Dialed In 161: Barcelona bound
Dialed In 161: Barcelona bound

Dialed In 161: Barcelona bound

I everybody welcome to -- their seatbelts and inflammation seen its cellphone podcast. -- -- -- It's ninth. If ever in a Wednesday and I'm here along with -- and Jessica and Bonita and San Francisco of course. And and -- -- rousing hello. There we go there again good and then we have Barney. He from the -- but -- Fear issues around here or -- and and now so that it. I'm okay we didn't -- Enigmatic and thank you hear me now -- thanking you gain now. You see the commercials for the right yeah glass guy he's -- -- -- today's day and a little bad about it. As we had a special file then today because we're gonna spend a lot of time and mobile congress which happens next week in Barcelona I'm probably they're responding and thank -- -- -- Stephens England and on animals from CNET news. And -- will bring you all the good stuff for us. A lot to talk about that first you want to lead opposite things that happened this week. One of San Francisco one of -- San Francisco one in New York the biggest thing was today HP no longer -- harmless from stricken from the record. Updated are updated they unveiled -- new web about -- webos phones and a touchpad tablets. So am I -- going to the sentencing like we were quite expecting this much was not right or as I mentioned. Think there're rumors for two tablets and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- expecting a tablet but not. If -- absolutely annihilated and you mobile devices which is you know change -- -- -- via. So we have meant to devices. We have the Palm Pre three. Eight PP not seriousness of HPV completely you've got anywhere -- that it -- that -- earlier. -- was trying to tell us that's the -- cute. Because there's an ever noticed that injuries via Wi fi city -- on YouTube and also its HP of the year. Now they HP -- -- seen I mean to me it seems to be. Little bit of may or an entry level device it's really small -- Which I'd doesn't excite me very much in its what is just the two point six inch screen that writes to me -- and he made it politicized event like a credit card and credit rating. -- me and Connecticut science. So -- and -- -- smaller than the three mean we are talking 33 point 25 so it and this is even smaller than. I -- I wonder if it's gonna be like that Motorola flip outwards to actually be useful. Yeah can't what was this Sony Ericsson one -- as those in need. Outlet. That was the Sony Ericsson experience ten mini and mini pro and Apple doesn't -- points the camera with -- -- -- -- I again. I remember the mini was only -- had a only had a touch screen and that was. They did that they did the best they could -- that they use times gave that name a cancer to put these shortcuts in the corner so it was somebody's that he is but I -- -- really -- -- typing on the virtual keyboard. The physical cable and in the mini pro was better but that's found is gonna have a physical. He had brought on politicians -- -- -- It's gonna keep as a fighter this -- and at least old pop was known for making pretty tactile keyboards ever usable even if a little bit small. -- And honestly even though it's pretty -- -- packing now. 5800 man -- -- your processor Bluetooth -- of the -- historic eighteenth PA plus -- If that would go for. He used blue -- things down and then and they have a pre. Three is that one point four gigahertz -- process and that's me. And -- a -- yeah give us an EV DOE VE VDO -- -- world. Some minor you're ready have your say your opinions on means what we think so far. Plant you know I expect -- I'm not incredibly impressed. I was. Happening intensive because as Americans -- -- with the talk about later but united really get to see what they've done with the software and a few guys did. If there's anything really compelling -- but you know hardware wise and in. You excited burden. Software -- As the bigger innovation and I solace with the talent honestly between the outfit because beat me because you have to that the -- to -- -- -- screen size and -- -- Make the widgets more art tablet the you know the different apps -- -- that that the Kindle I was very interest to me. -- but yeah I think -- OS would probably be. -- the officiating and it must issue and attached to share feature is pretty cool add Andy looking handbag that'll. So what the what that is is not gonna run knows it's a -- four two webos device web webos two point one devices to. Interconnectivity you can share data so all you need to do -- -- -- to share. And he can take the phone for instance -- you -- it to the new tablets and mini to transfer information back and forth and I think it's more likely. You're logged in to something you can it's like a website and transfer it basically over the phone and vice Versa so that's for the -- I think -- -- -- -- -- sounds pretty damn. I need and think. You know it encourages you do you mean by more than one -- daddy -- -- ecosystem mania