Car Tech Live 219: CNET picks over the 2011 Hyundai Elantra
Car Tech Live 219: CNET picks over the 2011 Hyundai Elantra

Car Tech Live 219: CNET picks over the 2011 Hyundai Elantra

Auto Tech
The trend is on to unplug red light cameras. Cambridge crude could be the electric Boyle of tomorrow -- Tesla turns big corner. We'll take you for a run and one of the new four -- that shame a lot of hybrids. That's right folks it's cnet's car tech live this is our 219. Episode. We've -- for awhile but it's at really old all of a sudden at. Wait a minute how are we having -- -- -- -- understood every week but for some reason to nineteen sounds like. A lot of episodes of the sun but we don't -- -- summer breaks no we don't we're like a TV series of -- like you know thirteen 26 episodes -- here remote most of medium week. So it's -- heavy hair -- being myself Brian Cooley Wayne Cunningham and Antuan Goodwin at the controls today is -- Hendrix and here we go up so we talk we talk a lot about the technology in cars -- one of the most interesting stories this week. Is about technology is keeping an eye on cars of the store -- already BC news that. A very large city is about to pull the plug on red light cameras is to be ally. Now a number of cities have been doing it's pulling the plug saying they're not sure that the cost to maintain them. Is working out in terms of the revenue from tickets or more importantly making roads safer. Communities here in there but when LA does it. That's a really big deal. And so they claim that they've got a a vote by the police commission unanimous. To not renew their traffic camera contract with whatever company they -- that helps them operate them -- -- -- City Council approval but it's looking like it's a slam dunk. And this is those few sort of spy tech -- species that is that doesn't take -- were spied on everywhere and it never goes away but this is ones actually getting back down a little bit you know. -- these cameras there are not popular don't think I mean I don't have -- rarely that I am a huge problem with the red light cameras themselves these cameras I'm glad we don't have those yet yeah. But it's a -- about this story is they say that. But the courts have actually been ignoring the summons and much as the driver. Apparently there's these -- stick really well. You can fight them pretty easily apparently because of the various. You know -- frailties of a technology system that may have gotten -- -- took the picture and again I -- I did -- disagree with the the meaning of the -- -- -- I don't people running red lights -- people speeding -- as a policy. But there are so many fallibility is of the cameras on the automatic detection technology -- -- surprise to read that to the motors -- this thing man. And what he couldn't walk at the solomons -- what that feels like a very Los Angeles going to -- -- ultimate Vista driver oriented city -- the just opened vault city that maybe people are just like. It's you know I got some -- in the mail on a recall -- units. I haven't looked -- -- -- this afternoon I got better things to do. My lawyer take care that so I dug around a little bit this is here -- one of these paragraphs to -- -- talk -- ABC news website but according to the national coalition for safer roads the cameras should stay blah blah -- on the got a couple quotes from those guys in the well. The national coalition for safer road. -- wouldn't doubt demos of some good people a little digging so here's the NCS -- it's safe roads are safer roads save lives dot com. You go to the about us and you say okay who -- the supporters actually via supporters list. -- show though small the Midland police departments. And then again here buried not quite at the bottom button near the bottom. Is American traffic solutions thing without a link out so you can easily find out who they are so we can go ahead -- that for -- American traffic's. Lose -- yes please build something and manufacturing that -- a unit -- Dave make cameras and automated collection systems and -- in the way they set these that deals up with municipalities as they take. The portion of every line issued yup so if you get a 200 dollar fine maybe half -- -- can -- to use the company itself while other app. It was the municipality which bingo -- revenue generation and those also looking at the safer roads save lives website if you dig into the about -- It's almost the last line the very bottom you go through all their wonderful board of directors and some good people are on -- move got traffic is variants very last sentence. And CSR is supported by American traffic solutions. It's a law. Let's just break it a case we have -- lobbying groups -- you read these stories you gotta dig into these coalitions folks so I can see why the basically the only voice of this piece anyway could -- it was substantially and favorably with the company insult the cameras. So anyway if you have a the experience of a red light or speed camera. Send it to us for the roadside assistance or -- gonna take those stories on -- was -- voice -- at 866401. CNET. Or send us your experience a car tech at I know a lot of you've dealt with these tell us how you got busted tell us how you've got out of it. Tell us what's happening in your community and after that experience moved to Los Angeles where you want. A -- -- -- a -- on Google and apartments and it'll it'll. -- there's actually like one red light camera here kind of -- it is just as you start going under 101 into the mission. But I said there. -- without ever doing something else would like a phone could do Alan be him over the phone while driving and it was nighttime and I noticed. That every time the -- -- the camera -- And even though nobody with coming through the intersection or people were stopped well before. You know -- scenes used it every time winter last ET pedestrians wondering though is that what's happening well that's interesting because there's another one -- -- -- near an it department when you're talking about and I came through once and I mean a perfectly good stop. And -- Green and I drove through and it went off. And I thought. I must be imagines Imus has run a red light I thought I was crazy I waited for like a month for the ticket to arrive you never to that was like a year ago seeing the -- -- That isn't the result offered -- -- -- was even taken a picture for all I know but it's great way to -- the public. We just got ports you -- things the -- that there was like somebody get arrested for shooting cameras now. I don't know if you live here it may have been in the UK. A meridian and actually there is another group that would stealing the camera broken but think when the experts came out they were Mecca India colors. And a box or valuable of the white cloud -- the -- bread product -- -- them. Bolivia -- aren't Philip on eBay and you're giving great Christmas presents almost half that already taken in the associated hardware where that -- -- really great cat cam for the house so not a coincidence that have a -- -- in the -- in -- -- -- Right so let's move on from availability your stories and citizen you Miller -- voicemail all the contact impose a car tech dot we talk a lot around here about how pandora's infiltrating lots of portables. In car systems lately like. Fourth mobile apps in the -- into the system coming and -- others. Well one it's really hungry eagle after pandora no idea they're gonna be -- widely successful or not but it's called -- Lesser known but similar platform right it's basically. Mix your own thing. -- -- Their their platform is different is actually more similar to the -- our radio. Radio