Ep. 1374: Zuckerberg pokes China
Ep. 1374: Zuckerberg pokes China

Ep. 1374: Zuckerberg pokes China

Today -- Monday December 20 when -- -- And the data results I'm Donald bell. Time -- okay. I'm -- this. Well in a buzz out loud to that podcast and Timberlake is that the thirteen 107 people -- the show that we are already calling Brian after dentist. A. -- can have instances the -- -- there is no. Where -- death came back for the dentist and loving and caring friends that we are we infested. That he still come on this yet that limited words used his pain is our game and a and it has moral game its bases -- and -- that'll barely move. It either have to -- I can't think maybe they in the death if -- -- killed me think you're really talking on any that it -- -- -- -- -- Phil like it that all of -- -- to make him come on the show -- also far more of the color but thank goodness. That and Donald bell appeared -- here out yet. That BT can only been out and at the time -- fun thing that happens -- paint container company really want to talk. And and then there's slobbering exactly popular dials and exit -- now they were sitting at a club regard that make -- -- the evidence -- that the show. We took that job right out there and. On for the news and seeing the error -- Leo you let the -- planted the seed now now we'll see it in the show -- a -- -- of weird that they can plant a little poem and. All right okay we'll start the -- for crying out loud. The big news of the day Google TV. I don't know all they canceled the the it. The Google TV announced that our Google basically announced to its TV maker partners. That they should go ahead and delay. Any introductions that they were planning for the Consumer Electronics Show it would -- -- his -- -- the -- -- now. Because they -- like -- Reef lie in the -- Where Eden. Our hope you are banking on that being a big party -- announcement this year manufacturers. I'm I'm sure they were then this I mean seriously Toshiba. LG shark apparently all of them including Sony. Were planning to -- -- some kind of Google TV. -- these -- to get planned out months in advance. I mean this is just like. And because it's not a good -- is arguably kind of dead on arrival because they failed to make any content deals. But now they're gonna be known as the like. Partner that you cannot trust that all did you know these men these Harvard doesn't went out on a limb to partner with Google and the -- Roman Catholic. Paid. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But it just shows that Howell with consumer devices they did -- so hot with the phone and they tried to do now with Google -- I mean clearly. They need someone -- they need people there. That understand the consumer electronics market it's not the same is throwing out beta is throwing out half baked product he just -- -- -- that -- Has there -- many as thirty seconds -- another that kind of learn that. -- -- has each -- who knows but that this is important to slow to adapt to them and partners other hardware parts that feature won't want to work with them if they can't deliver. I totally agree you're talking way too content on that and I'm glad you you're gonna talk like that but I'm done now. I'll let you get better read -- -- -- Yet it was it. You're absolutely right I mean this is what this is the death knell for their ability to make partnership and it was their ability their failure to make partnerships that caused. Google TV to be kind of -- half baked product in the first place. But I mean they deal in this world of like the web or they have where if you put something out it's not quite done. Just look -- it yeah that's cool and -- -- downside as as Google's than last novel in the bank has everything else in at CS that Android ate in it. I think it's not like. Google is really -- you know attached too much help for this that it. Some flaky that's part well and I ran it hurts their brand and hurt their brand -- bottom line. And people may be willing to use Android because it's free and easy but you could also argue that Google has completely disrupted and delayed the tablet market. By not having Chrome OS ready to go and by not having a tablet version Mandarin ready to go I think -- -- that argument I believe you pay and benefit of -- exactly into the choir and I gotta say we're you to make that argument to me I would say preaching to the -- on the -- furiously like. Arguably Google's part of the reason that the iPad has the dominant -- it has right now because everybody delayed their planned. -- waiting for an Android tablet version or waiting to see what the hell of an Apple that's karma thing and -- now it's still unclear what can I mean it's like. Hardware manufacturer Google's kind of that name -- -- yet to Google's credit not to go off too much and a tablet and development. Thank everyone who wells and paid their own road made their own OS or -- someone else's though last. Hasn't delivered either that has -- web OS or you know windows or museum -- you are ready at lake. -- has built -- work around and are either dead to build out yet pack and -- there and a. I Guam. Say I do think that if anything we can safely say that Google TV is. Went and the next Google Buzz click counting their comeback and now though and -- it happening you'll know that content partnerships like the content and the idea. CS takes months if not. Half a year to plan for companies manufacture that we're banking on a section in their -- To showcase Google TV integrated into their stuff and now what two weeks before the event Google -- no Texas. Download -- it is hiding up there around there until -- -- at least if they had a lot of manufacturers onboard to they can go to content partners and say look we have all these devices that have Google TV running on them. You know