and yeah I mean is very exciting it is out that it felt the summer or something yes so. About that too you know HP CEO I remember you talking in the BBC thank you know where we're done. Announcing a device and then waiting you now. A long time to release anything from now on -- released is a few weeks after the you know -- And them more than a candle and then low key executives say they didn't make any carrier announcement now and is our innovative -- So no pricing know -- eight. Sometime in the summer is this may be -- -- coming in the spring -- overnight and be more excited for the pre treatment and but the beauty IE -- -- -- -- in on the tiny tiny little flu like I mean and meet personally. Now I think the -- it'll depend on pricing -- if it's practically free Erie now 100. Possibly might be -- -- and people -- it wonder if they knew that their audiences. And different target with something like that so I don't blame -- all little bug could be that there were people with -- -- little fingers to do. Dad face it -- I was reading backtracked after critically says HP's -- -- as an alternative to with a company called Jumbo loan. High jump like lions running all day opera I feel like the -- don't wanna Droid -- -- because it's too big for years writing. And you just go the other way completely but there's a point read it as a diet -- it. The number really be kids right and amusement park tomato thrown right doesn't make me feel like this is -- teenage. Now targeting possible which is the meaning they did it that pixie and man pigs when -- -- yeah they never got any traction on their reason -- -- Olympics that are worth learning from. -- -- -- and I did I do know a few references you -- it. Sentinel now -- and I animated exe from Texas but -- exit it just wasn't. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So well. So -- you they have him -- New York refuse to be so you know probably next week mobile congress avenue and Europe congress so. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- so yeah -- HP is coming back. And with webos I -- personally I'm really glad it's immoral webos Linux out there. Yeah I think that's really called you know it's funny even though the palm name is no longer than a lot of these. Products -- -- DuPont dot com slash you know right. Again they need -- thinks they should because Hewlett -- Hewlett alone. -- keep its what I learned painfully in and Packard and -- -- -- family would appreciate. I mean. They can just take -- decision -- -- car you know like it's. On the. I thought I had nothing on mine yeah I can have -- in the -- referenced in this is. But H fiasco the. C.s devices and I think the title actually call personally the idea well vote. I would hope -- -- -- and -- -- video out of the -- the show in San Francisco Donald -- was there with its impressive -- Bonnie we'll get her hands on them in Barcelona and shall -- -- -- And I think that when it penetrated an idiot of -- -- Will have something in a ticket -- look at. Mean she teaches. -- -- Bonnie got to go to an event in New York on Monday this is the long awaited in various secret. Kyocera and the likely be operated I'm sorry. That announced two -- -- -- so I was gonna chat room while we are doing a live blog and -- -- and -- commons and com. -- leaping -- is it's a sad trombone warranted here. I think of -- -- -- them. Anyway anyway get -- that term. So this is the one. Yeah I'll go ahead and that's the that's tech press -- and -- we like that it. Tell us about that -- -- now that X -- -- there are billing this. Well -- -- industry for earth showing the possible. Or impossible possible. So it's a dual screens. Smartphone and has to 3.5 WBD touch screens which I actually gaining. But it hasn't pivot -- though it you can use it when it -- like a regular. Touch screen phone but then you can open it and piece them together to get larger four point seven inch -- -- And they've optimize some of apps so that you know you can use it some apps -- The bigger screen and then -- on both screens like email if you have your outlook in box from one side and a preview of single message and -- I'd that the Internet is safe to say that this is a Jumbo phone. Yes yes but it opposite of C plus. -- -- But something to benefit so I'm glad -- I'm looking at the two screens and now they fold into each other part of a photo to the full the other way. Do -- it actually -- Though that if you're looking at the right one that won't come up. And then you push it over to the left and then in Clapp is on top and like -- ask you situation. Kind of Fiat its Nike it doesn't open like a -- -- anything added if you are apparently they have with a confused by. And says the hinge you know they've they've made a big deal that that it's very scary about I that is I was afraid I was gonna break it and close it. I mean it opened fine but as -- kind it's -- wanna be it just wasn't very smooth says very -- residences. Closing -- ethnic health