Car Tech Live 238: 2012 Volvo S60 T6
Car Tech Live 238: 2012 Volvo S60 T6

Car Tech Live 238: 2012 Volvo S60 T6

Auto Tech
Ford -- does what they said it would do years ago. You'll also find out when GM -- -- drive itself sooner than you might think and the fiscal karma disappointment or write or should be. That more on cnet's car tech live killer body it's our car tech live show for this Thursday Brian -- -- Wayne Cunningham and Antuan Goodwin were here on show number 238. On this twentieth of October 2011. Let's get right into it here a quick note updating -- what's happening with sync this is interesting because of -- when they first showed a sink like wheels it's four or five years ago. And they said it would read your text -- you. Then we started testing cars that Kim was saying and number one really read text TU. They didn't work with almost really any phone except like a black bear. On that feature and -- -- on one phone that it worked with -- and -- It's like looking eureka moment I'm on every kissing the pavement outside of our of our office -- is really cool. But and really limited it didn't work at my -- don't work with anything else now. So now they apparently -- retrofit update that we think will also work with some of the sync equipped cars you've got out there would be Bluetooth message access profile. It'll what do you know about map your -- -- the Bluetooth. Well I mean like most Bluetooth standards -- -- be enabled on both in promoting part of why. It doesn't work as advertised. Prior mean it probably even now Brian like a lot of phones just don't have -- built in. -- -- Just like the same reason that -- regular email for people say I can't audio streaming and Bluetooth headset. Could hit that does support a two DP. It has to be on both India and -- mean if your phone supports and a lot of phones are starting to do it. -- now that I automakers like Ford -- starting to lead the charge on in getting. The receivers installed in their cars a -- start seeing more of it. That's -- -- fast and actually is that not many phones actually support map at this point. Yeah and -- parlor Ford didn't have it implemented in The -- -- -- or it wasn't fully baked you know the Bluetooth standard is really not. Its own -- mixture of protocols you can opt in or out over on any device called the Bluetooth the Bluetooth suggestion is the Bluetooth it's -- disabilities idea kits yet. But now Ford has gotten this -- this this this map profile which apparently pretty well -- now. As a part of -- officially it's -- -- it's available for 2011 and early 2012 vehicles that have -- You go to sync my ride and look at your particular -- probably by vin number. Is retro available as a software flash. Access now a lot of a lot of these handset these Smartphones actually -- on on all the major platforms. There are apps available. That will do that line. On the device itself. -- like read the tags -- smart reader via a for example of the when the pop street -- mine if you get a text message. It will read aloud -- either using your phone's speaker or if you're connected via audio streaming noted that way -- the advantage to afford going -- Is that even if you're not listening to your phone electrocuted of the way few would believe lingo works is -- -- -- have a two DP running. Yet it only works -- -- -- BP's -- the yet to be listening to music off your own. Matt Nero will allow you to also get those text messages written when you're not listening to your -- that you're listening to CD player yet or something -- and SD cards single traffic control the whole system and say you've got a message to just a little -- the audio when it's gone and navigation product yet or an incoming -- recall -- -- sort of way. So that's the benefit of getting an -- cars -- it's it's indicative of the previous way that you see with the apps is kind of -- it can work around deepening. -- but it's not. You really use in the the profile of that release of the standard in the way that it's boosted its -- To hear the phones. Bits are were are -- to nearly any cost says are available here Blackberry 9670 curve many 300. -- tricks Droid bionic Motorola photon never heard -- -- HTC -- 3-D and the sensation forgy. So still a handful of phones at this point but at least it's better than one ethnic and that is all we actually get it lists a vehicle to meter in -- But the Yankees -- interest an expert right and so. You get it Suisse. Small choice for your choice -- okay is this of the -- -- -- there's -- like a bunch old tired -- is not just partners. But there's still Messina at anonymous in Windows Phone 7 rights and no -- don't at all and no Windows -- on the -- again and Windows Phone is a lot of expectation it's gonna be cause -- pistol next year so I imagine they're -- being a Microsoft partner imagine that's a temporary situation. -- continuing on sink -- do regular sync news out of the way continuing to promise an effort. Training its dealers better to train you how to use sync which has been a frustration for a lot of users. The idea here's what they're going to prep the dealers better a lot of technology sync is one of them they've also a lot of complaints don't talk with this we drove the fiesta with the dual clutch. Which was 56 months we had that -- which is the only cheap car with a DCT. And so that transmission is very unusual low cost carbon they're getting a lot of folks while some number of customers return back saying the transmissions -- Because they're told it's an automatic manual orbiters being told an automatic and they get out and drive it and they've never -- automatically goes -- Like that -- DCT does especially. So Ford starting to say we can't just elements and automatic -- gonna explain to home. It has clutches that are actually working that's what you're seeing there's a little robot driving the thing basically it's a manual gearbox little robot and there. The -- -- had -- double luddites you'd think they'd get that -- the test drive. Either it is very -- -- they'd feel that there right which -- are funny now. I I toaster -- a lot of cars you know in the -- style test drive 51015 minutes. It's all -- car when -- bring it home. Yeah you miss everything. You know really wanted to -- Lori knew -- -- it'll add to it and and the passengers -- one of those macho guys who's telling you to do that -- you know what it's like well not only do that either it's like I don't know that releases -- -- -- of -- the last time my -- car. I just drew. Brand new -- VR 32 -- many years ago. And so I -- out. On this test drive and in on the -- back the sales guys like let me drive it policy with the -- can I hate that and I mean He is whether those guys who. Thought He was a better drivers and He was in Italy but -- right. You know it's a little a little bit viewers see drivers the -- spinning around -- parking lot out of control. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Buddy of mine though when we is going backward from the new in the Porsche 944 was new his dad was looking at getting -- so they go to the dealership. And you're the him dad drives it for awhile when they dealer does one of the intimate knowledge and open up for a -- a -- -- -- Sheridan this is down on a on flooded road on US 101 down the peninsula it's Carlson. Porsche Audi back in those is still there -- -- -- Through the -- the driver that a dealer sells mens dead because the way He drove but they get this thing Dave's in the backseat -- in the past recede a dealer -- -- of course the drive along. You almost immediately consisting out of shape like sixty on this -- -- -- He remembers -- before the massive crunched. Was seeing this fire hydrant go back and forth between that -- NASA. And then having to occur missed the fire hydrants master -- wheels -- out all the -- -- like okay. Well I can't buy this one -- -- And Atlanta they on the job and I'm not that I hope so and spot -- -- has one out of stock but on -- -- porting its and one of our -- one of our editors at his body Ford Focus that typing in addition any mention yeah right was at -- dealership. Yet they word dial leading them through the technology they did you actually repaired his wife's phone with the card and make him do it do you -- asked the -- own on with the cards that children are still working on attributed to get that out there will have to keep you updated on whether it's a check it was super port every couple weeks -- -- a new. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The that they -- in San Francisco -- probably also. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The fiesta is one of the only cars that cheap cars as DCT -- the upcoming -- which is actually already L and people can by the now that -- -- DCT know. At least four of you -- probably. -- -- -- laughter we'll have the DCT and of course we are to be our first look at -- angles. So publishing technologies in their car and -- -- you're gonna wanna buy them. Let's see up speaking of this hands free in car stuff Q and X which is the folks that as part of remote part of Blackberry it's the operating system in the playbook. Which doesn't really mean much to most people. But they say they're -- -- real strides in getting clear hands free calls -- card which remains -- stick you mean let's face it when you're doing a hands free call on a car people now. They can to like on your in your car. I can hear a lot of noise it sounds -- and has lot of weird phasing in and out sometimes -- digitally processed and not necessarily done well. But -- says that they have got a new technology here -- second generation of their I'll be Irish acoustics processing suite. And they sell into OEMs and head unit makers and -- that you buy for your car and but they say it's gonna dramatically improve. This kind of audio quality. Part of it is they're going to get it to deal with something called dating dating is when you missed the first letter word you get this all the time on Bluetooth. Or the last syllable. So it it it it ducks down the audio to kill noise and then it. Opens the Mike again basically when you start to talk. But it's not very good right so you missed the beginning in the end of every sentence especially for soft spoken. It really throws off that -- dating they say they've got that figured out where stop doesn't become top. Which can be a big difference you have at what you're talking about something I think they should stop or addition -- what would believe me differently. I wonder if this also kind of addresses -- c.s would do collecting a lot of hands free system our wish -- so if F if the person you're on the line which is talking. And they don't stop talking. It's telling it's gonna be drug Leo yeah you know or you know where you have to go over in the near the person -- the chance. Talk and even then I think as far as I understand the cellular networks or simplex so there's no way to get around that -- they're all one way they're -- they're -- -- -- -- -- they -- -- and they have to and they auto switch the push to talk keep themselves but it's basically all cellphones -- two way radios so they are talking one at a time that's why when -- on the phone whether it's in the car not please please -- about cellphones they are like your landline. You can't talk while the other person's talking. It isn't technically possible its a single direction connection on cell -- pesky digital. I think analog in my head that -- -- better enable a Digital's amassed. And it's it just gives you the least amount of bandwidth and you gotta talk one way that's why cellphones are like they are out of creativity talks -- we -- -- rush expected that it that is offensive solution for this to stacks. -- the don't call me don't call me I hate cell -- -- -- if you want to win an argument on the and didn't cost up to just keep talking if they can't get any damage to still listen to -- idea. There is some weird docking logic that lets you -- stop someone on these networks but it's so frustrating it's it's basically simplex was some logic that referees. And it's like now I hate that lets -- -- -- thing now is this is purely a software. Upgrade yet is not hardware is just processing should should be applicable to a lot of systems that are already out there that where the where they all OEM has already selected a vendor for microphones. And speakers and and the actual hardware that does this open -- can -- this over it but it's just you know it's it's it's -- deep inside baseball I know but it's good to know that. Some of working on the quality of calls not just getting Bluetooth and every carcass quality tends to suffer. In this -- we tend to do you know. MP3 killed the CD which that's -- stepped down -- no two ways about it but good enough is good enough some. -- talk about what's happening the series which we know is hot. And Android GNU catch up -- -- supersede this now we get where we're gonna get ice cream sandwich on the markets. Where is ads airing November the first excuse -- was in the galaxy nexus will be out. Sometime in November okay so of that is apparently and would you agree it needs to step up and answer Syria or is Google Voice technology equal to -- all of -- -- Have two different things Google's voice search is -- -- -- one -- then you tell the phone something it does it. So if you want to use it for voice input you can do that if you want to use it to say send text message to -- that there isn't going to be fifteen minutes late. It'll do that. Don't talk back to use only that the thing about -- that -- bridal life. Yeah and so it'll say things like you know like oh -- -- like serial have you it'll fail to see that all the phones and that's -- and I don't know if it's really useful. Building. For some functions it is when for example the keynote biggest but the classic example at this point classic in two weeks two weeks ago that -- read do I need an umbrella today -- minute news -- -- -- -- forecast. Where with -- you'd have to say -- app weather and its pop on the screen okay so it's. More directive. From you on Google and -- little -- Interactive or even discussion based with -- kind of like you know -- -- the classic. -- classic -- but of the period and and app classic tapping quickly index and you quickly will Apple's kind of an experienced company. And Google is though -- -- -- software company has always difference to me the data phone in the phone gives you data. Words which -- does what I wanna talk to my phone and I care about it and -- that but so this story were look at it here the technology review one of their reporters so it took a look at some new ice cream sandwich voice technology at -- a demo in Hong -- and -- -- this was this with the Adobe galaxy nickel that was the -- was in Hong -- look at. And apparently said to the phones this right now policy. He He got a call and we didn't -- was able to take -- I think it was able to say hey man I'd -- to talk right now but I'm a little busy okay its W later periods smiley face. And the phone was able to figure that out and I believe if I have this right was able to understand He wanted to text -- that. Not necessarily have to say text message to someone's elements of the message so -- a little closer to some kind of intelligent. The biggest kind of deep that I saw at that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- stream you know the biggest thing that's -- is that I -- used Google's voice entry and you know that it's basically. You start talking and there's a microphone on the screen and then after a couple seconds it -- back out something that -- think. That that it thinks that you were trying to say yeah in some -- the story