let's make a deal you can get what you know you get your content from these guys because there's all these devices them without that them. You know they're not revealed to me that's right they need to -- on the content partnership and. Yeah if anything to this is a huge. Shot in the arm and a good way for the -- -- of the world for on line which is trying to develop itself and a whole kind of -- streaming. Thing. Look like popular rock art for Netflix I mean I think uniting set top boxes just got a second lease on life and some -- to that in other with the sense that like -- and all -- and in the TV. -- something like Google TV who's gonna need. In a roku -- -- -- Apple TV and in need on live who's gonna need Netflix but now for -- like. The thing infidels and that because of the building at and amp -- Interest in -- now. Interesting tomorrow headed our way tomorrow is the day Tuesday December 21. Is the day that the FCC is likely to vote on its proposal for Internet traffic rules which he. Can only be loosely defined the plane -- the net neutrality. Regulation but that's you know. That was the original plan to rule would basically. -- so they they propose these new rules network. Less than I think a lot of hard core net neutrality advocates are hoping for way more than any Republican members of the F -- -- -- -- -- They are the rules would ban. You know. ISPs like Comcast and Verizon from blocking any kind of traffic that was legal. But. It would acknowledged at least expected to acknowledge their need that they have to manage their own networks. And possibly charge consumers based on Internet usage they also. Would potentially would exempt probably or at least. Require. Fewer restrictions on wireless broadband. And they would not in any way like reclassify broadband as a -- UI. And a big deal with this roll over and let this thing happen and. He's home ounce or gather anything that -- -- it right have a that's what I pay attention. Getting and a big deal right this guys obviously know that -- -- the whole feature yet and you don't let that. If anything is working -- right now it would be Internet delivery in the united -- -- that everybody has exactly the broadband speeds that they're paying for. I'm more than -- -- market it really anymore so much market the wireless companies can absolutely be trusted to dish out as much broadband as we need without arbitrary caps are overcharging. -- No major if you have ever been -- like. Illegally throttling certain kinds of traffic -- I think Comcast is absolutely -- -- at the mount that static targets per web site. -- -- Comcast is trying to -- -- content companies that they can potentially deliver a package is the Internet it could only include NBC programming. If you don't like them. You just flips like no big deal in any of option totally competitive landscape out there for storing many delivery so many options if you're out there for Internet -- -- -- to the bottom -- camp we campaigned at any of them paying per month. In and enact that -- -- -- -- -- here bizarre world kidney failure. They -- Republican members of the FCC Robert McDowell wrote a blistering critique of the net neutrality plan in an opinion editorial published in the Wall Street Journal saying. That it was -- the on this winter solstice we will -- -- dropping interventionist clips pop. I I mean. Is -- for high drama as the FTC bypasses branches of our government need dogged pursuit of needless and -- or regulation that darkest day of the long year. May end up marking the beginning. Of a long winter's night for Internet freedom and it's almost Carlsberg -- what -- bad boys have had you know and the Cutler's lady. -- says the net neutrality rules are a threat to Internet freedom because nothing is broken and needs fixing. If -- may be all of the things that we mentioned. On the other -- Al Franken wrote an editorial in the Huffington Post saying that that net neutrality was the most important free speech issue over time and actually he said. That the current FCC regulations are. Worse than nothing. Because they actually raise the Specter. Of ISPs being able to charge by creating those tears of back -- that would potentially to -- only companies really good in an -- that. And because they. Would -- wireless broadband network. It would explicitly says it would explicitly allow discrimination on the Internet whereas before there's -- kind of if flirted with I figured out some client yeah yeah. You'll and he also -- you're good enough you're smart enough -- on it. -- only has. People like -- -- -- -- -- Any case you were. In did you wanted to argue -- search and -- sarcastic assertion that wireless networks can definitely be laid -- on broad general -- There is an -- -- making its way around the Internet today. -- and it in an at and gadget but. This there was -- marketing. Web webinar NR webinar. -- eleven -- -- they would find right now webinar here. Yet that's about having Microsoft agreement that word -- word makes my ears cringe whenever I hear the word -- Americans. Every day it's an email about some -- -- -- -- and learn about and a trademark. Though there was some marketing yet but of them -- most terrifying kind of but remedies to company of the camera as an -- -- has Vodafone has -- it describes a system. That would identify customer Internet activity. And then charging different rates for those various activities are various apps for example using FaceBook. Would cost less than using Q. But it would allow access to Vodafone services. -- -- of course and pretty much buy anything that you're going to be doing to the browser. On the Internet connection anyway it's in order figure out what the charge. Exactly and it is in by the way in all of the most terrifying ways it with bind you for example do they direct quote from