stake -- any one thing but. But anyway that's the one cool thing I did panic and in this with this -- tasking which is there are seven -- app that you can in. You can use one app on one screen one other thing you years essentially really. You surfing the web while navigating the map percent. Some -- -- And that lines fairly and forget. Seven but it's like email contacts browser video. -- so yes assistant at thirty -- and they think they're gonna leave -- -- -- -- developers if they want and I am. Yeah yeah. But here's -- -- part of this button appointment -- -- patent -- And with fat and there's -- not -- Jesus is yet as -- surprised by a you now where were you when you -- here -- I'll fed acted and there's no across the new. That it -- doesn't spinning the and I know spreading the -- is not don't think so but. The other adjustment was made either after Adam processor. -- for -- device -- -- -- -- -- line. -- And more power arm hair yeah definitely -- what are the two screens yet came -- and it. Yeah and what do they say about battery life and Connecticut say yes so -- there's no -- Where it if it comes with -- thirteen thirty millionth lithium ion battery and they're saying it's rated for five hours of talk time. They're throwing in a second battery in the pop up. Email as enemy they do little -- they did that with me but but but but. Instincts. -- and thing. I think -- they did that with another sprint yes I think it was the instinct pretty picture -- -- Yes and it comes in a case that you can charge it you know me being -- -- Yet that that can ever read I mean that's definitely it. Obviously an issue with two. Screens with the multitasking. Now. But -- -- there. And who -- you. There -- don't know why. Who typically if anyone -- -- you mean this this event was the top our industry for the past few weeks and -- the announcement doesn't match up to date yet again. Maggie I thought okay this is a design that I definitely didn't -- -- sensitive. ID to be honest I you know I applaud them for doing something different channel it. Mina where give me where I don't know thank -- happening and that usually. -- This explains that yes they're trying to trying -- -- also pretty competitively priced at about 200 dollars I'm not -- Not that anything I think some people's content that is. You know for that price and I -- getting fourteen devices Hewlett where profits there isn't anything else via contract he had -- -- and -- two years found in the Q1 authority from likely rain so I mean its its cheetah. -- -- Well and -- -- and if you -- upon them to like -- really funny because Maggie was actually my blogging David mines performed. -- and and let it take photos and -- few elements out and then I'm a life like chat room and it wasn't exactly clear no fault -- -- but it wasn't exactly clear. But where David Blaine was at the time because she certainly was in a box and and she said he was doing all these things and advocates and I kept wondering if he's still on the bottom. If I can't -- and then he was and so it was just funny I thought it was very the blow by -- David Blaine was pretty we beat it. But but -- -- like me. So -- the two events that happened this -- are now we'll turn our attention to mobile congress and I was gonna break it up my company and we actually have a lot to work on office this year about what to expect the first is Sony Ericsson. -- Sony Ericsson Samsung and Nokia are all -- -- you press conferences Sunday night Barcelona time which is about -- in in the morning. Here in patents and it's -- new enemies catalyst. The first thing as its. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I like what you think handling and -- the game that. It you know -- it's I'd -- late you don't know anything and then at the huge battle Android with an on them. That yeah I was discuss law that was not -- -- yeah they're gonna close such as -- -- -- -- plant for imaginative. That does it again if it's just -- -- Amazon could I think when Clinton. And the fact that I'm wiggles it's like. Folks wouldn't really -- -- they have some green animated -- I say they had to. -- I I I agree with that and because I actually wasn't watching TV at that time I did you resume commercial of the I'm. I had to go around a couple errands which is ruling has tend to outside. And then am I came back and I -- -- to read that there are commercial is -- an announcement and found it. Via. And when I am a theater buyers you know when they -- -- not a -- mean you know. Extreme you have are edifice on this is suitable and genuinely popular they it would get memorable if it. -- -- -- We are not compatible I have to say that needed -- he's the phone for. Yes you did -- A ticket price when you extend well you'll be able to -- so if it. I really teenager antibiotic commercials. You an extreme level. The other direction whereas the guy -- and the business sitting there -- gets turned into a five hour. -- and better at least I -- -- -- this