -- you ask him how they have established that your where it now -- -- -- not a student. I am trying to become. A world renowned published author Blu-ray. Player he just finished but you just finished -- -- -- -- I think and published in about a year ago. The first of the year. And now on this and work on the second one and trying to. Market the life after the first one -- think now's you chance it and it. How -- -- like Larry and a wired. That's a panic -- inquiry writer chronicles book one. Says that. Scifi and fantasy the hello -- -- killed since you know your an aspiring. Author -- not what do you think about the whole models -- being able to publish your own books but all of these e-book platforms like. Amazon and you know bundles of what your feelings on that do you like that he -- to -- -- and I am absolutely love that. -- -- The print version where is -- hard to do because. Many of -- self publishing trends things cost lot of money. They charge a lot for your buck in you don't get -- much of a key it. But the e-book. I have -- you look at available on just about every platform you could think of and I can price it dirt cheap. So and it basically comes onto one of those impulse buy things. Might bid those minds and apps and -- -- -- So yeah I think I think it seems like a great equalizer in now yeah absolutely no reason they can't become -- world famous publisher -- because you are now published author Don and especially now you have to actually tree and in the Clinton language you don't have to go through a factory had -- -- -- yen in a totally. Well congratulations on the but good -- and on but you and thank you so much for all it -- elections really and you're right there in the carrier -- you know keep an Islamist. -- show how well the yeah. I enjoyed -- -- I like being very creative. Especially with sounds and title that I really like doing that. If the -- -- so much so taken -- and in new direction and there are only making it -- thank you so much. Absolutely and happy -- -- that -- -- I'm not gonna suggest that we get this open hearted but if we have. And next time you severe form to be on the show will need to check your right the weird thing it means that we -- but doing that -- -- lamb where haven't I am I have an idea but I don't have a driver's licence -- pick it up and an excellent I like like I don't know the name your title formula together and worked in -- -- I actually have a company web site to go with it hit me up do it. The writer chronicles dot com. And -- dot com are at the that is an infinite technically -- -- local writers belt of Hawaii. A higher wired WR YWORY. TE RS but I did Bible domain names -- can -- -- want. They think they had a good bacon -- marketing awesome thank you so much. Thanks a lot Josh and even a chat room you'll thank you everybody thinks -- for coming in they are -- -- came on Skype and thank you really -- thank you for listening and like. They likely that means some of that live -- -- the system and more dynamic even if you don't watch it live it is so important for us that you policy email us like -- show. The whole -- hold. -- whole career I guess this show has been. -- written by an audience exactly what you guys what I want you wanted to be you know whether you want segment against -- it's so. Magical that way if the people show. It's a minimal. To totally agree. -- It. But that -- There will be more episodes listed in the year on game thing than what you know what I'm really doing right now probably sitting on my head count to TV Enid. Lots of food in my PGA's. Presidency it's it's a -- -- of movies right now -- actually -- you can find the link if you. Did the writer chronicled that -- definitely dot com jacket then and Gillis DC now compared. All of that out our show notes are like -- all that cnet.com keep emails -- We won't get him after the -- there and act on. But that he did not. This morning. You could try them yeah -- but we'll have it -- notion that if it. -- -- -- Thanks everybody.

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