Dialed In # 169: Bonnie phones it in
Dialed In # 169: Bonnie phones it in

Dialed In # 169: Bonnie phones it in

It is Wednesday April 13. 2011. I'm just it's -- -- -- watching piled in unit Altman podcast we have here in care of in studio. Kent German Nicole Lee and technical producer Steve -- them. And in New York. Bonnie Cha is literally dialing -- in her school who Bonnie -- and how it checked both a landline -- adding an -- -- -- yet mammoth bones are the future. Really cool and hard. Copy -- -- and you -- other opinions here and it's only hired lawyers said. And because we and have well this is the beauty of technology. And things and tell you how. -- -- Other form other technology and backups are -- while. That -- really that we have that's welcome Iranians could open the future it could hit and a bunny fit that. -- -- -- Actually. You have a sensational funds to tell us about -- -- money. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Six -- -- -- sensation for T Apple has been ever read at -- seek care at. It is real and it. Coming to T-Mobile but some are. It'd get really beautiful technique -- -- by the year -- here last week and it's really impressed with the device. -- Notable things it's not HTT watch it which are very UPD a circuit so I can't print media hub where you can. Have -- and buy movies and shows sell. Accepting -- can't really pushing and the -- -- -- there are partnership by at and Batman are back on digital to. And it provider. -- it's actually watch out -- could be changed and that the electric HTC sense protecting its content to take credit it. They've really had that can -- for the lock screen C I have -- -- can -- Access your applications more easily and also Peter mark you're you to contact Eric Berger -- it looks like. I and a lovely little -- animation. And you'll see a foot and you can -- a little recap of what about and it explains how expect basically -- up demand. They elaborate further open up though I think it's the same one that they are greedy that aren't -- a study by each day. And -- if you got a chance to check out by its its critical. That's. -- -- -- yeah okay well it -- -- it right but they've got it set it now. Cut to -- I feel like there are currently getting that same Powell you know he's one way to differentiate for but it public. How we have widgets -- -- -- actually on -- screen but I think -- he's and it taking back. It's fine with me of the custom UI has -- -- that they all follow HTC. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and eclectic etiquette America corporate care gigahertz dual core profit sir -- -- -- QHD displays or. You're getting. A battered display technology -- -- super. High and the right but there. Attacked their properties as it -- -- -- between which they haven't yet. Sure about it as it works. Nations where Lindsay when you say that you can act as -- Okay well gap now that they -- ridiculous timeframe and yes exactly and and they are right there will watch it's coming. -- -- -- -- -- -- That we get. I think that -- -- and actually the son Ashton is not going to be the only dual core phone for T-Mobile that -- hint. The G -- acts -- also be available very soon. Yesterday it had actually roll out over their Twitter account late last week that the -- acts which one are best play award. For the phone category rating it's gonna be available -- able to. Tax -- for Richard Ellis -- he actually prevent it -- here contracts. So you can quietly -- -- -- We are lucky enough to get when. And I know I think we we -- really I'm pretty impressed by the device technically technically -- look at it. I'd like to -- Yeah I thought it was really fast knows me and Allen says -- is dual core really the future and you know whether or not you think it's -- -- AAD it doesn't make the phone really -- -- largest really quickly. And only played -- video significant HD video on -- -- skipped around the video without any kind of lag at all so -- it does make a difference with video especially. I also thought as optimist -- acumen and things I really liked with the -- kind of reminds me of an infinity pool -- a disorder drop off on all sides just a little bits if you hold an applicant and doesn't look like it's bordered by something -- -- like her -- who infinity pool yeah definitely Apple only when I -- indicate that it. -- and again hallway of I've -- -- long time. You mean. It was a day if you don't have an inadequate you can go back to Blackberry world. Hayat now and are an important. Cern have a ticket that's a good -- analogy I like the. -- -- like yeah and I thought I really like that yet really beautiful -- life. On the opposite end of the spectrum perhaps is this algae thrive which will have the distinction of being eighteen -- first prepaid smart. Yet so it's gonna be an -- -- available agent he's built for pre paid service so he can get. The device for once I mean I ain't. Contract but you -- And -- to get it built for packaging and and that -- three different expert and he can get past academic rights for twenty -- At dollars 400 megabytes or fifteen or ten megabytes per -- out. -- you can -- contributed to this basically -- opt for. Yeah I'm looking into this and other continents isn't it looks very similar -- status of an optimist into mobile phones to -- -- acting against the global vision. I mean I called out it's an email though the about it did it come from -- but it definitely looks at what by the same so. -- it is it is an entry level LG Android phone which -- fits the bill. I don't know the Smartphone data packages since can skimpy that I guess VW's did it's okay to -- Or maybe -- -- -- now you seen -- Apple web browsing it's fine print