'Bartesian' is a Keurig-like machine, but for alcohol (Tomorrow Daily 201)
'Bartesian' is a Keurig-like machine, but for alcohol (Tomorrow Daily 201)

'Bartesian' is a Keurig-like machine, but for alcohol (Tomorrow Daily 201)

On today's show, a prototype lamp that could make you money in the future, a really awesome little tiny glider that might make its way to Mars. And a little friend for you to help you make mixed drinks, and it's not a little person. Oh, that sounds delightful. Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings citizens of the Internet, welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best teen talk show in the known Universe. I'm Ashley Esqueda. Joining me as always, Khail Anonymous. Can you imagine a lilliputian that like makes the [CROSSTALK] A Polly Pocket? Like a little Polly Pocket bar? Polly Pockets aren't like real, you know. What do you mean they're not real? They're real in my heart. They're real in my heart. You've got Polly Pykith in your heart? They fit. Let's see some headlines. Go to those headlines. I've done that conversation. I made a big. Yes, so this conversation is getting weird. [CROSSTALK] I just interrupt people in real life now, unless it's those headlines. I think you guys can also start doing that. If you film it, and you send it to us I'll totally put it on the show. If you're in an awkward conversation and it gets weird, and you just say a list of those headlines and run away I'll put it on this show. Okay, let's talk about planes on Mars. This is really, really cool. So a couple years ago, there were some engineering interns at NASA. And they, even though they were just interns, created an idea that may actually make it to Mars at some point in the next ten years, which is pretty rad. So they have an idea for an aircraft, that would fly over the top of the surface of the planet, and would take really high res pictures. So this is called the Prandtl-m, it's really ridiculously difficult to pronounce, p r a n d t l- m. This is the M version of the craft. It's a prototype based on a D model that was a RC glider designed by the students a few years ago when they were interns. This is prototype is gonna lauch later this year. It's going to hit the sky from a high altitude balloon that will be about ten thousand feet up which is similar Mar's atmosphere. That's why they have to take it up so high in the air. And this is some of the pictures of that glider. And at some point the goal is they want to figure out how to give this really awesome looking glider foldable wings so that they can pack it up into a really tiny little cube sat, which is those little cube satellites. And then attach it to a future Mars rover and send it. Basically it would hitch a ride. With a Mars over and head over to Mars. And then unpack itself and start flying around, which is pretty cool. But the glider design allows it to take off and land without any. It doesn't need a runway. You can actually do a lot more with this glider than you can with a traditional sort of airplane model. But it's pretty cool, and I love that in turn design to it that NASA. Seems pretty keen on it, which is pretty cool. They hope that they can get this thing to Mars by 2024. They were saying. 2022 and 2024, but that's less than ten years away. So which is still pretty great. And they're building, I'm sure the next round of Of Rovers and other things that are going to be heading to Mars so that takes time and so hopefully this will be one of the next things we're gonna see hit up Mars which is pretty cool. Where do the pictures go? Who gets the pictures? NASA. So it would be a NASA project. Okay. And they would send the pictures back. Like Hubble. You can go to NASA's website and look at these amazing high rise images. The Hubble Telescope is taking. I would imagine be able to do the same thing for this. But it's pretty awesome and I really like that it came a bunch of interns who were just like. You know what I want to make glider and go to Mars. Yeah get it together, so [UNKNOWN] doing it for you. That's pretty cool. I like that. I love to see some hi res photos of Mars. I think we all would. Yeah and I think NASA really wants For, to have a fully hi-res mapped image of the entire planet which obviously would be very, very helpful. Cool. Yeah, so what's this little bartender? If you're like me, you like to party at home alone and you suck at making mixed drinks. [LAUGH] Me too. That makes two of us. That's super sad. But anyway, so there is an answer for those of you that have that same exact issue. This is the Bartesian. Now you've heard of the Keung where you just pop in a little tiny thing in there and it makes your coffee for you, you just hit a button and it makes your coffee. I have one. Well check this out. This ones for your alcohol and you can make mixed drinks, you can make margaritas. There's a whole bunch of like cosmopolitan and stuff like that. Basically what you do is you pop in a cartridge and then you add The type of alcohol you like so it's like, [INAUDIBLE] Vodka, rum, tequila, gin. [CROSSTALK] and you hit a button, and boom you get your alcohol whats great is you can also choose the strength. Watch how funny this guy is, he's putting the strength up. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. [LAUGH] [INAUDIBLE] It's a really funny, it's a [CROSSTALK] really funny video. But this is a kick starter so it's not exactly out yet. They want a $10000 to make these things. They have just under $90000 so you have two weeks to back it. If you do the early bird it's too late. It's sold out. So you'll have to pay $300 for the bartesian it delivers in April of next year. But yeah it's pretty cool. I I like it. You know? I like this idea. It's pretty neat. So $300 and you can just have your mixed drinks. You can invite your friends over, and they can probably abuse the thing. Yeah probably. But I like that you can change the alcohol. So there you go, Bartesian. Yeah, it looks like a science project on the sides where it has like the tequila. Like it has the four different Get like- Reservoirs? Reservoirs for Tequila and Rum and Vodka and Gin. Like that's kind of crazy but it makes a lot of sense. You would say, if you're making your Kureg and you're like, man, I wish I had this for bartending. Like at night when people come over. Cuz I know it Like, as a kind of sideways example, like sort of similar example, when my family comes over for Christmas, everybody wants something different. Like, I've got cousins who want hot chocolate, my grandparents want decaf, like they don't want caffeinated coffee, and then my parents want like flavored coffee, and then I'll have chai tea. And it's. So many different things its real easy to use the Keurig because then you just pop in the little thing, you put in whatever coffee you want or whatever, and then it makes it for you as a single thing. So, I have a lot of friends who are like that with alcohol too; one likes martinis, the other likes this, the other one likes that. So, this is pretty interesting. Yeah. I like it. Very cool. Not terribly expensive. But that brings us to our, Tag of the day. #TDMAKEME. No, I got this. You got this. Okay, go ahead. TDMAKEME so TDMAKEME so what household, this is for you. What household appliance and what would it do or make for you. So what household appliance would you create and what would it do or make for you. I want that pizza making machine from Back to the Future 2. They open up a little tiny packet. I don't know if you guys remember. They open up a little tiny packet, and they put it in this little machine. They close the thing, hit the button, and then it dings, and. And they open it up and then instantly the pizza is the size of a full pizza. That sounds pretty good. I would want a robot that cracks and opens up my crab legs, like king crab legs. You just throw it a bunch of crab legs Whoa, you are rich! You want a robot to help you with your crab legs. Yes, You throw in the crab legs and it breaks it perfectly for you. You don't have to get all messy and stuff and then like all of a sudden there's just a little bowl at the bottom and it just drops out your perfectly shaped crab, fresh crab and you just eat it. You don't have to deal with all the legs and cracking and all that stuff, no. Give me a robot to do that for me.>> That's super first world problem.>> It is, listen okay, dehydrated pizza. You're like I would like dehydrated pizza. I want Back to the Future technology. That's what I'm saying. But if it was from Pizza Hut Who's to say that the crab-cracking robot isn't in Back to the Future just not depicted on screen? Who's to say? That's true. Your fan-fiction is completely on point. It could be accurate. Listen, I'm gonna call Robert Zemeckis, we're gonna get this all We're gonna saw him right out and he's gonna officially announce that there was in fact a robot that was made just for cracking crab legs in Back to the Future. We didn't just didn't see it on screen. Yo you gotta calling Robertson because he's got stuff to do. Yeah he does seem a little bit busy. He keeps telling me like he's washing his hair all the time and I don't think that's true But can I tell you about a lamp that might make you some money? Yeah. So you can afford your dehydrated pizza maker? You can invent it? Yeah. Pretty good, okay. I kinda, I love this idea so much and I hope it happens because it seems really cool. This is called the aspirational lamp and the idea behind this lamp. It's an AI controlled lamp with it's own agenda, it has an agenda. You put it on your desk and it has a solar panel on it. And it also has a battery pack. And when the light comes on. In the morning let's say the sun comes up. It will collect energy. So not only is the lamp obviously usable as a lamp but over the course of the day when you're not using the lamp it's collecting energy. And the idea is, this is just a concept thus far, but the idea is it would store that energy and then sell it back to the grid. For a small amount of money, or however much money that it could get you. And then, it would automatically invest that small amount of money in the stock market. But wait there's more Khal, wait there's more So it would earn enough money over time to pay for it's own repairs or extra parts, and on top of that It would. If it breaks or you just decide, I'm done with this lamp, you would email the company and be like Hey, it broke, or whatever, and then they'd cut you a check for whatever balance the lamp had available to it Whatever that was, it would just cut you a