and some -- -- wrong. The new setting goes work outward so if you're in a text entry field. And as you start talking in a text Brian. It'll go to texting. And then as I start saying I'll be fifteen minutes late you'll see the words popping -- I'll be fifteen minutes late. And you can direct on the fly so where is. In the previous system if you sit at least fifteen minutes late and if it got all your blow up a -- cents -- start again yet or you have to you know like reach and touch the screen -- -- means fifteen from like you know like teenagers to fifteen we -- whatever -- -- able to see that -- you didn't get the eighteenth if you -- go back. Fifteen. And then a slob like like a dragon program -- and it's it's it's what you can watch it taking your dictation. Or -- -- so it's supposed to be more accurate. Featuring that in -- encryption which makes it easier. I guess. I really think it's easier is probably eternal when in use but also more inviting for users to use because you can actually see. -- you more granular yet. And if you're granular network and heard about iris. Is not just here in about today Europe apart to link in the show notes -- -- actually is an app for -- That is what -- read it -- and it's asserted that there is experts I'm not a but it's -- same thing you -- little. Old tiny microphone down the bottom of the app you -- -- and you can -- usually. Kinda looks like it takes. A conversation that you're having with the phone. Where you -- a you know I have. Was this what -- -- -- the rude and you'll see some people think that the chicken cross through it to the other side. And at the classic price of a dollar 43 what -- they probably prices and I think that it's one of -- -- worried. The -- -- developed by developer and of the country. -- -- -- It is one kronor or some -- But it's get a good price it's -- to try out so iris lets you -- inevitable Syria on your employees really like behavior and yeah right cease and desist its refining analogous to answer gonna get off topic on MacArthur here but Syria I guess that it's -- back ended by a number of services are some Google but not just Google -- their searching to power series -- over finding out now. Whereas of course I would imagine this is all Google powered in terms of where it's going to get its. Information as it translates what you say. So the question is you know again -- gets down to services who's got the best. Who's got the best service back in not list the best technology and has the best handset -- the best liberal voice recognition that's one thing to do as the best. Content recognition as the best richness to go serve that request who has Google and more -- Google just limit themselves to Google and sometimes the best result would be -- -- And at saint. I'm not mistaken one of scenes -- that that this -- reaches out to Bing and Google and a couple other services assault. River when asked to use that was there. -- Internet is gimmick. When that's right speak to -- natural lingered right titan mystery what's the weather yet. And it would that understand all that to and obviously that's in -- and I disaster comes still out there that's out there that you. -- -- -- -- -- We -- there was still there Baltimore -- -- Let's see now we've got self -- cars back in the news a GM manages -- muscle driving cars repeatedly for awhile but they're really planting a more concrete stake in the ground now. -- Rick Wagner the CEO GM router on the crash times in 08. Until 109 herself said we're ten years away from self driving cars and -- saying were. Still on track actually for that saying in twenty -- about nine years away. We're still on track result driving cars -- they're gonna staying on this on this point on this semi autonomous by the middle of the decade. That's this decade they're talking about. And -- teens and 20s20 by an -- -- on autonomous car which includes car -- car which is -- full autonomy comes from. You can't really do for autonomy lists of cars talking to -- -- -- in this diagram after watching -- video version that's the key is to get the cards and we're talking though earlier yesterday about. This is like. It's really just a lack of software now. And this whole speech or this'll statement came out of the intelligent transportation systems conference which happened last week I believed. Or early this week and yet the you'd all the a lot of the equipment is already in the cards and also -- say is mandating. Vehicle to vehicle and equally infrastructure communication. Right I feel with the deed dates are that they're really pushing that yeah we talk -- that a few weeks ago and they've got a real mandate on -- -- is is warning systems and so when you combine that with. Cars having bet I'd drive by wire systems and steering by wire action is coming pretty becoming pretty -- electric power steering you. -- firewire. Breaks are still mechanical only Mercedes offers a true. Brake by wire it's been a disaster in the field but there are they ABS systems and all that we can and there -- four doesn't mean -- -- -- a separate braking system but no one's doing the panel by wire except the SL. And even that's an option and it's a really expensive one and it had lots of issues -- Was the last place you want problems and is in -- -- X com. But this is the parts -- there we just need a few thousand lines of code. And cards also -- the question is global society be ready for so different parts that's that that's a big part of the the puzzle most folks are freaking -- -- -- so you doses. Quick informal poll self driving cars body or you love the idea. Some people are really nervous about it the idea of our tickets in a -- -- -- in the note to -- second street you must mail postcard sent. So when you're seriously relative to do is you don't wanna route Rushmore with a spray -- -- -- -- answer. There are tickets in a dark and having to let people -- right union also with Norton really -- airports of sky riding. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Text your answer on someone else's forehead and and ask iPad -- prisoners you are allowed to join us. While -- left. Com so you -- -- -- things have very big consistent GM message I find that interest in what they're queuing up to say okay we're gonna be the leader in this tech. You know Ford -- killed us on in cabin on -- with sync they still are kind of you know known for having the cool cabin thing. Other companies undies -- got the quality in the emerging brands and you know Mercedes -- kind of floundering right now BMW's got the the hottest German car out their brand tough when -- without the but GM I think it was to own autonomy in the biggest way. And this is gonna be writing their big brand position in the next strategic -- and -- -- two years I think we'll see all the majors push in this direction now. Because it's mandated because it's deteriorate possible with the technology I think all the major automakers are going to. Only to come up pretty close together on you know offering this particular they'll have all these components are talking about -- -- everyone's putting in electric power steering in the and the meal while -- by wire I don't think more than a handful of cars have cable throttles anymore. Having aerial we will we -- to litigate this on all their cars or drive by Arnold and expensive cars and they're all gone with the actuators made by the company that made that actually -- Part of their prompt let's see GM portable safety system and it rolled out -- is related to OnStar I think we got here this is a system. Where they are allowing you to buy a device should put -- your car that gives your car and any other car that has this device. Car to car communication. Over a short range of a quarter mile or so so it's kinda like DIY car -- car. But in the Thursday -- towards its -- -- and a piece that