Dialed In: 140: The bumpy road to 4G coverage
Dialed In: 140: The bumpy road to 4G coverage

Dialed In: 140: The bumpy road to 4G coverage

Hello it's Wednesday August 25 2010 and you are listening to dialed in, CNET's cell phone podcast. I'm your host Jessica Dolcourt in studio today with Nicole Lee and with technical producer Chris parker. Kent German is calling in from Seattle -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And Bonnie Cha is on vacation and even -- -- spectrum. -- LA even though I'm just back from vacation I'm a little jealous for -- Jason Howell our usual producer is also on vacation -- a well deserved one. Indeed yes. Today we have a lot of interesting news on are they are talking about 4G coverage, Windows 7 phones and unlimited data plans. So let us jump right in. A lot of people have been wondering where's my 4G when are we gonna get -- -- what's happening with back kind of coverage and tense he -- a very thorough. Yes some unsolicited and tell that dude where's my -- At a -- bottom of this sort of silica could do it. You know it's not too -- The go back there -- -- I think a couple of people I -- that that that tweeted about it actually did put to him. -- joint. Yeah look at the reply to this story is either talking he talks a lot to. You we talk about sprint -- you know no forging consensus go to forging new York and other just sort of activating it for a New York so. -- -- when -- take -- -- or any contested but. It takes time to get that and we've had to travel to other cities to actually test the forgy it's funny -- to go to Philadelphia that but the -- and well I'm in Seattle for other reasons. I am actually gonna -- that time to test the epic forgy. -- -- Forgy apartment so what I did at the wanted to talk to sprint had a clear wire and tactical of people just about what takes so long -- spectrum of course -- -- huge issue I mean we know that. Need a part of the spectrum into court the right kind of spectrum. But -- there's a lot more beyond that there's -- -- sort of legal on the adjustable hurdles these pictures need to. And that's something -- you don't think about when your clamoring partner marine buying something like -- even thinking of great what am I actually going to be able to use that as. A lot like Alan -- frustrating for -- -- because the body though it may say. They came an extra ten dollars a month but then they're not I believe what they're not able to use the -- -- their home area send a -- it's frustrating so. It's really interest in actually what they have to go through I mean there's the first they have to there's a process called ATP where they have to acquire it quite a land or require the space for the towers that can either. Ground back in the building -- Number places. To have to make sure there's no and protect our and then they have to get the proper permits from local planning departments have -- on how he's different you know. This municipalities cover. Or structure there there's -- lots of him on to take a couple of years. Up to three years that we've seen -- discussed. Yet -- went ahead as. I can take maybe a year can take go go -- eighteen months. When I think it's actually working in the forties favor right now is which accomplishes this idea is if -- -- shot -- order which. Says that. Local municipalities have ninety days to act on -- Power upgrade to a tower of authority there are so that's called reduced habitat are they -- -- -- -- it. So that's hopefully going to speed things along but the only thing it -- there's no sort of consequence if they don't happen to act on -- after ninety days. Angry consumers. Yes -- maybe I look at home aren't quite -- -- -- it and they do. But. They you know can -- to -- and then demanded but it's nothing like located over the -- so they automatically get so yen. Yeah there's there's -- luckily not mean you know people don't want it in their area. They have to deal aesthetic concerns. As far as you have to look -- -- A great you're mentioning in your article about in an areas that's sort of have maybe mandates like Santa Fe that the powers that have -- kind of blended with -- architecture. No matter what the the that the city planning commission went yeah yeah and. Yeah excessive protection senate one of -- myself a -- earlier this year and we're gonna markets -- and they said that the city every building in the city have to. Meet certain -- certain architectural styles and you know from Adobe a couple of things everything else are those buildings needs to blend them. So you know that's obviously gonna take a lot of time and economic mixed adding new towers to at least that's about it but somebody has to go into it. It -- like in some way since you can actually add to existing three G towers that would make it easier to acquired the site. That V -- getting zoning approval is really one of biggest -- You were saying that in some cities they captain. Negotiate. With hundreds. Of I mean it would be sorry municipality is an order to get that okay. Now I mean think about just turning on. You know they'd stated -- -- are gonna talk to -- Saint Louis but then you also think the New York where. You have not only the city of New York between you have all the surrounding communities to -- and you have. You have and -- in California to do with California coastal commission of this site is within a certain distance -- -- -- you know you do it Caltrans it's department transportation yes. That's right at the top of the road so our respects to a highway or tunnel or bridge -- -- like that but. It really perhaps be a -- lot of people and a lot of steps to get approval from them all of those sources before they can start. Yet and then even once they have approval there still. There's still some difficulty right with with actual placement we've seen this problem. With him from Cisco when it Eric cod are CNET news reporter and other people have kind of -- in few -- -- Francisco doesn't have the best three G coverage. And some of those. Some of those one -- my trying to say. But a little harder see dad can be things like building -- -- then how do you get a clear signal pretty build -- yet doses during. -- you -- -- water and what I gotta think about was when there's part -- quite large part what yeah it. It public -- -- you have to get the signal processor itself. In addition it has started that knows similarly -- I think some some wal -- -- putting forty -- on their properties as well. I can think Aspen has to do with them so you know that all these plans at different. -- revenue source yeah. Cities are trying to get on it to -- to put up municipal property yes. He doesn't wait for them to make money and it you have but he argued with other cities about where they want to -- the -- should be and should be on the border should be totally in my city. If it gets really complicated it. This is one of those cases it's so close yet so far. Yeah yeah it's like this is why it's excellence and we know what's coming and we know with impediments are and there aren't that many ways to speed and especially when you have -- Parties' interest the mine. Men and so in your article I really like that you have this list of sprint for G market as of August when he Japanese -- And it to strikes me as funny because I know that. The main goal is to start with the biggest markets Mercury down but I'm looking in California. And have been -- -- Modesto Stockton in my -- are all in the central valley. And are at less densely populated than most of the other major cities in California. And then you take a look at Hawaii and Honolulu -- Maui eating. -- city of how lucky it'll let you know I'm getting right into that we should all yes they'll go to -- analyze it and Texas actually looks like it's and -- -- -- -- manner I think you think about. The religious -- Texas discovered. Yeah cost and a lot of -- have to do geography countenance the central valley yeah California candidates and -- That you don't have as many municipalities. To deal with and set up really it's just the logistical. And sort of perspective. Yeah it it. Prosecutor of any laws -- probably just what struck -- -- it would Cisco. Yeah yeah -- you sure. There -- -- -- 0% three abduction issue but it. Tablet. -- One it says speaking and data coverage sprint and offering something. Good Nicole that you -- about. Yes so it's a while ago they offer this thing called the area that is he -- -- -- it's essentially is a little mini cell type. Yeah us unit yourself a century and then be charged the charge EP. He touted the touch but the actual -- and percent of the -- that the service unit that. So -- -- me file for what I read I as some of casts Sprint's this and -- -- this new product called the and they've access points and it it is EVD and those in the sense that -- -- support EV DO in addition to you. Voice or anything else the older adequate support -- do you -- do you mean -- -- -- -- -- Interestingly however at this and it access point is not available or seal. Directly anyway. And or have the Spitzer -- and actually to have it. Well yeah doesn't know in it but a -- a -- both the and it's been books spokesperson told me that. If you want it yet the calls Britons say okay I live in and live in an area with vanity that -- cartridge. Can you send me disparate -- -- -- what can I do you any few qualify if it's okay -- edited does. The added is -- happens to be in in a minute innovate -- coverage area with this and you. Goddess -- no no no fees. No mystery. Right and that is what the service also if you if you make it convincing enough case -- -- Oki C if you really do live in -- very in an area very ports being encouraged. We'll give you this but -- even. You need to set it that even they have the service for free and out in the Amazon eligibility quizzes and pathetic is that -- -- but according to you. Is spokesperson he says that if you caught up you see a -- that in the relieved that we've agreed that outraged. And you make a convincing enough case they'll say okay here's. For free hit the service for free. Although -- service to keep the desperate -- -- So that's really cool service -- -- existing customers but why not silent. And just make more money and for sprint. And consumer really wants to have it. I'm wondering why that is made available. You can get the the two G -- -- that -- a hundred bucks and then but that's not BG that's not that's not EV DO compatible. I just the reason that the reason why did that you're seeing this from what I can understand is that. Customers don't want to pay extra for so that -- -- are. Basically. Like I should be getting good signal here I -- him having to live in a pretty poor zone. So whatever they -- -- even buildings and I met why do I have to pay extra to get