you know it's the GPS it's the streaming is the now that's the thing that really sucks out the data. Then I got you back about that -- when he used. Now but I mean if you want email if you want this communication if you -- spokesman of the web I can see -- when Amazon Barcelona have twenty megabytes on the iPhone -- -- I'm Bonnie -- trying to find a restaurant one -- I use the maps and my data that you say they have only twelve megabytes my data use is attracting at shop like despite -- -- -- -- look at this address them. That thus prices from Democrats like -- -- -- -- for relapse and academic he got that close but. Using your features wisely could be okay for the right person yes so -- use -- if you smart enough to get Wi-Fi and every ten. -- know your -- work things like and I think that the post paid version is called Phoenix me. Yet and that will be -- act with a two year contract and both will be available -- April 17 app but what difference at the Phoenix. Currently feature it that it has a hot spot on that -- -- need tethering so. An elite -- mark and hotspots were probably. Weren't -- -- -- without any critic I yet again I think some. -- -- my -- -- really see the difference here you know with a prepaid and the post paid and prices. Fifty dollars. As fear being that there have pretty cost as 180 dollars to -- being. And sort of compensated 130 dollars by signing -- For a plan would. Significant difference there. I wonder how we talked about last week especially there are some stories where there AT&T had actually raise prices and T-Mobile -- cut them. So here even when AT and he is reducing some of its pricing T-Mobile is undercutting rivals still on an unlimited plan -- this is -- it. This is what I -- if this. -- merger goes through this what I'm gonna really -- about team because it always been a leader in price hands. They've always gonna require Americans say we saw an interest in devices it's not like we're putting on a bunch of dumb phones. Interesting devices attempt to access Yahoo! answers you know we just are about prime reason I if they're able to do very -- -- So this is they are getting an unlimited texting -- tech talk texting and data for up to two gigs a month. And it's coming out for I just have depressed -- setting 99 and among. So that's pretty good because sprint offers that for 99 dollars and Verizon. Is offering -- com. -- test plan for 99 dollars as well but -- -- -- must at him I think they're mostly at 99 cent do you mean non business tornadoes cheaper to do everything so I think it's great and I. Yet the idea I'm not gonna ever talks about the -- immigrants RS of the merger and I mean -- -- pricing change and I can imagine AT&T -- keep this but they might but you never announcement this is a place where AT&T -- always succeeded in its one. Im just disappointing that this might change. One thing I have to say to T-Mobile infinite credit that they really -- -- there were going to carry on business as usual and -- really happened there sticking to their release cycles they're rolling out. In -- plans and devices and and things like that. Really waiting to see what happens with this merger and I think that other companies and their same position could adopt the lame duck. -- -- the strategy Avery in between -- it they really haven't. -- -- have to remember that noses Immersion has an eagle food yeah that's I mean there's plenty of and to -- an analyst I do agree that. Does that the benefit of having more than 1 morning to boot camp is is that pricing wars happen -- people it can't compete. For customers in and it's an apprentice Jeremy how cutting on the same this is scanned it is to sign up I don't really get cynical as that I think that. Even if they do you get people to sign up in this merger goes through AT&T will honor those contracts until the end date and even if the merger didn't go through on some of signed up at the end of the -- T-Mobile can raise their price to make it's -- you can opt to pay more -- -- If this gets UN and AT&T takes over then I mean you can't really do anything about the AT&T -- -- government agency would offer this plan through -- -- -- So it's still worthwhile -- -- So Verizon Wireless has. Also changed its stance on a certain kind of contract -- when your contract. So the won a contract as -- to me and you -- has always been that the compromise between the two year contract. And getting one that's maybe it'd be too expensive for you without the that the non contract pricing yet. So and so right now Alice has confidence that -- -- starting it was seventeen pieces and sending relief. They will no longer offer one year contracts. You'll only be two year contracts and in the month to month ones in the prepaid options. -- existing customers that the -- -- contracts will not be effective but wants a country is up you know they have to choose between the two years in the month month in the options the PP option so. Notices it's been a lot of a few comments in this -- those soon most airlines -- up -- -- it did you can believe it's happening in. You know it's it's it's just unfortunate that they did inside -- -- this is one of the ways to. And I just adjusting its its its its a its a bad choice -- to be -- -- you but one thing you know we could be. There is if you think we forget this and Canada three year contracts with our -- so I don't. I'm gonna say this is like a two dollar bill you know you just don't feel lot of -- -- And yet a no but that meant but the thing is it's one of those things where you don't want to -- -- it's just too long maybe for you when. And you don't want to. -- two year contract and are likely to to show notes at stupidly. I am people's