iPhone 13 rumors and what the next Apple phone needs
iPhone 13 rumors and what the next Apple phone needs

iPhone 13 rumors and what the next Apple phone needs

Tech Industry
Speaker 1: The iPhone 12 family is almost five months old, and yet there are so, so, so many rumors about the next iPhone, AKA the iPhone 13, let's break them all down. Speaker 1: And it seems like every year there are more rumors about the next iPhone and 2021 is no exception. So [00:00:30] I wanna take a look at some of the newest rumors, some of the most persistent rumors, and I wanna figure out what the iPhone 13 really needs in order to be a success. Oh, um, an iPhone 13. Yeah. I have no idea what the next iPhone will be called. Could be the iPhone 12 S or just the iPhone, kinda like the fourth kid iPad, or maybe it'll be called the iPhone 21 because it's twenty, twenty one. No clue about what's gonna be called. But for this video, I'm gonna stick to calling at the iPhone 13 because 13 comes after [00:01:00] 12. Let's come to with my favorite rumor so far, which is that the iPhone 13 will have a bigger battery. Speaker 1: The iPhone twelve's battery life is good, but it's far from the best battery life we've seen. That would be on Android phones while apple has never revealed the capacity of batteries inside the iPhone sites. Like I fix it with sell kits to replace batteries for the iPhone, showed that an iPhone 12 and 12 pro come with a 2,815 milliamp hour battery, [00:01:30] compared that to the four thousand four thousand five hundred and five thousand milli hour batteries on flagship, Android phones, like the Galaxys 21. And Galaxys 21 ultra what's brilliant is apple get so much battery life from that small bat battery. And it's purely through the efficiency of its a series processors and iOS. Now imagine applying those same efficiencies to a larger physical battery. Now this rumor comes from apple analyst, Ming quote, and I hope, uh, God, I hope it's true because who doesn't want better battery [00:02:00] life on their iPhone. And maybe that bigger battery we'll fuel another rumored feature slash need. And that would be a high refresh rate display Speaker 1: Since 2017, the iPad pro has had 120 Hertz refresh rate screen. Now the panel on it is an L C D, but rumors from max Wach and display analyst, Ross young point to the iPhone 13 GI a pro promotion O L E D. This has been a feature. Many of us have wanted. And in 2021, [00:02:30] we see plenty of phones at all. Price points with high refresh rate screens, there's a $300 one plus Nord in 10 5g. It has a 90 Hertz display. There's a Galaxys 20 S 21 ultra with 120 Hertz display the newest. So R G phone five has 144 Hertz screen, and the just announced red magic six phone has 165 Hertz screen or comparison. The iPhone 12 has a 60 Hertz screen. Now why do you need a high refresh rate screen simply it makes everything look [00:03:00] better. Now that is a sweeping generalization, but it specifically makes animation to graphics. Look sharper, reduces motion blur. It makes games, especially those designed for high refresh rate screens, Seymour immersive, and vivid. I do think the next iPhone needs 120 Hert screen, and I would be fine if it was just a feature reserve for the pro models. Currently there aren't a bunch of features that make the iPhone 12 pro more pro than the regular iPhone 12, but let's talk about another persistent rumor. And that [00:03:30] would be the removal of the lightning cord. Speaker 1: Since apple got rid of the headphones, Jack back in 2016, people has speculated that apple wants to make a completely pointless iPhone in December, 2020 reliable rumor spreader, Ming V quote, cited that apple would release an iPhone in 2021 without a port add to this rumor Apple's launch of mag safe charging on the iPhone 12. And it's not impossible old to imagine [00:04:00] such a future. However, in its current four mag safe charging tops out at 15 Watts, compare that to warp charge 30 on the one plus eight, which is double that not only with the next version of MagSafe need to be more powerful, to be a reasonable replacement to a physical carting cable, but apple would also need this solve for some of the data sharing that the lightning port currently affords, perhaps apple is hoping 5g wifi, six Bluetooth, 5.0 and the U one chip are [00:04:30] those data sharing replacements, or maybe there would be a version of mag safe with a lightning port dongle, who knows that said apple could build into the next iPhone, a port physical connector, much like the smart connector found on the iPad pro just around the corner of the USBC connector on the bottom of the iPad are three flat contacts on the back. Speaker 1: And when you use the magnet keyboard accessories with the iPad pro it connects the iPad via the smart connector and magnets. You could plug a USBC cable [00:05:00] into the side of the magic keyboard, which also charges the iPad pro. Now during the pandemic, I can count maybe three times where I actually plugged a cable directly into my iPad pro I pretty much use the magic keyboard to charge the iPad through the smart connector. And since the keyboard has a USBC port, I can actually use a higher watage charger. So who know smart mag, safe charging. Anyone