the webinar. We as a number of different methods to accurately identify the application methods like your -- analysis behavioral and historical analysis. Deep packet inspection. And the number waste on painful and -- of -- and Lenovo on we essentially feed this real time information about traffic and application usage into the policy and charging system. Each subscriber has a particular service -- that they sign up for and there is generic or as personalized as the operator -- He can imagine in like a monthly bill that just a statement that -- -- the website he visited link through outlook like. -- pennies next each one near the charges other -- other -- and stuff like. Google Maps that'll cost you -- Google Maps and a -- like fifty cents every time you want activist and -- -- I Verizon map will pollute their whatever they're. That proposal that would be the ads called the easy navigate and easy navigator -- On the right and have -- -- perfectly good talent and -- out yet. And don't try to deleted either -- you again. Even if you -- and really it is still there you want this action -- only -- lesser thing yet. No -- so this is a terrifying. Feature that is being envisioned by buys service providers that are like. The labor -- to get to build up the cottage industry around. The tiered Internet -- is. Potentially looming in our future. And yet -- that wireless providers would potentially be. And they got that nobody got plan in place just in case that you know in and it goes to hell next week I know I like just -- clear. Nobody loves the idea of the government having to regulate the Internet. I mean it's not as though government regulation has ever proved to be the panacea or the best possible solution -- -- -- analysts -- devil's advocate. If happily this does get put in place by next week or next year. Of the fastest up like this happens and -- you know the powers that be try to just crunches down the faster the Internet like total. Strike back revolution can happen and we will really fix the and really -- -- course and really care passionately about this issue enough the hell you know that the people power -- one -- I mean. What now and yet as you did not want us get our people's access to FaceBook and YouTube girls all held a brand cola. -- and get Darknet. There is our network -- privileged few rule but how. I mean how are you going to get around -- -- once it starts what's the alternate because then the regulation has to be even more intent. And regulation you know it as Turkey point and it in the government enabled the phone system and it did I mean there's no you know. I think it is possible that the Internet now -- gotten to the point where it does need to be. -- illicitly protected. Or it will be that's right -- -- -- thought all of the other words ethernet has mine -- on his fantasies behind and I'm good either way. Right now -- way to go back to the farm. Or the Internet you know people's uprising happened and then will be in the public that it's okay it's easy for you to say -- it to that we talked about how you live like. On the break that -- had. And you don't have to cable and then like I. Don't I'm counting on you and -- -- you people who are desperately tied to their relatively. Easy access to the Internet -- have brains up their. Digital pitchforks and whatever if that goal and benefit animal Animal Planet thing just like once the threat level at orange once. From the car companies started started charging like gas surcharges and there's more -- -- -- that's up ever goes -- -- -- they if the heat turns out to slowly we might get you used to it's it's the quick acting. Getting screwed of charts like this that make me hopeful that needy out of greed -- corporations will try to put these restrictions are so fat that -- should be upset. Maybe or hopefully we'll maybe could mean that we just -- the and we realize that -- in fact what they actually want to view in -- China like sometimes I think it's up to the that the emissaries from the future such as ourselves to protect the masses from this kind of thing happening for. Or that. Or -- -- I mean frankly we might not be able in the the end of the lobbying effort is intent. Under Helmand this is just just look at this line and -- in terror we need to make a viral YouTube video for -- get to the people would actually be effected we do. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It hit other -- and speaking of essential services FaceBook. Is ramping up a big e-commerce drive and in its ongoing attempts to make sure that you never ever leave its website. -- bogus trying to get companies like delta and JC -- to -- wears on its pages and then convert more of its 500 million users and online shoppers presumably some kind of leads model. Where they get. A cut every time and about something. -- test this out by mentioning like. -- -- the company's products and emails to each other over it but then hit the appalled and an elegantly and -- -- and probably use. Something for eBay right now. Moon. They say it's not it's not according to one analyst it is not yet natural to go to FaceBook to shop but it's not along step which is -- the Flickr really does everything else and if but if they and then added in knows them. If they then added in a retail element it would be. Pretty sticky ordeal on FaceBook to -- credit card information. And I'm sure they do a great idea and now yeah somehow I think they maybe they've got a partnership with -- their -- -- the credit card. Yet I mean arguably no all right but like -- -- -- That they don't already have been honored you have. More information and we know the payment will be -- -- -- that -- it also we will see if FaceBook somehow. Manages to be the hammer that smashes through the great firewall of China and there's a photo. Of Mark