epic. Now right and you're listening and it hit back outcry has been made -- -- had been yeah I think advocated still lot. Think the other -- to offer a minute. After that country -- -- Well. In terms of regulation. Always an exciting topic. B at -- -- has tightened regulations for cell phone signal if. In this is small piece. The CTA for a long time has been trying to get signal boosters actually -- pot. So that's -- thing you put in house and this is different from this FM to -- which a carrier sells these -- the third party options the -- like. You get from. Wilson electronics -- boost and a couple other Y -- this is an imminent product. And they were put -- carrier networks -- never worked with I didn't buy. They were Cassini -- -- -- put her -- a booster signal he's actually work they're not like that's stupid stickers that you put on your found the -- market after -- better. I'm in and they can cause interference and so -- TTA which. Isn't always the customers friends. Has been try to get these outline for a long time and the FCC has decided that they are not going to do that which is a good thing. But they well put for some restrictions and there haven't actually decided the restrictions it has come up with ideas and asking for public comment by. A couple of them are if the carriers -- -- towers to close. So you're gonna be moving -- in -- car or you like -- its built -- your house. They will shut down automatically and it doesn't mean that my account started but it -- -- on anonymous automatically. And if they detecting interference. They will shut down and automatically as well excuse -- -- Hopefully these industrial zoning these -- good products there's a need for them especially emergency workers in its development in rural areas that don't have good -- -- service. And indeed disappointing to see the CC today Stepan and and and get the government to ban means just -- -- -- -- your -- When that happens. -- -- Well be -- sprint and Google love fest continues. Sprint and Google announced today. Just kidding yes. Actually had -- story when I lost track. Well anyway they announced yesterday that they're going to be delivering music tracks and ring tones on a new injury. Com and -- yeah it's hard this is the sprint music plus service. And -- actually partnering with RealNetworks which RD has an entry application. And so it's a bit of it media player that uses your music library but there's also store element -- who purchase new music and ringtone and individual track ranging between ninth and threw out a dollar 29 -- And purchases are -- your monthly service bills -- there's carrier billing with patent. You can Scott Webster who writes for us tech a look at this and -- -- that create cup and ring back tones. So that was something that he really enjoyed it noted -- -- the kind of expense. And so with the story and -- 250 for ringtone to fifty. But it's currently in the diesels filing for about the same price that iTunes and other -- -- for about a dollar thirty. And then if you -- -- you can just use one of several free -- apps. I typically -- when -- an app -- at a couple -- apps for creating ringtone -- on that you aren't you the activity for every time -- Not so I'm I'm not really answer about. -- -- And then. A lot less. Number Q which was today's announcement and not yesterday's announcement means that but -- -- today as that carrier billing is actually gonna be extended. For all sprint Android phones. For the in -- market apps. So again if you buy not a sprint and -- anything. -- for example. Or any other game or anything and you can choose to defer that to your bill and it instead of paying for -- That's nice I mean because it's it's just puts on one place and and if it's that you should have the option at least it usually is you -- have the choice is a nurse -- practical. Matters to consider as well. So sure if if you used to paying your bills that once once a month is urge you don't have a credit cards yes that -- is currently an antidote. That's important for emerging markets meant for several demographic that in the humans so I asked Google this morning. If they were extending -- -- Sprint's prepaid brands like with mobile and Virgin Mobile. And the answer is now or if -- not yet -- the well there's an answer no I have not gonna happen how. But it. They have noted that they're going to -- extending -- partnership so don't be surprised to hear about the latter rollout happening with other players. And so we alluded -- Blackberry world which is taking place in early may in Orlando now. And blue diamond and but a lot of other things we talked about the -- that they've been talking about a lot of leaked him fat. Has led Nicole's -- really think long and hard about the state of ram and its chances for survival even it is sort of thing. Now yeah and by the way -- -- see just to add CO OS. So painful to -- -- -- CEO Matt. Mike allows our hands and arms around -- -- Madison's name moments as a room where. It doesn't come with the pronunciation has. I'm an imminent. Through human and it BBC. Interview and was asked about. Problems in Egypt in India with. With prosecuting and their experience carrying -- Very quietly mastered yet he never used his -- he never yelled at -- But he suffered it is -- -- in an area of web youngsters here over and use the words many times this isn't fair. Which you know just things about the seems kind of an innocuous questions to me I mean -- it's it's very current and people want and now. -- -- be governments abandon immigrant and haven't been and a because the back there isn't secure enough distance to secure yet they wanna you wanna get the opened up and they knew she was objecting