Sonim's all-weather phone can probably outlast you

The company that brought us the "world's toughest phone"--the XP1--has introduced an even more rugged handset--the XP3.

Damian Koh
Sonim XP1
Sonim Technologies

How tough can a mobile phone be? Tougher than you if Sonim Technologies has anything to say about it. The company that brought us the "world's toughest phone"--the XP1--has introduced an even more rugged handset--the XP3.

Besides being able to withstand more physical abuse, the XP3 can be fully submerged into a depth of about 3 feet for up to 30 minutes. I can hold my breath underwater for about a minute plus, so I'm convinced the XP3 will still be working even after I've drowned.

The Sonim XP3 is currently available online for about $640. It also comes with a three-year unconditional warranty, and if your XP3 breaks down within this period (unlikely), Sonim will provide you with a replacement.

(Via Crave Asia)