to -- that IR eighty people -- And it says I can understand what is is vacancy in the rally -- in the forehead. And I. Seem like promise from -- -- -- what detachment but then. That -- -- department and the customer. -- -- -- -- The way for them to separate the -- customers. -- -- you are claiming that they have -- coverage because they now on a pay extra yeah. And and there were not quite -- talking about kind of in Canada has not because we have candidate and it will happen. It keeps it simple yeah. Rich mobile has unveiled a forty dollar unlimited mobile broadbent and this is virgin mobile of course is CPP -- -- this is that PP. A -- and and and it is. Very attractive to Munich is Betty is one of the best -- have a new that. Most of the unlimited the look at the data plan that are available right now from Verizon's been anything -- I know kept kept by -- gigabytes they Unix dollars -- -- it's usually I think the best unit announced he mobile. With put it on it's a -- gigabyte cap this isn't unlimited. And is twenty dollars and it's KC XP. As you go along -- about the commitment. So I think it's in really great deal. This is this of replaces -- Mobil's previous you know -- -- 6040. He dollars. -- data caps and all that's the disciplines noted -- but the matter. And if you don't need a forty dollars because you don't that you used in the development much -- ten dollar plan. 100. You know -- it very -- -- -- speaking this is -- and it pretty -- I don't want to accident the virgin mobile MiFi hot spot as well -- in the US the EP new laptop. So for those few devices it -- that and I know compact that he might buy it overdrive with sprint and right I think degree you're pointing to split over again with what authority of crimes that it doesn't that the doesn't but. I think you know. Step it up if you can't get an eye out a statement that it is the virgin mobile hot spot -- Forty dollars at a minute I think. And and brightness also testing an unlimited plan. Help a little bit about that. Yes so. Please -- I think has been a the only ones that the 99 dollar a month simply everything -- limited voice the united texts. Restraints so Verizon is testing this out -- well. 99 dollar and it -- of its own. It in and edit text data and voice. However that's only the Sony to testing each right now and brownie or Los Angeles in San Diego. Those that the act. And if you live in those areas know column -- and -- -- -- apparently did just giving them out but but for testing purposes. They also running a few different pricing plans and -- a fifty dollar unlimited plan in the southeast. As -- into the plants in Texas and pianist -- seems did testing out. A few different plans and target audience in -- cities as the holiday at the -- -- If you're using -- -- and PC card USB modem for president because I decide today that they are have a 59 dollar monthly act. -- plan for five gates. Today 595. Yeah. -- love our confidence in there yet. Wrong and this is kind of interesting because we've had fun this fashions from carriers about having data caps so interesting to -- -- I think fans out there. Yeah I mean. You know Verizon anything he did I mention about moving to -- -- based billing. So it is arresting to me to see whether they're the bit different here is that you'd be this much -- this much but not. They cool the mean -- that switching -- Sorry go for it. -- and now we got a lot of that would have a lot of talk about how to could use a web search and give us. -- the windows phone seven became -- yes and windows phone seven we've heard a little bit more about that. In a screen Hannah I really can't roundup of some of the phone models a hardware models that have leaked on cue the web. There are currently four out there. And there is one friend algae that is keyboard enabled there's also a touch screen version there's the HTC -- fired and the Samsung. I nine when seven. Says she said that. So far they look pretty similar and a lot of that has to do with Microsoft's. Pretty restrictive hardware specs. Hands. Steve what past hardware specs again it is it just gonna -- need to be used this in speed and process it uses. It to -- signal that. Yeah animal needs you pull those up and then in review them and they all look like they have some hard keyed buttons yeah and should. As well and they'll need to have. Certain capabilities but like the Samsung galaxy -- -- there are going to be some differences. Between the phone model yeah yeah. With camera which has camera which doesn't have cameras sport -- -- B which is badly planned out clarity or exactly. So. That's pretty interesting some of them have also RD received approval. And and in addition to that. Microsoft has made efforts -- engaged the developer community. Which is crucial and and really in their success. And I can that we -- -- -- -- without a second that what they've done is they've pulled the developers at the -- developer kit is coming out on September 16. And coming up yet there's RD ABN. With a whole bunch of tools and then and that has already been. Downloaded apparently 300000 times. So I don't. What they need to do who boat but -- discovered in an all of us especially with the emergence of amber and really taking the big need hearing in market -- and as that app stores. Are crucial and oh absolutely part of the reason that people choose -- then and -- over another I have friends