disturbing that's just think that -- the large amount that like being human comes out of the worst. Sort of -- now. Parents and let you know an uprising by hand but if it is a nod yes XP in -- -- is -- and it is yes. So we expect to see that unveiled Sunday night that's of course the long awaited PlayStation -- we see an -- photos but Android device you slide it up and it has the all the usual PlayStation. Buttons like that I don't know what you -- these things like the others about the circle in the square in the triangle and accidents so. -- We -- see that we should see a device called the Sony Ericsson experience as I -- Ericsson experience neo. Which mated its showed itself earlier this week on entry community looks a little like the exterior -- And -- -- gingerbread. A little smaller screen. And it should have a one gigahertz processor. It may it was a camera -- last -- to be recording and a front facing camera. So that's another thing we might cities have two things from Sony Ericsson we expect will be at -- events two times cunanan. Bunnies that it would have any posted -- to represent Samsung and it what what what are we hearing from Samsung but we think. Might happen they had posted that and their Samsung and packed outlets and a little while ago and they teased you know the next generation galaxy. Phone so you know I think we'll be probably a dual core. Galaxy device problem -- four G mobile and yet most like and yes. You know we -- to have the galaxy effort in coming on T-Mobile. And you know I think there's a possibility that will also -- the next generation tab as well at the -- -- okay. And hopefully get a look at some of those devices Jessica covered and there then more. -- did she had it -- any data fits. Area and the funding -- now compete. And then. -- and and other companies will look -- mean look at what's coming on -- the hidden. I'll be curious to see if they have. Yet -- get talent Bryant and then -- should have their -- 3-D via phone that we've seen a couple times. Bigger question though is Nokia. We have heard through the grapevine that Nokia might have new products at the show. But. We are thinking that. It would it well we we do not that they will announce. Something pretty date as -- as a new direction actually Friday -- probably could start and on Friday when. And they have it CEO is -- is -- is hosting a conference -- analyst meeting. To talk about a new direction -- for Nokia. I'm actually he sent -- a very. Blistering memo that it -- -- -- and people guy where -- -- he's highlighted really Nokia's issues that we've been running into and summing it actually students England's -- -- -- Java. Noting when he went to calculus here with. Nokia still cellphones it's still sells more phones and anybody -- stone very well when Allen is still a huge presence industry that. Why are -- fighting for their life I -- answered again paradox. -- -- -- -- It's been hinted that they will go with a new direction and then Reuters reported also this morning that they might even drop -- completely -- Any -- device even make it in now accounts -- just gonna stop it deflated. So the big question is what will Nokia two. And I've written a blog last week weren't included appalled at for we heard about maybe -- -- Sensibly stay with me goes to decode Android to the commitment -- from senators said they go with just a -- Right in the windows than connection is of course with -- ICU having worked at Microsoft via. And most respondents said when this announcement. For me yes that's what they think -- -- an editor people respondents have yet I don't know if you guys. I think because I'm Stephen -- it's from area he has -- now. -- I am so they'll talk about this Friday and then Hampshire we'll see more of it. In the world congress -- My Nokia what do you mean the -- question this kind of consolidation also is no surprise because this is something we've been talking about and entrants started getting it -- not carry human related and the fact that the emblem editor at lake -- And so we have seen a little bit with HP in parliament and is this is the logical next step. That Nokia which has really become sort of at least in the US and weaker -- you're gonna have to do something. -- -- I think they do need a bold move. Anything -- whether they be moved to whereas the windows were in southern over the -- -- school Android. The death we need that kind of -- a -- that kind. You know company behind them because the -- go it alone anymore. Yeah yeah I agree that it's having different so I think we'll see something pretty big that's that's I'm. I will include the story at Maggie story about the memo in. On the blog post for the podcast later today that pretty interest and he's pretty -- he's pretty. -- that he recognizes that some think it means. -- -- -- -- -- -- So I we talk about Nokia now I've got that image from Nokia world with executive shaking his test yes. The candidate stage in a decade expenditures