Ep. 106: iPad updates; OnLive's MicroConsole; and a couple of cord cutters.
Ep. 106: iPad updates; OnLive's MicroConsole; and a couple of cord cutters.

Ep. 106: iPad updates; OnLive's MicroConsole; and a couple of cord cutters.

Alright that's a theme music time I think. By hello David Katzmaier welcome to our little -- thank you for joining it -- So I really got sick today as as usual for AM Monday. You governors got a case of the Monday's like -- -- And that's got his. Tardy today cemetery he went to -- -- linen covered first union. Through the door and -- at any moment in a massive give sweat and -- I'm here I'm here. But that's I would I would do actually he'd he'd be very calm about it though yet. When we jump right in then -- the VP -- centric topics or anything and he can develop on the computer over there. And -- talk to you -- about your exciting story that's got the Internet are buzzing. About how you decided to -- some courts. 177 comments accounting that's pretty good on mandated auto generates the most popular story she keeps leaving comments so -- myself personally. -- yeah I cut the cable -- Basically a week ago yesterday. And it's been fun I'm doing a second diary entry tomorrow which is gonna. Basically cover the first week of living that cable after a year and half of full the full Monty fire us and I have the -- -- living in Long Island where I get. Access to -- TV. Went -- great things about moving out there in fact that I TV service and awesome you got that the DVR media DVR action and of course. The really good picture quality from -- and -- you know everything HBO the whole thing. And it just got to be a little expensive than you know as -- you know looking around and going -- in -- Netflix and Hulu plus I can. Two and over the air antenna and now game console right I I I got a PS3 men living units doing all the stuff already won not you know save a little bit of my monthly bill and it you know enables -- a hundred bucks a month -- -- -- -- Decided to keep accusing the Internet portion of an -- which is again like track and -- the 155. Is what I have now which is -- least you know fifteen minutes. Down -- down five up in its liking -- you do speed test it's like pigs every single -- fifteenth so. That's planning obviously for as much streaming has ever -- -- nominee and you know I don't miss the 20/20 that I had before and it's serving up it points or anything like that sound more now now exactly -- that would just turn it turn it way down but. It's been it's been a little bit rocky you know let them -- move you have my wife is not a 100% thrilled by the results of this whole. Endeavor we had a windy night I guess it was. Thursday -- my antenna that I installed on my roof right -- is gigantic it's a fourteen footer and down apparently catches that we -- -- that this. So that'll blow off it did not blow off that's yet to happen on it actually just -- a little -- -- breakup during on order so as almost as bad as blowing off and damaging you know. Him that we -- get a giant put it on your roof antenna anymore. Solid signal dot com this is a pretty shameless plug these guys done did wonderful by mean I'd already was emailed them my information including you know zip code everything in -- back with -- full list of recommended product checked out on you know and ran it by the guys on the forums it seemed like you know these are definitely -- -- -- -- before went ahead and made -- purchase and down you know I can't. Really complain about forty miles away from the Empire State Building and I kick it CVS though ironically in over the air as -- CBS employee I'm not able to get that CBS's. WCBS. -- mean you know the big the big guys at channel two here in New York I can't get them on zero Long Island affiliate that I forget. It's funny you should ask that there is a repeater station that they've reply for an FCC for permit to yet. And it's not turn on it CBS you guys might wanna go out there and and turn and -- and I can watch CBS without resorting to TV dot com. Or the CBS website which course -- panel shows. Now what do you use for aid DVR announcing -- using -- -- as DVR before. Yeah I had the -- DVR you know which was pretty darn good to -- -- 32 skip those so I I. In the process of reviewing the channel master I DVRs one of the perks is putting up the antennas and making -- these kind of reviews now is via a new. -- only person around here that can do that conservatives in the city and antennas you know really work -- -- -- apartment buildings and stuff so. This one is the channel master. -- DVR and its its really nice because it does record just accurately DR. All you know year over the years stations sell anything you put into it it'll record yeah -- it in the Bergen -- -- little rudimentary on the the picture quality is excellent and I do get that -- 32 skip. So -- and all things told it's it's not too bad. So what are the biggest. Two questions here about this one what are the biggest downside so far in the first -- like what's really what sort of unexpected -- I was expecting that -- kind of sucks. And then I have a follow up -- -- RI so -- the worst part about it hands down is -- sports I don't. I was watching god the -- says there you -- not sucking completely this year not but the talked about that. And also you know this weekend I couldn't get the jets game at my house because CBS. Isn't coming end zone. Actually had to go over to my father in law's house and watch that you know over over -- families and that was -- you know is nice communal experience but. You know it's and I'm not necessarily amount terms with that you know usually to DDR football game for example is you can watch a game and -- supposed to three and a half and those