asking me. I'm I want an injury phone. Which one do I want and they've already decided that they want an -- and for whatever you and unions a lot of about it think have to do with government and a lot of them momentum I think -- -- do. Without start -- an email only viable alternative I found but there's sort of more than. A variety of handsets to choose from and that makes it really attractive. And and I also just think this is really interesting I think Microsoft has an opportunity. To learn from this -- in this mistake. With the Blackberry towards -- -- already in there are India's. Hardware specifications. That manufactures have to work with answers and -- kind of in -- using using that the propelled -- -- pop. Is sort of the developer base and part of that reason is because operating system is brand name. And most of these apps if not all of them are not going to be backward compatible the developers have to -- yeah crash nodded and -- You know I can offer real time I I -- it's a brave new world and I I keep frankly applaud Microsoft are leaving the old ones behind because -- EU in order to do you backwards compatibility it will hold them -- honestly believe that -- UA. If you had to create apps and -- -- to treat means to -- incompatible -- six point five and six point oh he would hold them back. Eat in -- to that -- fashion -- innovative and beat you know it is to adopt this brand new unit is in isn't -- have to -- And you -- Presenting isn't and other gambit and they don't get the developers of glory that it's again heartfelt it's it's it's risky back. I think it's you know Microsoft says I'll do what I gotta get back to our diet and it -- that they haven't had a track record for having and that compelling apps like Bergen again. You know we'll see it -- -- -- month program. For Microsoft up. We will -- I think that there'll be no problem getting the big -- Onboard via the things like EA games you know any distribution model that jeans you're gonna get -- human and you're gonna get it back faster. The other benefits goes so that in the basement. Those -- army announced -- we need to see them any human hands Adam they need to be out and selling and have a lot of them so. But really I'm waiting for -- -- you. The way yeah. Well I mean we think anything since you know mobile congress -- Quebec and -- -- I do have to say that I'm a little bit more excited about phone seven and I was that the Blackberry or just because it just looks so different. All right because -- bananas and higher than it -- a new parent operating -- -- end with multiple devices yet. And -- black area at six is immune. Operating system or an operating system update okay really what it is -- -- is not a complete refresh but it -- on my device going forward and server gonna theme. Hardware and -- and it kind of that it's it's kind of more of a pack yeah yeah. And I think that more as an argument yet and a I am I say that the C why would mean those -- Which. -- -- you curriculum for -- -- back here and trade and Scott Webster read up that Motorola has been tweaking and injury that -- -- And it looks like there's a little bit of disappointment for some of these models. And -- that anyone should be really shocked by this but I or and click XT. Have been pushed back again for their interest for their updates to to outline so remember this is community got to this is yours doesn't even frail and this is to -- -- so. We were supposed to see. -- -- -- -- -- Sometime before the summer and then it went to June and then on June 30 of this -- they. Motorola announced about going to be going to be. Maybe back in October -- of August. And then out -- any Christian can totally cute here -- Q4 percent. This is -- for Clinton -- we're gonna click and click X two users. Turning especially click this case can go you -- these phones. You know that came out after Detroit and Detroit came to -- -- as well and the accusers and you're serving as moto blur as. -- -- -- -- -- And yeah it. Is this is prevent pain really quick and fast updates and I -- him at a time when it trying to get to go on. It would even matter anymore. That -- to put our lovely five via. And love this via lesson as well all of the carriers manufacturers who wanna have their own mark as as Wi fi making happening making it easy at least at Taft yeah yeah does it. Thank you talked a lot about letting Android being -- -- -- and kind of you're proponent of -- and -- -- and this is the reason why. Yes I'd like total -- it first came out to them but I have absolutely you know just wanted to be. Want to be clean and one assist the entrance what not a huge -- -- Sony Ericsson hand I think this is based on HTC sentences. Is the best way I've seen and someone -- comment into the take an Android and shaken -- -- Samsung TouchWiz on. -- it it's nice bit stay honest I don't need a lot of events. Yeah I don't want the marijuana rip him off. I would like to have option wasn't shielding might want the -- -- like safari is -- -- season I should do like the Simpson on just a little bit and that the embedded in one or. But yeah you know. -- of learning and you have to do something not and the Asus selected the -- and get one get an update at all in them. You know back flip and all those were getting in the European -- but in fact you. Not too bad for -- injured when when -- -- -- the outs yes that's painful that's