to. In at two suggestion that blackberries weren't secure at all the -- -- the questions brains and I think it's unfortunate because this was an opportunity. Educate the reporter and also to educate all of the watchers. And he didn't do that -- -- -- China's that's not fair thing she was. Perhaps a little bit more prepared to talk about the label the united intends. -- -- -- -- -- should and shouldn't have. Anyway -- I -- any CEO Blake a company like this as an operating a train is -- immediate training we asked this kind of lessons and -- -- say especially it's like some and a book tour I mean they go around the goes element in a -- a -- there -- celebrity. And -- you know were arrested for drunk driving recently or something like they're gonna some of those -- -- You don't ask about -- your job and he would've asked about. I have a mirror reporter an edit a lot of their viewers and readers to come from that affected countries and in the Middle East and -- he was asking. Can I assure my readers that they're gonna have no problems with these device. Yes I know -- it's vanity and simple answer would have and you know we're working with beefed their looking and in we're working on -- This is the most secure -- bundled something very positive fuzzy and on message and then segued back few. Other devices that you could have it means countries. Richmond -- -- -- them as kind of appear nightmare actually. I know menacing get. -- And desolate look at that that the reason -- does block those listeners. Basically the stand -- -- There was a laugh I've been thinking about this is because we haven't heard much about -- in phones for a long time and we've been on about the playbook its he had followed up. Mobile world congress -- this has been the playbook months after months of the month and you know SO Blackberry he -- user I with analysts I would think that you would be a little bit concerned about led the heat the full moon. She -- plant would be in. Innocent just rather -- a bit about how it seems that Blackberry has kind of fallen to their place in the US anyway. IPhone seemed to iPhone and then anti adolescents has been kind of taking over very descent living -- Wisconsin residents comes Chris David and has just taken over rim. For the first time Michael room -- and -- and you know that it has done a lot of responses. -- do you recognize that they've tried recently -- with the Blackberry torch and OS six was a decent attempts. Tried to revamp its operating system to make it more friendly to touch -- and so forth but. You know -- to -- to the -- and it was good but it just -- There -- yeah I mean compared everything -- up there I mean. I can find -- really compelling reason maybe the form factor but it could mean -- -- quiet -- Else. -- -- kind of boring to look at there's not a lot of things there's not a lot of color and there's not a lot that's different. And I think that's why I think that's why when the playbook was announced analysts at home I got beacon we never expected this from rim. It's like you've got a cool looking in and Debbie does -- is all the buzz was about the playbook in the bill recently rim announced that it would be amending. -- be allowing Android into this ecosystem which was a little bit concerning a disconcerting that. -- a little bit and see see how that's implemented before and remake of planet and the decision on that but again it's gonna -- -- reuse lack of confidence that palace. -- telling him that the -- school philosophy is me although they they they did mention. I think Mike has it is it mentioned that they were trying to implement Unix on their phones. Next year or something to write African will -- -- that learning Linux Unix direction it's it'll be interesting to see. But here of his suggestions that the would be into -- useful for him to fall out of the one. The elastic he said Bonnie was just not very interesting and -- planned. I think moving to acute problem would be useful we'll -- -- how -- transfers though how. How -- implemented will see if that works well but. Me looks pretty cool so far on the political just seven inch size not exactly -- Smartphones that -- -- And I think an interesting point was about identity crisis and rim. If so far been very. Strong wanna crop will write it did it do it again the only key phone for businesses because of the security that we mentioned -- But did try to find a consumer voice in recent news -- the storm of the touch and it's just not coming forth as strong money. -- -- consumer device and is still its still does distilled this tinge of that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- but I think it triangular with a starting to -- tried -- -- -- to -- tried it it just seemed to need this is something about it may be. Offer stronger multimedia offerings on diet and -- in the style that network out exactly and apparently but that's just not the kind of phone that -- telling me of -- yet. On day -- need to do their -- stronger detached and offering excellent stronger and -- -- and that none option was at dot. Was interesting was able Android. Can have alliance -- they -- and release in the playback. Again apps right that seems to be the hold up because. That the strength of IOS and then drag these wealth of apps and playbook Blackberry I mean they don't have apps of course that the Blackberry platform. Does scene is not as robust yet the atmosphere at the EE. The app environment app world environment -- send them. And then of course the next the next couple of -- -- Another thing with apps that I can just and -- Jack chick says that. Having rim have a strong consumer and -- being -- kind of changes that expectation of how much