via Paramount and I'm -- -- -- it and. It's -- suspect it's about anything else here expecting from mobile congress and while we know that Microsoft will hold the -- -- on -- -- the fourteen. In and we're thinking it'll be -- they'll talk more about the software update rather than introduced -- to buy it now we will be there. That starts at 4 PM -- time. I can't. Even discussed in Oklahoma because the six hours behind me and my customers by nine. -- So yachts -- except which eventually show that will be there. And it's -- a couple of things non mobile congress later that and I its biggest meet here -- -- events is that. HT freestyle which I don't remember seeing this moments that's the Aspen and abundant and hands on with so. -- it annually and in turn on. For. Elk and then not only am lucky the end of that power management could benefit. It's astonishing is CC found -- -- on Android it's not really Smartphone as a quick messaging device that runs on -- so. Sort of HDC. Guys just sort of a weird kind of fits in this weird space. And it arrives Sunday and it's an AT&T and it's 99. Dollar and 9999 with a two year contract -- -- don't -- -- Three make -- -- -- to make the camera is terribly too expensive. I just really messaging device and it doesn't have a physical keyboard. So I mean that's kind of how much the messaging phones cost on AT&T'S some of them to the higher lens and easy -- parents get an iPhone 400 dollars Yang -- -- since. -- anyone. And invest. By his going to be is is making it -- -- can pre order the agency under brought it there are being very very. Cagey about exactly when it's coming to stores. -- -- mid February and with a price will be. But at best buy is gonna get is an exclusive for a little -- this is a forgy O'Keefe on that we saw at CS that was introduced there. And money has a full hands on -- -- we'll -- you need to remind yourself up and at. Please in the past few idiots that remember -- if you have underlying. All the -- news if you and then Tesco I can tell us about -- new phone for MetroPCS. Yes this is the Samsung galaxy involves. So MetroPCS is kind of positioning this as four GL PE first. Am I guess that's first to be commercially available because we did also look at the Samsung and LP's smart phone -- that name. And he yes I -- and I thought about it's a few feet under bald anti -- -- -- didn't show us. The phone at all during fiesta only so much is given hints and it was on its way and yet it's going to be available. Either tomorrow Friday online and in retail stores so it does running -- to receive for area. At the touch with -- -- slide out QWERTY keyboard 3.5 inch HV GA resolution. 31 megapixel cameras with a little bit on the lower and but it does also have -- one gigahertz hummingbird processor. It is endemic to the line. It's 399. With -- a contract. And -- Psycho with that are fifty dollar per month service plan or sixty month. Sixty dollars per month plan that gets you unlimited talk text web and data at the cheaper fifty dollar. Per month plan caps off at one gigabyte of there so. -- -- -- It's -- Dell XP and the -- you lion seeking raises it to me that it -- mean -- -- -- -- yes. -- accounts have -- -- don't -- yeah yeah yeah forever and it sounds really interesting about the Turkey via speaking of illness has got really old and earlier. Well it last year in the fall. It brought out the Samsung craft which was the first four GL TE market AM phone. And the craft I think got a lot of -- because it's not a Smartphone market feature phones and an eighteen people were expecting that they were gonna get a feature phone to match up -- the fourteen PE. Says that's not the way to -- -- PCS with -- took a little bit of time to speak with. Product. Manager. That director of him fat product management. Tony now and is asking you know you guys are being between -- on earth first -- claiming its first. Why you know what's propelling this -- to four -- and he basically said it's a necessity it's -- critical. They don't have a three -- market. So they're kinda playing hopscotch and skipping right over that and just trying to crop up as -- for -- assets as possible. In a link to their benefit because they're small enough candidate can be Linder announced an upgrade past it presumed they only have fourteen market exactly action. And an old he is available in thirteen of with Tampa Bay -- -- -- honestly. And it isn't so what they're gonna try to do is just expand on their existing markets and slowly or quickly tried to convert. Their portfolio into a lot of these fourteen -- that we should expect a lot more friends -- in the area. Well -- -- can hopefully -- and human. Hopefully very -- -- -- -- great will come back to a couple of reviews and a big ones that actually and -- for them angry. And we're back with reviews well we have a couple of very big -- actually one posted. Last Wednesday and that's kind of -- and Republicans and went and posted just a couple hours ago