unique behind the times. -- I -- can think about your consumer we live and it we were gonna kind of environment -- reading new phones all the time. You don't really have the commitment if you go -- you spend your hard earned money. In you by -- desperate god idol it's not that old. And to not have to suffer a bit with in the -- years it's this I mean you're -- -- that can -- their -- years until they can upgrade and you are -- and I think. I think about it and you generally -- from the beginning and I got an average and it's going to be great or it's or whatever and it's going to be -- -- in your flash and pulling it back to it's hard to explain to consumers still wet -- -- an update. Sorry and and answers the phone site feel good answer for youth who didn't fit. -- don't -- update for you. Yeah. -- -- -- Uses them like this isn't supposed shortly could let -- the news here. Blackberry app world 2.0 this other so -- hero then Mario and then. And to get it I guess I think I think if you -- They want you they'll get of them have notifications being that that -- etc. if -- and in and you Epstein I think that just that you mentioned mentioned when we knew about and that's it. After available for 99 cents and on I Mena house apart from -- -- Any -- ability and this is a big deal they're Eleanor Arab village board is a big deal -- -- to -- is finally happens especially Iowa is here -- asset who. When Napster -- first came out and PayPal is the only option I understand but I was you need waiver -- it to get it up getting going and integrate and -- system that already existed and but consumer choice. There's always the -- and yeah used to Blackberry ID to manage your content -- across the -- which is brilliant especially because Blackberry idea -- gonna get more services added -- it and they'll be used no listings in the company five and you lists apps in recent anti updated apps on some things. And QR arcade -- you are -- could scanning with the supported -- in -- -- Which are pretty big offensive that only a Blackberry and her. Blackberry messenger five I believe that's the first version to be able to you. Turn on your own bark -- scammed somebody else's and instantly add them of the contact. Coolest thing. -- -- the -- list. Yeah part of ethical consumer argument for Blackberry that nobody knows about. Cleared in a really big -- at least around -- look at but I believe nationwide and worldwide. And have you seen bad from the train stations are yeah the wall allow lack hearing method Terry -- -- means exactly and and have. We'll see if it's not usual -- it. And then Verizon for all you -- few users and outlets are posted at Verizon has pushed out minor update to snow events. And there -- a couple. Bug fixes and improvements like the contact think. And set -- process for visual voice mail. I love visual voicemail and it's pretty -- them and so keep an eye out Tory should be getting an automatic update. Community. And. And then we do have some phone announcements. Kent would you like to tells about the Sony Ericsson what does this by the as the bad -- V volume buzz I have known. Promises as quickly -- has announced certainly pharma -- congress early this year it is a Symbian sound and it does not have a keyboard. The -- that's pro which was announced some of those are mobile congress has people -- this. That's a 3.2 inch touch screen 3.2 inch touch screen was sixty point seven million colors and popular about the mid range phone Smartphone features are looking for -- point one -- -- camera. It declares as -- GPS speakerphone messaging. -- have Wi-Fi TV out connection. Personal organizer and this is another and other somewhere and actually this thankfully ditch their proprietary connections so -- have -- and it is squad and -- work anything -- these AT&T'S three G network it is 7987999. Which here. After fifty dollar -- and read it so we'll have it would be very shortly. And can -- radical we've felt about the Dell aero. The Dell. Is available now on that is available from the you accused -- -- visit -- at the eighteenth -- nine dollars. And -- you can get right now from -- ports humane it's equal retail price of the and its quad band. Yeah I sent it and drive and what Android version it is and wants. And -- He -- -- is one point six. What. And I have yet so it's -- quad band -- amplified -- yeah yet. It. Okay. It's a lot of it's a cod and the hub yet the -- -- Tried and you and yes -- -- We will that -- mobile -- and 100 and that. Into Wi-Fi Bluetooth GP SC 64 -- -- -- process. It put an inch display five megapixel camera -- -- The specs are not very impressive at the states before back to get more recently in its processors -- So -- and Olympic -- again. All of the -- and that bodies it businesses. Keep it very exciting I -- Talking about fragmentation for Android and yeah evidence that the flip down on an exposed to -- is coalesce and then -- has to be getting on the same names. And hey they don't have 60% of users are -- couple months together 50% of users using pinpoint -- and again. But another new front being released that money maybe did just sending -- to keep yeah -- could just -- hundred dollars. And maybe again it's at you can get you get -- get a better deal with it. It's. Hopefully. Well and and wanna. -- something we. So. Before we are talking about what it here an -- customer or confused customer. And what