Zuckerberg meeting with the boss of the Baidu search engine -- me. And although -- but. That basically instantly commuting. It's a meeting between Mark Zuckerberg had a FaceBook and the -- of the biggest search engine in China. We don't know what it means or what they might be trying to accomplish by. Could they be maybe that isn't grows maybe they're just -- down you know my two little heads of giant social networks would do he -- it. We'll clearly are right okay this is my last segment because I can't think of my mouth -- soar well but. Clearly we already saw that map of the network -- -- pallets completely dark in China -- it's not having their they do have their own social -- that FaceBook in order for them to. Harder even with Baidu to potentially break down the great firewall they would have to fundamentally changed some things about their site like what can be posted what can't. They're the other's pages that support like the Dali Lama and and one -- that in China that would fly they would have to actually take a stand of stents censorship and fundamentally changed. Even what their company is about but -- the be successful in China I don't know if that's gonna happen -- don't make a scaled down version of a peace but -- leverage that brand name -- through the help of Baidu but. These but wouldn't be the face but that we know if it did exist and China. That said. At least it's looked at the public some don't be evil clause in there -- -- fundamental practices like Google. They don't have a clause but they already are evil some time exactly they're like a door on -- -- al-Qaeda big -- -- -- -- -- was -- area. -- -- FaceBook does delete some of your posts already I you can -- -- in America they will go in there and length of your posts. Yeah totally there they're they're -- they're ready to go like dual slot right in to attack. He into the Chinese system I mean Zuckerberg has said pretty clearly yes we want to turn our attention to China. We if if we can first crack Japan South Korea and -- -- that happening connect the whole world. If you -- about a billion people are theory is that if we show that Wii is a western company can succeed in a place where no other country has. Then we can start to figure out the right partnerships we would need to succeed in China on our turn -- He -- in a recent speech at Stanford. It is night to think that though they can do -- partnership in state fundamentally the same way they operate in America than they do in China -- You know -- that's the ideal and Clinton and -- it's not gonna happen. Via -- and now I can imagine the Chinese Government really wanting that -- face tagging feature can -- -- I thought out the totally don't you know make things very plain about what people are doing -- -- day to -- basis through the government -- -- -- Yet -- -- a very sensitive situation perfect but can they are already under I mean everybody I think it's kind of a little suspicious. It somewhere on the continuum between a little -- extremely suspicious and FaceBook it. And if they then went into -- would just be like. Censorship galore and if anything. Much more. And those social -- could you know inadvertently connecting to somebody considered a dissident or who's considered dangerous to the government and then the next thing you know an entire social -- as the rest of like -- -- only dominant. There's a little terrifying actually pilot. It's arguable whether any nation yet it but in the first place but if you're in China like they'll do with her to detract from his -- -- -- -- -- perhaps. I let's take a quick break when we come back eighteen -- May -- doing -- right. Molly Wood and practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help -- that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift -- as we take your live calls and we feel your emails and -- -- Send us an email right now holiday helped -- at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right price. Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Welcome back to buzz out loud Brian Tong has decided. He he didn't and gonna take into bulletin. You already said much more than we ever bodybuilding get out into traffic in this each side has -- level -- uber merit that they and his editors that they have that for the holiday helped that you detect them then they look. -- RA moving on in the news today AT&T has purchased Qualcomm flo TV spectrum. For about two billion dollars I think that's something out of it. Exactly put money Qualcomm ever got out of flo TV subscribers should throw out what so flo TV just. Locked in yet -- that service. When under and then without the service you they had no use for the hardware is hard work and do much -- this are offering refunds on the hardware. And then you still have some lingering devices out there that could get the flo TV service. But. They did there wasn't really anything to get on it -- -- -- useful than what you know 11 and it Qualcomm did not to do with that. -- -- and AT&T which he. I think it's kind of slowly starting to catch the -- views of the answer then. Hasn't that has done. One of the things that we've been exhorting it to do all -- and apparently made in major investment. In its work what do you know. If -- -- deals apparently one point 925. Billion dollars. It supposedly this bit of wireless base covered more than 300 people nationwide AT&T expected to play an important role in its feature. Four G network -- and development. Well good good job AT&T bring it could -- and -- -- Aren't getting what but relying -- the white house with the public well I think this is different in the white space -- welcome -- Early on and yes the same I was using the UH UHF spectrum that maybe is part of the same I don't know but yeah well as part of what -- Qualcomm would have. Would've