so. Start with mine this is Chris you know you know I -- you all know what it is the Verizon iPhone. We to get this device so early this year which is very nice -- and output to a lot of tests. Jessica helped contribute to those tests. And the coal contributes on the movement soon be testing the battery life and hot spot feature but I'm. It's very good idea -- it is the iPhone I think my summary is that it's certainly a lot like the AT&T I found it does have that hot spot feature. And in our tests it did perform better in most areas performed better and making calls and getting a seller connection in keeping the car. Also performed better in getting data speeds. I'm Scott a lot -- common. Varying features nine different performance gives it enough -- to stand apart but. I don't think of you today it will if you are frustrated AT&T iPhone user. It's not gonna vastly change -- iPhone experience. Certainly represented right welcome customer choice are represented by. It's not like you're gonna be living in happy -- and now mean its telephone and that it still. Is still subject subject to the same. It's is so used to -- -- network which is imperfect which can vary and we do a lot extensive tests were -- test and Diana video we drove -- -- -- a -- -- -- San Francisco and did data tasks like uploading a photo and building a website. Getting the data speeds via an -- And eighteen to -- to present -- most the time not all the time there was 1108 us at the time. Yes well. 68 minutes and businessmen proper fractions it was -- -- on a U out of sixteen. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's and it didn't always -- well denies -- by a lot I took credit for different city -- places in the city and tried making calls and -- did a little better but I think it's important understand that it's in this found his. Your experience will -- and just as we had a better experiences mean you will mean -- -- -- and a lot comets in the boxing while census was not typical but we don't really have the resources to protests across the country. Apple's gonna explain. I mean the fact that it Francisco Andy York are huge market for everyone if it doesn't work here that means that they will have a problem with that know why there's all this what the -- accidentally -- is you can pop college and now that my iPhone -- -- and -- because. There's New York instances can control a lot of -- media space say brain and that's why get all the net. He should even those human upbeat and he's that the country I think AT&T is actually trying -- -- and I -- for these -- Past couple days. -- -- has gotten worse and have been able to put certain call for. I know I just get out and see if that they'll hire CNN -- -- at a. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Now I I have -- certainly impressed the device I thought it -- on it anyway I didn't enjoy the differences that it offered over AT&T I mean you are losing that simultaneous voice and data of course. -- and you're getting the house -- feature here you losing -- international roaming capabilities so again. There's a tradeoff of a lot of ways I mean I think this rarity I've found one of the stories that haven't yet from his. Lot of give and take with some of the features you -- get. And that's changing as they keep adding things but when it first came out especially got. Kind of his cool features that some of the people and offered -- any missed some very basic features and that's that that that disparity is decreasing a little bit but. Here again you are losing teachers to gain other features so just think about that. So. I will have a whole oppose the -- are with -- -- -- its second but it. Barney had her own big thing today with the Motorola -- attracts. Aren't GE here. -- -- the -- and -- and equipment. That this is -- winner. Her best at CES. And the cell phones and Smartphones category and coming to eighteen he mark sticks or sooner -- -- -- it. It's Allen -- a first preference we've seen with the dual core processing and it's at shipping with Nvidia's tegra two chips that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- An IE you know it I did notice is different as slight difference it's not united dramatic grand lake and -- -- -- -- water but not comparing it to that. Inspire Ford G which is also -- he's -- has that one gigahertz after the process there. I knew so little more quick -- launch apps even you know menus -- the game play was also little mar. It is faster and -- so as -- -- and also. Said. -- -- -- tricks played flash content. Much better than inspire -- they can -- -- and get going on inspired so -- yeah. Today you know as could see. The design wise for a it's a very slim device and -- and other phones and felt it was of little more plastic evening news. And there's no soft touch finish but those are minor complaints. It has a quarter EHD. Screen. So it hasn't and he backed by 54. Pixel resolution so it's really beautiful day it feeds almost