lets you start equipping your car that way the cool thing is this is something in that committed. Be an aftermarket solution because the mixes when they want to have all -- credit card community and come out they're talking about the army has put in on all their new cars -- but also needed on the older cars that is on the broad rights. Is estimated from a self driving cars is a mix of self driving and not and that's when you minimize the benefits to Begin with because without car -- car cohesive late. You know. Part of the part of the product interest to have cars that follow each other maybe -- -- -- distance because of computers can do say we can't were too stupid we yet we have we -- we react to slow. So that really allows you to have to build far fewer highways if any more highways at all if you can reduce the car distance by. Six times bring it down to one -- that that of six at sixty miles an hour for example not that anyone really drives -- -- distance and more. But. It's -- correlate to do that that all of a sudden you get this great efficiency but then non autonomous car pulls in front of you know you're. Autonomous cars let's say I can't talk to that one I got a drawback. And if it's well -- and so now we just global lot of the benefit of just that one thing well actually one of the big benefits of the student is safety set -- a car. Comes -- through an intersections a blows a red light. If your -- no -- one -- the loss could be playing with blue links and -- -- are communicating with each other and -- your cart knows the scars running the red -- in your -- and hit the -- for yet. Answer -- that that's a public safety wins here and but if the car going to the currently doesn't have the system no win. Yummy but that -- that could also be somewhere the infrastructure can step in there already sensors that multiple lights for the red light camera. Whom if you out -- stoplights notices that somebody's going through where pedestrians walking out. Or some guy and a bike is -- the guys in the bike always. It's important -- ignoring all lights all stop -- and hovering in my blind spot perfectly. Perfectly. Celebrities and never actually person to person communication systems we ought to -- where he's our bicycles and it is on bicycles and then on people okay and compacts and on the elderly and on that crazy -- down -- sixth and market in the wheelchair everyone's gotta get one of illness and -- -- guy. Yeah. Everybody gets what a K it's for an implant -- is due to think that this is interesting. The that the -- the estimate here is that this kind of technology could prevent autonomous cars that can talk to each other government 81% of crashes. That's a huge claim it's a huge number. And that was that I came out of like you say that I TS conference what's gonna happen all the repair shops and I'll -- what happens all the body -- what happens to our emergency room and -- sorry -- At that economies work on good and bad occurrences as barbecues and you'll be -- it is people grew beneath that you'll find we -- -- -- -- way to hurt themselves it'll spend more time on skateboards and -- timing carcass. Five rockets and -- -- the bodies council on something. I -- the people of Kenya into fewer accidents they'll be more likely to actually customize it it -- If that's any money on their hospital -- since I. They can take that -- allocate that too would err okay it does that's whatever one's -- about. So if you're watching this it's it's an aftermarket way for you to bring your older car into this autonomous -- that's why this ties in that -- big story. Which animal puzzles along -- other sister karma is of course a highly. Anticipated entry in the luxury but attainable. Electrified car business this is a vehicle that is a this it was a range extender right. Yet its electric. Mug and -- it now treatment is -- their wheels the gasoline engine to provide extra electricity went to -- completed yet it's a really nice -- very similar durable powers a 100000 dollar -- that it might not -- -- -- right look at the -- are watching your video -- and it's like go what's the what was the character in rocky and bullwinkle are some in the forests. It was Arcelia. Has sparked an update almost as it was welcomed but -- this this argument divorce at the and that and it tosses in the passenger -- Anyway 95000 dollar car very hot great looking heinrichs whiskers an old BMW guys -- this companies always had cred but they just got there EPA rating. The real number it's an MP GC number like we talked about before. Which is an equivalent to gasoline consumption but -- -- came in your EPA testing says it has 32 miles now officially of pure electric range. 52 MP GE. On electricity. And a mere twenty MPG one running on gasoline. The question is what does that mean running on gasoline that's when it's generating this is a bolt writes yet when it's the gas engine -- generating electricity driving the that the battery to relatives of the motors look at the vault received a 93 MP GE and the -- 106 -- this is. The MPG of the volt -- -- -- for twice or three times the price. Yet to luxury car -- people who buy luxury cars don't care about the minutia of that they can afford to drive and the amount of consumption. But I don't -- this is gonna have as much of a cool Green angle to it as a lot of those kind of buyers like. Yet -- of more than 32 miles today. If you -- seriously more than yet about the data you're gonna wanna also tossed the recent of that. -- me and you miles per right just being a regular just being a regular hybrid without any tricks of plugging in no hassles to plug them. And this guy is -- about a 100000 dollars again. So not sure how this is gonna play -- their market not sure if that's going to be a problem or not but this they finally get the real numbers -- on the on the car what's gonna have the Tesla marvelous to challenge it next year yeah. Which comes in the three different price tiers -- arrangement -- another interesting market position and all of them are well under the basket parents ways -- and even the expensive ones in the -- like seventy something seventy seven's -- for 300 miles of range. Not to others and completely different way of marketing -- cars you know you buy the range you wall -- -- it's like buying an iPhone and how -- capacity do you want an area we've never seen that -- -- -- -- trying to kind of an engine but -- the performance thing. Not -- capacity. Like it is -- -- -- -- used to be a huge. The epic a long time you used to be able to you'd like it what if it. With gas tanks you'd get the artillery tank so yeah yeah your right excellence yeah that's true -- on trucks -- still king get rogues gallery pickup truck equipment a lot of and so that's the nearest thing to -- But this is a whole new way of marketing -- between the karma within PGE in the other two cars that get that and now. The tears of range for the yes the whole new world out there and a lot to understand that's why we're here. A single canal Leo adjusting a reply the -- a question we had in roadside assistance last week somebody asked what can I look at if I wanna buy that diesel hybrid. And the answer was in the US nothing in the world one car. Peugeot something rather I think with Peugeot 350083. And there's also Renault was coming out with one very C in the DS five I think okay that's right that's coming and -- a third volvos just announce it -- -- is Europe only. But they'll be selling a diesel electric hybrid plug. Everything is in this car. Wagon -- -- that -- -- -- -- -- sixty. Aero package. And this there's a lot of reasons why we won't get this card. Yeah -- is that it's a diesel yup Q is that it's a wagon. I yeah we don't we don't enjoy either of those in the Portland does not sell wagons in the US anymore which is -- saying that's right they only -- the -- -- crossover wagons and anybody no real wagons they went to their their crossover market is weird because. Prior to this latest back to bull -- and always bothered them and that rain in the flag -- income net. In -- crossovers really took over their line hello -- hate to see things like this there's so few true sedan -- wagons and stickers -- such a great. Package anyway and as we talked about last week on roadside assistance or other show that I hope you subscribe to -- don't already. Is the idea that the diesel hybrid -- -- work in this country -- diesels really expensive here. More than -- -- I started noticing after our show last restaurant -- diesel prices it's more than gasoline at 25 cents more than premium. -- mile per gallon must've I looked -- -- attention it was kind of right at gas. Now it's it's it's more than premium insane so the end of it rationale is that you can -- more energy. Now. Yeah -- you did that much not that much smaller like a third more range per gallon I think it's -- -- a good rule of thumb that's a good number. But it's -- you're getting double or something the range. Of the energy content out of a gallon of diesel. That's one of the issues having to put hybrid and diesel into a car both are incrementally more expensive technologies much because of volume on the diesel doesn't make him into this country -- so that -- and because of additional complexity and hybrid. It would destroy the price up -- and diesel engines are more robust -- only last for apps like. More of metal young but -- -- Jillian to one compression ratio so -- are price you to make you -- really put some serious engineering -- that. Really high compression ratio it's -- gas engine could you. Plus the cleanup technologies that we need we require over here. Yeah we actually require more emission clean technologies menu in Europe all that particulate stuff articulate something. But one thing about this -- sixty hybrid diesel hybrid plug -- they say it's got a range of 745. Miles east. Taste of it at that that's that's LA and back you guys -- do an LA auto show and back trip area -- He can do all that on one tank except we won't get. -- -- -- that's another car you'll be able to get it would be really cool to have let's take a look at what's going on with us something else you can't yet and would be even cooler. May be the electric Delorean that. We're talking -- either Delorean is one of his cars that is cool. Just because it is a Delorean in your -- were never in back -- the future. New way would just be another let's ring and under powered that's the thing the did that that movie made that. So -- -- -- -- but the electric Delorean Delorean still out there. After it went bankrupt kind of -- blew up. They have parts and I believe some of the -- to make parts they have a new build program security is -- -- Delorean blog -- to realize this company is still around and basically some dude just bought it yes I'm rich yet he's dismal view we get all these parts and we can -- -- -- Delorean from the parts you want. -- -- -- -- -- Income by -- senator console we can get the most us a look at the parts they were -- I build my -- -- apartment wanna see -- these things come to. Okay the new build program to be to be revealed soon -- the selling -- they're gonna start building new Delorean. It's about to launch. From -- parts. That's kind of cool. Whenever I see use the war in running around and occasionally see them yeah -- -- it was a kind of grimy. An -- that stainless -- that -- never looked good as yet there that -- that would would say they're hard to clean but I mean news. Can't policy -- but who -- acts on it it's like what's funny became totally and a -- because now everyone has that finish on their stainless steel appliances and so it's that same look if you wanna register esteem in your kitchen write it into. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's like -- day here's the thing about the Delorean is 130 horsepower. So I -- six. Gull wing doors for mr. coolest thing on -- -- has good lines but dated lines eighties lines here's a user has a lot easements fifty grand massacre -- -- 101000 miles of real fresh scar on molested. Automatic I don't know if they had an audit they had a stick I guess they -- -- they're calling up the automatic. This guy's done some on the suspense we it was a -- no motivate that they put in -- -- -- -- six rights. I have -- a six cylinder. Now three -- to -- -- -- -- -- something around there and and it's got the old -- -- in 1980s instrument -- I mean this is where you know you're looking -- our committee's -- square round gauges. Flat faces sets so eighties. And no -- Windows 7 -- -- -- -- down they had little -- and right bigger picture that's right here it's like it's literally come into Russia had a little a part of the window you can open. A good look in your super sized -- You give him sideways so make -- the -- on real time. -- -- today it's everywhere Italy's half of it on the either on your T pour out the on the side of the power so electric Delorean is the one of the -- -- to the Delorean are still available they're gonna make this an electric. Yet He showed off a prototype of an -- Delorean special show last week that the -- and show -- the Apple Store and nighttime television Delorean owners group and suddenly become look at. That's not if it's a -- -- -- -- -- its export. Were part of dog. The models of the DMC twelve and that's that's actually the name of a new model into the car. And that it retrofitted it -- electric power train from this company epic electric vehicles and which currently has one on road car it's a it's sort of like an aerial -- with electric motor. That opens okay yeah yeah via a totally different applications of -- this thing in 7800 mile range 125 horsepower electric motor in -- -- -- pretty powerful electric motor actually. When you look at electric cars. Italian town of batteries to power this thing they're talking about it. When He four kilowatt hour lithium and the idea that the -- batteries is bigger than anything out there I think likened the leaf is about himself -- -- because Lori we've almost 3000. There's an electric one. Just regular -- really. Almost three galore and it wasn't that wasn't a heavy engines of -- has -- -- heavy car in the body and stainless steel body that's -- again now it is -- light it's just cool now I mean but that's why most electric cars. It's a Tesla are going aluminum beacon is the -- is everything actress but they do have a nice picture of the interior of this Delorean got pulled -- -- -- -- looking at. I guess they've updated that they've put a navigation system and they allow iPod dock here this is probably somebody and they can -- you for a standard -- or for your use DMC to -- so here's a -- controller kind of their take on my drive thing a couple dedicated knobs that look like they are for doors behind your going buttons that cool. And in some kind of -- rotating transmission such as it is for electric car reverse neutral drive and iPod dock this very interestingly mounted there it's a real iPod presentation dock. Your iPod or -- climate rocket it is right yeah -- up. It's an iPod better have a climate that He -- existed. And then what looks like an Alpine head unit America NAFTA markets to -- Tesla approach but anyway if you're intrigued if you're intrigued now the -- Lorenz is still available. And now you just of their available as electric as well you must love in the show. So the museum we get back -- -- about this pricing so they're gonna and make this thing and when they -- opera for production when He thirteen although it also heard that idea. A blog entry on the Delorean motor -- site actually disappeared Lehman appalled that so maybe -- back -- on that -- and are now. Such is the way of boutique carmaker