Yes, Voter Intimidation Is Illegal

Election Day is tomorrow. Here's what to do if you feel intimidated at the polls.

Katie Teague Writer II
Katie is a writer covering all things how-to at CNET, with a focus on Social Security and notable events. When she's not writing, she enjoys playing in golf scrambles, practicing yoga and spending time on the lake.
Expertise Personal Finance: Social Security and taxes
Alexandra Garrett Associate Editor
Alexandra is an associate editor on CNET's Performance Optimization team. She graduated from Marymount Manhattan College in New York City, and interned with CNET's Tech and News teams while in school. Prior to joining CNET full time, Alexandra was a breaking news fellow at Newsweek, where she covered current events and politics.
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Katie Teague
Alexandra Garrett
3 min read
Election voter information guide

If you spot voter intimidation, report it.

James Martin/CNET

Election Day is approaching in the US, and concerns of voter intimidation are growing once again. 43% of registered voters surveyed in a recent Reuters-Ipsos poll said they were worried about threats of violence or voter intimidation while voting in person.

Voter intimidation has been going on for decades and historically targets Black communities and other communities of color in an illegal effort to deter people from exercising their constitutional right to vote. The crime of voter intimidation, however, became a hot topic of discussion in 2020 during the first presidential debate when former President Donald Trump told his supporters to "go into the polls and watch very carefully," a statement that stirred concern among civil rights and voting rights advocates. 

Now, as many people cast their ballots for the 2022 midterm elections, reports of voter intimidation are reappearing. In October, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs reported multiple complaints about voter intimidation at drop boxes, a popular option used by mail-in voters to cast their ballots. Since then, an Arizona federal judge issued a temporary restraining order against a group who congregated around drop boxes while dressed in tactical gear to monitor voters casting ballots. 

There is a notable difference between a legitimate poll watcher and someone who breaks laws protecting voters from harassment, including the right to vote in private. When you go to the polls, make sure you know your voting rights, including the right not to be harassed about which candidate you've cast your ballot for. We'll take you through exactly what voter intimidation is and isn't -- and what to do if you see it.

Vote stickers for the election

Don't let someone deter you from voting. 

James Martin/CNET

What is voter intimidation?

Voter intimidation is when someone attempts to sway a voter's choice or prevent them from voting by creating a hostile verbal or physical environment. For example, questioning your voter rights by asking personal questions about your criminal record or citizenship is illegal. 

Spreading false information about voter requirements (like requiring the ability to speak English) is also considered voter intimidation, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. You can receive a ballot and election materials in your native language, according to the US Election Assistance Commission, as protected by the Language Minority Provisions of the Voting Rights Act.

What are the laws against voter intimidation?

Along with voter fraud like double voting and campaign finance crime, voter intimidation is a federal crime. It applies to anyone who "intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote." If the law is violated, the perpetrator could be found guilty and sentenced up to one year in prison, up to a $1,000 fine or both.

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 also prohibit voter intimidation.

How can I report voter intimidation?

If you or someone else is being harassed or threatened at the polls, let a poll worker know. Then call and report it to the Election Protection Hotline (1-866-OUR-VOTE) or the US Department of Justice voting rights hotline (1-800-253-3931). You should also contact your state board of elections. In some cases, a poll worker may call local authorities to remove the individual in question.

Is poll watching considered voter intimidation?

Poll watching, also called poll challenging, is legal. A poll watcher is a partisan individual whose purpose is to observe a polling place in support of making sure their party has a fair chance, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures

For example, a poll watcher may closely monitor the election administration and keep track of voter turnout for their parties. They shouldn't, however, try to persuade someone to vote one way or another.

There are necessary qualifications to become a poll watcher, but they vary by state. Legitimate poll watchers are not individuals who simply decide to show up at a polling place. Some states may require poll watchers to be registered voters or a US citizen.

For more voting information, here's how to find your polling place on Election Day, how to track your election ballot online after you vote and why the 2022 election could be a turning point in American democracy.