Dialed In: 4G at last!
Dialed In: 4G at last!

Dialed In: 4G at last!

-- Hello it's Wednesday September 22 2010 you -- listening he dialed in -- cellphone podcast. I'm your host Jessica adult court in studio today with Kent German I can't and technically. And with -- talk calling in from new York and her audience seems to be working today anger and -- and video. And video and many ads that Hillary is and has not gone when everybody handing them on a definitive way this will never happen again -- -- -- -- stereos. Which is that -- of the Amazon that we have last week that they were also assisted by technical producer -- and all of and I we've got -- really busy show we're talking about forgy coverage Blackberry tablet rumor 202 point two update with birds of a -- that one. -- -- -- -- So technical actually earlier this week detected sprint four G in San Francisco and -- it'll try yet exciting you know the upper hand and she was. I know where to -- no authority. Ahead ELN the president or if that's evidence -- and hours with them. Again and look up in the morning and as well so it's different it's full upgrade -- -- yeah so yeah -- -- faster -- Yet that's gonna thank so sprint customers instances go. Yesterday at the it was yeah. She -- -- -- quietly he leaves a few public test of the WiMax. -- for a generic and -- for fortunately and you know if you have a forgy device -- -- -- -- -- -- to CE before IDE. Cents an epic -- or these but only drank. You will finally see some did a -- -- bars light up in your phone. So you did you get activated who used it is to united and then he -- -- that'll. I -- -- now. I tested it here in our CNET office in San Francisco. No the test I think at the used to testing it out because it speeds aren't Tenet hit -- -- really. -- -- at -- -- really nothing they know -- it was at all. And an and other and other ability of the right 65. Megabytes. The second may be made of his second so. Yeah I think it's -- for what I've seen though is is really -- -- And apparently some people in Aaron in the comments and -- blocked those sounds of it that I like six. Again -- the second in -- apparently. So anyway you I in the city. As some Cisco has finally got it's been him. Rick Adelman even noticed it the day before he treated him -- -- that stop -- you didn't have overdrive and the wind and but that he either had. I think much faster service or drop -- he had not yet yeah it it this is seems to -- is a list can go up you can go from zero to five. Something's out that what they aren't they are they did announce couple weeks ago clear -- there are there and finishing the last work for the launch and so you may get it sometimes mean but. It will be launched officially with blanket coverage. Hopefully in the next month or so. And I achieve very impressed with the upstream as well because the option was pretty consistent at one point two -- mean and that's really very get faster than -- idea. Upload speeds of running -- you have you but the New York. Now. May have reviewed and now. I think I work on -- -- elegant way. -- man that's so and I think it's it's it's ultimately get especially now. -- and as it expanded pirate is services killing me it's gonna but the unit city then yeah in the city. That the -- mandate coverage black hole. Yep yep that's. But speaking. The other side but I was WiMax and -- -- actually announced -- in the youth with its Ford G a TE. Market and Maggie Reardon -- about one and and basically -- MetroPCS launched it in Las Vegas. Earlier this week along with a first ever commercial I'll see him -- and that would be beat him -- craft which is basically if it that feature. That we will be getting an office and opinions that is available and we probably won't have that forgy network -- one. In Vegas -- -- thus they're weather for -- goes yeah. -- And we actually saw the currently -- the -- -- was the beginning of the crafts. Six this last year. Sensing held a press conference at 8 o'clock in the morning which just it's never good idea. But they don't call moved us into -- -- and -- take note yeah well for Mac and actually enough people complain and I'm sure you whenever whenever doing this again I don't know pulled a but they came at a -- and they showed us. They they demonstrated we will be launching this -- -- yes would be -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Where it the -- geography and being pretty flat so I imagine on the lot easier to get -- province towers I just it was kind of interesting that may be -- -- -- he just uses this and beat all the big major islands -- I think its its people actually. And and the isn't that. And that's -- reading endless -- are right. The speeds are great for now and a lot of services aren't going to be there but in -- they're really trying to -- -- perform it in its first market. The crap all over. I think -- exactly begins -- to get -- and Brian Verizon. And for the moment -- presence. For executive silently last week that they would have. If there and it LT in the thirty NFL markets by the end here. -- I and any -- lot of interpretation specifically. If they really mean that so -- because that would lead on LA for instance but then. And I say this and I'm in the green thanks I can't I'm not knocking agreement yesterday as 100000 people so. It it would they really -- there before they went and settlers in the country's -- to see how they have. If they're really -- tie it to the. -- And and against a luncheon in time the pupils. At