apps will cost -- IPhone really set the mark there with 99 cent apps an -- really allows free line and in fact most of the -- -- the market didn't even except. Paid apps in the US and than in other countries for a long time they were only three apps that were in there and then you Lincoln. In -- and granular and app world. And it mines are likely to see apps that are more expensive yes particularly march and hasn't even more free apps -- -- -- there's an expectation that people just don't wanna pay about because why should I pay for about when I can get an equally cooler even cooler other phone. And I can get out more apps for free or really to look -- at. Yet thing that's that's a good point. And it to go along with that you know I think it may be be good idea to partner -- of some big app developer -- means. You know on -- with Amazon apparently -- -- has some -- big app need to -- Come -- with a with a strong showing in that sense right and there are some -- -- not they can do more they can have more of the consumer campaign -- via. -- I get -- the -- Policy act. Our best and not least sound hardware you know the torturous -- for me and I can I think it could've been a lot better I like -- Then he added I just did justice. Isn't as interesting to me but hardware acting community because standing improve in that area as well I'm a lot of comments and I thought what want to come with actually. Most promising to be isn't caught some comments seem to see that in every instance shot -- it and I do agree that the do we have it shot. -- proving themselves one very interesting point -- will however was that this seems to be the case in the US. In a nationally acting rim still has a very strong -- especially in the Middle East especially in Asia you know especially -- Canada even my -- My dad being a dad and a few lessons. My dad I mean article from the economist that was sort of portrait of rims plays in Africa and we've heard this before. But it's worth a reminder that in a lot of places. In the computer as the Smartphone yeah -- In a lot of these countries. Veteran and subject. Of this little article. And it was saying that -- -- the status symbol because it's used in corporations. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- For lying to ourselves. And any and I got the rest of the world doesn't count I hate -- -- but this is -- like Nokia. 2.0 because you have really good hardware and it can of the decent international community but. And then -- know all of and you know -- to mean partnered with Microsoft -- so they're still providing hardware -- but he seems like hardware I feel that way about and hardware it's. I feel that very few company -- lately have been able to be that hardware and software HP bought at -- for the software. Not -- -- hardware rimmed in and -- -- on security and then Nokia hardware and -- you mentioned -- and. It's ironic that I am. I'm betting that -- you know. -- -- probably about. Can -- the rumored front yeah -- I haven't been impressed by -- -- like there are not a touch screen. Yeah yeah the existing model -- yeah that's not bad and so. And the beaches of it is -- just as frustrating right because realities mean Michael -- it is apparently said recently in an interview that they're gonna release -- in their phones and but not until next year I just you like that so long allaying some vodka trying to -- -- I know this is this though it may be too late. -- -- enough okay so but yes the next phones. While rumors rumors of actually really funny because Blackberry world conference was gonna be held in. Our -- and -- there in the house and an affair with Orlando apparently. Because I am hurt and that's the room and found that this is just the code name apparently is that the Blackberry -- -- announcement. But apparently didn't finish it gave me. But apparently it'll you'll have the same form factor as -- -- except the screen movie it's asking. -- that's the be sick part of it. So you -- -- bodies isn't it just slapping his -- -- -- -- an ideal -- And it's almost like they realized at the same time that we did. Among African corn all of the -- into the playback. -- we have -- -- something immediately. Let's scrappy came in at the phone cookie cutter and the comedian and hear from -- saying -- it. Are probably the torture is great. It's great that they aggregate text but -- again. Apple -- -- -- -- are a process they gave me -- like little baby steps but they don't have to relieve. -- I feel they need -- something wild and any news competition it is churning out dual core phones with all of these custom screens. -- what are we really didn't reeks of each other -- -- other. The black areas are really becoming the -- -- and in addition to all of the interim budget that is where we've -- it but it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- They'll come as something I mean I think the playbook systems an interesting device. We'll see that makes it away but it just seems a little bit too narrow -- focus at this point. We will have more for you when we come back after this short break -- leading. A very interesting talk about the Kyocera act which is a unique dual screen. You heard that ray dual screen -- -- and it. Welcome back we're not gonna talk about Kyocera echo which is one of -- -- phone that offers not one but few screens you. Can duplicate it does. Very very -- pharaoh this the user -- -- looks like an open and which on the stream. Looks like a normal found by it's not it's not that. -- -- -- -- -- -- looks like and found probably -- -- chunky and square or rectangular. But you pop out like that markets wants to screens coming together. So. The whole point me on this is the