India announced that the already a radio without a name. Yeah but it's basically all you can -- Sort of new -- is also very similar to wraps rhapsody media ports like you actually get to pick the songs you wines. You can download songs you can purchase songs -- then you know if you decide you wanna listen to the new. Whatever Lady Gaga album when it comes to -- -- to buy it you can stream it. Hours pandora's dislike I'd likely I got yeah they just give you music that they think sounds like it appears he can do picking not just rely on the genome right Wacom pandora. So there in the similar category operate differently more like a rhapsody and -- a bit more expensive. I just obviously a fee for this -- there's a free pandora there's a free pandora. And there's the paid pandora but even the paid and or is only like. You know the thing is less than twenty bucks per year. There's places that -- my X services to earn about 710 dollars per month. Well they've announced this week that they have now done and -- a deal with air B equity which is a big part of Ford's sync and some other services. As well as the wrinkled little group which I've not heard of the when he was telling me that these are about this from Toyota they are. Up provider. Of the multimedia services in into which is the new -- platform coming on later this summer so they are now. Able to be surfaced in those platforms as I understand their partners it doesn't mean they're not announcing yet the you're gonna see -- log in and two more in sync for example. But they -- at least getting ready to be built into the platforms. Of those companies the pretty good step. Because that gets you very close to manufacture approval and adoption. Terms and all that to be determined a -- seems like one of the -- -- we'll -- pretty shortly they haven't. Like -- they haven't announced yet but we've also seen it has also been an implementation and many. As wells. -- -- is -- -- be -- -- -- that's coming up soon -- -- -- they're promising to get us via a mini with -- built in their kind of have some. Kind of demo -- up -- right now it's not fully baked I don't believe it's available in a production car yet but they've got some units that are out there in some test and demo vehicles of the local -- apparently has on the console -- we're gonna wait -- it's fully -- -- check that out. So there are gonna keep -- on that let you know there's there's going to be a lot of competition that streaming radio space in cars it's red hot -- given the radio broadcasters. A little bit -- to top. What may not be red hot depending -- at least one story we're -- from a retailer survey is a new OnStar after market. Not -- it's gonna be a flop this story but also saying it might be a bit of up. -- put shall we -- This is a story that it's coming out August 1 this is the OnStar that you install by putting a new mirroring your car. So you basically take up the meter you've got and put -- OnStar -- with the same buttons but all the wireless connectivity and processing all the firmware is built into the -- for 300 dollars. But apparently. One of the concerns mentioned by retailers mentioned here. Is that it is a low margin product for them to knock you all that excited about selling it and they don't get a cut -- sign up. Which is very unusual and satellite radio gives retailers a cut of the sign up at least for the initial subscription -- -- And they also say it's really big in person. So consumers -- look at -- go to. What is happening yet seen when these effects are pretty chunky looks like a truck -- more than -- I don't know. You know it -- -- dominate my in my own car that yeah I brought it Peter Z three and be the largest single part of their mystery Wii -- but it does have a lot of via OnStar and OnStar has said that lot of people out there asking for these services. In non GM cars and that's what they are excited about they think that'll sell well. But it sounds like -- retailers here just gonna. Questions to the back of the -- the sales floor yes -- -- they're missing some of the incentives starts off that in nineteen dollars a month for OnStar for the basic -- I'm not sure which of the services that includes the they have a lot of services you can normally pick and choose and on several packages or 200 bucks a year. These are not inexpensive sorts of things. A comfortable safe but anyway the OnStar is coming August 1 in the -- the retail stores so -- six weeks away but you wanna add -- start to -- non -- compatible car. Now we thought well above electric cars aren't here is let's say this in our -- driving along such electric cars got all the technology to tell yet how much range you've got where the next charging station is -- -- You don't pay attention. And you're dead on this program you -- -- -- even talk and whatever not noticing any signals and it is. How do you get back up and running when you're on the shoulder. -- let a couple of weeks ago we talked about. A group of people who were towing cars. In the -- and drive to recharge the battery but how -- like okay okay -- found out about that they wouldn't be good for your warranty old couch. There -- governor -- if you drag that thing down the road. The -- -- and certainly thought so there's a I guess the -- of Japan is today -- the Japanese the Japan automobile federation. And they have launched what apparently is the first roadside assistance truck. The can basically do a gallon a gas for electric car comes along with a big old charger it's a kind of a crusty photo we have here you're watching the video version but it's a total truck. But with a huge charger on the back. I don't know if it's a big gas fired generator it's got its own huge battery on it agreed it was like and often super capacitor. Right huge capacity with two giant leads coming out of it. Even get near it and you get smoked. So and -- the -- looks like it's plugged into the left hand plug in the port in the front of the yen Nissan very -- which yet I believe is that -- fast charger port that's the 480 in the DC to DC. Yes so I guess this guy is a total level three charger the -- and charger go just whack a few miles into the car like. I'd like to stick a few minutes. You get what like. 80% in thirty minutes I think on a level three yes. That's of the so if you just need to get just 85 miles like -- get home or whatever to my charger to the nearest spot or that ten commandments. You know maybe a couple minutes yet by -- and -- it. Fifteen to twenty miles sprint yeah so this is kind of cool they've actually got a way to get you in the -- because he's a part of those little things that people are gonna wanna know about before there's widespread adoption of these -- because after the the and the novelty wears out he gets down the bottom -- What does it cost and and is -- gonna -- me. Theory -- that the company you can kind of -- with these problem is. Even if this rolls out in Japan what -- AAA in the US gonna go buy a huge -- of these things to match demand because even before you have many electric cars on the road. You need to have the -- to these vehicles because if I have a problem I need a big fleet of trucks to find me where I am. You don't scale the trucks with the market necessarily. You gotta have a big leader trucks right away -- -- -- -- within a very long time for truck to come from Santa Cruz to San Francisco. To give me a five minute charge it -- work for anybody. -- that's and they are localized -- need the sales though. The Nissan leaf has been sold in San Francisco Bay Area and then a few other -- small regions and same with those -- Abel tool that would require this. Type of