do you -- I'm -- actually. Spent some time. Speaking with a carrier store employees -- to get some tips for what you should you if you go in -- a story and you talk you somebody who are there. Yes and auto uncle columns talking about my that experiences and stories and kind -- readers that experience -- -- but I wanted to give the other perspective -- -- -- I don't like it or customer service and I know that it's not an easy job so I wanted to. Get out the offered few pointers ever -- -- mean dying. One at that employee at one of the big before too big for carrier's stores. -- they're not because of anybody out. Certain hints do not -- anybody out you'll not get. Well I mean he gets a little -- specific anatomy I think he did appreciate the easy doesn't it but. Just think they can you know a good example is that I think most people might have thought of this but it's a good reminder that if you go under -- story you have somebody you might get their card and just constantly go back to them. You know them use use their number -- -- phone number. And which is -- -- person and you're probably have a good relationship and you -- which means. -- recommends not coming in their firm billing questions because they're not really trained in that area. Also there are not trained so much in the technical support with the phone. But. In the you'll need to bring ideas -- account holder so the upper right to change make changes so -- out. The quite few comments -- -- the comments are doing it for a grammatical -- that was changed. You can go and that if you are working in industry and let's see more and more comments you have -- suggestions you have for -- for customers to -- -- -- We're gonna take a short break we'll be back to talk about -- Yes this is the -- -- have to concede that. You -- me. You know it's -- -- years -- but ping them it now with MetroPCS. And I mentioned about a couple ways has a design -- stands up a little bit comes -- light blue color. Has but the reflective -- it's not so fingerprint and -- But there's an -- so -- -- -- person's budget which is good thing but it's pretty slick then and it has been like pipe which is. -- it should be custom front of the parliament classes when your -- did not want them. Pictures are pretty basic but it does have voice put styling and it has Bluetooth hands. Pretty good performance. Not the best speakerphone and a volume could be a matter on the -- but I like the phone -- it just -- can call so that they Q is there -- 11100. We also took a look at the camp tech -- Yes so the parent tests it's another one of those square looking messaging phones that run. Out and -- -- And is follows incident pantex. -- Messaging and pursue an in the square looking messaging and that the interesting thing but apparently test is that underneath the display so little round keypad and that -- is. As an optical sensors optical -- that's similar to the check -- on the optical mouse essentially. End is sensitive and I just did not like. The directional pad because it was a very responsive akin -- denying -- use and I just finished. View it athletic event simple phone like it is -- preferring physicals. Like up and down by that just simple up physical up and down buttons and as I a lot of from a simple like there's nothing -- as in the that's just my personal that out other -- the -- Bart is -- is pretty easy to use. Pretty good call quality to make it -- the camera is pretty beaten middle of the -- there. It's extended to the music there are no EV DO on here but yeah it's it's available or pretty. And you -- of its treatments aren't -- -- We also have another messaging and the Samsung flight you -- in flight C news yet this is the Summers equals when. -- -- intensity to it and can take seeing. It. As -- this is the lights you did she looks a little better than the like from the treat the previous went with the previous from -- -- whiter the previous Simpson I have had a vertical. Messengers its sites up. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X -- to put content break it but -- -- I'm modern like this. This -- XP is also was not very I just didn't get a lot of that speeds of of loading video especially. You know the BB DPS is pretty dead. In the for the president -- doesn't Sony -- nine dollars continue to use its users agreement. But again it's not one of eighteenth he's best messaging phones I would say. You know I think don't have to go -- And he and messaging I departed but the proceed at the -- -- -- maybe. The sensing -- to embrace their phone -- improvement over the flight victims of that that the equity keyboard. But the -- it was just a week to slated for me. And I just like me button. -- -- -- -- -- -- Hodge hill uttering it there's nothing. Go out and think about it nodded thing about it yet. How did you feel about B Plantronics. And 100. Eat -- -- 100. Yeah I I liked it it's very middle -- remote. So you know there's no it HTTP streaming on anything -- this it -- -- but again it's and it's it's. Around it sounds eighty dollars retail though it's that's up there but it's let him live it -- other mode. And I had a a -- battery -- next to the -- and it's neat you think you pat -- right. He was he a battery -- next the -- that he needed a mechanic is nice to see the battery life but if it's at and cool. Call quality was he says. Although I have to say the the background noise