just yet handed over to the people again for the people's uprising but we'll get it back and and 2012 we'll get carried -- -- or whenever my metaphor was the did look at. And I think -- in of people it covers more than 300 million people think you're never gonna. Even if we do get 300 people -- would be a lot better frankly eighteenth you'd be perfectly happy. Now this is this is spectrum in the 700 megahertz. This is -- this is. In the 700 megahertz spectrum in range and -- I think it was part of the big government option and it is pretty valuable. Now considering that you know now especially pop I'm not using it was probably a good it was -- and I -- -- And hopefully will impact enable them -- Provide at least it's somewhat decent fourteen who -- -- like you know -- remember entry. Think -- -- saying that there are still several states in the United States in America now for example the -- where my mom lips. Where they don't have three -- covers. An on camera the source before but everybody is I was like you just think -- -- -- you live in San Francisco also I think it's bad because my mom lives in North Dakota and you can't buy a three G iPhone or iPad there because. They don't have it. Cop on it and I get to the neo -- thing there is -- -- to be -- and that's. They're right off three -- and illustrate affords them the -- -- -- -- other Google news today Google has apparently refused to turn over street view data to the Connecticut attorney general who had. Demanded it he wanted to use the basically what. What was in there like what what discrepancies there may be what Google might be hiding -- in Google. In -- weirdly -- little Google way means instead like now. Barry and they didn't hit anything they watch pavement evidently why it's like now I think what -- gonna do. It. Information week diplomatically reported that. That Connecticut attorney general is reviewing its -- and -- In life in general -- -- you know what I really deserve more respect in this. -- -- -- -- They now know for humans now. Also Bank of America has jumped on the cut off the payment processing to -- bandwagon. But it's extra interestingly this might be a quick -- were it not for the fact of course that we can leak has been threatening to. Really a big data dump of banking information or dam and make America is that to be one of its big targets. The -- they've said that they're gonna in really solid banking information it will show you know. Via -- the rampant corruption. That the banks. Targets isn't really the wrong word for -- -- me this is just. Bank of America's own crap coming back on that have yet -- -- targeting them with misinformation or something like that -- -- Now it's like they're saying hey you know -- the -- -- super freaking evil and they broke America and then now they're just now -- -- -- didn't happen but that if you didn't have any of -- and or making it even harder for Americans like to do anything that might be able to get them back on solid -- like buy a house or get a -- for a car radio those banks. Yes Wiki -- -- information apparently that they have been saying that they're gonna release and then -- public. Would recommend we've Mountain View imagery did I send them a check it that I -- mail -- detect because I want to see that makes. -- that bad. I really care about the cable -- That's nine and I know and embarrassed government but I don't care -- want -- to the bank stuff -- if this affects me much more you know close the home via -- them. Would -- said in its Twitter page we ask that all the people who love freedom close up their accounts at Bank of America. And then they say does your business do business with BankAmerica hired by the police here on -- paper. -- Released the crack in. The -- super paranoid about doing any kind making. Never gonna like this can make me put my money under my mattress but now allow -- -- now how about -- that. Few interesting story today from times higher education not -- -- UK about Peter -- Who is the man who financed space but he's also this and -- founder of PayPal. Co-founder of and -- have -- he is offering two year fellowships. Of up -- -- 100000 dollars to twenty entrepreneurs. Aged under twenty. They copy being that to get the fellowship -- -- drop out of university. The drop out of school he called -- stopping out. Stopping out. He says some of the world's most transformational technologies were created by people who stopped out of school. Because they had ideas that couldn't wait until graduation -- eligible -- most brilliant and promising young people. Not to -- on their ideas either. I love this idea of college like spoiling the brain's. Like if -- -- actually graduate from college your brain is now it's been homogenized -- poisoned by. He now and now back that -- universities we wanna get your brain before it goes through the grinder. -- -- Is an interesting. -- it would be used to see what comes via he says the huge cost of higher education in the resulting burden of debt makes students less willing to take risks. Which is totally true totally right I mean what. Although what -- they mean yet I do think it is running to like that correlation causation. -- -- where it's like well. It's not that you know the Bill Gates is in Steve Jobs is of the world or the Zuckerberg took the world all looking at right now and I definitely. Are geniuses because they dropped out they might be you know they're dropping out might be evidence of you know their genius but I think he's saying is that Mac. There are probably. People like that in college right now who aren't gonna drop out there who could have gone and done something -- I -- -- because they were stuck in college and had to pay up and notify me and then when they graduate and start up after graduation they went into like some giant corporation