real point about the -- sports talk about is that you can run. Only certain apps you can run to about multiple apps when times -- one -- on -- one Ambien users you can. For instance you can be typing a message need to phone number you can -- -- -- -- on the web browser you can look at Japan and your phone book or you can make a caller on -- -- -- -- Pretty interesting. -- -- -- -- -- -- not and we never seen before. Certainly knew it certainly unique. And idea what was go what they were going on here I think there are some user enhancements to -- doing -- he can't get the two screens at one time. One thing I particularly like is and optimize member. You can have a use application on one screen and the controls in the bottom so you can tilt up like if you right. But one thing I really liked is on the messaging front. You could have the keyboard on down below and in -- area about. So you're typing like this it's actually pretty it's pretty comfortable pretty intuitive like tapping them the -- Keyboard composing the whole bottom screen -- you can use that like tablet mode and that's where one app seeking is -- browser. -- maps for instance they can pull up to the whole size the screen. I was coming. -- their sedan and justice found I don't undermine line. Using the map feature was great to have two screens but it wasn't like that's the best thing -- and it's gonna change my GPS mapping experience. You know for ever -- don't ever wanna go back to another phone and this is -- a market changing device it's just. Unique niche device I can see a lot of people -- could see some people likening it to be appreciating. But it's takes a lot of acclamation in this that's for instance -- lover and he was pretty clunky. It was open about but it clicks between -- -- -- -- you don't use it making it any point. -- strong -- now times I can't believe that sprint Q is there a different subject this product and -- -- -- -- in an enclosed in a hundred times and there are some. But I know I just over time -- but yes I could see it being promised more to point it just doesn't seem fluid so it's not like -- -- out you kind of pops up like in our fault for talking about satisfying click on unfurled -- there's -- interest. It's just clicking and Turkey and a way. Would be if -- are subject to gadgets a lot of abuse. I would not recommends them to -- on and the biggest and it also is to spit. And there's the happens after through its written the biggest point is that it's just. That design is the only thing about this mountainous northern village in about it it's gonna buy an extra camera that takes glossy photos it's not WiMax it's just. App is really average features -- and the screen resolution isn't that great so far found it is supposed to be about screen screen screens. Can't do browser I mean there it does browser but I mean it's not three G or four G speeds and the screen resolution isn't -- great sound. Not for mass consumption. Template for the right person if you're all interest that I do encourage you to cannot take a look at -- before you -- because it is a phone you really have to have in your hands before you. Decide what you think of -- -- -- -- about re use when you were visited it -- it was more interest in men for any -- -- socket -- cents I was in New -- CTI west the first time to look at its I was just going on the people's observations of and Bonnie -- when you decide you you weren't overly negative -- has some advantages -- That definitely and it can't totally agree that it's whatever you have to look for heat and use that person to really -- Can't eat well it might seem appealing at first but it. Tax advantages to it -- you know. -- -- -- -- I just think it became very fashionable to use hate it right away and that's or turn me off to. Being -- it right away accent points it's taken as everyone -- seen how this is stupid it's a gimmick and its people that have never seen it before or just say it's a gimmick it's done. And is looked at it again but I think I want and I saw at CT identify. You know it's actually not that that I could see some advantages to doesn't add considerable -- -- it does. I mean it's not opponent open your partner community -- -- -- but it's over six ounces or even if it's a -- and having. -- -- -- -- -- -- Now now chances of getting fingers continents. And study bodies. 81 ST but. It's just. It's it's interesting. But I -- I think he really has to be for the right person -- Passing it around the studio. I try to turn that is the idea that's packet and our environment and incredible aspirin. -- a quick correction. Contact Adam was -- about a paper on -- and Antarctic can't play on both grade grade as a just and. I'm yeah actually it's important point is only certain apps what he actually had annoyed and trying reversed -- admittedly hadn't completed repairs and I just I don't know I just like you know -- that this nominee senator I'm. By everybody and that Kyocera has developed and -- for a lot of. Games you can get sort of two player views for instance I was looking at a pool a game for -- -- -- you could see. -- one screen you can see sort of you know that overhead view and and you could see the player view on another -- And and other games they are developed being. A specifically developing absolutely optimize for this news. Course it's one phone so now we'll see how development goes with that it. The most they can somehow also have an optimist -- tablet. Are at the back to that incredible -- -- that debuted Apple congress and it's available actually -- it -- By the report that this will be an expert at security credible -- -- to which has -- spot -- account. So we -- -- Hewlett get a preview. The