via. And Savannah our last bit of -- news about the -- flag and epic forgy. With efforts to get media -- I integrate -- -- you had at last week's add the galaxy talent you know. Samsung -- about that media hub would be nineteen -- and sprint -- the first one and they started to roll out of the software. Earlier this week and so. You can download movies and TV shows now they've partnered up with the number of studios including Paramount in BC universal and Warner Bros. and keeping -- -- -- Pricing ranges if the if here renting a movie it's gonna be -- -- 92399. I -- and you'll have that for 24 hours to watch. If you buy a movie prices range from 999 to 1799. And then TV shows costs as little as a -- -- but pricing is. And around whether it's or programming new programming in you can buy a whole season two if you want now. Syria -- forgy the first one and don't have any information as to when media hub will come here others -- it it it should be in this kind of interesting TV shows are almost as if confidence million. -- nice is kind of Reading through the comments -- -- when -- the complaints is it's the price you know do. And this is. Only to be viewing on the mobile device intensely watching on your computer anything. Yeah it's let me share that with other media ho play this but not like you computers you know using your laptop or whatever I can't unlike -- like -- -- plus three and take morale and watch exactly exactly but Samsung. Did mention at the event that they would bring. Would be bringing PCI client. And around media have so I think that's coming down and I think they're looking to expand this service -- lot of there devices. So it -- can be something online. I can also see sort of like a subscription or bulk and pricing structure -- that would be much better. Yeah -- on Netflix doesn't look I don't know their partners surely blood and BC Warner Bros. Paramount and TV networks whenever that against you add bit rate now the library who has about a thousand titles -- and -- convenient and that's -- document. Interest in I don't know I think this might be more useful maybe if you had -- I think it it be pretty interesting on the on the galaxy tab. And it's been listening -- yeah right yeah. -- -- -- -- then me and Samsung captivate sort of then brother or sister device also got a little tweaked and it. -- said they announced today that the GPS. Update is now available for the captivate. You know -- the captivate in the vibrant. Had a problem and getting a GP SX is really slow so. Samsung's finally released an update for that and -- going -- -- today. Believe it -- -- -- date in -- any music as far as the by Britain today but I I would. Assume it's gonna be pretty close. That means that happens there and in this yet times that I ask him around these problems happens there are problems cropped up pretty quickly Graham -- it -- -- a lot from them about that yes. And and -- heard mixed reviews on whether it's actually fix the problem and I think the comments in the blogs seem to be mostly positive but I've -- a number of emails saying it hasn't. Fix anything though. We'll chat. Get a captivate back in and check it out I can't -- -- and -- -- More fixes for entry come in here. Yeah it fixes and then injury news. And the trade act Scott if they're starting getting an injury to pre Q -- -- update today. And along without update came that Adobe Flash -- -- ten point one in the -- I gave battle little him run and it look at it on moderator sir I did look -- it on and demo unit of the -- acts. Before this new -- relief I had a preview a little bit of time to play around with -- And NC. You know all. Those pretty -- -- every -- lot of flack for events in fact. Flash player ten point -- came out. Months ago on the Nexus One we took a look at it if EU it check out my name hands on review. Up most of the morning and -- all the -- -- the bottom there's actually a video from the beta that we checked out. And and -- I can't say relieved. A -- has changed that I've noticed. So. And there are sites that are up to mayans and of course they work better like a lot of -- casual games from congregating. Anne and Mary evening playing -- Them with an act as CNET TV you know the video plays which is great. Our site definitely does not always do that and there -- still couple problems. Santa I do you think perfectly but the video -- Halloween kept tapper or stay where us both -- and I'd still rather see vast. -- -- best case scenario everything -- plane. Worst case scenario doesn't work at all somewhere in between is a good start and I just thinking do we've gotten so much -- prevents especially battles with Apple is this even relevant technology anymore and and so anything that it can -- -- really. Get battle it out and get partners and they've got ahead and dot flash dot com play which aggregate some of the sites but it's possibly a little bit my third. But again you know if if you've got site that really requires. Great hardware. You know even on a high end phone in May not have all of the capability -- the plane. About flash content the way it means to be played. And which city you have returned I would demo of the directs every demo of the -- from -- and -- -- where we -- gonna work on. -- -- -- -- -- I I just haven't -- -- it. What -- -- PM to -- to -- -- from the I mean if you can get out of an app that updates improvements he made -- and are not yet again and it inning and then -- phrase end and there are some improvements to