commercials and everything so. That's something I'm gonna be -- and I'm gonna trying get CBS to command in -- at the -- Livermore. But the sports is really the main thing of course -- baseball comes on equivalents Mets games got it got so. I think that's really the thing that keeps a lot of people it talks people who are in the same situation everybody just says you know what. I do it but I can't limit of sports and if you're not -- -- came on that. He had it is huge and and they use that -- -- Cablevision owns an X for example and I you know. The -- -- in the eighties and their own cable you know networks there exclusive two cable satellite so the end of the day they're gonna use that as a way to keep subscribers. I think is that and is also the real time news which you you know you get CNN. MSNBC CNBC all that's have nearly one. And you know it's almost as an answer to reveal as much as they do about the sports option -- -- cable news is you know you -- that although this is kitten is really there isn't actually. Fox news's website for example has a pretty darn good you know bunch of I -- -- soon because there right there online play on. -- -- -- Fox News sections you can get all their shows everything that you -- a real breaking news although if there's something really major you'll get -- on the local that's. Got a pretty major -- yet they break in for the plane that had to landed JK right effort took off like midnight last night. I'm simply with the engine trouble and really cut into the actual broadcasts that networks that but it all of that. Was all over the 24 hour news cycle we need new Stephanie C yeah I I think that that's kind of a good thing it's always good -- -- you missed out on that. And then my second question then is. What services are you now paying for it just kind of Panama -- -- a Netflix and what else is there. That's that's pretty much it. Beyond right and that's why I have Hulu plus -- legacy subscription because I did because it is reviewing the ease so I just went ahead and I legacy you mean like two months yet had a fairly well since the start of yet humans and then -- beginning to discount you know there all of us legacy people have for our two months we have four dollars -- -- -- wonderful. On and you know Simon and keep -- in December -- you know it's paid for not enough I'm gonna keep it you know for the long -- Actually less -- to -- happened we found out that -- was delaying a show that my wife really light and real announcements and it turned out that that Tom particular show is not appearing on and let's say on schedule regular news.com which we -- -- -- count and -- of you know here for free in you know give us the free T yeah so we had to resort Amazon BOD -- oh yeah turns out to -- the stopgap for cable -- -- if you can't -- the -- anywhere else. -- -- pay for Amazon I feel like Amazon's yet as a pretty good service but it's hard to get on your TV until recently yeah dad that well all of these new TVs happy and in service and then you know. Roku boxes had written I really wish PS3 would have and I can see you know PlayStation has their -- sort of video on demand thing you guys can see it when Ahmadinejad. But. You know it's a great service and it for ala carte programming -- -- -- you really wanna. You know follow up Matt Moskovciak -- house cable cutter four years real and and and standing and he. Used it for match man Andy you know there's a couple shows it okay you can just he he can't -- -- you can uniformity -- episode or two dollar 89 episode if you like -- -- fusion didn't feel like the Amazon I buy blank when I wanna try it out more try to once through play on. But that was it I think they have Amazon on -- -- TV a -- I'm not ever called something. They do it's a news Yahoo! widget section -- varies if they don't have an app of the EU it if you -- including around in the you -- you can -- X -- And of course this is building of last week's news that my TV guide I ordered a new ones that arrived he got set up. I Jason pictures but it's got cited it for the -- -- on the little screen there so we can actually do that. But maybe next week of fishing pictures so I'm curious I'll wait I had -- or clicking and -- there's somebody here why now why it's got Ellis that we were just discussing it. And are on -- Irish emergency emergency payments evenly testing emergencies gap. I -- -- kind of brick in my iPad here. But really every time I try to launch a third party app. It just -- trying to. Well I know what. It might be able to tell you well -- -- as saying I updated. My iPad and now -- will only launch you know built in apps did you restart digital wiser I restarted my iPad yet. Nothing -- acts that these horrible just -- but. You don't launch anything here. The -- you can't have -- and it fits right Twitter. -- -- Net the seventh my iPhone one thing we expect particularly that even when these things explain them this is -- concession looks at those who. -- it is just repeats over and over what they think the web browser and email and stuff works so that's anything else that's. Really strange well that's that's software updates and literally breaking it doesn't have a right -- AT&T and Apple -- -- and I think Apple brick my iPad or if anyone out there and comment your land -- updated there I can't thing if they're having a similar problem misty discussion about -- cutting. Got oh yes -- so I applaud all the exciting when you do yet but there apparently some unintended consequences there certainly and perhaps be the case these spousal acceptance factor is and -- in David's -- -- into it. I think it's tremendous. -- -- and and I don't know who I -- -- sympathize with more because I feel like. Join us coming back with -- -- that's -- Because at least you know what it is I do appreciate that your wife and is into the higher tech landscape of video cable. -- -- -- doesn't although she's coming back with the cord cutting but she prefers to not have any TV whatsoever. Q what she says that it cut applicable law write whatever the flaw -- -- you really are at it let's read let's please got to be considered a buck. It's really turning the TV off. And it's -- it's terrorist sort of a perceptible. -- at the Gateway drug. I don't know to -- but it's. Did you sitting down -- and child but it if you write a Gateway drug to being entertained. That's the outcome audits and I -- over overly -- that really I'm addicted to it now I need to think -- at signatures he Schiller its and other I think. And out now have you tried this -- -- Amazon on demand that David speaks -- and I had -- month yes that now that's a good way to pick up -- -- episodes. Of shows which kind of what you are always looking for. I'd love to and I don't have the device its expense a Q routes to and expensive I don't have device that can do it that's mine that's when I'm playing on gesture play on -- Really yes just over within forty bucks for lightly penalized if they -- are are well rounded up last night experience are altering my lucky. This might be reason to explore playing -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But I waste thousand dollar grant it if your laptop guy like me you don't have a computer on all the time the one prominent -- you just turn it on when you -- -- if you leave your laptop on all the time -- was very efficient. Those less -- they only pull down. I -- everybody's -- that's -- okay. That's what is nine watts you know what it says things are not what does it cost you to run an average laptop. But the quickly via -- -- it's late at odds -- it's like to -- -- -- -- -- -- -- a dark yet totally hear you dollars ten dollars exactly let's open it collects together next. They -- I. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And using the engine itself built into -- -- TV -- that's all very exciting yet. I streamed some 3-D movie trailers that's right on the Samsung 3-D channel and our great train your dragon -- drink tray and made -- -- didn't like one another. And then. But treaty Blu-ray like I next major stuff that work great video games and I'm not quite as much of losing -- on -- 360 staff Samsung's -- -- that apparently 3-D TV is not quite period even though they've had a whole year to work on it. -- the -- by pitching it. It's been a quick area and actually technology I was just literally plan around the airplane. Entry in the video for that. Using it on an Apple TV which is -- life for -- today at just about an hour happen. It's a mixed bag it's it's a lot of potential there you can you can stream any of your purchased nineteen stocks like Intel wireless display. You -- you can stream your content and most audio aren't -- TV. But unfortunately it didn't stream any of the videos that shot on my iPhone really. Now because it it didn't connector chip is like not allows an offer that option I can play photos but I had not stream any of the HD videos they shot him -- I think is being in terms of like bandwidth. Just don't think it's supported yet I'm sure at some point it would there's no reason why can't be Brian and -- and -- and won't support anything like Hulu but it will support YouTube which is. If you have an Apple TV is pointless security can do that on your Apple TV. But just in case you want just in case you wanna do to show but it looks great when it did it. And the audio schools basically like a Bluetooth replacement -- you can -- you can stream audio from the multitasking bar from anything. How to get to -- multitasking bar and -- one -- just like on the iPhone somewhat. Double time -- my right here see -- this -- cap on a home button and then you go oh I did okay and no way that -- Doesn't show now but when you have a a an airplane able thing you know what all my app I can try to -- are actually open I just can't get him up on the screen. So weird I don't know what happened should really -- that. Canada -- and -- but they. And I find that. Although I guess with four point two changed. The -- duties -- titles I the orientation lock in -- -- -- -- netbook -- directed no longer an orientation the back to the screen -- you know. We have -- good -- they've got going here about the we know it all bets that the chandelier and H Eminem you know what McLaughlin director don't it. -- the multitasking bar yet. Now how now how do you get bring -- -- that's the -- for. You -- it okay so that's what's now -- good for me. Our whole thing is not working for you geotag them with this as a working -- -- there already is on display. That you something bad happen yes obviously some -- very -- what happened. If that update I didn't then update and so -- backup was taking lots here -- die should cancel as a backup. Who. Don't -- -- -- originally canceled the definitely don't get jobs topic should let you eat it elaborately -- award again and I'm just not ready honey and any under again. And anyway they go -- screwed. So I'll just have to rebuild my. That the restore from an older backup and at -- and reinstall. Out of about -- -- that's that's unfortunate. It -- you know and -- I don't know if anyone else having a problem at that they are and if we can do that atlas I didn't have the prom night sky and of the -- by. Maybe someone's while we are. Discussing this got new call up the flight showed give the get the feeling that there -- -- DTVs like Joan -- in a couple -- there. Why do and that will kill some time by showing off. We do have a check question only one came across. If someone wants