Store wine in three-door refrigerator

AEG Electrolux expands refrigerator capabilities by adding a third compartment for storing wine.

Brian Krepshaw
Brian is the author of two culinary based books published via his imprint Storkburger Press. A lifelong Californian, he has been consistently exposed to some of the best food in the world. With a deep appreciation for the kitchen, he is always on the lookout for that perfect appliance that combines style and grace with the ever-popular ability to save time.
Brian Krepshaw
AEG Electrolux expands refrigerator capabilities by adding a third compartment for storing wine. AEG Electrolux

I've been searching for a way to store my wine since my downstairs neighbor nixed the idea of me installing a Spiral Cellar in my living room. Seems he wasn't too thrilled about having to walk around a large odd enclosure protruding down into his living room. Ah, well. Such are the perils of apartment based living. I guess installing a large add-on that extends into your neighbors apartment isn't, well, neighborly.

AEG Electrolux may just have the solution to maintaining good neighborly relations. The Santo 75 598 KG takes the popular side-by-side door refrigerator approach and adds another section specifically for wine storage. Replacing some of the left hand side normally reserved for the freezer with a wine storage area represents a surprisingly elegant solution.

The refrigerator features the capability to independently control the temperature setting in the three separate and distinct areas. Controlled by an electronic panel, the refrigerator even has the capability to raise an alarm if the temperature setting drops below a certain threshold. So when you are enjoying perhaps one too many bottles of prized wine and forget to close the door all the way, this fridge will let you know. I don't know if the alarm works if the power actually goes out, but I can attest to the fact that you can use that rapidly expiring chicken and room temperature wine to make a great peace offering to any previously offended neighbors.