Ep. 1289: Web Exclusive
Ep. 1289: Web Exclusive

Ep. 1289: Web Exclusive

Impressed by the -- about certificates. -- -- -- But a lot of our episodes now you guys have more episodes but we've been doing it our -- -- were always 2005 you get there what. March march 2005 okay yeah -- yeah but. The oh yeah level of production and that goes into your citizens is like they're different beast you know hey coming hero you that is like. -- start we're done post it. But you guys that like a level reduction and you have that -- that -- -- like that's -- work. Yeah. -- -- -- Yeah and especially now with where -- -- that we execute in a studio live to tape. So you still only be like you know five hours of editing on an episode. Now it's more like -- -- only shows you do when we just won a week and a lot of work if we had Atlanta studio place in January in the city we've we've -- more if Shannon -- in this city you. Yeah. -- -- Take it to the next level well and always keep -- it's not like your content is light. Now in its its an art contest I would probably I've been watching it pretty well we the last little bit. The plane and a little of the media marketing and in -- -- -- it does celebrity gossip section I don't know why he's have you -- part when he died about it at an. -- -- is good to talk about me here probably. You can talk with my manager write it land -- Yeah mr. Pitt but -- -- -- the but they are -- -- constable. -- -- it's only ten things that it is a lucky -- pineapple and stuff he's put in. -- haze after you saw the DVR in the shower one do you that it would a hot shower and cold beer. And that's wrong I don't be right that's there he rate there. Don't know what time today. Is this that's a shower if you -- then -- either after a really long day. Or if the weekend long night -- could be in them it could be a morning playing because -- -- junior. Body get elements that -- -- chemicals like its massive reboot. Yeah I have -- you come -- feeling so refreshed with a slight buzz. And it but hey as long as I got you here we're doing one of the questions I've seen it to the rescue is. What's a good. Home route -- For QOS because they have untangle the magic Jack what's untangle it that it that it the art he. Now I don't know it's -- it'll run around like X 86 silica dust that machine's network card that's the way to do it yeah or just builds their machine to network cards you can do a hundred bucks these -- with little mini ITX guys we just did on -- a system and seven hang on and -- -- -- -- -- here. I will give and you into the local to there from there and are in -- compartment here. We got a bunch of everybody was saying you know get it there -- -- -- for GO put tomato on it you know I will never go back to a plastic rather. There's metal toys that you get from from best buy are they Hotmail users reboot once every four here exactly no -- how are you kidding -- piano player I use your routers that because we constantly -- to -- -- When you get more than one person using it. A little like you know what action going on. -- If you're in a situation where you need QOS you probably need real hardware and my recommendation X 86 all the way -- any fixes it real -- here on -- UN TA ideally. You you might think -- yet. -- -- -- -- -- I think it's the first hit on -- idea who untangle the -- okay. And they -- idea -- -- parts that you -- a lot of boards these days either have it or you just get aboard the and it included in the new Paul the second one. But is it you know I can't do this I can't do the noise that have room for -- ultimately that's why did a mini ITX and Afghanistan. I think in size and -- -- been up since I put in service you know and that has. I think what you did something like 600000. Packets -- that it dropped nine. So yeah. Cool okay but in -- really easy there's like a whole Q -- -- US the question is is is he wants to do magic. -- hated that that's the thing is the macular is so easy that -- even if you're complete -- there's like a drop down words like. Gaming or Voight -- not -- -- UDP packets on port I'm sick when you know that you can do that one but they make it easy. Alright. Now. -- -- They're also doing in the you know that thing that okay cupid did -- they analyzed. What photos. Are most attractive. He had to blog post though you're talking about the ugly people get it pays the piper news you okay it. More action yeah okay and apply -- -- if you wanna get dates used Nestle. Oh well and -- and -- rescued and more of got a very how does ZoneAlarm with a hefty point eight -- nicely offseason and towards it was a mean I have -- I -- we're not getting any in my. No no -- the yes or as a way to go to him that when era when you in little okay so just -- -- sling data around everywhere -- mean -- -- -- -- -- -- Listen to the show that vehicle and a pocket. -- the zoom lens baby. -- -- -- -- -- That's Maynard. Now I see you thank you very much chat room was -- -- is -- chat -- just turned red. -- -- -- -- -- I was having a discussion here and he was ready to leave you with a laser and -- we're talking. About something that I found interest here. Oh oh look at -- You're gonna break everything you really -- The -- is all that stuff. We have this thing off punctuated