Google for Jobs is ready to help your employment search

Finding a new job could be as simple as searching Google.

Andrew Gebhart Former senior producer

Search for jobs on your computer or your phone. 


Google wants to help you find your perfect job. Starting Tuesday, the web giant's Google for Jobs initiative means that with a simple search, you'll be able to pull up listings for "entry level jobs in NYC" or "catering jobs in Louisville, KY."

Google automatically pulls listings from popular sites such as Monster, CareerBuilder and LinkedIn. Plus, developers and site owners can starting building listings specifically for this service, Google said in a blog post.

You'll be able to filter by location or job type, and the search will cater to all levels of employment and automatically filter out duplicate listings from the job search websites listed above.

Google first announced the feature at the company's annual I/O developer conference in May. Now we'll see if Google can make finding a job as simple as finding a good place to eat. At the moment, the service is only available in the US, but Google is expected to roll it out to other countries in the future.