Looking for a home for your wine? Look down

Spiral Cellars aims to preserve and protect your growing wine collection by installing a compact wine cellar in your home.

Brian Krepshaw
Brian is the author of two culinary based books published via his imprint Storkburger Press. A lifelong Californian, he has been consistently exposed to some of the best food in the world. With a deep appreciation for the kitchen, he is always on the lookout for that perfect appliance that combines style and grace with the ever-popular ability to save time.
Brian Krepshaw
2 min read
The Spiral Cellar is an innovative and cost-effective way of building a wine cellar for your home. Spiral Cellars

Most of us do not factor a wine cellar into the purchasing decision of a new home. But what happens when the time comes--and it will come--that you have a growing collection of wine and nowhere to put it?

Spiral Cellars wants to help. The Spiral Cellar system was first developed by a Frenchman (of course) in 1978. More than 22,000 installs later, the company is coming to America. With designs on becoming the other company from Redmond, Wash., Spiral Cellars seems well positioned to become the go-to solution for wine storage needs.

Wine has finally become an affordable hobby, with many excellent bottles are available for less than $20. With an entry point that low, serious wine collectors are sure to continue blooming out of casual enthusiasts.

Many homes in the western states do not have basements. For the price of roughly a new car, instead you can have your very own wine cellar made and installed. The cellars are available in four depth sizes--from about 6 feet to 9 feet--and can hold up to 1,600 bottles of wine. Each cellar is the same diameter and the trap door that covers is 5 feet by 3 feet and 2 inches thick. The compact size allows them to be installed almost anywhere, including the kitchen, den, or living room.

More than just a hole in your floor, the cellar is a solid concrete construction that sits inside a waterproof lining. A system of pipes maintains humidity and temperature, ensuring those precious bottles of wine stay at ideal conditions. Even if you're not a wine enthusiast, having your very own--reasonably priced--wine cellar is just beyond cool.