Elections 2020

Big tech was front and center in the 2020 election as both presidential and congressional candidates debated issues like online privacy, antitrust, tariffs, 5G, access to broadband and more. The discussions also trickled down to other races as states pushed to revive net neutrality and set policy that the federal government has yet to tackle.

Tech companies themselves were a campaign focus, as well. Both Republicans and Democrats have called for more regulation of giants like Amazon, Facebook and Google, but how that could take shape will depend on both the Biden Administration and Congress. At the same time, the industry will continue to face its own role over critical issues that can influence elections like hacking and voting security, deep fakes and social media's role in promoting misinformation.

CNET is here to break down the critical tech issues as they play out and explain how candidates and elected officials, from statehouses to the White House, are reacting to them.