emergency help. Right and even an -- with their -- -- -- -- card which you'll also be electric gas and then they're limited locality -- -- -- some -- -- Oklahoma or something like that and import them and important data added to a good idea why import so here's what I -- we had that slam -- last week that the -- did showing the volt. -- -- Here's the other way around. Now if GM gonna do a spot showing Avis -- case thing this'll never happened you -- -- -- -- you never have this thing with a wire sticking out of -- -- your car on the side of the highway. A NASA like mean you like the pristine gas meter to and you gonna -- it definitely out of everybody including a time. Police you can still get -- gas can revolt and -- back and -- I can't AME Tammany that it can walk its name and -- I feel stupid look like -- keep against him in your car. And ability to walk to the half of these in you have to have the began the signal after awhile yet right even when they give hatched back in Jakarta modeling -- all right but -- like you want to get these and he liked in a fifteen bucks but again at hand and feel right up -- like. And I think isn't kind of sort of the least frowned on -- not illegal to fill a gas can in California anymore. I'll get the legal limit and you and I swear you're not supposed news -- -- -- -- -- everything built around that the -- you told yesterday how important nozzle back now hold it there which is -- like -- -- supposed to do that transposed to manipulate the -- little something it doesn't wanna fail. Atlanta public may be like a loophole -- -- and I hope -- the -- -- you can polygamy fins are. I. They -- they -- there has to be some little you know allowance forget capitalist -- universal but. -- -- right idea forget I don't know I just don't I get a dirty look from the attended every time -- filled up the gas cans like when he got radio who put this well shouldn't do that. Really the best thing -- what might -- bank in in in in Georgia. There was actually there were extremely well over fifteen -- and that's why and if you want an -- and I let me this when anymore and that spectrum in the your eyes. They all those little red plastic Jerry cancer sit there and we'll keep you -- was adamant -- and given them to employ -- renters are probably caring of the smart way now. And you know there are like -- -- exit fifteen bucks gas station if they have them anymore. And you -- -- the auto parts -- -- five but yeah they totally -- The -- and then again with -- good article and other of them -- -- modern in my old card addressed to me these older cars of the gauges general of the road into the -- it -- half a tank -- driving is equivalent to engage is always -- So you cut them you can you -- -- sort of a visual medium of words wagging ago. I think I got a quarter it's going from the empty pegged to the -- That must mean a quarter taking it as -- kind of the -- more to the bottom -- out but it -- a quarter which you know about my mattress or 61 VW beetle no gas needs. What does it have -- reserved. And level in the firewall on you can actually access the last little bit of that the gas tank with -- -- never. Really run -- you ran -- and you -- switch sent over and you get a few more miles so that was -- -- light you to friend again. That's -- I think you for the Bangkok and it can put more gas in. You got whatever few miles -- -- you know maybe half gallon and there. I don't know how many miles you -- generally goes in there again got 200 miles I should probably fill -- about. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Enlighten me to defeat here -- -- it fit that you don't like. If fifty -- -- but then I'd be muted on the highway in the jumped up 200 -- -- -- OK cool. Well -- year old okay Internet -- consumption could. I got it all over the place and -- it doesn't know what it's doing I'm getting four miles per gallon now and then on the freeway and getting twenty for a little bit than its dampened yet twenty usually neutral downhill. Speaking would you put your car's. -- discovered the next a sequel to Beverly Hillbillies. Cambridge -- gamers Trinidad MIT developed this. There's already been a lot of work on now what political ultralight batteries -- heard there's actually a term for this it says that flow batteries. So they use a electrified liquid. In the batteries. And -- they've been working on this and and there's been examples before. But they've usually been fairly low energy and benevolent and redeem these things are MIT is just dead about the new architecture -- -- types of batteries where they actually separate. The charging component and the discharging component in the physical architecture of the battery. That apparently improves the energy density. And efficiency. And this is still a charged. Kind of a -- -- group yeah they showed us a black. Thanks lounge looks like Sony wouldn't wanna even get on you it's like yeah where is the little pictures and your video servers and that is -- things -- -- that was a click on Cambridge created and it's -- electrified. Slides. And not only are the -- these -- to going to be more efficient. But they're also saying that they will there's the possibility that you could put these batteries and electric cars. Once you run out of Jews you noted the station. And they actually pump -- out and pump read you know freshly realized that we would into the but -- that's the big -- Here is that you are not just putting fuel in your swapping your fuel it's kind of like a few of the gas station and you pour out the old gas and put in new gas and that gets you a new -- -- range -- -- reelect -- the old stuff. By putting out some huge charging tank underground or something so anyway this is that -- -- Cambridge crude and you. And you whoa what that is it could be the latest and -- I just feel investor gold rush all over this kind of stuck -- -- although expect and this is probably five to ten years now for being intolerant yet. Oh yeah but it's it's a cool idea because it it solves the idea of fast cycle time on charging -- still a huge problem after cars as they measure charges and hours. If you can swap something out some plants actually swap battery packs that's a little clumsy itself. That's the better place better tomorrow -- that typically better place to do that in Japan with taxis. That's one way swapping out the -- another way. Greeted that we are getting better battery technologies of course the best way but that's still a ways off the commit charge is really quick ending up swapping batteries is a big problem because you have to have a standard form factor for cars arrived yet and card coverings are never gonna agree never gonna do that -- -- Albany is the same Google pack as they -- -- -- their cars very competitively. And differently giving away from that if we wanna storage without batteries -- without Cambridge crude. There are the flywheel technologies which volvos getting on board -- -- perhaps most recently talked about was the what does that -- -- read. GT something or other -- eighteen. Nineteen -- area yet one has a huge flywheel with a passenger seat would be storing and about fifty different -- that's the race -- -- the region. Our that I don't in the name of that they can be -- what of their rather than -- than. Nine and -- 9/11. GT three. As speaker system to okay. And that's and encourages the generic name for this kind of kinetic energy -- officer discovered system yeah so you haven't and enormous flywheel at spinning keeping the kinetic energy they're just kept in a device not in electricity actually invisible assistant not so enormous. They're talking about a