check. So, yeah, that's the idea behind this lamp, that someday. Again this is a speculative scenarios. Apparently it's very complex to sell energy back to the grid. It's a thing. It is an existing thing you can do, but it's not really easy to do in a way that a simple lamp could do it. But the idea is that would, be checking stock prices, and it would be like, oh I'm gonna invest this stock, or whatever, I'm gonna sell my stocks, or it would buy and sell stocks. And it would make you money. So, this lamp has it's own agenda, so there you go, a lamp that makes money, by selling energy to the grid, and invest that money in the stock market for you, without you having to do anything. Totally speculative. Not coming to market, not even a working prototype, just an idea. How- But I love it. High was the guy that came up with this? So, he had too many ii cocktails Oh my god! But first of all, this is like, I love this idea. I love it but it's [CROSSTALK] I love the idea that you go bankrupt cuz you're light is running. [LAUGH] No, it's the only what the light makes. Only what the light makes. I know. But in my mind it's to the point that it's just happening to your bank account. Dipping into your bank account? It's just like people with gambling problems. They start going to your ATM and start pulling out your life savings fund. And then one day you show up and you turn your lamp on and it won't turn on. It's like, oh Sorry, I spent everything. No, like mobsters show up at your door and break your lamb's leg. Break your lamb's legs, perfect. This is super cool. So how do you get it? It's completely speculative concept design. Like I said, apparently it's very difficult to actually sell energy back to the grid at this time so something like this AI controlled lamp can't do it now, but Again, like, speculative, I love that kind of stuff because it could happen. And in five years this could be a very real reality and we could have furniture that collects energy for us and sells it back to the grid and then invests it for us which is kind of insane. But I really love the idea. It's just so crazy that it might work. It's one of those things where I saw it and I'm like, this is absolutely bonkers But I feel maybe someday it could work. Maybe. It's a pretty good idea. I love it. That's cool. Totally love it. All right guys, we're gonna take a quick break. We're gonna be right back. SInce I was not here yesterday, since we were all not here yesterday, we're gonna do new releases so that you know what you can spend your money on. And of course we have your user feedback from way back last week on Thursday. And our [UNKNOWN] for the day. So don't click away. It's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Oh yeah. Look closer. All right guys, it is Tuesday, it's Wednesday. I always want to say it's Tuesday because that's when we usually do this segment, but I was sick yesterday so We did not have a show. So it's Tuesday. Let's talk about new releases. [MUSIC] Well first up we have a movie that I am actually not hearing great things about. But- Is it Paul Blart 3? Coming soon to a theater new you. But not this weekend. It's Terminator Genesis. Man I gotta say like Terminator: Genesys, I'm a little concerned because I'm hearing not so great things. In fact I think our viewer on cnet was along the lines of like Terminator: Genesys doesn't know when to stop even after a bad part or something like that, it's just really. I'm actually going to see this tonight. Are you? Yeah, at eight o'clock. What are you, do you think you're gonna like it? I'm a huge Terminator fan and I have been, you know It's like a really bad relationship that I have. And like I can't- Can't get away. Can't giver her up. Like that's my relationship with Terminator. It's dragged me through this mud so many times. Yeah, the reviews that I've said, and this will help you gauge it, is that it goes Terminator 2 is the best, Terminator 1, then Terminator 3. And then this one. What about Salvation? And then Salvation. Oh and then Salvation oh boy. So like this is better than Salvation. But it's not the worst Terminator movie ever made, so you. It has that going for it. Well people are saying that it also homages a lot of the past Terminators a lot. Which is cool but also they're saying it's really cheap. It's like they're not constructing a story, they're just banking on your nostalgia. So, but Khaleesi, c'mon Khaleesi. Now it's the Khaleesi she's playing... aw man. I'm bummed that this isn't getting great reviews. You see how sad of a Terminator fan I am that I'm still going to go see it opening. I know, well I'm impressed. Wah, wah. I mean, Arnold Schwarzenegger thanks you. Mm-hm, would give you a hug if he was here.>> Thank you [INAUDIBLE], wow that's bad.