because at. I think -- -- when it once they graduate and they have so much -- that I can't they're not willing to take her attempt at a because they can't they want to go negative. Whatever whatever the cause I think it should top scientists applied -- to money a lot of its money now John Strickland the -- of -- like when NBA or NFL recruit someone out of a or out accomplishments. Yeah if there's an interest thing. Velocity there's also just kind of coincidentally an article from the New York Times news service today that is just disgusting. The pots of you know what is college -- it is university worth it at this point because they point out that I am. Some of the most cited research on the subject. About it which which did find strong evidence emerges of a significant economic return to attending -- an elite private institution. And some evidence suggests there's premium has increased over time. That that. Reported -- that -- like itself now ten years old and that it costs have increased numbers like. Here's where I feel -- for the super geniuses they get pulled out on this program is that they don't get to spend those Ford five years coComment him. You know really colleges in part. A nerd breeding racing -- where -- gonna help out sometimes literally yet. You know they don't they -- at -- have you know getting hung over drunk in the Clyde kind of experiences. The down. You know all of all of the great things that aren't actually part of the curriculum that upon the politics it's. The super -- a tomorrow need these need these things balance themselves. Thank you -- that's happening at strength. We ought to look at everything I could see that that is being the new -- breeding ground and they did not been arguing that we'll -- catalog little dot com world just an all you can eat better and similarly aged people with similar interests I guess maybe -- -- better -- -- human -- -- -- -- I -- -- start of glory. And and -- and and then real quickly before we get to the hit the quick -- we have an interesting. Note from the proverbial. According to a tech blogger who closely follows Nokia. Didn't that I understand that third source thing -- so. Take that let you know as you well. Stephen you -- who -- the new CEO and Nokia who came from Microsoft. Maybe -- Nokia in talks with Microsoft that could result in net Nokia building a new line of. Smartphones based around windows phone -- it in. There have been really. Blogging etiquette you Larry I mean options are few right now I think if it got there are no ads right so they like they didn't they insist that they are not -- in -- and I think keeps saying that there's. Sticking with -- -- no matter what. Public that would undoubtedly update under can pick up this move was smart violence there -- -- let them. A -- memory the mean you -- Meebo -- Mountain View and not Meebo me mama mama and -- bought up and pull the plug on possibly. But shirt do it and -- As much as I am a fan of what Microsoft did that the Zune I am -- also the person who realizes. All the different ways that that. That didn't pan out Migo. Media and yes they did got it the -- that -- shopping around for replacement that yeah they let you know we don't -- seven is the beautiful as soon. OS to take on. You know Iowa and Android but it will -- they'll be. I could be wrong. It -- -- that's like the two old companies of mobile and and of the computing and mobile Nokia and Microsoft to join forces to take on Google and Apple. But the gas and you know and the more companies trying to gain in hacking enemy can interest in -- compete against that -- and doing it the more interesting. You know covering tech is so high action I shouldn't do it or like ground it looks like I don't see it -- I think they have pulled the plug on -- But there there there is an article from December it from keep -- real thing -- -- kid in deep trouble -- and float in water via its definitely let you shouldn't -- -- helping anyone that -- just stuck Olympus they can get this if it well I think. -- -- isn't a bad thing if I mean there there are increasing calls for Nokia -- you know if something do something go Android goes somewhere. I mean when the of them and if that's the answer died. Check it out I'd rather have a new -- -- gamers something else -- and commitment -- seed. A company is being -- as Nokia -- just jump on someone else's vision via. We'll see -- And answer. But did not plan Nokia I'll tell you. At least in the best and I think if you of that Ireland's -- and -- G Google has announced that it is extending the free calling in Gmail. Through 2011. Lethal in just think -- that totally forgotten that they had a net net it and add it any wonder. Exactly is that what's going McMillan -- and -- -- -- charge. And also best buy is bundling free Verizon sprint and AT&T might buy it now with iPad open with a contract. Which I think eventually need is that if the deal -- you don't pay for the -- hardware -- that whatever the hardware is a mobile hot water here to usually about ten. That -- and -- you felt painful. -- prize for your iPad and -- two year contract and. But at least the but but seriously -- over I would say. We'll do that over climate treaty -- -- The those hot spots are so useful for every device yep these -- only -- -- -- -- iPad these you're paying per month roped into a contract. -- But you unions and on and -- and what con tract of phobic and I am now. That's. -- turn on try to get your hooks -- me. -- Year -- years you're -- it. Or let singularly content play your going to be the leader of any on the net that I know I'll -- -- -- -- -- leader yet yeah -- Come. The CEO of electronic arts John -- -- yellow or whatever his actual title is because blogs on the interpret these -- box. That the browser -- the day says Nintendo -- don't -- and