yet it's about eighteen pounds. Just a -- yet -- very small flywheel and it's it's an idea vacuum sealed chamber on your rear axle so there's no disturbance as it's -- right so -- as friction losses possible yeah I'll. And that they say that the -- carbon fiber flywheel which is why they can actually get away with the smaller while -- -- -- Said in the passage try to steal white -- but it said just to dig into heavy and not -- efficiency. But the system they're trying to -- his very interesting because global what was do you mean is they've these in a car -- wheel drive vehicle but -- adding the -- system to the rear axle. So you'll realize there push from this that system and -- in every time you break it spins up that -- -- Yup and uses a clutch transmission back there -- -- to get you off to your next dark yet feed and for our speed energy from that -- back into the rear -- when -- when -- -- -- taken -- political roulette wheel when you spend it in obviously wants to keep spinning. And you can tap that energy with the clutch and put it back in the -- the 60000 rpm and that's ultimately a better than 60000. Rpm is what he gets up to eighty horsepower does this is a transition thing it's meant to get you from stops to starts -- recovers nonstop. And -- -- out on start. It's not -- is going to be running along the freeway helping you as you've been Moline was seen for miles and miles and -- grave gonna help out there it's obvious transitional. For those down to -- and up for zeros up from zero speed moments that a lot of ways it's similar to the you know electric hybrid systems because those also. Capture and energy waste and very keen -- and that yeah cinemanow and has batteries and discharges. But in this but they can keep it for a long time yet. This guy's I would imagine really a short life of burst -- reminds me of the that the hydraulic hybrids in the UPS trucks -- stuff. Well thinking or indeed actually notes bunnies -- up until just now I just assumed there was like connect quilts -- in there you know hit an ugly little winded just click an edit a flywheel. Spinning in -- -- just grabbing the meaning we'll devote more than cuckoo clock again I would like you're exactly like yeah that is winding up in that it does hole at a little bit weird when you got past that idea way to. -- -- a minute why isn't Owen doing that clock of the driven rings where Al. But I don't know it to make it watches for a thousand years they run pretty good it is well interest noticeable is doing whispering. Energy captures this capture opener from doesn't have actually read about it somewhere and that's what's going on them I don't know I have never heard of it maybe some you know the reason -- currently eighteen hundred's and that everything was invented in the 1890s in Germany and -- the first hybrid. Porsche and a -- something. The geysers coming back at this point for the flywheel was done quality of the technology and catch up with the ideas right now -- idea you can figure out how did you know. Flywheel and all you have is you know pig iron works we got a backpack and double barrel -- out innovating in that being -- -- -- of this table. But now everything's you -- smaller lighter. Less friction and durable -- Speaking of smaller and lighter Ford had a remarkable announcement that talked about a lot of engine technology but the -- the caught our I would agree blog post on this -- cars dot Is. For them -- first certainly in the US -- -- anywhere for them is a three cylinder one leader. Eco boost -- eco boost report means direct injection and Turbo charging. The two hallmarks but -- three. Is usually been a huge step to an -- we are always -- cylinder the last three was like you match through. Or the Smart Car yeah yeah forgot about -- -- about the only ones that three cylinders you know but Wii's we -- often little tiny. Low cylinder engines I mean we still kinda out a bias toward deviates as much as we want better mileage we still look at V sixes is like a come down. And forests are like well it's McConnell box yeah for a -- country. And -- in terms of aspiration. To -- to come along and say yup we're into a wide leader three cylinder eco boost I love it. Ran I think the ego boost is where it you know what would allow sport and do this and it's just below listening trends. They've been downsized the -- to -- six as they don't -- downside of the V6 with two -- -- with that -- -- -- -- -- fours are getting up and content to three cylinders. -- saying that the power and fuel efficiency you'll be at or better. Then -- one point six gasoline engines that are on the market now so if -- use their own one point six that India fiesta at the metric. It's about a 120 horsepower and a twelve pound feet of torque. That engine which isn't bad. Business me guessing based on their engine and yet -- in their metric. And it should actually do a lot better than the forty miles per gallon to get out the F that just because of the smaller. -- -- volume -- deficiency is better period and it's a little eBay that often -- -- -- cylinders on one leader between them is just like I mean the whole main block and head can't be bigger than this -- -- system in the forest owners a much bigger Matt. When you say here they have a cast in exhaust manifold. Right so it they exhaust manifold cast into the the block of the engines so that it actually heats up faster. It's -- in which in turn will cause a -- heat up back there which in turn means that that. Couple of minutes at the beginning of cranking up the car where your -- -- excellent move -- efficient. Assortment. Dramatically. You wanna -- -- fast marine fish and sea and for emissions cars are dirty when their coal -- -- the says and we get this. I at least at this show circuit in September frank -- right they're gonna. -- -- Give us the rest of the details about the engine and Frankfurt -- sitting there will get horse power. Actual course our numbers both speculative and maybe some fuel economy numbers and awful maybe. What car it'll be under the actually I think I may have already shown the one point one liter engine and. A concept. On the previous so yeah Apple details minimal details and neglect. Small piece -- are you think it'll come to the US -- says. That's one enemies of these cars -- -- these engines in Europe and sometimes it's like it will in the -- -- leaders here. Well into the press release Islam -- US -- play. -- yet known. The certainly no indication that it won't. So we can take it as an open possibility which is remarkable for the US market with 120 horsepower it would be adequate response -- -- Have also noticed you know as we do our research around here -- -- just a little bit lately that when you go to the specs of some of the manufacturer's website which usually have exhaustive specifications. That -- -- north -- yeah yeah that. There's certainly off horsepower and torrent. Well there -- they or -- like in the computer industry they stopped advertising megahertz. No one cares anymore area just wanna core I seven and I don't care what it runs that the -- her eagerness yeah. I'll -- that. Partly because the -- as you add cores these cycles go down to people saying wait a minute I've already got two point 6% to 2.3 now -- -- -- -- Does the same kind of -- the marketers are saying let's stop showing them under the hood. But the numbers are -- just say look. It gets around just as fast and uses less gas you want it let's do it. That's whether the -- -- recently that they had was like just over a hundred horsepower. And we're gonna speculating in the month the two were so I must've in the -- Gloria and a they