content. We it when Alex first account -- -- some people are disappointed that its patents. Intel dual core processor. That Becky -- get some improvements before she -- LCD. Multitasking tech. -- -- -- -- Compared well this grant -- -- devices and -- on display so that its -- Tell Ferrer. -- -- extra for FitzGerald L it's it's not a dual core processor but found. It was a very well so they're -- that. In the book camera okay there it didn't take -- back photos so balanced. -- You know it's not. -- it's not as impressive as George incredible -- but it takes me. Basic price straight as at mid range -- prefer. It that it's it's a good -- and barrels. That's why it's gonna be your -- and -- its own. It can get more in the mid -- now -- How will it come about as -- Cuba can't you can't get it unlocked -- -- -- think it's a little pricey it's partnered. -- -- -- -- -- Pricing settled. And it would definitely see it comes to write. -- Green we also have the algae favor. Yes so this is so very AM basic messaging phone for use even Jessica VGA camera and -- music -- so it's pretty basic. It's you know pretty simple design main it it's yet and it is as pretty basic -- I think it's pretty affordable as well for -- so there. Arm. -- around basic messaging from. -- -- -- -- Yes from from there we saw this on it but it might put in a review of that -- -- few -- later today. -- dollars in this -- is introduced at it will congress last year an it was funny to get -- of -- of the fancy phones there it sees Sony Ericsson. Everyone was talking about this down. I mean that you find that went from wanted to Garcia and of the little billion that was in the central area that congress yes it was it was random had to become on the site. And was very small but you walked in there and it's sort of just think this. Rite of passage had to do mobile congress and you're probably saying what's the big deal and it's not because its puma on the side we've seen a lot of corporate -- phones before. Never from coma by this phone is interest in for a few reasons first -- it as the salute him. And actually hasn't here in the studios has so that the I'm. -- -- raining today was gonna say it's not now and I was gonna when I got up this morning -- -- I'm gonna go test the phone and then that's. But it also has some sports themed apps -- you get things like. It's tractor GPS for bike rides and use GPS to track your bike rides -- runs -- get a compass. You can look at RSS feeds for sports teams to stop its stopwatch and lot of things like that and earnest Dylan Dylan -- -- -- Preliminary if you tapped it with if you -- -- before it disappears. A -- and we'll assume lots of different poses. There's a very. -- and and there's more though he Switzerland and it. Except Bonnie said -- her initial analysis found little pad once you have -- and again and upset about this as I finished it I can't get. Eight NM I think it does average I think it works because it doesn't pretend to be anything more than it is not a smart -- it doesn't claim to be a Smartphone. It has these ports in -- like the design it's kind of fun. -- -- panel. And comical -- in some uncommon nor. It's 129 dollars from the retail firm a third party retailer because -- -- -- only in the US Chan I'm -- the sports themed app it's got any design. It's just it's just an enjoyable little phone I mean and it and that's why succeeds the call quality is good -- most of the -- looks. She kind of cool yet we use it -- it yet you -- cool thing I -- -- awesome and. The screen as little small so when you use the virtual keyboard it's a little small he had. And it wasn't always accurate because it's like life's ironic -- yeah my stuff back on everything seems to me like fancy blow -- -- it's great it's just. What it pretends to be it works so I like to actually I'm doing is it's no 8:50 -- so rural areas coverage of electric. That's. Not have -- -- people are used -- any AT&T or to team with well cartilage. -- -- -- -- And amber and we've -- more phone reviews coming up of course we've got the T-Mobile sidekick fourteenth on economic and the Samsung -- -- 100 explorer. Yeah that's it's made its market by National Geographic units. The decipher bugle but traveling overseas -- can you say. It -- sim card to get two UK numbers so then. You can use one number when you travel to Europe and it pros and cons about the going to -- through. I'm going to be taking a look at this and I'm -- number of years ago tomorrow that's an injury between -- for you and as well as the Samsung galaxy prevail another entry -- -- cue for you and almonds for its mobile. And the tennis for. US cellular. And audio into the media event for a -- out he -- mention that oft means that you can already fear her first -- video. And then you'll be able -- read my impressions later. So we are doing -- read your emails because I promised to members -- chat -- that -- -- attacked by interns and it not news -- name. And it -- app but anyway. So. -- if he's here he -- and it is an earlier it was an. Rates -- him -- to the rescue scene as the rescue which is going to them which I was on this morning yeah I humans humans -- earlier in check. Yes thank you okay so. -- aren't -- ready last week. And with a question about basic media and messaging and and he -- and he wrote back again to clarify who desires -- not locked in for Verizon not against Smartphones for saint. Just -- required data plan. So I looked up some. The nine Smartphone messaging phones that we like. And I'm just going theory you know if if you guys read about and you wanna mention something about -- so for Verizon. Oh and you said that basically if if -- You want something that's outstanding. But