and frankly if they're promising in England electric current when He thirteen I would say that's a big when He fifteenth. At -- -- but the -- -- that would GM has autonomous cars. The -- -- their first maybe it'll finally seventies -- sixty time and right now you're probably well. I visited carts out it's a very real car and we talked just a little bit about this the photos -- out yet as -- -- -- last week show it's a new three series. And there are several headlines here first of all is the new look and I was I was asking is -- look like the five series. Here's a good three quarter shot the -- shows yes they picked up a lot of the current five series. In the lines is really a baby thought. The looks very similar and it's a good thing. Relate the are angry headlights -- the curvature to yet at the -- the raised eyebrow look yes it is. Canon does have a little bit of work -- -- sports I think a lot yet the news there and is listed a news. The it was the soliciting payments in the -- yet which shall have you know much nicer ago while this is great line up to two different tutoring if I look -- about a dollar on that not important capital and a dollar to -- -- endorsed by ID like -- -- the that under the grow lots of nice. -- it down. But I don't like the fact they've increased the length of this car and dislike and final evidently made it bigger yeah and the debate may attract wider -- -- and that's okay. It should have to two inches wider track even more tract that's great screen for handling of links making it heavier or bigger -- -- three point six inches in -- is a big ball especially not have you recently -- 880 pounds up away okay good. -- that that's a good thing that's the car it's it's a longer wheelbase that's a longer overall length you know what happens next the one series gets -- to take the space of like a two generation ago and that always that march -- the way it is with -- -- models and all yes that was moved the great thing about the 37 -- -- -- some -- that estimated shorter smaller than the 350 easy to go back to their -- So they don't have to put back seats in recent an easy. It's by its nature convinced by its nature wants to do some errors in the meaning of the -- three -- -- that people are. You know enough people cynically morally Mino legroom in the back -- it's a mass market car -- -- just by this device if it. And slam the phone that it ought to do that. At the -- -- -- from a unit of nine elevenths factor were display. There are a bunch of people who just want nothing more than three series and just drop your entire life the you know one at and I don't want him I don't wanna get five series' commitment -- of the accessories are up I want a cartoon like it to name three. And I don't and I'm just gonna drive I don't care what my needs are I want one of freezers I was in college or somewhat that -- now I can get one prominent -- machine it -- -- it says right on it. So -- point six inches -- overall and they pushed the wheels out two inches overall and the wheelbase wheelbase is the distance between the axles and track is a -- the center line of the hubs. So this cars just got a bigger footprint all around the perimeter of the -- -- has gotten bigger -- -- with a 9/11 they made the body longer and pushed the wheelbase. So -- now one thing with a start to you -- from equivalent. Yet at BMW three series just because. Not sport drivers they just think it's a comfortable analyst summit sponsored Daria and that they need one that they don't care about the described the work in the grocery -- -- winds -- -- to -- aren't you ready for that they've added the three when He made a profanity filtering. In -- dump button any minute now. False and I am -- and sons. A okay well -- haven't -- there's the subtext is that experts. But BMW actually made a car for those people the new 328. Comes -- -- four cylinder engine that's big news yet this is the same parcel -- and they talked about the disease for. It's direct injection I think it's yet to to leader. Yeah a little too little for using their twin scroll Turbo and next episode two -- and 45 horsepower which is great. Not bad at all of this 888 pounds off the car so more good power less weight. -- that's huge news a four cylinder Turbo direct injection. Horse -- that's really big deal for BMW have that a four cylinder in I don't know how long long time. But so even if you don't do now when you see somebody driving in 328 you'll know that they're not really yeah into the brand they're not really serious drivers. They're gonna the drive and 55 in the my flame although that before that let's see that for its bonds that can be agreed that the 335 is still gonna be there it's absolutely -- -- of the -- car. One thing we do seem to be taking out -- I saw no mention of the 335 d.s in their press materials car. -- and isn't that diesel pretty powerful diesel in great actually great -- was a fungal drugs huge torque torque on you could drive it. All day fast and easily half tank and drive it all -- fast in fourth gear He stop. And only use -- happen -- that thing was like a train. But I believe they're discontinuing that model I'd. They didn't mention it in the when they're talking about the new can -- -- -- the 390 which is only sell in Europe. Not years I don't know if they're gonna still -- the diesel and he's receiving. I'm looking at the history of the four cylinder on the three to see how long it's been -- it's been a long enough time now that I -- Most folks have never even known a four cylinder receivers that -- every eighteen. 318 -- -- that was legal expect He won the -- in the ninety's CTI yes those spent in early to mid ninety's sensitive data for Sony's been along time. 318 right that was the one point eight liter four okay so industries come and visit -- of the highlights on it. Bigger new -- -- -- Turbo is an optional one of the -- a couple of stories -- before we go on the road. We -- -- will look reaching back to cars that were cool -- I never knew about this -- this off from all the Australian version of General Motors from a Holden. The the the factory just restored a 1969. Holden hurricane I just wanna pull this up because this is like. A real live hot wheel car. And it's a concept actually it was a concept and 69 yet. And they've restored this thing and -- wouldn't matter short video here -- a sister -- the audio version with analog you are but this is like. -- which hot wheel but there was some -- that was exactly the shape. And the Holden was making they made this concept of it and I would. Killed his car. It's cool looking and that's really cool is that like a -- Catholics on -- X area and so yeah. The of the entire -- lifts up is not gull -- it's like the doors. They glass and the roof and the howl all come up together on an articulated internal crazy stuff and it's very much like the as Peters is mark five yeah I forgot the mach five -- straight there you go straight to the log -- look like -- -- Five and -- -- need to the national association of the North American dealer association all the partners they have their trade group it's need to. They do the -- -- guide website all that. They are now reporting after the most recent number -- they've done that a 107. Models of car out there -- a lot of cars. Are now selling for more use the new. That's the crazy economies -- in right now. To see actually just had congresses with someone about this in a bar like two weeks ago -- And I think I'm I'm may have actually. Reprints too great if it was my bad generally -- yes somewhere but it. It's interestingly in the one that it that they -- should top of this -- when He eleven Nissan Versa. Is it's thousands a lesson -- yet 4000 dollars less new than used with a low miles and you know not a lot of years. Unbelievable you know is this like your for years though -- -- there's