to know what is the absolute best box your cable cutters. I'd like to answer roku XPS it it's pretty obvious not not difficult to make that -- when it comes to content for the value don't think it's. -- -- contest and -- like -- -- it -- that in our news to bring us Netflix Amazon viewed the a -- in northern towns including MLB. Which trying to subscribe to next year and see if and that -- -- that. And -- ended the day roku really does is encouraging news that and I'll be on your PlayStation -- Yes as far as and the website yet 11 targeted -- an all these devices. Speaking of one -- -- though we got some cool today and that is the on the five micro console. Just turned up. That this is the console version of that online service that we've talked about is that street on cloud based. I think -- service from. It can feel little -- at times but also works pretty well at times basically you've played game on your computer -- -- not really playing it you're just beaming your instructions to a server farm. Where they're playing the game and the -- streaming video back to you and presenting it sounds that complicated I think that's who works surprisingly well. Anything that PC versions of these games on the console versions. And so this lets you -- the service up to your TV no computer required this ethernet and HDMI in the back and it comes with this wireless controller. That is very Xbox like where you can plug in wired Xbox controller where you can plug -- keyboard and mouse which is important because first person shooter games. Don't really work that great with the console -- controller because one it feels little lagging and to. It's the PC versions of these games not the console once you -- you don't get that like snap to. Aim insist they -- on console shooters -- you play the -- -- He can use a wireless Xbox controller and I think I have not -- they -- -- -- plug into something but the thing does have Bluetooth in it for headsets then maybe there's only to do that. But it took a wireless mouse it just -- the respond to receiver into here in the USB port network fine. And I was able to play like -- first person shooter with a keyboard and mouse and that was much better although still not as tight as if you have the game installed natively. That's safe for now that that this is where this is aggregate interest -- It's 99 bucks and that gets you this box to essentially just like as streaming. Gateway. And the controller. Any game. Any games and -- run up to fifty bucks through the regular retail PC games. And if you think about it game console 191999. More depending on what you get 99 bucks you get a lot of the same games. And you can do is buy with your point to -- rent them for like 35 days for come buck if you wanna buy an outright. I think it's an interesting low budget alternative to -- console gaming and it comes with one game. Yes -- -- deduction that's not -- the controller and any game any game you want a single that's nice that's not now will there be enough for that. IE will you see on live appear on I would -- may -- -- built -- that's what I'd love to see the -- or a roku press Apple built into that -- bring your own controller or you -- just by the controller. And we -- and this is a company that's just seems like it's its prime for someone to buy because they've got the perfect solution right here that. You know what -- do streaming and downloadable games retail box games just stream the -- you buy the full game but it's it's remotely in the cloud -- -- -- -- wherever and if you take the somebody's house you'd plug it in. You can still get the same games in a plea for anything to download and it saves you saves could you're saving you -- -- cloud. The doesn't matter where you go. Do so -- set this up. This morning -- it right. Yes and edit and play it. And how much and if they look like edge I seminarian at an Atlanta and ultimately it's. And asked if it. And now we have because you're in -- trying not to pay attention to them so knowing or because you were literally actually doing other -- I was actually thinking and -- And we're sitting in the front of the -- you know I think -- -- versus predator and in a record staff and dynamic music is there to drown it acting with and yet just another -- it's seen in humans now if you didn't have a game console with would this be -- you would consider as -- low cost alternative. It's a good idea but I don't think -- would necessarily -- -- -- -- -- Solely -- and -- option. So -- but -- talents at a console and you know. Rated -- -- and the multimedia stuff it has its own sort of friends network built -- its only other people used on live. And multiplayer is the same economically it's other people on online lets a big Achilles heel right now but I think it's interesting and we don't think these guys are a great takeover target for some big game company. Though. You know who knows it's gonna solve them up and I can't imagine somebody -- Yeah I can see it being more Sunday wanna use -- road you know like you've got a laptop with Houston capable of doing that not so with that box with the online you know -- and and being able to say you know take your stuff anywhere besides Wii game console -- especially continues in game I think and they need more sort of PC centric -- like really games you can't get on the console like. Civilization -- south. And are stark France the war even the PC version of Dragon Age. You know which none none -- they have right now but they have you know games that are mostly cross platform games you could also get on the console. And you know what it's gonna HDMI claims -- 1080. Especially on a smaller TV. That -- the commission earlier. It exactly every time I've I've used it or program