on par with iPhone -- it since it. Larger the pixel densities -- very well. Looks very good 988 game yet in you -- -- -- CES you know -- you know. The one thing that was -- included you know. Part of it the -- that eat it can do full HD 1080. -- eighteen my. That infection won't be available at launch. LD and one of -- -- is -- with that and but they said that that'll be updated via software so that it's coming but it. -- just not a line. So. And then the other thing about -- -- for. That's true but then the prices for the data the -- and -- yet though it's over the -- -- -- -- Alright though it AT&T is offering a bundle package we get the phone and the laptop dock or for 9989. But that's after a hundred -- -- -- the and you have this attitude and two year contract and the tethering on yet. If you don't want that -- having add on -- you combine -- -- separately without the phone for. Also -- up by 1990 yes -- -- that -- the I've -- in a phone for free. That any of its in its a lot of money you know and and me yes so that -- -- is definitely -- -- pretty -- thank -- Dallas. One of the very appealing things that what that's that's terrible that's kind of it united -- canoe quietly. Us it was -- yes and yes that the laptop via. And I had that we -- Scott Stine whose laptops and netbooks editors and look at -- he's still testing it now it. He wasn't involved with it -- and you know. It it was well. Pulling up Google docs there -- even web browsing was just. Is a little frustrating for him though. -- -- -- -- -- You know I'd necessarily buy this especially for 500 dollars you know. Is a little disappointed with -- But the concept of it I -- like. Email and I did I did a phone is so powerful that yet now they're playing unity concern and your face with the phone and it has a -- and has -- Firefox browser. And it's so you know about as -- I hate them like. I think there's a definite concerns that it's you know but I think that. And and I think we also need to think about what I mean we are dealing with the cellular networks though it's going to be a little slower. -- you might well heat wrong. Revenue -- on the why he used Wi-Fi Erica yes so it you know it. -- an amendment and it of the processors. And you know -- -- still contesting and now it. I didn't what does this mean you -- in your Apple. You can't install third and party. Yang AT&T -- -- seeing where they block and the app that aren't in Android market and so for instance you can't and -- Which is throw it right so it has to be an Android market in Pasadena and can decide load -- the yet -- -- when it. You can't you can't do that and read write apps that AT&T'S ambulance as it but does the person acts of the Yucatan and sell their services. I speak at -- And of -- and it went into. It's one -- it's one of the really cool things about Android is you can -- get these apps that are mainland but then if AT&T is sane now than that sort of you know. It's a little bit yes and available -- -- around the areas. Are you saying it's like when American you've been. Doing that you check with mr. bank. It and thin anyway it's that. But -- will have -- and that. Review of that laptop that have yet I've seen -- -- We'll do some we'll do some comparison testing on the like load times for that yet -- processor against -- single core programs. Meaning have yet they have done it -- crank tattered you could place a certificate and I got two hours mostly. -- that covers a -- we have a few upcoming. -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes that is yes we do have that we have an in house review probably go up to -- This is a feature -- from youth there. We have Samsung galaxy -- we mentioned earlier. The cricket text maintenance TE XT and 83 G yes it's. So clever tips -- me. So -- didn't follow it to an estimate. And then the Motorola I 886. And are so many -- -- aggregate it CME image. It. At. And then -- -- -- a couple reader email instant. Compounds. -- I think you did some of these Rivera forever webcasts. Are one ago. -- -- -- -- -- -- The first went from Jonathan. Currently have the Samsung moment from sprint and -- upgrade. There's in China with -- one made the epic four G but was wondering if he should -- -- The new -- -- phones coming out the dual card processors. The question is will sprint actually upgraded OS to 2.2 2.3. At. Four G. Also second question how much better -- -- galaxy phones. First question for the OS upgrade you know -- -- has gone on the record as saying -- the working with Samsung very closely to bring that for you update. Has now now is in orbit but to blame with the area -- -- -- Reeling -- yet. -- happy I was unaware of -- and a visit with. They're still working on that two point through -- I wouldn't. Yeah that's not in an now gas again algebra and -- the you know I think it's coming. And for ethnic. And -- transport that is. That. And how much better be thinking -- -- -- -- will be you know it. It's a trick -- -- any indication