their mobile -- by app and and -- navigator they gave -- and there their services to use them. Attention to their -- Independently and some of those it's it's not prayers and bringing it. -- is really bringing every feature Ferraro from devices all device again -- to any word about tethering aren't tethering on the -- -- with a two go to public not to mention. I -- -- anything mentioned about that. Demeanor that and even though and you and the driver and and those problems with -- -- them and whether to me via hotspots well. -- There are actually quite a few injured and with no wonder that we keep talking about and -- did a roundup. The Android -- on the market. This is a long lists isn't it isn't normally -- By any kind of living thing. Thank I had no idea how to do this with you I'm really impressed with your -- So we started with the T-Mobile G1 of course which I'm two years ago exactly. And it. On each member we're doing that again remember yeah and good. I'm reading now -- happy if it. Yeah and had. Android. Many -- and handrail -- -- -- what's called you know. Apple for -- or anything like that little. It was -- environment. There was of course had the in the -- a keyboard in the -- that it continued for a little bit but. After that can I get went through this account and I think. We're -- the ones that are coming I think we're two cents. Yeah we actually went a long time and after the after the G1 we went. It's not a ten months -- for the T-Mobile myTouch three G came out and then after that it's been just well then there's too violent -- October. I with the hero and then after the hero in the moment in the click in the drive manages this it's just been constant. He had yet can't really continue aired suspended. -- after the -- -- and was telling him first that's for sure and what's what are such distinction it was to go through this list and you know this is well -- -- about Android but. You see that I've included the OS version of the time it's -- -- the time of the product's release. And you could see it really bounces around -- UBQ go one point LA go one point it's only Wednesday to keep my time. And we've -- data when I point 61 point five and it's all over the map and you know rocket and the fragmentation it's a runner that's now -- those but it is interesting to see the wide variety of OS versions and features -- -- designs and distributing its -- them. I wanna take a quick poll most notable phone from the list in your opinion. Most notable. You -- like the best ever a -- your discussion and I mean it's saying one of the -- most notable mean a less obvious that if you hold it has. A -- -- -- I do yet again you know I mean out of it -- -- on its Nat I would say Detroit can -- mean. In combination with Verizon's kind of ad campaign really. -- that there really. Yeah that Android and emotional wet dry is synonymous and even if you get like an HTC Nexus One -- -- right -- the only Detroit you know drag an anchor -- is that it's like. See mixers you have to think it's it's synonymous with the brand is committed to -- -- Motorola yeah China. The -- -- -- -- and even though it you know Dieter. I think it and deserved the Nexus One that was huge you know and that one Nexus One with beautiful. It was huge it was it was Google's for it was cool marketed they have those sales channel name try to do an online spy. Just gonna work and Obama's -- because as a really really good device. And then I'd say -- -- the Tivo maybe Victoria credible there's quite a -- Yeah that's quite a few of them actually -- -- well Verizon is definitely a stronghold -- me. And instantly and so yup the last and AT&T'S had a couple -- they have the -- -- show and the pack but yeah. I'm a little bit disappointed at T-Mobile hasn't really gotten. As much of his stronghold on this because they debuted with the G1 right at the moment -- was that was that was the first ever Android phone T-Mobile got it was that yes T-Mobile. How are you on -- under unison -- things. And it did pretty well represented. And I started out so strong exactly. So and -- with the G two coming along yeah. Yeah that'll help him. Oh Nazi that I would it's been really amazing to see how are entrants com. No one of the biggest complaint that people have apart from their phone being left in the dark and then not getting any updates. Is is really when something goes wrong and who do you blame here -- is ultimately responsible -- hundred about the topic at -- you -- enter in five minutes while. Yes I -- Read about this yesterday and it. -- a different page is advocate deputy for while but then that early this McMahon diversion from new secrets or ask -- -- weekly column. And one of the questions was from a reader who said that -- had trouble after the hero updates -- to cut studio line. And it was the phone was just having a lot of issues with syncing Bluetooth other things. And aspirin could help and that's the way into the phone and it was worried that he would that are here she's going. By the imprisoned him and -- deputies -- -- -- weapons -- They said that well we. We could do that but will probably get it worried that they of the things things that happen and I've heard from other readers that so that -- in the phone same thing happens button and it really trading in the founders of would solve a problem in a lot of ways. And I've heard from enough people to know that when these updates happen bugs common bugs happen through ROS Smartphone OS's but with with Android. Customers