well that's and it can actually see the previous month and think yeah they know when I don't need to pick my. Other it's. Nicely out -- you can. But I've got an -- yeah. My dad and I can't I guess you don't use this it was my income -- -- a threat that these. You know -- feel better than the way don't you -- that quit they've gotten sitting in front of the program monitor. -- I have to -- actually really close to Tom just so that the producer can see with on the air. But but but not yet and yet is it's right casing can accumulate the player here. These -- -- -- you know these are different hopefuls. I don't see any drag trifle glass business that that's pretty good announcement it is that lasers. I don't know they just you know. Basically 13 of my glasses that she believes -- in woodland. I -- -- -- I mean because I'm old and blind the other close the middle is intricate and a opposite aren't you see them. Well. What yeah that's exciting. I feinstein's -- final touch -- -- leave it to hell alone. A different -- progress in. Area. -- and snakes on the micro good ago. Look at. Willie Nelson is joining -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- people. So what he's saying this. And it. That program I just need a little -- before. Mr. chip and local health. Yeah. Pentagon. Q okay integrated CF -- But it. -- -- -- Yeah I -- these. And there appears to exist Rupert program and I was never here. -- you know what I realized that -- now we get that and you gotta rocked the Android. Specifically the destroyed then you and you get your cornea action on Google -- -- And -- that. Yet with QWERTY probably remember that hard work. All of -- -- -- -- -- My bum is on the -- on the on the quality look. There. But. -- -- do you like to see a grown up podcast and -- courtroom -- Friday that. Today Tom Green. Today on Jason's Playhouse look. And in tune with the department of politics -- America. Are an atom -- -- you'll do great. Interest. -- -- -- -- August 11. 2010 and I'm just now I'm -- -- and I regular welcome to buzz out loud cnet's podcast of indeterminate length episode 12189. Today and -- oh god I'm role. -- are you -- -- -- -- young's Iraq shut up to your turn comes. He's so excited -- skiing he's only threat and yet figured that he goes along nanotechnology is. Eight year old audience here. And -- haven't -- a little. I'll tell you you can provide -- contest. -- eight to ten minutes into the show and right doctor he got that right right general world. Severe heat back -- We're gonna do -- again -- read. -- -- -- -- -- -- And your Darren Kitchen. -- -- -- I'd like if you didn't it going. Wire can trade that if we if I -- the intro. -- Don't let me that the -- -- continue now you know well. And and okay -- this -- the -- -- -- get the strip here as -- so we all know -- shut the hell up yet you talk yes okay and had an enthusiast right up there got it. -- it's -- the get a little audio clip. A lot. You know you we need to Raoul remixed. Yeah yeah yeah. Audio rubble and make them say different things there's an outward there and complex it might be -- -- and then said that in when the sponsorship isn't over yet there -- Area. Excellent on our own sorry about -- environment such as 38 we are just when I hit when we get like 25 were still within the stories and play -- we were long. And I thought it was right moment not that bad now I felt -- felt about it made me completely one minute shorter. I mean really we just cited I think my headlines right now there are those are so -- -- -- up but we'd like to -- -- -- A that you can actually give -- 10% nobody would notice he did that shift at a in this is just that that somebody you -- let somebody witness. -- if you've -- -- that that he might go out and somebody would notice if -- be like. Actually I went back to an episode from you know 07 -- in the 809 hundred's and I compared it to it is. And yet until do you could convert it to mid west so -- -- -- -- lowly at noon with a we're still don't go anybody think that it's just seen it to the rescue coming up in London mean Josh and we're taking its all questions pretty much for something special -- at the top. -- good show it is all an questions. With an island which I forget but -- what is shortly before that point -- and a traditional yeah. And -- -- that's. Almost one. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They were -- amount newest. And I like that I like when that's announced that it and make them. None of us ever Nantucket avenue is taking a populist -- britney's inspection that voice think he is -- And on -- and am acutely. Yeah I -- you told me something about megahertz and and and memory sizes that -- SD card support. FaceBook does is solid. Now. Check in with it. -- If it's four yeah revealed. Little Buddy Guy that they got in -- attack. Now all I now know -- I really -- papers and you know. I no evidence that that thing. But it's who have we're just going with top stories -- FaceBook. And FaceBook stands up for 500 -- little that I. And itself and. About that they've spent the for the little. And so. These nine -- -- the good thing sound quality evil if the idea that it's. How are you still made it quite -- -- Aegon FaceBook stanza for the little guy and itself