>> [CROSSTALK] That is really amazing. Going from a movie I probably won't see this weekend to one I'll probably see on HBO, but I don't have any need to go to a theater and see is Magic Mike XXL, their saying it might beat Terminator this weekend. But, here's the thing, so- Channing Tatum's but is going to beat the Terminator? Oh, when doesn't it beat The Terminator? So let's talk about this really quickly, because I really like... I didn't see Magic Mike until it was on HBO. I think I just caught it on TV, and I was like, actually this is really hugely entertaining. McConaughey was so funny in it and Channing Tatum is so freaking likeable. So Joe Manganiello is like talking to Paul Tompkins about this movie and he was saying like, we realized while we were making the first one that, really, that that extra story with like the girl and the furniture making, that It doesn't matter. It was all about the guys. Like that was the real core of the story. So they took those guys and they like did, I guess maybe it's like a road trip movie, I think. So I'm really looking forward to this just because it's for the same reason I read Playboy for the articles, I'm gonna enjoy this fun romp. If your road trips will be with a bunch of dudes without shirts on. Here's what I'm hearing. You're trying to validate the reason you're going to see this movie. No. There is no validation for this. I'm just gonna see because it because A, I like dance movie. I'll fully admit it. I like cheesy dance movies and things like that. I love all that stuff. Just say that you think that the guys are hot. Actually, I don't. None of them are really my type. None of them are really my type. What's your type? I don't like that look. I don't like that big, beefcakey look. I like more of a swimmer, basketball player, lean. I dont like that big. Fair enough. If you're If your body is the shape of a reverse v shape, I dont care for that Yeah. Get outta here. Captain America, get outta here. Go away, ugly. Captain america, not so much. Thor? Too built. Thor? A little bit too big. In the last couple movies they've all gotten so much bigger. I don't know how they do that. So that brings us to our TD of the day. What kind of guy is your kind of guy. Td type. Td type no. TD [CROSSTALK] Yeah TD bros. Bro? What kind of bro is your kind of bro? You know what, I'm [CROSSTALK]. I haven't seen any Magic Mikes, I feel like I need to see one Magic Mike. And I feel like the first one, I feel like they maybe ironed out the kinks [CROSSTALK]. Go see it. I mean i know that it's. So tongue in cheek that it will refund. Exactly [CROSSTALK] Logan are you ever gonna watch Magic Mike XXL? I'm in for the second one. Yes. I told you. I love it. Infinite two. You can drop your [UNKNOWN] okay. Maybe I'll pick up some moves too? It might be a good thing. It might be good thing is all I'm saying. Pick up some dance moves, go see Magic Mike have a little fun. Drink some of your bartesian before you go. All right, last thing we gotta talk about which, we have been all been discussing including producer Logan all day is Apple Music / Beats 1 radio went live yesterday. Ooh. That's a new release if you're on iOS or OS X. That's a fun one to talk about but go ahead. Yeah let's discuss. So- Quickly though. Very quickly. Little rocky. There's some problems, some glitches, things like that. But overall, a very good reception. People have been really enjoying it. And the one thing, the quote that I saw on Twitter that I wanted to bring up to you and hear your opinion on is we always joke about Apple inventing stuff. Apple acting like they invented radio for this. But the reality is that for a lot of younger people, Apple just reinvented radio because these are people who have never really experienced radio in this way. And I thought you and Kel, especially being really big music fans, what your opinion on that would be. And look, this is just my opinion but like I told you guys earlier, I think that's a stupid concept because. Fair. That is Sirius radio. I mean, if you think about it, you go to a grocery store, that's a radio type station from the internet. It's a Sirius radio station. Right. That these places play. But not a dedicated station where those kids know the dj's names, their personalities attached to these blocks of programming and stuff like that. That's only because the offerings have been so vast. Okay. And not honed in. And just because they're offering one radio station they can have all the focus on this one thing. Don't get me wrong. I love beats one radio. Yeah. I think it's great. But I'm not like. Oh my God! Yeah.>> This is unbelievable. It's really good, they've nailed it. They've really made one station that kicks a lot of ****, but they didn't invent the wheel. Right, and that's fair But again, really cool. I've been kind of on the Spotify band wagon if you've watched other things, I've been on Spotify, I love Spotify even though the UI is kind of weird I think there's a few stumbles when it comes to Apple music, but they've got three months. I'm not about to excuse them, they're Apple. Yeah, they have three months to fix a lot of the issue. For Apple the should of kind of came out of the gate, but there's a little bit of like. Extra maneuverability. Yeah. It's not as streamlined as a quick as Spotify is, but it's good. And a lot of people are the big complaint is you can't move your Spotify Playlist, you can't import them directly into Apple music. So- Well, that wouldn't make any sense. So potentially, they were talking about Apple maybe making a tool, before you used To be able to import your Spotify playlist to Beatsport Music. When the service went live, Apple Music went live, on Beats Music you couldn't do it anymore. Before you were able to do it, and so now you can't at all. There's no weird, unofficial