inking an obese slightly better -- need. And I know what -- you know. Infant and it -- -- hardware you know. It can -- bring that leopard and most of the united class that's what it is via. You know. But I don't I don't -- -- other. Hardware upgrades. And it. You know there -- always a bit better at same time if if if -- opt for an upgrade and if it. -- and the via I -- as soon as you iPhone and it will become loves it -- yeah I have if you wait forever if you want any of them. If he I would wait till after this week at least if you are compatible or congress have an an -- to -- -- and I'm sure we'll have a better idea of what the county funds will be is now -- -- In an expression as Reggie looking to upgrade. From a Samsung vibrant currently looking at the nexus S of the don't manual entry to -- to me as a camera flash I need to come over to T-Mobile could battery life -- flash Wi-Fi. And -- to go to our -- giving ideas accidentally from congress and -- complete for him for a phone with a tank and battery life. Welcome -- congress next week you know doesn't hurt but you know I think that we don't know they're going -- -- about these shows is that -- -- and reduce you know -- actually -- -- Bonnie as far as the the myTouch four G and I always forget the other woman and -- to get -- -- Com would recommend I was alone. -- after yeah okay and those are great devices in depends on if you wanna Cuba and you've got both in no I actually got because against tick up a. MyTouch four G or the G two because I like and -- path as well yeah. Yeah that's it was. The investment against and use says that and has now wants to get -- a smart and should be using iPod Touch for awhile. She says but -- inspire for a unique expertise between beginning and of those -- -- eighteenth he she likes. However should not very involved in the Google ecosystems which is not only he and animation and there -- having the right partner town of Clinton iPhone -- -- And I think you know it did this. The thing went Android phones in general is that you do you you have to buy into it -- ecosystem this is easy delegates email accounts including the he Google doubt this is easy to -- account user and is it's just do we have to Google only 19100 and a way of it. Yeah. But if she's already have an iPod that's in she's unity used -- interface is gonna be so easy he had nodding my head emphatically I just went for -- that -- -- -- -- gunning for an entry phone. She went to the star had all these problems and then realize that there's gonna be so much simpler for her hop on an iPhone because -- new bodies and you mean really heavily on. I think. -- if you study use that -- -- gonna be so easy to use it but -- -- -- opponent. Now with I'd be amazed when you have -- they had. 80. Okay. Well and a next week finality in Barcelona also Nicole and Jessica will be holding down -- -- here with a -- then so be sure to tune into the normal time. And they'll be able to you all the news keep you updated on everything that's going on. Oh -- what's going on Barcelona and will start where we get there this -- and say -- you can check account you can check out mineral. -- check -- starting Sunday night or so for about Sunday morning more so than any time in the US. Far oh and is that we should be which routes from office and press conference at Sutter -- me held at the same time yet. But we are -- then of course you can always email us at dialed in at cnet.com -- can leave a voicemail at 1866402268. And to cut down the blog. Where we post publisher announced -- -- of the show audio and or occurrence often is that we cover it dialed in dot cnet.com. So and keep its first thing to join hands and blew up by embassy in two -- -- -- policy in a week. Ever but I. -- --

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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode

Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone
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Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone

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Dialed In #216: All about ETFS (early termination fees)

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Dialed In #215: The agony and ecstasy of Mike Daisey

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Dialed In podcast #214: The iPad '3' shines a light on the iPhone '5'

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Dialed In #212: Mobile World Congress madness begins

Dialed In Ep. 211: The Mobile World Congress lowdown
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Dialed In Ep. 211: The Mobile World Congress lowdown

Dialed In #210: We kinda heart the Samsung Galaxy Note
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Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak
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Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak

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