would seem like they -- OK you know -- 99 or are we just have to make it undermines whatever we have to do. Candidate -- again like you've that is similar to in the -- Thursday February you know that people are starting -- -- -- like specs don't matter. So something like the iPad -- -- have inferior specs to you know. Injury tablet here -- it actually still probably a better product in a lot of people why they don't care and I don't know how much memory it is most people knew how much you know. Remember this from their own -- the adult care -- -- the Algerian. -- -- used to especially -- especially -- the cloud helps take a lot of the load off the device. It -- what's kind of parallel to the PCB is what's happening with some of the engine stuff -- this may be able to fly in the US for that reason has less and less specific marketing. About specs and speeds and feeds as we say. Is being done here with a kind of snuck in. Honda's new and its civic in hybrid trim it -- revise the civic family for 2012. Model year little different not a whole lot. But what are we -- here that was kind of a surprise lift. EMI and batteries what does it come from yeah that's you. Hybrids in the US admitted -- -- hybrids in general he's nickel metal hybrid. Hybrid batteries for ever -- and dad in -- there's a new -- Camilla lithium and lithium ion batteries he saw the Kia optima hybrid this morning. As lithium ion amber Bahia Honda seems -- slip these in with the latest generation of the civic hybrid. Now we saw the end -- -- get to add New York auto show they had -- -- of them out there. And including the M. The the new hybrid version but you have a whole aspect of it having lithium -- hybrid -- battery was. Little bit under the radar. Yeah I mean that's nothing to at least and again isn't one of the stories were just talking about do you tell that to the consumer who doesn't know the difference may be not. We definitely -- to the automotive and tech press because we watch this stuff carefully and get excited about the next generation of batteries -- like you point out here weighs a lot less than the old battery. It -- deficit 69 pounds to 48 and change. Which is a big difference on a -- you wanna get efficiency but the whole point. And how lithium has better charge and discharge and all characteristics -- -- lighter weight says. When they may estimates and do in this article two is I think a bigger news even in some ways is that -- will have a revised hybrid system next year. This'll probably work more like the Toyota's synergy hybrid system. They colony -- to -- hybrid system. Which should be able to drive the car under electric power only. I because they'll be using this in a new plug in hybrid because the current Honda I am saying is an assist system all the time isn't that yet well they say that it. Runs the car under electric power but that's mainly -- Crews on the freeway at 65 and you think you're gonna be asked -- better off the accelerator and for a minute the electric motors running again. Second -- yet -- they don't drive under silent mode yes certainly not from a stop now -- to different kind of animal a lot of -- people -- on the car that it -- -- delighted and again to a hybrid middle of the strong hybrid and it -- is running electric it is like that. I do I still like it's like almost trying to see how much can -- make a hybrid go electrical and we get the CT 200 H in annual what's bursting -- -- how fast gonna go on electrical -- How does -- do. The doesn't do very well but the -- -- I guess that's a -- the -- civic hybrid still a lot of really hot -- -- never had a lot of success -- their cars hybrid but it's doing -- would do better as it gets better technology. Speaking of better technology for -- cars we talk a lot about start stop around here. Which is -- on its way to some degree of universality. In the car business where your car starts or stops automatically when you come to a stop -- that there are idling there's no point to do that but -- got a cheaper. Way of doing its which is key to getting it into less expensive cars. -- they're announcing that they've been out they don't have an -- out there yet. But if they're really competing with GM has GM is announcing girls launching their. But now -- -- and we got a system to you. It's. Will be a less of -- dual or fuel economy -- then that the GM's system -- only be two to 10% -- -- claiming point 5% increase which is huge the but the -- system is really to step. Very simple to use an extra battery packed. Or not not a whole lot of them and in the it's not as robust of the systems idiom system but it's cheaper so they'll be able to put this -- a lot of a lot of their cars. Funny reminds me of hybrid system the GM used to have that was on the in the Malibu hybrid and wants -- alternate -- -- the first I I can do that. I can take some wire. And some belts got the driveway and I can make a hybrid system that does that in about two ports and make that bet in their order to do it at it like an MPG that they are half. Dad didn't really. The -- -- -- a motor once in awhile and -- the car up from a stop whatever wonders sports they like -- we can play that -- we can do you know -- engineering to. They get tutored him -- Yeah I mean this stuff will help you -- you're sitting at stoplights for five minutes and a timer do you get that intense stop and go traffic and it does burn in fuel forever -- -- so that'll be coming its just another step in the march toward. Start stop being almost everywhere which is probably what's going to happen is very little reason not to haven't -- it. Okay so we just what the Mini Countryman last week. And puzzling if it can get -- -- It can get smaller. This is the mini -- Now in a road going on the car show circuit development mule is that we're seeing here in -- smaller. -- -- we -- this a couple of years ago in that Frankfurt they had many showed -- -- small concepts won a convertible and one just. At about the same basic platform and and -- to cedars that indexes and they're gonna build the site to see if they're called the mini two. To pay to be the Mini Cooper to Google Cooper to -- it and that's the thing -- many retains their there. Their name and naming nomenclature which which with every card so the countrymen in the club and are actually the Mini Cooper -- countrymen in the Mini Cooper countryman. Answer this car will also be will probably also policy naming schemes so it to be the Mini Cooper S that could be a in the Mini Cooper -- who. Are all their car's name of the city. -- bird club and countryman -- yeah. -- -- every island I realized I hate them at. So here it is all mocked up with the you know disguise wallpaper on it but it's got like you know a little. I wouldn't call a fast back it's got lots of busy notches on a perspective -- been disguised to -- we -- but there it is a smaller many airlines even Audi TT. Yeah and that crazy about it. Now it looks a little bug like the summary and -- it's too -- -- the looks -- it looks a lot like the hold a convertible mini -- Geo Metro. But these two seater now -- economical. That's just not in a good many any -- network that at in the sky like it's asked picks up a little too much in the rear you know when you create that shelf spirits like -- -- get that big spoiler. Oh yeah it -- -- the retractable steel doesn't -- his rectum via so -- that -- -- that and platinum which might help that little -- it was a bit like a pretty thing but the way they've -- -- disguised you know attributes. -- you know. While the remember -- on the eve of the content to collect a couple years ago that convertible version. Of the east