and no he come along and. -- -- FaceBook is not the -- -- not evil today. A momentary you have momentarily. Evil yeah -- not evil like -- -- today people today I like. So it's the deck. Momentary lapse of people. Okay. Well again that's an I -- Should that put it in your system aerial vehicle momentary -- -- billionaire we didn't actually says yeah. What that. If it -- it's definitely the FaceBook momentary lapse of -- the other idea -- -- and it. Temporary lapse of you not -- momentary. An album -- moving very literate -- -- -- our labs of evil by itself. I have that I didn't saving the shows that -- of a codec. It's from a fuel and it I think generally good momentary -- it is it art do we stop being evil for a moment on -- done that -- well. -- needs these -- momentary -- that he there are right in line with business without the food right but for the well actually kid needs it you know. Our -- -- haven't. That's where you will actually -- I was later -- -- the preview monitor that and advocates see. I'm the only one that -- is that the human. Okay so it's completely indicative teach you the preview mother there is sitting like right I don't know what right behind -- -- I would love to get another one of those. There are things that can you scoot closer to home just a little closer can get a little closer to talk with the -- Oh come on buddy out. And they let me take X and it blew up a and get to -- health ready for that one. -- -- -- -- -- I know which one since the -- that worries they'll. And people downstairs -- -- What -- a little player hit the talk about tech. They're grown up the farm bill I can't get the farm bill on Amazon anymore. The phone is. Balloon around armed and -- program and the. Friends and -- -- earn an attack ads with -- -- Oh. Yeah now those aren't -- where culture and our bills -- And unhealthy obsession right there and. Drive by tire pressure. Some cool. Drive by or it's so good. I really love back. -- just love the precedent it -- And if I had the time to really mess with runners -- therapies. At the place and it one. That's what I want for Christmas I want a US -- for Christmas. Don't we all I want an MS RP. Course you'd want. Theory. That the incident both -- -- with a microphone and -- didn't. Just thinking of all the fun places you could take that like outside a fire stations nine. -- -- anybody Twitter. I -- to a -- did. I was looking in my that are that I came around to me and I was like you're not like this that are there in the headlights and with the -- That's exactly -- -- Social networks -- movements and -- proposal meanwhile. Plots foursquare is demise also farm bill plant -- -- Cendant -- tire pressure -- and -- hacked by drive by everybody panic. -- that -- if I love it there. You can visit me. -- Nokia has an -- what the heck. Now here. -- -- -- -- -- -- Analysts' opinions -- -- chat room -- it that way we get it it's very vigorous show. I don't hear might announce. Company it is just the way I say it is not -- company I say yeah everybody else and everybody is an archive about it is apparently the only -- -- announced -- And I don't hear. And I don't know what to do about it I can't change -- everybody's just gonna have to -- it doubles because if you -- If you hurts -- would submit first -- to the East Coast. Way with -- -- anyway -- sweet tea with the the that would. Yum hey. In. Care and -- -- -- you don't hear people don't like. I got an email you and -- -- in email from a guy -- that button at the same way you from Virginians like my parents are from Manhattan in Philadelphia. Well so go figure out. Of my ignorance they -- they get she's from the -- it Springfield wins they'll or would yet. Well originally from -- You can just you just slip in and and accidentally company peaches into. Men and he uses. Thinking and if you're not to be honest with you on that -- -- -- -- that they are so much. -- It happened negativity to come home and I have that -- -- like a couple we didn't mean I just came from there isn't the -- it comes out man. I was listening to this American life connected PM. The show on the the kind of reprise of -- -- rambler. And all -- stories of you know most interest to people is little small towns that these little -- in Georgia awesome. That's what you. The Missouri. That's one gigahertz -- -- an arm based mobile processor from Qualcomm five. Megapixel auto focus camera -- dual LEV -- that offers easy point -- capability quick uplift your YouTube Flickr face but in more. Point issue I want to see some points you. They -- front facing camera enables video chat functionality -- and ran a user removable and replaceable battery. Frequent. -- -- -- Oh Williamson -- remove links blue moon of the three -- millimeter headphone Jack means many you can use Dell streak. Oh yeah -- yeah Mueller in your -- I thought yeah it's doing it. Missouri an average of artwork and sending you over to Blackberry. Well it's -- competition Colorado. Or roll roll really easy remixed you can he does and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But the problem the problem and there's music running -- you get -- as little. Always there is music. If you can email them. -- -- -- --

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