look, even if this rumor is true, I'm not sure this is something the iPhone needs, at least not right [00:05:30] now, but one thing, many people do think the iPhone needs is something other than face ID or a passcode to unlock their phone. And that's where the rumor that touch ID is returning. Speaker 1: Here's the picture. Since the first Android phones came out with an in-screen fingerprint reader, people speculated that it under the display touch ID sensor would be in a way to alleviate the frustrations. Some people get from using face ID. And remember, this is pre [00:06:00] pandemic before face masks were a thing. Now, currently on Andrew phones, there are two types of in-screen fingerprint readers. There's the optical in-screen sensor and those work. Okay. But I think those would be a horrible alternative to face ID. Then there are ultrasonic fingerprint readers, which just gotta refresh with the galaxy S 21 series. Now rumors from you guess it Ji quote are that the iPhone 13 will have an in-screen fingerprint reader. I have no [00:06:30] idea if this would replace face ID or be an addition to face ID, but if apple could get an ultrasonic sensor to a point of reliability, ease of use and dependability, it's not hard to imagine them on an iPhone. Speaker 1: And if touch ID is paired with face ID, you could have more ways to secure and access your phone. But as exciting as this possibility is let's talk about camera rumors and there are a bunch [00:07:00] currently the iPhone 12 pro has the same selfie wide and ultra wide cameras as the iPhone 12 and 12 Benny, it does have a two X tele photo camera, but it's not the same one as the 2.5 X tele photo found on the iPhone 12 pro max. Now there are rumors from stay with me, Minky quote, point to the iPhone 13 pro getting a larger sensor for its wide camera. Not sure if it'd be the exact same one that would be used on the iPhone 13 Promax or not, but this larger sensor might utilize the same sensor based [00:07:30] stabilization, which is currently found only on the iPhone 12 Promax the iPhone 13 pro is also rumored to be getting the same or a similar telephonic camera as the 13 pro max look, all this means is that the regular 13 pro model will be much closer to the 13 pro max model. Speaker 1: Whereas the 12 and the 12 pro this year are exceedingly similar. There are also rumors of about a new Ultrawide camera coming to the iPhone. Now this could be for the iPhone 13 or the iPhone 14, but Ming [00:08:00] she quote suggests the Ultrawide cameras will have better low light performance and Barclay's analysts Blaine, Curtis and Thomas O'Malley think that the ultra wide will be getting a faster aperture lens going from the F 2.4 on the current ultra wide to an F 1.8 lens on the iPhone 13. Now that would certainly help towards improving low light performance. And I think that all of these iPhone camera rumors, I think these are all things the iPhone 13 could really use, but let's pivot from hardware [00:08:30] to camera features. And let's start with portrait mode video. Speaker 1: I'm sure most of you are familiar with portrait mode, which lets you photo and give the picture an artistic blurry background. The idea is it replicates a larger sensor mirrorless or DSLR camera and a fast aperture lens. Now on the iPhone portrait mode is just limited to photos, but currently there are several Android phones that offer portrait mode video. And in my experience, none of them work [00:09:00] great. Some are okay, but, uh, yeah, at least something to be desired. Look, this rumor comes from max wine back. So it could be exciting to see what apple could do with portrait mode, video and how it handles all the processing needed to make videos that can blur out the background. This rumor also points to the ability to change the depth of field after you record the video. Now it would be especially cool. If you could also use Apple's portrait lighting looks in video. Speaker 1: Now [00:09:30] that wishful thinking on my part now, I don't think portrait video mode is something the iPhone own needs, but I think it would be fun, but let's talk about the last roomer on my list. And that has to do with Astro photography currently with night mode. Oh my, you can Mount the iPhone on a tripod and extend the capture up to 30 seconds. This means under the right conditions, you can capture a Stary sky, but when you see what the Google pixel [00:10:00] can do in terms of Astro photography capture, it leads a lot to be desired on the iPhone. And if this rumor is true, maybe Astro photography still lives under the night mode capture way of doing things, but you could extend the time more than 30 seconds and or use computational photography to capture a better night sky. And this could be another one of those features that lives only on the pro models. Kinda like the way apple pro rock currently does. This is definitely not a needed feature, but, uh, [00:10:30] a nice to have one, especially if you live outside of a city. So that's all I've got. But I wanna hear from you guys, what do you think about these iPhone 13 rumors? Are there other features and upgrades that you think the iPhone needs? They're your thoughts in the comments.

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