of the two that we're debuts same time with the better looking one that just because it get rid of all this ravaged. You have to process the convertible top town just take it down and put it away yet. -- this might just be one of those. Ugly hot kind of cars you know but -- the recovering in the back -- -- -- Kills it for me -- that's it right it makes it look real Nazis like that so busy so that's for real -- knew them well let's -- though they sell itself. They -- quirky pretty well that the slots at the same engine choices BS standard Mini Cooper uncompressed yeah so one point six liter naturally -- rated anyone point six liter direct injection Turbo. -- -- -- same basic -- -- platform should be masked in a should be fun issued a little lighter I would guess a little less going on there but. Hall also in the business of new models coming and going -- -- harvesting quarter. This week or at least the last couple weeks they have that's he just announced the roadster is done with production. The iconic and so far only Tesla car ever made they'll have some existing stocks are gonna sell through December but that's -- there apparently done. Making the roadster -- that was the a very famous launch car for them out of the range of most people. What that 118. Month yeah a 110. -- that when -- -- them before they submit we will have enough. Of them roadster is to last. Into next year -- -- they say it's going to meet up with the a model -- that. Patient experience a gap where they're they're not so many cards yet I don't want to do that because that's that doesn't look. So there but they are and limited production up partly because Lotus has -- building the platform that. Tesla Roadster -- made on so the pipelines drying up and they're going to their first fully self -- car which of course is the model S which kinda has BMW. Five and jag -- and other. In America and America -- lot of Penn mariner. Looking car yet. Well one thing they -- mentioned fire and about via Lotus the thing is that the reason why they can't Soviet roadster -- is because the the Lotus -- does not use smart aerobics and you need those in the US to pass safety standards and since -- -- in putting them in. Notices asking him to stop selling at least here as well most of us the new rule coming up the and they can't meet it as Lotus isn't making the platform. -- interest and -- -- data that's. Messing up but -- game a little bit but you know that -- good though -- Muslim into the guest Leo of the bills was little more heat on -- other scars gonna be 88 -- over the top model which is a 300 -- 101000 less for a 200 milder and 20000 less. For a 100 -- to the selling them by range capacity is very interest. And it apparently already produced some of the pieces -- offers these cars at the new -- plant so there that he's gonna be on track for production of -- -- yet because that's. A new factory used to be a Toyota GM factory here in the San Francisco Bay Area that they bought in -- for. Or -- to stake in them and they got access to it. That -- -- -- will be their first mobile real -- to -- on the roasters -- cute but most people look at -- Arctic -- toy on the weight difference will be between those ranges. Megan you're coloring dolby. Less battery cores but it might be lighter you -- current. It's interesting little delta as the engineer that it's -- with less battery we get more -- we have less battery -- -- -- less battery -- last week to move less battery to move that lesser weight. Chemistry diesel circular yeah I'm not sure how that works but yet and would not -- -- -- Lexus SC first came out -- of 300 and a or thirty or thirty week. There's a V6 and -- whatever the model numbers were and the V6 was the go to favor of the car people because it was a little less powerful and a lot less knows that. And ended up being the darling of those who want of the original I've seen on your -- -- via an original theatrical. On of the latest on the net about yet the -- has -- the one this is to boost -- I mean that's that's -- line -- in specials like -- The original and those like a sedan with two doors great lines the -- of the the designer apparently. I've read -- his name was but he came to that organic -- is nothing ever look like that car and -- can't beat Thomas to replace all harm. But was it. But he got the final body shape that -- the shapes on the -- that are so organically kind of undefined he -- a bunch of modeling clay from the shop into a rubber glove. And distorted -- molding and president that's what he's got a megabit one of the fingers and you get an -- complaint that's not cool. So but anyway that's for that organic -- but we're getting -- off topic but of a well yeah -- RHR had to -- the studio called -- Internet. But anyway that's what's going -- -- tussle they are about to become it's a make or break for them because you can make or break on the roadster -- cares what they make 12100 up from thirteen hundred. Total at every act I don't know if they're gonna produce those that thought they were they're not yet again claim that right so -- -- and and they'll end up producing what thirteen hundred cars in history that's not even a blip. Ford does that between you know lunch time and knock off in one place. So this is their first -- as they were a real car company. -- -- the roadster doesn't prove or -- battle -- technologies but it does improve their real company that can make volume cars and make them -- a profit with total -- stock reliability that's what they're gonna do on this -- never mind the technology that's almost all separate story. While its revenue -- this new Magellan wrote me app. For iPhone this connects a lot of dots rate. It's been an effort to data update to their -- made app that's already available on iPhone wolf that -- actually the two data updates available now also. I'm basically what it adds is two new search functions the first being Google local which we've seen in a bunch of other things. Basically tapping into Google search but the second is Yelp integration. Which is really cool for navigation because a lot of times your. When you're going somewhere you wanna you know know exactly where you're going though yeah -- you can search -- for something like Ethiopian restaurants in the east bay. And it'll give you the star ratings you can click on those ratings and -- to Yelp reviews and more information in the Yelp app title to actually jump from the Magellan app over to the -- about. And then you can also I -- from there even if you wanted to make an open table reservation so it's actually really easy. I've -- played around with it for a couple of days and it's actually really easy to go. -- right here's -- wanna eat. I hear the towns of their open here. Referring to is -- cool I want a reservation there and then jump back to the -- -- and immediately start navigating. That's the key because you can do all this on a Smartphone what you gotta do all that -- -- -- ray. And it it takes advantage of the iphone's multitasking in a very smart way to allow you to do all you're searching for within Magellan app. And then only jump over to the Yelp app. To the specific page is not what you'll you'll have to -- to Yelp and in research for Ethiopian restaurant that jumped at. If you find like for example you wanna -- helical look closely -- enough separatist yeah you click on that it takes you to that Yelp page in the app. But it does pop out to the -- -- that's interesting doesn't do it within Magellan there's part of it with it'll give you the ratings. The address the phone number. -- with in the Magellan though it's a it is pulling some stuff from -- API