really don't have a place to turn because the carrier can only help the carriers -- first line because there's really has the customer service is most customer -- -- -- -- -- -- -- little -- -- and then. But they don't always helps -- found that it make the OS they certainly involved in the process that's the way it happens this. Enter it or Google releases the under an update -- the manufacturer to make sure can run from -- of the carrier. Compatible their network that because that's the customer sort of there's knowing that really take responsibility comes -- that's as well okay here's a problem and we're gonna fix it because that carry penalties -- much. Manufacturer if they haven't customer support line can only do so much angle -- -- have a support -- the black hole you yen you know then -- gonna form but. I -- I like to consider myself a marginally Smartphone savvy person and email for -- health trust me if the law because I edges. I want an answer then once now and I and you some additional -- sometimes or to do forming at a look at it and so I can really describe what I want so. IE it did this really know where to turn in a lot of cases forms are helpful. By anyone's used to form knows that -- -- can't always rely on if ones you can't rely and the help and drilling down -- finding the answer exact. Thread that you need and then there's multiple threads and they've -- -- -- just. It's it's frustrating experience so the thing that discovered we discovered with Google is that no one's taking responsibility for -- -- I really hope they. Some and it's -- to -- fix this and say okay we're gonna take responsibility for this thing when it goes wrong what happens and here's how we're gonna fix it here's a place that customers. -- add customer service could definitely be smart Google's brand. Yeah and it so it's one -- it's on the next one is that knowing them they don't have that -- a solid customer service is kind of silly because they -- marketing their own phone. Ten day you know I've -- and I I got a couple comets have arts and proud you know that's that's really entry is -- exposed to be whatever they want and consumers and it's you know it's up for the key people that fixes the -- that -- -- -- -- not a run. Andrew is not certainly be marketed by carriers as -- phone that's only for really geeky techie people that know what they're doing a ministry market -- a phone that anyone can use which it should be. And and that way you can expect ever -- -- know what to do. May be a good solution this is just me but in the idea that a Google -- -- -- to appoint occur at the committee is something is in it. Build -- heat -- a site pointing to you. Different avenues for your particular handset or your particular band -- -- that I think just like. Just it just just be a filter of this is Vegas is they should go it's like foreign thing -- -- that's a spark and of thing and I and I do think Google -- stepped up here. Meaning have a search -- -- them about every other one out there right should be pretty yeah you things but there any -- search results that. Specifically targeting all of the 800 help issues. But you -- -- -- common it's largely it's -- -- -- -- for developers pretend well Ontario Canada should be like to consume they're really section for something. And the benefit of the -- -- and of the benefit five and you've got a problem -- taken into your retail store there's probably one not too far away from you. You get -- intention. -- So yeah IE I. I like -- via an amendment -- -- it with this but I think it's one thing that entry house to house to think about and really have to overcome to make customer friendly what's wrong. Yeah. We'll see -- Skeptical that. That we have a lot of fun last week -- Nicky has come back in the raised fist picture. And and rim is actually going -- time to do the same -- its Blackberry developer conference that is starting on Monday and Monday through Thursday here at infants with and we will be in attend. And so. Earlier rim revealed them -- -- plans. And and it kind of like a little -- there they're definitely going to be unveiling new social apps platform it didn't really go in -- do you tell. Just said that it will sort of and we expected to expand. On the device device communications a Blackberry messenger. Which some people -- hadn't really been one of the different differentiator. And operating system so not sure exactly what we're gonna theme I am not -- which -- Are also going -- have another payment and billing option. And even then -- also just announced carrier billing and and then. -- being. Some announcements -- to perhaps and building an html five which is web coding standard. When everybody is really talking about is the -- are are they going to unveil the black patent. -- being an -- -- iPad. Let's call -- statistics. You know I think that that. That's me but I hope it on black -- hello I'm seriously the rumor had. That it -- it's a day. I remember when did you land -- for and I can now here are calling -- the Google and yes. Yes this is the technical equipment that that did that they're seeing the world. Come out next week or whatever and you -- As rumors get started as will it happened it and found few a Wall Street Journal. Article that basically thing -- -- that happening it's not yet so we've already having dinner party decided yeah. Will be very upset at that moment. The just thing. I don't know I I I am very skeptical I think Android is probably more suited for the have fun factor of -- this is just me personally unique. It goes I think the Blackberry. OS that just seemed so cool smart phone. Like to me -- -- think generously loaned to latest larger. Form factor because you know beat it -- like he could have a portable turned back yeah. In an -- -- -- -- -- that envelope and get consumer notice for a long time. The trying to do that with the -- -- really gonna try to do that more with whatever they announced. I think they are better suited announcing some more interesting -- -- it says. Yeah although it is a developer conference in again. And -- think they should get into the tablet isn't there. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The hardware was -- -- -- legal you know and also things that people say about. Tablets that there's no real. Business argument for them. -- Can't ask you another -- can really do you threatening brain sort of their business solutions that income area they don't keep systems yeah. Your email they can view everything that -- if you. Bickering as well -- You know -- like. -- I don't and the camera. Okay it's. Some of the -- from The Wall Street Journal article and suggests it will feature a seven inch touch screen and -- to -- camera. -- go with the cameras. And we if you fraud and fill it they'll be the same as the Dell streak that it's -- -- the phone as well -- a tablet. -- -- -- It says it'll only be able to connect to cellular network through it Blackberry smart. In which is which is just gonna be tennis that's really -- don't like any of that Eddie. And a tablet. And the big. -- yet no but we'll save Apple's doing that was now. We'll definitely be interesting we'll have more thoughts and opinions -- -- black patent. As -- okay. And Mac Nokia backed the new Nokia and then on their -- -- and. Yet but they're gonna lunch -- -- Arlington and me. Other everybody entrant. We ask that the and waited witted and executive thing you standard is lake. Near pants here -- -- warmer than people who apply. -- -- If you know what it feels good to remember opening of a messenger and. Only became effective on on your hand right that's. A good thing and aim is -- -- -- -- And got -- Nikki -- mine. You elaborated. I thought about it dude I'm so delay final three -- yes and Nokia said and that. They're gonna delayed them onto that and paint on some -- Some markets not all but they're making some final three that. And that -- US -- -- -- -- -- -- I think we're included in the delay Piet but candidates have their gonna make some final -- and there -- in two and the user experience. -- They're looking now at October launch it was due to ship -- at and this camera but now. Some markets we're getting it in October making the best of a user making for the best user experience design is code for -- -- this is terrible and -- and yes and we don't know it's there with e-book content. Them know -- and of the netcam variants that'll keep -- on that. And to keeping our eye on Smartphone screens aired frank Glenn and his battle Royale number three. Where he compared force -- -- screens to see which one was asked. And you stuff -- check out his article and on the -- but the bottom line. Is that. Apple iPhone four had be best green followed by the Samsung epic -- And then they HT featuring incredible -- had mine for that I wanna back and then followed by the Motorola trade act so he had them and some scientific. Measurements he -- says and as always in the brightness of black I'm restaurants and assassinated at exactly honest -- a lot of time on that this is not just no way to say you know I took of -- a brief look and I decided to the there's no well -- area -- -- color scales. And fonts and lots of -- the numbers so this is a really really well done through an intricate piece that you should definitely check out. And then both are great dinner table conversation this. -- -- think is there's an atomic. -- -- makes a good points it's not like it says the iPhone was sort of the best overall but it's not that. It's not that everything is that it wins each time mart's the best of everything in the -- -- -- knowledge of the strengths of devices that's important to remember when Apple could put this thing it's just. And -- -- or something but -- I -- I honestly like an ethnic images -- authorities -- anyone you get you can get at least -- you -- anything it just sits in depend on how granular than. One -- -- UN going to really. Now yeah it America. Didn't deduct it at. Ferry had a little bit of and in the quality -- installed -- the -- -- Yes the Motorola -- the we mentioned is the few weeks ago in a good grasp this am finally announced that the carriers could be honest with the you -- And is it can read full QWERTY keyboard. And a -- looking. You can usually email and BT there. Optical track pad basin into the back then they. Blackberry look -- as they had sanity that's gonna and I thought it -- it first. There yet but. -- -- have to be square and let me of another Motorola Smartphone the Motorola Q. Assembly. -- That agreement a year. -- -- -- -- -- Tennis Smartphone ever yeah it and I never included a Q on a list -- the most over hyped device a student. And I got a very angry letter from the president of the Motorola Q users while -- -- -- not a gamer committee or whatever they call themselves. And I just thought wow that's. -- no such -- system number one and yeah. You know it was one of those cases where -- Brian you review that anonymous -- was -- from