it's when you -- to let sitting on the lot. Newton. Verses that use person not its when He eleven members -- tweets welders I think its year to year. -- model to model nameplate to nameplate to get -- -- the Versa. Force owner one point six -- a couple of thank. -- retail is thirteen 875 right now brand new is 9990. And this has -- happened over the last couple years is the used car. A lot. Then previously and it actually use card -- are running out of inventory totally out inventory people who were taken their car back for -- and now they can't believe the money they're getting. And -- here's some radio commercials for the dealer here in the Bay Area that -- says we are you're. -- you're your BMW has been that you were your BMW lease return specialist we have a new express lease return building over the we'll get to it and -- your car in one -- it take your car back to drive -- and -- got to roll out. Right -- get out open the door roll out of there they've got -- padded wall you can run it and there's another buyer it's gonna jump right into. Messenger window is double 07 stuff and then keep -- the -- -- -- turned off and that's beautiful. So this is an amazing trend we just bring it up to say be aware as at least powering it one of the recession called a lot of factory's output because they -- -- gonna so many cars. It's kinda hard to ramp back up too. The Japanese tsunami. Clobbered a lot of the supply -- -- these cars -- Asian cars although there's also a Mercedes-Benz and -- GL. With a four point six. Let's -- is price 658. Get a new one for 62. Missiles not just -- -- -- cars are on the so be aware that you are paying a fortune for use car right now it's a little nutty but if you -- Like a little bit further. Mike a couple years further He had the cash for clunkers treated a lot of no supply and demand issue so that's a good point -- announced notably used cars going back into -- -- kind of balancing out the demand -- supply for the demand and now a lot of cars just weren't destroyed. That's a good point and -- a lot of the critics -- mentioning that senior gonna drop the cost of affordable cars on the used market and this is proof this is like five -- is a 107 name plates. Probably hundreds of thousands of actual transactions. In a year -- -- more than that. What people are paying more for used than new radios cars -- -- bigger market the new cars by several million years is good via this could be a couple million cars -- be sold this year for more used and new that's a lot of money have a lot of people's pockets. But also a lot of money in lot of dealers pocket so we -- the -- move around but. There's an economics show but. It could be all right so let's go on the road now this is the time in the show we take you on the road in the most interest in -- -- in our garage in this time work. We're combining naughty and nice as they like to say. The latest sassy Swedish export we go out in the Volvo S sixty. T six are all wheel drive as when an endpoint -- -- on the road. That has been our design slightly sportier version -- sixty. Port that into. -- You bad. Outlets -- areas. Never slightly more powerful engine in this -- over the standard sixty they just re program the -- to give it about when He -- horsepower. -- a bit more -- about thirty foot pounds more. -- -- me but what's more power data cards just solve these days. In this car around and -- an address and cores and lost traction seem to be pretty good as far as stain on the road. By being our design and they've also done some sport suspension. And that and I don't think it's as good as it could be accurate it's like to need to be a lot better. Place -- there -- -- -- error. -- still -- -- corners that get the sense that it's really. Screwed down well it's -- really. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- down pretty well but it's not. -- do you like BM WM three years something like that and that's car's audio sources all the modern ones -- HD radio we've got a USB -- We've got Bluetooth audio streaming. And then that I'll run through this podium premium sound system in this car and when the -- it's a five band graphic equalizer. Built into -- head unit. Immediately. That's. Net I think there's that pretty clever setting controls down and you go -- Delicate twisting of -- -- another twist. In the I Leo but every day and hours and again -- screen that should be. Various safety functions -- this comes standard with cities seeking. Right so there's like the wisest its chassis switches spin control or something or infection control and dynamic apparently can turn it -- for sport mode that at. City safety which is a -- speed collision avoidance. Of the epic. If you roll up on a card that paint engine. It shouldn't slow the cargo -- -- slam on the brain and only works at speeds below twenty miles an hour. But it is pretty academics say dad today here take fifty miles per hour under that'll actually prevent collisions what actually -- the car and it'll stop you. In time does -- work for people in supposed to have pedestrian detection teams and -- a story for people so you -- get out. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Okay -- -- -- equate the -- didn't stop it. It's up -- want and go out that worked out. We're just talking about an hour avoiding hitting people -- -- although you can't get someone -- as well let's here's a guy has a standard city safety which is the low speed reader into. It's the texting while commuting feature and it's only catches you at low speeds are gonna -- And the optionally I think it's optional you get the pedestrian detection. That was in the packet the -- -- action okay. Which gets you the lane departure warning adaptive cruise distance alert which is. Just telling you you're about to hit some without stopping you from doing it and pedestrian detection -- sought to watch -- video version the outline of people. I thought of that city safety can actually. Helping even if you're attentive driver to think about driving around San Francisco on the surface streets here and there are so many things happening on either side and yet so not just gonna need to make a right turn here and I've -- -- my -- looking around there yeah He has tons of stuff going on and sometimes there's just too much to give me that's how these accidents happened as of that but to bad -- Is a mean all of us who Oreo good drivers you -- you bar. We've had a few things once and awhile maybe not a big deal but in a bump in the -- the -- a bumper a little bit or something it's because you know this is the human experience of for the -- to get in there. And erase a lot of that. We'll save a lot of hassles a lot of traffic delays how many millions of hours a year of of rubber -- takes place because -- advanced and no point but we waste hours and gallons of gas poking around fender benders. Cars like this can -- -- avoid that. You guys mention the -- a tuning package that does same engine. Just a different chip in the they work on the on some of the -- yeah I wouldn't get it. I kind of agree 454600. Dollar as its balance board that are designed package and I don't know it didn't seem to add anything to discard it or power it would. But it takes a half second of zero to sixty goes from a 62 -- -- a five and a half MPG is the same which is encouraging good include increases -- same transmission six speed automatic. 