directly within -- -- but if you want more information path that. Than intellectually take you out of the app out of Magellan and -- -- -- -- -- over and Yelp announced that -- -- good wanna go there now is its seamless coming back to the -- still have to do the double tap the home button and jump back to Magellan but you'll still be on the same page okay the illusion you're -- legislation the -- -- so it's critical. So this is a worthwhile update right it is the worthwhile update your he had minute three and if you don't have it -- taken a look at what does -- have cost us in Japan at the they have public. United States version -- the continental United States is -- -- -- Yet thirty I've been here. And in the article I'm gonna let the learning that there there's like in Canada then cut in the united state renders all the United States and Canada yet and I think it's noisy or dirty well I got it is sixty or the free press -- -- United States is -- fifty. Okay so there you -- that's a nice integration that sounds like you read the full details we've got the blog that up at CNET car tech it's -- cars dot CNET. -- OK let's get on the road now we do every week and this is week -- we take out a car that is you know. It doesn't have a lot of this isn't one of the cars that we drool over because it's got the latest index this or that are connected services -- what have you. But it's in the very cross hairs of a lot of consumers that are saying okay. I want efficient car I'm considering a new or used car. And I also and thinking about a hybrid but I'm a little skeptical that a lot of folks in that basket of consideration right now. And this is one that goes right after that like a lot of other vehicles it's the 2011 Hyundai Elantra and -- and and one take us on the road. -- -- smallest car really civic and data -- competitor. The one point eight liter four cylinder engine and six speed automatic trends Edison -- the go very fast. -- and that there -- six -- and trying to manually shifted the -- publicly automatically saves for you in recent -- department -- explicit one to three. -- this isn't really a sports car I'd planned L accelerator earlier leaving and fully automatic position and it was probably -- somewhere north of ten seconds getting to sixty miles an hour. -- to get there eventually. I -- power and -- -- cars trucks and of the commuter cars not bad I'm not crazy about the -- plastic in the interior and there are a lot of hard plastics in here which. So it'll keep -- -- and I think this plastic reminds me of that old computer cases actually yeah you know that the top of the dash a soft plastic. The steering wheel get a good feel. -- that consistently -- the doors aren't usually they can't hit those places. Where your elbows gonna -- When your hands are gonna hit with a soft plastic sheet about and other places that we have a navigation system in the sky which is just a pretty impressive for you know really bottom of the range. Electro which is also you a competitor corolla and and civic of course those guys are offering -- net -- system as well. But this is pretty diesel looking nav system the resolution of his his okay. And if that does showed traffic which is nice. Of -- -- -- baster. Less space if that fame like flash based ratings appendix -- and everything it does on the Genesis. You can get in on the Genesis coupe. It's an inexpensive system as navigation systems go. But it's still gonna cost you about. -- well fifty yet. But it's you know it's very simple only TV -- you can't get that the treaties are like birds eye view sort of thing going on there. -- -- looking at earlier this along with the traffic data here -- else to get whether. Sports scores and something else on there after through satellite radio stocks. And stop -- data -- of their engineers not the Hyundai Elantra depth -- of voters stock portfolio iron drive in a very economical -- This is just the place to do it. -- -- -- Elantra an all new model for one mile rate that's not the old. Horrible little parties and it was a weird looking car actually found muscle behind when the unit in at the meeting that they had a thing nameplate the previous -- don't -- -- almost completely get looking car very being shaped in the grumpy. This when -- for -- the word it's almost. It's almost a week to aggressively styled for the amount of performance that it -- that's -- -- said the video is they took the this will be lines of the Sonata but they didn't give enough -- debris. It's short car and that sculpting -- loved the look of it. I like the devil incarnate segment there's nothing in this like formal he -- -- here's the old Elantra let's start witness. This is no idea that the that plane. Means so planes so ago Europe. And then we get to that go along to the were just watching to watch your video version will -- lots of sculpting. Serious sort of style. I mean. It is the it is the most distinctive looking in its class. Com. I didn't -- you -- from up to. I mean if they've been very I like -- -- I like it yeah I like it. And the key thing I think in this category that they're doing it -- with a styling is the worst the you can do is look cheap. They don't he doesn't look cheap it looks like a card it's gussy up whether it has taste or style is an argument the can be had. But at least has one of the -- but like that it stands out that you latency in a parking lot you know that's my car as opposed all the toward yes rollers that gently cruises and all -- other cars that are out there that. Exactly exactly the same from twenty feet yes so -- got to go a look to that has a good amount of style to it. Com now inside was also I think a really good story nice looking -- Was a lot of better materials into my -- is -- having waned in like diabetes -- hated it guests on the caller was awful I. Collecting it and I think that one of things that we elect left with the had a secret Scion tc in the -- interview with regard your view that yeah that being caught -- But I get the drive the alliance for in the TC back to back. And the -- It's just so dark. I'll and it just boils lakeside you know very claustrophobic and dark in the windows like -- really high -- is that there's not a lot of illumination down on the ground you don't like it the optional -- The -- just feels very airy. Very light if that you -- really good visibility and all quarters it I've really enjoyed fitting in that -- with comfortable relaxing nice Green. Very aryan side absolutely felt like I was an and the quality -- -- of having a nice car. Not like those driving a cheap car that we do the right thing and it didn't -- -- field. Economies scale. And you get outside of slick feeling like an economy -- -- and the and it -- get it -- it is -- you get your money's -- you can see where they put the money to use an in car here's the picture of the interior you're watching -- video version interestingly shot on Treasure Island or Photoshop on restaurant and looking over its it Francisco but I think the point. It's got a lot of different finishes -- which cheap cars normally don't normally have one kind of black pebble -- everywhere. -- on the base model that's what was not the top end model is that as a -- -- not the limit so we got the cheaper of the two cars and to trim levels. And of course we had -- -- but tell -- lots of different finishes follow aluminum and several kinds of soft and hard plastic. They have that weird pattern on the Indian fabric and fabric pattern -- Complaints for some I've and I -- losses and move my head once I got sick now -- the equivalent Kia model as. Along their line at that you -- pretty equipment