work-around. So, they're thinking maybe, and I don't know, I don't think Apple will do this, but maybe Apple would make some kind of tool that would allow you to import your Spotify playlists. Yeah. That would destroy it. I'm only a third of the way through, Putting all my songs on there. Check this out though. Logan how far are you on doing it? I just made it to the Ss before I came into work. He's barely to S. And how long has that been? Since last night. Well I [CROSSTALK] Nonstop working. How many hours total? How many hours? Two to three hours so far. Too much. Wow that's not that bad. I spent two hours and I'm not even a third way through. But I've got a lot of obscure indie crap. Yeah you're gonna have to dig a little and maybe even some of that stuff's not on the service Yeah. There is a lot of things missing, but oh well. We'll see. So, yeah, if you've got iOS, you can check it out. We're waiting and seeing, which I think is an appropriate response. So, but that brings us to our hashtag of the day which is TDBro, what kind of guy are you into that you would listen to Apple Music with. I love that this is going to be a running gag. Okay, and speaking of hashtags of the day, it's time to talk about your user feedback. So we all have very short term memories here at Tomorrow Daily, a daily show. About a week ago the story about the climate booths at the airport that you can walk into and feel what the heat and cold felt like for your destination. And we asked everybody, what would you add to the booth to make it better? So, you guys came up with some pretty good ones. Matthew wrote in and said, I'd add a smog level in the climate booth. Which, if you were going to a place like Southern California or Beijing, you would probably die. You need a mask, sometimes, the smog here. Innovation Required wrote in and said, climate pods to. Experience how future climates would look like and feel like if global warming or climate change continues. That I think is really [CROSSTALK] fasinating.>> Incredible one, yeah.>> You're using your noodle.>> Also very doom and gloom.>> Very doom and gloom but. Maybe a good wake up call for some people because they don't realize, it is very much like a slow burn, no pun intended. Can you imagine going into that at the airport and then you're sitting on the plane all depressed? It's all going to end, I know. Why am I here, it's not even worth it. [CROSSTALK] Yeah, they're really nihilist. Yeah, why am I here. Justin wrote in and said staple destination food generated instantly would be a cool idea. I like that. Destination a little snack, maybe a little bite, an amuse bouche. And then, Rick wrote in and said create mini city climate boxes of famous cities of the world. Walk around the big apple, feel its climate too, be like a mini attraction. So be like, go in, maybe you could do that with projection Yeah, you have to smell the garbage in New York too. Maybe they do that with Projection technology and smell-o-vision. Yeah and they put rats running around too like in New York. Yeah, that would be amazing and then Reed wrote in and said, you'll like this, it's missing GameShow Mode, go in and guess the randomized climate origin and you get a. Get a free trip. That's pretty cool. Like that. Big fan of that and then Jesus wrote in, said the booth should include a robo bartender to fix me the the traditional refreshing beverage of my destination. That'd be a bartesian. You. You. Let's party. Pretty good. So you guys had some really good stuff for TV climate. And now it's time for our very last piece of user feed back, which is always our phonetographer of the day. [MUSIC] Friend of the show Lance, wrote into us. Lance said hi y'all I never Lumia photos. Insert K's witty joke here. From here in Las Vegas we hope to see you all at Defcon. And he said photos inside in my house and outside using a Lumia 820 with Windows Phone 8 and Windows 10 phone. So thanks Lance and so I sent a picture of his cat. That was like a ad for cat food. Fancy Feast That is such a cat like reaction. What in the world is this? [CROSSTALK] He stare at that for hours. What are you doing? Yeah. It's really well lit. Really well lit, and the Lumia does take really nice pictures. I have to say, I'm surprised we don't get more pictures in, And from Lumias, cuz they really do take fantastic photos. I'll be curious to see when and if Windows does a Windows 10 phone. Like a flag ship that comes along with Windows 10. If we're gonna see kind of an uptick in Windows 10 pictures. I think we will. But, yeah, really great picture Lance. High fives to you. If you wanna send in any story ideas or you want to send in your photography, email us at Tommorow@Cnet.com or find us on social media. Probably Twitter @TomorrowDaily. Yea you can follow us and hear all our dumb thoughts on our personal accounts I'm @KhalilAnonymous and she's @AshleyEsqueda That's right and if you wanna send anybody Friends, loved ones, frenemies, enemies to the show just send them to tomorrowdaily.com. All right guys, that's it for the show today. We'll be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird, wonderful science fact and science fiction but until then be good humans. We'll see you guys next time. Bye. [MUSIC]

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