cancellation is not as -- as I had hoped. The prices -- is very comfortable fit in the unit and tries has been really good about this how it. Of the very very good about this Dubin nice reductions because now has multi point technology. I have known hits at west controls so. Yeah -- -- that that. I do say that is -- by the iPhone -- in -- in the book with its approval. And what kind of reviews do we have coming up I am waiting on the DP affiliate with Verizon which is. Only -- staying or I should -- mostly interesting because this is the first collaboration and for DTE with any. Tier one network and -- -- the first with Verizon as well so we're waiting to you that are him violence. Looks like it's a pretty simple fun and it will be offered for cheap or free depending on if you get it online or in retail stores. Optical equities and Ericsson gave -- which -- dimensions to beat and I will also have the also should have let's see the accuracy -- Which is that their first Android. That's where -- cricket -- about it. Also critical look at the Motorola charm he is he. An Android by mobile. So stay tuned for those reveres. We did get an email the -- -- at least you. Then I got one from felt it says I have HTC incredible is a great phone except for the fact but I have to charge the phone -- sometimes -- today. And -- stand that it could be due to the fact that. One I use an app -- they've run in the background and uses up battery power and I keep this from happening here there may be an app -- the app store. I can help manage this like the task manager you -- just an Apple or another way to turn -- apps running in the background. This is question that many people have wondered about. And and actually it's kind of -- double edged sort of background processing are our apps that you can use advanced task killer -- is. Comes in free and premium models. Premiums about five bucks. And in fact outlining is so popular for -- hundred -- but it has been preloaded on a couple of -- but not the -- incredible. But there's also the school -- That the way that entry found Campbell running processes doesn't actually at the battery even if he used a task manager task killer that shows you which -- -- -- Running. As long as you -- you press the back arrow to -- back out so it doesn't work. Quite the same way -- that it's not quite intuitive you have to put the map by going backward from the there is always the question and running that's why I -- -- processors -- running when I turned an -- And part of that explanation as bad and that -- -- sort of getting. Ready for you to open it again thank -- pick up where you left off. I would say yeah. Also heard that there are some Napster a little bit more intensive use -- -- One of those was -- -- Yeah so you need to make sure that you you have black arrows with the out of and and there other ways to save battery life you. One way is make sure that your screen greatness is set either an automatic or you can manually. Laureate and that the killer -- you can turn off Wi-Fi and -- cute when -- not using it. And you can also. Sometimes you can go into the app settings. And sort of space Al -- intervals which they checked for. Updates like a social network for example a -- kind of reduce and the drain on the batteries for your time you got it all for it and if you don't eat sushi -- analysts and -- right it's. If you have other suggestions of how this sentiment and no look passes on. And in any -- that yeah. Out while this is all of -- -- -- it's in this. Hello this is in an email from LaMont my wife and -- make -- a point to -- since you practiced every Wednesday at the really -- -- is to advocate. Out regarding -- this this question on August -- about team mobile PP -- with a off -- -- and -- yes it is possibility using it runs right now. What's perfectly -- however there is no Internet but -- can use the Sony and use -- and on prepaid -- -- news -- use the unit against it that loaded up -- involved in that. Thousand -- those got a question here. Might. I'm a unison -- the customer and it an accident about the release of HTC desire and the Samsung -- -- However -- confused which it which I should get. He -- -- aspirin seems to have better hardware but the HTC sense UA's seems to be paid to Simpson's touch mrs. They go ahead and get desire -- -- -- opinions while. I haven't actually seen the galaxy S but unison and yet and teachers how it is so if you can wait and what week is -- states -- to see. When it looks like. So be it a galaxies around. Yeah yeah a special screen yet is -- -- screen is is that super inlet. Oh. Should be. The credit if you you have questions you can always sun and that's the email address is dialed in at cnet.com. It consent of the -- does that anymore but you can't you can benefit -- at one -- 866. -- -- -- -- -- Q 63 eats and you know always check out in the mean time our. Our blog posts at filed in dot cnet.com. That's it for today's show catch up with us again next Wednesday -- 2 PM Pacific. You appeared accurate. I am I calling in from the good old midwest. -- -- -- spots around here. Subtlety. -- will be back in but I will be in the -- -- And -- both live from new York and I from your credit for any. I live yet. -- Thanks -- -- joining as a broad. Yes thanks for joining us and we'll see you again next week. -- -- --

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