300 -- -- 325325. Torque to 354. So -- 25 to everything. And also is an -- bigger wheels of body -- it you can only route to do better then the aftermarket for that price the moon rose only available on the aren't widgets on a weird piece of bond. Hormone capital -- MR -- -- at the following a minute but that's of -- so 4600 bucks you say in the -- world is a bargain I think it's a good deal before a -- 45 ports and 45 or six books you meet yearly ritual to the -- to on the moon -- for the -- of them it is -- Nat -- -- but -- be allowed people -- If I'm not mistaken that is the that option means that you can't get. That's what I thought to looking over the Apple those cited it seems like you can -- the adapt to suspension on the normal as sixty -- not on this one. And I think that's due to the sport tuned suspension problems yet to do its its traditional sport suspension of -- as -- to the adaptive which we could have had a car. S sixty we didn't which would give you. The buttons for comfort and aggressive and who would be adaptive suspension made countless like -- way in Internet. If you watched or heard that on the road just now you could tell it was like -- there was some noise that cabin from hitting inputs on the road. -- kind of an aggressive suspend its satellite is made of tin. And it felt violates. Like the feel that suspension at all the handling didn't didn't -- -- -- had -- -- firm out of terminal wallow in it did and that automatic transmission and what you do anything fun anyway no -- that you couldn't and also to sifted to slow. Yet the -- was not it was authorities called gear -- -- -- and it's basically from the gear rage that's edible and what software are doing much wonders there. As we mentioned the GPS has -- and usually interface as an unusual set of knobs and buttons it's not like -- either car out there to be like it. Or think He was just -- necessarily full. After all you'd get used to it by an idea that only had that one trip. To play around with it from the passenger seat when I -- about with this and you -- it -- but -- it. Seems like it should be touch screen. But I do like the fact there's literally -- -- button for every function. Ray's major function -- there was a lot of buttons but wasn't busy like an Acura because they nest a lot of buttons inside of -- faces. So we ended up keeping four buttons at least off the panel by bearing him in the face of -- novices kind of cool -- I like about I think it's a very clever. Designed clever interface because there's. Your traditional -- Nazi of the volume knob of the tuning -- -- old radio evidently is and tuning knob for all sorts of things menu selections right Paula kind of stuff and you do so much with that. In a first without with that interface you can actually. Move the map around to -- find the station on the map you know but they actually. You enable that because they have a keypad below there oh that's right and -- -- use the QQ 136. Or nine or something exactly get around that's right now is actually pretty good answer really clever design is opposed to having. Like in BMW a special Ide drive controller or -- Mercedes-Benz the canal are going to give. Oleg V even VW -- low in 310 navigation system they use a -- for a lot of things then it's also touch screen to. -- I think. Giving people the option for growth is using is a gaping at. To get some inputs -- if you wanna touch in you do you do and in the upper you know basically it's what's -- sources and -- -- you can do without looking. But then when you want input of destination. That -- -- being apologist. If you're not a voice and yet. Is is nice to the touch screen out alphanumeric. With just a single -- means rotary input that's -- -- old rotary phones I don't know if that's taking a slow I found the whole thing was a slightly under processors it was always that was badly under process shouldn't hide the volume knob was about a half an hour behind you. As little sluggish real sluggish all the inputs as you scroll through menus -- sluggish He read out iPod stuff pretty well have -- slower body was really slow in terms of interface to making something happen on the screen and that I never got used that -- like now I could read this car for two years and instantly because it's just wieger behind me the volume was a joke. I turn the volume up and down -- on the way up on the screen and only audio. And I without regard to the -- and -- up on its way back down it's like oh man you're exactly do you really easy it was -- -- -- crosses is it. I was going up and down and Panetta ten minutes later sewing up and down and up and down I love doing that -- -- -- -- -- slow. However C entertainment's really when this car to dvds to do independent dvd slot sunscreens -- that that's 18100 dollars and its front from the early 2000. The out of that job for me on the -- is I wouldn't get an idea -- acts -- sixty without the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Which is the Turbo six moto 75 we didn't review which is a five cylinder -- and by cylinder and that's a front wheel drive. That's right -- all wheel drive this is holograms or to port external drive too which is nice you know be a good thing in the snow and yet so we used to -- handling enough to make -- -- -- yeah. Com are there -- -- sixty. Liked it didn't love it into staying looks it looks better than any -- go out there it's what I gathered from people who sought. That's the thing I did get what it is like most people said that's a Volvo. It differently than when they see a C thirty -- -- that's all well and they -- -- face up this almost like they liked it and said that's a Volvo. So I think Dave this is their best styling experiment so far like the C thirty C thirty -- creating an ugly. With the revision to get -- when you get to the back of a car so it starts at go to the front of the woods could -- the packets like are you trying to bring that plausible was the of the 18100 had bet that's fine glass backing holding the thing that. The biggest the security what underwent like a big design revision like a year ago. And they get more like organically shape the previous generation C parity with just more geometric and. All -- was the last we'll that I that we had in was the first gen so maybe I have to give it look at the at the new one of them in person to put distance I'd probably be confronted charitable. -- -- -- -- Eight Volvo that has been made sense to me but you experts that are then brought to wagons back here aren't we all over it -- -- I'd say that's -- mobile Wessex is -- -- what's going on in the CNET car tech. -- That's our latest review the S sixty are designed -- that over cars dot In now we have the Pan American Turbo -- 173000. Dollars of ugly. That's my comment. No one else has that responsibility for that and we have the new new Beatles. Which is in which is supposedly the man's -- is pretty -- We heard of -- so. -- -- He -- right out of the avail in The Beatles and says mentally. The with the Mercedes-Benz SLK 350 the new little SL that we saw at. Geneva I think for the first time this year so that's gonna be -- our garage. And He got some of the secret car coming to yeah maybe -- that's charger is gonna tease that out there and okay what Nora didn't lot of folks who want to charges might finally -- -- So that you Aviv -- -- front -- and yes or it might just be something non interest but that's -- folks lets -- see how does He reaches its car tech dot is our. Site for all of our shows this -- and also roadside assistance email less. Especially your thoughts on autonomous cars just quick take the temperature what do you think of them. But He scary to -- you think it's way overdue that we have cars or drive themselves or are you -- on the fence. It's a polarizing issue its car tech at Phone number -- -- -- thoughts instead is 866401 CNET 866. For a 12638. It's a free call to our voicemail system and on Twitter so followers there and don't know about car tech before any of your friends do you -- wind bar bets -- the stuff that we tweet. I'm Brian Cooley BRI -- NC EO who really want to -- -- Wayne C underscore -- until we can find about a better handle. And it's one is it -- -- GOO. We'll see you next week.

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