that it's better than I expected he he and when -- -- after a while ago it still has understood to step back and the land and you enrich as they collect data and and and and tell -- what you think. I went to a day. I prefer crowd really -- -- to yep -- -- to -- have. I thought they did or my thinking or well I am not ignorance -- -- -- now I'm thinking up memories of final templates load just calm just -- -- it seems Yan would seem very -- -- fished through. Through -- you looked very. So. Let's take a peek at if you have a -- Scott -- the adventure I had this week in installing new TV which is a big faint -- should not. The should -- not -- I feel like exercise video. Then -- through troubleshooting. Was an -- if it was and I had it up here before. -- dance revolution -- This would have been very happy I'm just saying the the people listening -- -- right stream -- look at any living room will appreciate affecting going to see any polite we think you have counselors aren't. -- -- -- -- -- I I had it to you and I thought it preview at the -- art at that and I'm very envious of your AppleTV upgrade. Well I whichever oil to be MB stupid -- And I think it -- via a -- -- Mean most of his even your old TV was larger than my current TV and those of ads we've -- -- I'm thinking -- fixing embarrassing I've reduced in recent months -- and -- I am I'm I look I figured I thought looked up what might your own them and get a -- meter Keck -- -- Got back off. And if the fuse is blown in the why sustained board apparently I opened up its UL is everything inside is -- LT. Of course so it's edited and and both have heard a lot of TVs use the same set of -- yet the one of them is apparently known for going dad frequently. So perhaps if -- replace that one board retreat and get on eBay or somewhere else right I think you're design -- you have a nice gift for -- Exactly that's got summer Korea you can access employee -- -- -- -- If you think -- -- dust -- now -- take it back -- tape did you know and it's an item that if I check the fuses and in fact the fuse on the licensing board is blown. I will consider getting one and installing it and seeing if that works. ITT's and well that's that's why they'd -- kitchens and picture site where era. That's right -- just that I -- on top of each other. -- using the oral traditions replaced televisions this explain what -- once upon a time. This man indicted staring at the annual advertising agency admits that once upon a time getting a cool there's a -- -- -- -- -- experience flying a full story. And he did. It. Was the first -- on the 24 that radio is great and is the 1% of the jets game to me new artwork was there was a throwback you -- -- I quickly. -- -- running -- -- time and by the way this computer's use of crashed every year so that we'll have to extract the audio from somewhere I just tell you is that thing I don't really -- oh by late. -- this computers crashed one of an excellent and districts that tried. I wanted to briefly tell you got some cool Black Friday laptop -- they saw. But we'll just -- the link up in the podcast. In the podcast that post he could see it but. Like somebody had like seven inch basically Linux netbook like 89 bucks I think -- was Kmart -- RadioShack. Wal-Mart actually had a Windows 7 fifteen inch with a -- with the Celeron processor -- under 200 bucks but with the dvd -- -- you know. That seems a pretty decent deal of Saipan and at some -- had a had a HPE fifteen -- -- each feed. I think it was a seventeen inch with Blu-ray California. And to -- -- HP but. Again there's a few things got general limited quantities and -- the one -- -- -- looking through dozens and dozens of sales circular was that. Is not what it deals on high end laptops -- -- got the special Black Friday deals on super cheap stuff. I don't know why that is but they used to because they can put the lower you know a person -- -- -- to -- friendly letters on it. I'm strangely fascinated by this -- New -- seven inch 8990. Hollywood content it's the time -- I'm looking at -- time and it looks say exact I feel like PayPal be even have different brands in different models of different stores it's just a generic seven inch Linux it's not windows. And they -- bet there's some great bang for the buck there I mean considering. It can run a lot of programs even if you do emails when their pinnacle of release and -- And if I have a friend is and that's why wouldn't eat that I'm sure -- They don't. Why I mean for nine X -- it might take ten minutes to turn on the beetle attack. But are more quickly it's entering a time and -- -- -- ready to do a Skype. Call -- show from here in this very room -- one last thing at a frightening thing and videogame history. -- got this morning packed in with a fitness game it is the Jillian -- talking stand the and here she is and she has a message for all of us a ready for the message from Jillian Michaels and that's just press this button here. I'm gonna press the button right now. -- -- -- -- -- Well organ stops this just kills -- now that's not. Thinking about tomorrow. Alone and not anything about my -- bottom next week we're just scratching -- your way to the and don't stop and that's right now well. I don't. I get that then have OSHA and wrap it up at with the theme music the computer here -- -- we'll just come our way. PS Thanksgiving everybody. This -- And I'm not it's been alone with my degree and have and it's nice pan -- I'll accept it's it's all the little ones and in it's -- to -- You're right and it's gonna look. They need them scratching and then you guys that by everybody yeah. Do it for around the sun -- help deaf community sort -- -- And -- about it.

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