in their their -- with the -- as the forte forte that nets them. Little slightly less expensive -- think and that is the port they've probably sportier cars yet you can get it in the ultimate regular being get a in the UK who UP and yeah yeah here's the -- -- it's. -- and out he looked to -- a four and there. But with a will -- with the that the rear quarters on it. And have it look nearly as cool New Zealand Canada and the united that you don't know if that's what I inland area that's Blair and regularly for literally grit different in -- -- -- and it's also -- on the subject to me. Yeah oh totally is a more or anything else from Japan right now -- Power train is garden variety stuff. It just regular. One point eight liter and 140 or -- -- -- counted -- -- it's enough power than it. You can -- we're -- just enough. They make that what they is there an optional manual transmission you can get the manual in the GLS. Model the limited and that's the strip. Down due to -- -- that this model. You know you get it but then if you by the manual and you lose the ability to add navigation you lose the ability to add -- -- up yet -- if you want. There's a separate -- tech packets for the manual. -- the -- packets for the it's a different -- lets you can you get the manual tech package and you get Bluetooth grade interest I didn't know. Say if you wanna think about that is the a lot for our spec. And it's. Better about it -- up and interestingly the automatic on this car is a 2200. Dollar option that's a lot of money. To go automatic and it doesn't include the technology does buys you the opportunity to option in more tech on the -- -- that was a really expensive transmission. You what's weird is from the -- don't normally do when we reviewed cars is like actually spent time in -- the Elantra forums. Talking to people who actually on the car and a lot of the people. She used to get the GL lists with all the tech as opposed to with the limited. Just buying it straight out in and the one of the things that they fed was that you can get most of the technology the teams in the limited you'll be able to get like a sunroof. You'll be able to get -- -- -- new entry but you get all the -- and everything. But people said that funding about the limited. But I think maybe it had bigger wheels -- lower profile tires. They just don't feel right but that for torsion bar opens in India has brought -- -- the ride more than -- of the performance and -- -- people dislike bigger money. By the GOS with a tech. Get the sixteen inch wheels and a seventeen -- Yet here in the sixteens are what you get a Mac are as part of the preferred package into the scheme at 550 if -- Bluetooth. Audio controls and Bluetooth streaming as part of the blue -- -- And you and some other things you should be up to eight more like an illuminated ring around the ignition key so -- can find the damn thing in the dark which it wouldn't be on their base. The his -- got me. And -- -- this in part of there. In the specs for the -- it says it doesn't come with their -- -- new in the build there's no -- option. I think YouTube key game that. Insert them on the -- part of prefer to be too cheap so -- in there when you go do -- -- but the specs say AC it's meant that included like. It's a Third World nation -- something who sell the car without EC. You gotta -- your own countries in the app and you can buy it rarely IDC now anti -- -- you ballad yesterday morning VP -- something of an illegal radio. On the given on the never has -- always sort cards that -- -- lately started giving -- factory. But I was shocked to see it AC is optional in theory an automatic is 2250 is like well -- some weird things going on here in the configuration. I'm Megan most cars will be Roloff the line with everything on in the names those like extremely -- trim levels were -- -- -- when nothing in it. They need like a hundred of those that's the thing it starts at this -- exactly as they start -- -- -- writers do that yet legislated. -- that you know 14100 and release in December county commission -- the cheapest cars for their fleet. Last thing I thought was this thing about this is as electric power steering which is part of its efficiency. But if you move the -- around it has this weird kick. As well -- -- -- the engine revving all ammonia -- the -- attempted to -- volts to the power steering yet -- the -- is weird and it instantly. You can kind of -- the -- -- jump a little bit just a little. Yeah there was little -- that -- doesn't affect the driving but it's almost -- -- game controller with some slightly random haptic feedback. As you move the Wii a backward looking geeky geeky geeky -- -- it it was really liked though apparently carrying heavily assisted it was. Made it super easy to peril part. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- a little gutless to be honest. Certainly on the line. I mean no not. But frozen if -- orbit -- within its class at a senior call last civic Hydro. Had a little more just -- right now there's a user might have been in China Russia is well I would've made that distinction but I think on the have a little more refined motor but. The big story here is 2940. MPG in every trim level. Whereas with a -- you've -- get -- necessity to -- forty. And a -- to get an eco -- 42. Otherwise those guys languish in the mid thirties so this is a hot MPG number for just. -- -- Yet what it does the weighted the -- gonna rock a lot of these I think and the price -- 1181000 base and we're expecting these all lot of other locker drivers when not typing it. And I was amazed at how many of the iPhone really nice that they yeah it's not seen as -- down down -- or even duplicate that in currently parked on street. -- So -- need you to step ripped off and you can hit roadside assistance for recommendations on a new head unit. This that we work that's when a party your whole life cycle whatever it is were there for -- When you buy a new car they show and when you do you -- -- new stereo and replace the dash on the other -- -- folks that's it for car tech live. Quick check on our CNET car tech garage latest reviews of the mustang GT premium with the new five liter V8 nice motor. The Volvo X C sixty sporty crossover with all that -- all never -- you -- kill -- technology. And this new -- allowed to review his freshen up now yet to be about it -- -- it okay. The most confident of I think you'd get this it's going up that's our -- restore warm so watcher Tom. Right now we had the Lexus CT 200 H in a controversy these styled sporty compact hybrid from Lexus as -- try and work their demographics younger. And Wayne's got a piece of real time to talk about -- he took -- drive in the Lotus have -- Tesco check that out. Over it scenic Arctic which is cars dot and coming up next for the Kia optima hybrid coming in the garage and a few days. Sister to the Sonata but of course levels forty -- thing that he -- to -- Our folks that's it for this week on car tech live roadside assistance coming up shortly if you're watching -- -- And a you know how to reach us the show show notes and links -- car tech dot Our email address -- car tech at love your questions for roadside assistance and once in awhile they fit into this show was well but send animal get to -- -- matter what. And leave us a voicemail for either of our shows -- 866401. CNET comments or questions 866401. CNET. It's free to call in talk there we're all on Twitter I'm Brian Cooley BR IA NC OLEY. When his -- C underscore SF and what does it do AMT GOO. Thanks to -- -- on the board we'll see you next week.

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