in fact that -- price that's -- and 99 dollars. This sales would. They would. If they would like those in anything now pay a price any treatment -- dollars. That's pretty much a sub lethal those Walgreens tablets -- -- love it could present for 99 dollars. We've only. I don't care because of all -- gotta be great in the united -- that -- that Nintendo could put -- hundred dollars. Yet again that I think it would go absolutely creating an. In fact I think they should do it in -- implement my prediction is that they're going into it and hopefully it will push them to -- -- hardware with four years old -- Why -- is in my life I think -- By Google and it's not HD and a new line it should be nine Hampshire Berkshire -- -- be cheaper than the deep in the media via. That'd be great although senior homes that haven't the Wii bowling. I hope that -- having -- the conference -- the content -- conference to not have an agreement to conference and it has seen around the could at the rec room they can have an everyone's individual program that no death but then you know -- -- be. -- -- minute why do you like -- basic theme of the conference -- for the social purpose that. -- -- -- -- -- I'm speaking at low prices the iPhone four has hit a new low. Of a 147. Dollars on contract at them that -- Bentley is ongoing reports. About how the iPhone four has been appearing at hot dog stand and talk attracted -- ever lowered and I got to buy open 24 pack of flank steak. Party at -- price but you can get it great equal. An important I think of -- that recent the most recent low -- radio or 249. Dollar price. Thanks for the sixteen gig or. Something is in pretty cheap -- their nervous. Also foursquare has added photos and comments to its new iPhone app to make them more. Useful and social as the way that the -- -- and it's got that they say that the. The photo thing is coming -- -- in like about a week later next week partisan comments are coming and it. And -- -- in January 2011 in case you were worried. I wasn't but I'm glad health that was not. Let's do some quick signs -- -- -- news. If you don't live in the Bay Area where it's going to rain all day everyday until when he -- You might get to look at and pretty remarkable and -- multiple lunar a total lunar quick clip. But it's equipped three point com fully equipped. It'll be the first total lunar eclipse them through your. And it happens on the lunar winter solstice I'm just saying like the world in. Something's bad snap and maybe -- he had the actual. -- of them on the earth will cause all of the magnetic poles reverse themselves and more. Will be out of our I'll have met him -- -- on that point it doesn't matter if -- -- -- in India -- on the rebel it will seek. And -- -- you're totally right of Bryant somewhere here he would be themed title equipment -- -- can attract and yes and well it was her computer. Also in science news. Of the best. Do you. Really I didn't know this at lunchtime Friday premiered on Friday Richard Blaine is. Like molecular -- -- Crazy shaft galore from top chef he's currently on -- -- even has a new show on the Science Channel probably is off. And it's like. It's like Alton Brown's wet dream of food science because that they put the food -- -- -- -- the Julian new level by our. I mean any cooking show that involve -- dropped calls all the time partner and blowing drag do -- not look like a dragon. -- and -- All of the liquid nitrogen -- the connection makes everything from there. Isn't enough as -- the gadgets -- Marty just like. So happy about all the weird little tools and and gadgets and flame throwers and everything from the kitchen. Right. And random at all -- kind of wonder if it's a little bit of a spoiler when does this mean he one option author. And now. But I wouldn't I wouldn't bet against small plane that. I think that's the coolest thing -- It only nominally science knees bent. And. -- a happy ending time. Those pools Apple. -- Steve Jobs action figures be totally unsanctioned MIC gadget. Steve Jobs action figures are now popping up all over eBay because of you know Apple crackdown on everyone's -- Like the big rig in -- that they are. And now they're showing up on eBay the first one apparently sold port 2500. Home after an -- -- a big blue. 100 dollars and there not fetching prices at least starting basically at a thousand -- I suspect Steve -- behind -- -- these -- and paying top prize -- top dollar for these. This inflate his own importance. Or I bet he's just buying them because he can't watch a lot of data by adding that it is what I had had a mini cam at their desk. That the Tivo other icons and -- feet swears he's not in some of that he is the collector. -- I can -- until late. Worth -- Tony doesn't actually the -- -- the new currency wolf -- in ten years from now will be buying things and jobs. -- -- and if you make -- equipment. I'm here for it was funny -- though it's Saturday -- live in a rare moment of -- -- Did a brilliant stand -- of the time person of the year's election and Julian songs as response. Template we can bury you can lift and if you're an idea. You that they can now Idaho. Noted that figured -- already. There was one of those things where you pretty -- -- -- -- -- -- Well I'm Mark Zuckerberg. On Tuesday afternoon I was named time magazine's person of the year. While this is a great honor for me I could not have accomplished it without the half a billion U. I got it. And then again. -- -- -- -- -- You may have heard there was released from a British prison unveiled Thursday -- Perfect moment -- graduate time magazine on the excellent selection -- that Vegas business media. Time magazine I was on the cutting -- discovering faced -- only weeks after your grandmother who. However reluctantly that one of the differences between Macs that -- let's take a -- I give you private information corporations for free cinema -- My accent but it is that today its fuel private information to corporations for money and he's man of the year. -- Thanks to Wiki leaks you can see how corrupt governments operate in the shadows and then -- to those who elect them. Thanks to FaceBook you can finally figure out which six in the city parity law. -- Samantha but the Swedish police ask how much Charlotte school. It's certainly not perfect laugh or cry tournament committee that -- sentiment in -- the intimate stuff out. Nor make a movie about me just -- off the left delete stuff fans. -- -- the in time does not that big because he was the more dynamic choice best -- banking with him. And I think we can all agree that's an algorithm for fun cooking equipment that could. -- I think inclusion of -- reminder that no matter how I died you have is a video of me peacefully dying of natural causes -- was meant it. The status update democracies -- happy holidays -- Solid but it -- -- touchpad because the the last active -- that -- doctor evil -- lab grew it is clearly the best thing ever the juxtaposition of characters. -- Man I think you advocate Andy Samberg he has a -- -- them and when that he has the map reading down. To -- with leopard although. All of that said I still think that it was located to Zuckerberg -- person of the year because it's on public person of this month. But he's gonna be the person a ton of fuel to operate we've -- time that we got in -- league the leak out new look. You'll -- -- and -- though elevate him to or the person years that if they love it. And then finally and happy ending its lead them understand that from and Twitter and it's absolutely genius like thank you to you -- -- -- Who passed on to me. From best -- -- -- -- The wanted to point out your one stop Google search during shop for terrible terrible journalism just put. Some analysts say in -- into Google news and watch what happens and they stand Bravo. -- you don't get -- -- them like report then. Are so obviously sketchy that it's laureate I love it housing shortage in 2012. Some analyst -- -- -- bid for Disney to load some analysts say. Some analysts think stocks -- rally Intel 2011. -- -- -- -- regularly but there really different and you journalist that use that that turn of phrase and in the of their title yet but that to be like the new laden is currently no. Do not. Anyone here you take -- analysts -- I had to the feedback loop. -- -- -- -- Emails coming to buzz at cnet.com phone and calls sometimes go into the fold with militant but -- -- panel happened to us over the weekend. But agent 37 in Vancouver -- -- in very Donald bell fashion because last year. I attended a conference -- where Ray Kurzweil was just a keynote speaker. While the group of health care professionals in the audience was wowed by his discussion on nano -- and has OCR demonstrations. I was the really distracted by his nonchalant attitude towards the singularity and impending robot Phillips. Robot apocalypse from apocalypse night. Not directly mention but certainly implied. I couldn't help but imagine a wild -- Molly -- imagine Linda Hamilton -- two interrupting the keynote to start rambling about judgment day you think so highly of me. Anyway I confronted -- after the conference to shake hands with one of the proponents of he gave me a look at have to say you're already dead and or a robot and you don't even know. Embrace service -- I choose the latter. -- I have to say if you read his book it even more disconcerting actually the way he approaches the -- apocalypse beginner you already. He's already these are not. I think what it -- -- he's he's he addressed a bit he's not like you party last but he basically just says all. -- -- -- some essential element of humanity will remain even though even after we become mostly cyborg and then we won't want industry humanity because. And that's it. And then there's like 72 more pages of that but that's kind of thing from that its -- -- you. -- I don't hear from rob. The case saying the official end all be all ruling on how to pronounce it suits. -- actual looks like this you simply as if concocted at phonetic. Spelling out of the name and -- And -- Now I love that this is still an ongoing debate right. There of the video years ago they said we -- -- -- -- youth but it just doesn't stay at the problem nobody cares. A game and then there's also a video of duties that is important stuff people that -- clarify. -- The idea is that the essence almost ten billion light -- there -- mentioned those eight and then -- SUS's capitalized but she seems to over pronounces. A more than -- So they not a health okay this is the consequence of how to teach English and other countries and its liked it and -- aren't pronounced the same everywhere. So that's just that they via. So that -- held -- all. With -- -- of us tooth as long of the series is at flex like doctor public appetite but exactly not a fifth. Or if it's all caps I'm gonna -- ES US tell my dying breath. Or until they -- -- -- another of a problem with it. Or he had bad. Intel capital and the Apple for -- -- pregnancy she. I'm not -- -- must be over I think that adding that about does it -- for our show. We made it. If you would like to read the links dollar click the link read the stories that we talked about today and the show you can find that in her blog -- -- -- dot cnet.com where we also welcome. Your commentary -- old episodes and add a link to the -- -- candidates. You can email us that buzz at cnet.com and Benito thank god and to -- public -- adds that the boost they got the call 180616. -- sixteen -- the NET. See it CNET CNET could. They -- like this that I announce that the NET connect.

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