you lurid talk to boring and without hesitation and -- -- the sampling via hazards are all -- -- -- on the fence and feel for Verizon is definitely not boring at Scott at. Vertically and then it -- -- as well. Then local that LG octane do you think that would be good suggestion for Verizon -- it isn't it's a decent messaging phone that it's sent. It's pretty basic all things considered and even if you want something more exciting that and that's company. -- -- for eighteen scene. Possibly that can tech laser at the same thing evergreen -- that it -- you know. Basic but it's ego enhancing green act and the mean it it works -- etiquette we have ten laser it was season that the seeking an atlas. LGB plus and -- living get that if you don't know if not to stint in the mobile TV service protecting the Internet and thing. You should get that an interest in that discuss its its -- it's compatible with that particular service. And then I think you -- -- all three of my suggestions for sprint and close the Motorola I 88 X switches. Interim lookalike that kind of an audience of saint without it -- sort of flash at night but definitely be interesting. Bank that LG remark because it square and a terrible. And LG rumor touch -- about them. It's decent phone I don't think it's you know I think if you wanna -- -- the inches the feature for morality that's particularly in it. But new T-Mobile has the sense of gravity -- used to -- -- Easter yeah I like -- better than the gravity three and yen -- delight is a very interesting and semi -- I mean isn't it's pretty. Cheap -- Let -- alleviate -- it does. Eagle auto option if you don't want a data plan illnesses in up to you but you can get. An unlocked Smartphone. And you can't -- goes you can not advocate if you EP queues and the descent the lake. Asked the carriers and historian who can't get to -- -- in a special planned but. There's a -- not to. I think most of either an exciting and at the suggestion and go for something pre paid -- an option and that -- you could do sort of more entry level Smartphone if you -- in and you would prefer that would end those services often times unlimited voice. In protecting data. For out for your sixty dollars per month most of these -- -- think you know are less exciting. Then that top tier carriers but they are giving matter so for example Samsung galaxy prevail for its -- community reviewing. I think they're relieved -- -- thinking and I think -- I love the -- about it Blackman. I guess that so that's another option. Sometimes the services and everywhere and I remembered for the traveled along the coast. Though in -- we we can make suggestions but unfortunately I think the specifics are gonna have to come down to your research and your own personal tastes but hopefully about. Then the second question went from not you and Uruguay. Who basically says. Funds are completely. Whole models completely different on their phones and subsidize for the can be very. And he is an interest and -- all of in breed phones that are available. -- -- -- you can get as that area acts and -- while away you ate huge money. But he can -- iPhone four not a big fan iTunes or Apple. And wants to know isn't worth it overnight a -- and -- on from the US. Losing the warranty and you can that'll cost -- -- -- thousand dollars or just get I from four. And so exchanges as crucial all of other. An -- and service. Mom yet have to say how iPhone foreign immigrants my question is is much less than a thousand dollars. Much she's really means is again. For of the US. I'm almost at Phoenix XP extend it's not terrible. That's okay I guess it depends for me my answer would be what do you want with this -- if it's a flashy status symbol. And only you know if it's worth it to get an -- found -- sort of been limited availability. In your country. Otherwise I iPhone four is a great divide and me if you don't hate Apple you're gonna get pretty much everything that -- require. Yet -- ad campaign from Billiton requirement that the iPhone four content would totally see it can't pass and they think it depends on. How 98 I can. -- You know -- -- many hits -- jailbreak. Community he wants the -- -- wants to use he knows and you just have a counter apps music and podcasts and I have to CNET meet and make this podcast fine but. I still have yet to find a better like -- integrated music -- -- iPhone iPod player and so they don't want -- and that yet the stock -- music players pretty -- you have so in an update if you like. If you like -- -- you like interface could I think it comes down to really. Which you prefer the interface and OS or Android and the idea behind it do you want Apple's slick and user friendly closed and her face -- -- -- -- customizable. You know you can't tinker with it and you can use third party apps and -- AT&T. You know what what is best for you -- -- -- an important thing. If if -- -- I probably could find other ways to spend my money -- -- problem I wouldn't reasonable local yeah -- -- an overnight phone. Desperate that purpose that I originally I -- -- -- Ferrari either so yeah that's chipped. Don't try to picture Jessica. -- Open our eyes sunglasses. -- anchored that program now. Maybe leather pants with. -- out and. Does your questions we like to your Amsterdam specially -- having answered. -- have an opinion filed in at cnet.com. You can Olympus with -- 18664. Routes you to fix. 38 and it always follow us read our blog of piled in dot cnet.com and we -- -- on Twitter and I think most of us also have. Public -- that pages that you can follow our content -- of thanks for joining us in actually -- the anti. -- --

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