just from what what it was built up it's. You just. Not in Manhattan and has nothing like. And we're the opposite effect for the the -- minute raid arrays are comers on -- -- who cares and the -- just mean. Completely -- -- the -- it's it's yet. But yeah yeah it it doesn't and I hit area there. And it doesn't mind -- and the key because of the form factors that you know it's. It's not a Smartphone though -- -- -- -- -- regular feature. And when Motorola has announced it announced in -- of the eco friendly things -- -- -- was a publicity and I didn't feel lot of that in the press -- we use -- At this as a select few less -- Americans and is it not it's not in. I don't know but -- it does not. -- -- and do it especially for it emissions into the -- bit extra pollution. It's available for 3995. Internet use in the -- it -- -- -- and -- I think you've -- out. And then we also had. Mother at the Samsung craft announcement that came at the -- -- And -- announcement. And then another Samsung and -- and receptive coming cute virgin mobile USA. And we've argued -- and an -- -- you to collect and it yet and when it first came out for sprint. Thirteen hundred and pretty entry level it just -- And iphones Expedia and you know -- it does hat it does have and a two point one which is -- It'd be sent Andy. I liked it actually it it it actually Sony had a EV DO man you does not like -- who bird and flat out pretty keyboard resentments WQV. Gene display -- and should have a three -- -- -- -- -- Yeah. Did that -- intercept have touch with on -- it marked the spot and it was a stock and okay yet and it didn't have me is that it's not like the -- yes. And will probably be seeing more of the same for virgin W methane and act them out. Well probably not -- until. October. -- -- and everything -- -- looking at nothing yet. Though we're gonna take a quick break. Turn it afterwards. And we're back with some reviews including a price by between epic -- -- and the even afford -- Yes -- that we just talked about it and actually. We've -- ran an ad for wireless for some accurately answer the question is an attempt -- -- you unfortunately what can you do and than edit. If you -- -- yes we took a -- and need you know there's there's there's semi. The -- -- phones that you could put some -- to -- that we are really wanted to do satisfied that. That really compared to devices that have features that were so similar and we don't wanna -- from a taken forgy in putting with a not for -- genius. Yet to -- -- the fourteen points and that's not always the best thing so we were looking at the -- -- -- which. And we compare him on the three you -- things that it -- Colin. Flash right silicone. Flash in Africa. And we in the to normal features that -- -- to the design and navigation features the ultimate department and the car performance. And -- I'm not to -- when he answered -- ticket prices right back you can add a comment house but by the -- between institute -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And he's so good at it he really is see if it -- -- lot of energy. In the next the next review we have here is you have rim Blackberry there -- 3-D tiny 330 this is -- CD Amy vision. Even very -- it's very similar estimate expect a most of these. To -- me GSM phones to be his estimate the geek refugee from T-Mobile is has and the scenes optical touchpad the slim profile -- media keys on the top. Is Wi-Fi GPS EV DO two megapixel camera and I think of course the big sell for me is that it's only tuning in between nine inning but the main thing. Far a parent moved -- the -- very Fijian so I think that's really really great Steve you've. Just getting to Smartphones -- -- one of those really affordable. And you know it's it's applicable to OS six as well it's not yet though I think. Think that's coming -- when -- -- it is here or something on it next year which I think sprint the only ones. -- said there there bringing Mary's in the year twelve mile and but I. -- -- -- -- -- -- You images related issues we'll see about that so. Little Blackberry OS six the latest less. Really. Isa but -- the greatest but nobody did and it's the affordable and I think it's because yeah I -- spyware who you know they've found. -- leak for the upgrade and they said it was almost better on the Mac and non touch screen really began. Because -- -- timing and wondering how OSX would. Operate on their intent has its own touch focus now. -- -- The optical -- that really helps it helps via. I guess that but you can't make it positive regularly and has that you know them. -- -- Kasten on the vcast stuff but that's me the only difference between this and mobile version. -- Well have more reviews coming your way for the and you innuendo and opinion that I am. That's that's the only thing Andreas you center right and I can't get fat and -- -- -- there didn't. He knows -- Mary Mary have I have agreements -- the errors videos. Will also have VLG encore and the Motorola. N. Does anybody have any element. I do. Waxy its its Cayman nuclear tech and I impatient but chairman from Oakland -- and was -- if there'd be a prize fight between all four major platforms. IPhone injury when -- -- seven and Indians and ET's -- yes we we have talked about and I think when you know we finally get a windows phone seven device and Symbian three picking them even when. It it's a little more complicated with four about it. -- And that's should be. That's the -- -- pretty soon it should be fit -- And removed what have been hearing windows -- seven month lake in October launch will be could be. I would say later not to -- they're having an open house and in October of it. For his devices coming out yeah. He's made -- -- and -- half. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And yet we're still commenting. I don't forget about it via boot so this. Not so much a question and this common practice -- Skype is you know sent to me and that. Teens I think humans in Oakland and you just telling -- that he's been all of and it is he still looks across the Bay Area. And he's -- be getting -- RG signaling in San Jose in Oakland and Dublin and all of a place in Debian so I think. The -- evidence that -- use it -- -- Yeah -- yeah. And then they're gonna just. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Who is writing about and the group -- that's when it let's turn incredible hand and substitute they're late they're ages eleven and thirteen. Want to get generous but device can send -- -- -- thirty dollars month data for it to their phones. Do we everything that and hundred of -- -- data plan use attend element within seven that'd element -- and I'm all the senate -- have Wi-Fi which we'll cover their needs for data. Well you know I know that the ten dollar monthly plan. I did read Ers have report this week and I haven't confirmed it was -- -- actually gonna base that now. We're and they were going to take the most media -- -- -- column yet there are yes teachers -- the yeah yeah. And they weren't gonna have anymore so I and I don't really know what they would do to replace them. Because a feature phone. Which adds his armor was always a little nebulous it was sort of phones that when a Smartphone which is have a lot in them and that your -- things. Is that replace the cellphones and iPod Touch of 100 device. But -- thirty dollars each. Rights and dynamic and -- -- column. And the agency -- he can do you prepaid credits. Yet but I do have to say I did see that that what's concerns was like an eagle allowed them on the iPhone for sure. And -- Verizon I think your only option right now is a thirty dollar I don't know and peninsula and we plan I don't exactly know what the commitments corporate data and what that would include but that is an option for you. But then if you -- to go. You know and and I don't know exactly the plans are to mobile is offering for the intercepts by -- could be announced on straight and instruction differently virgin mobile is based -- value and delusional things they could boost mobile has say I want a core is a I don't know where you live by. In the cricket so there in the organizes design -- so there are these these carriers -- come in and that visitors sort of lower tier and a more budget minded carriers and they have certain -- -- -- -- percent -- -- though I don't know if there's anything besides it with. -- That should so. Personally. Okay I am I got one from Harris -- only -- And previous podcast we mentioned that could be useful if mobile phones can be used as an. And he doesn't actually used every day in Tokyo that way as we mentioned showed Japanese mobile phones have an. And the chip is compatible. For a short distance railways -- and passes. Yes cool hello and at some cool. And with the Japan. And -- pregnant and -- if you still pretty unfunny and ethnic. Okay -- the who gather there okay. The -- they're not in order to go to -- yeah. We've got it now now and then you learned to think through a crash course yeah in that it -- and and third -- -- really off them and in fact I was trying out. Clipper card here and infant with networks like but it's on a card and not -- on the and and -- a lot of solution like that that are starting up in the last. Nothing has really come to fruition in the same way. And for various reasons -- touched upon us awhile back in them. A couple articles -- it on mobile payments. And that's something we're -- keeping our eye on hand. It'll be great -- -- unified -- and anybody have anything out -- on. No armory questions for today. So it during this again next week and in the meantime you can email -- your questions comments great. At filed in and it cnet.com you -- and leave a voicemail. Line 866402. -- 638. And you can visit -- blog every day filed in dot cnet.com. But that for this week. Thanks for joining. Me around by agreement. There's an audio left the room -- it which you have to say goodbye to the Jason Howell who is leaving -- For some other company recently. Went on to mention it's meant that there will be -- -- bashing anti Madonna. We two which in the past and he's been a great distances in and man and I don't know how we gonna past and money from -- government. How are those Elaine yeah eating -- tiny minutes really last week -- thing about taking care again there. Reagan years. So I you Rhode -- them Jason's -- and come back it's your heart and.

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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode
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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode

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Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone

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Dialed In #216: All about ETFS (early termination fees)

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Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak

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