Tomorrow Daily 128: Google's newest robo-dog, Wi-Fi sheep and more
Tomorrow Daily 128: Google's newest robo-dog, Wi-Fi sheep and more

Tomorrow Daily 128: Google's newest robo-dog, Wi-Fi sheep and more

On today's show google introduces us to a brand new robot that terrifies us. Apparently some sheep are going to get WiFi. Well, I'll tell you more in a sec. [LAUGH] And, your future hearing aids might actually be worn in your mouth. That's not how ears work. No, it's not. Tomorrow Daily! [MUSIC] Greetings citizens of the internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best geek talk show in the known universe. It looks like you're massaging an invisible person. I'm your host Ashley Esqueda, joining me as always, Khail Anonymous. What's wrong? What, just release your emotions. You're all, you're all tense in the back. Is this a person? You gotta work the thumbs. Is this a little person? It's, it's always the thumbs that you gotta work on the, on the, on the, on the back. On, on your nails? That'll be, yeah, that'll be on on Tomorrow Dail\y massage edition, so look forward to that. Yeah. We're gonna, that's gonna be a separate video on demand release that you could see. You know how they have MOD Squad? We're gonna have Massage Squad. Massage Squad. There's- Terrible. There's an actual show to this, right? Like we're actually- I think there is a real show- So let's hit the headlines. Ok. Ok, so, in late 2013, Google bought Boston Dynamics which is that robotics company that's had like, pet man and big dog and all those really terrifying robots that they show that can run really fast. Yeah, yeah. Ok. So they just introduced their newest robot. Google has introduced its new robot. It's called Spot. So this is this is Spot. These are all of the ro, these are a lot of the robots they're working the four-legged ones. There is Spot right there. it's going to start moving and walking about inside Boston Dynamics' office building. so, here's the thing that's interesting about that is that, in fact, it is working inside an office building. So, all of the other, bigger robots are gas powered. So, two things, two, two, two prongs of that. It's electric>>Hey!>>by the way, that guy's kicking a dog, he's kicking a robot dog. Is that okay to kick a robot dog? I don't think it is, but a lot of people do it all the time. But look at it recover. That's really scary right? So and I also like that they travel in packs like they have a couple of them that walk around together in a second. So it's electric powered now instead of gas powered. Meaning one, everyone who works on these things doesn't need to have hearing protection. Because the gas powered ones sound like a thousand chainsaws being blown around by a thousand leaf blowers, like it's so loud. You're good at that. And the other, thing is that it can go indoors because it's not releasing fumes, it's electric. So, it, it can actually go inside. Oh my god, it's. So cute! It is adorable. [CROSSTALK] scared by this stuff but this one is smaller. It's cuter. Yeah. It's not running really fast like the other one. Nope. It's about- Can, cat it go fast though? It can go a little faster than what's, what it is in the video, but not much faster, and the other. See? It's, it can trot. Aw, look at its. So cute. But it looks, it's about the size of a large dog. So you could see the guy running next to it, for scale. Can ride it. Yeah. This is what I want. Here they are jogging together. I want a robot horse dog. Horse dog, you want a robot pony dog? It's fantastic. So great. Okay, okay, so have they, what is Boston Dynamics, like what are they going to do with these robot dog things. I mean it seems like you could do a lot of things. But what are they. So like you- What are they projecting? Funny- Don't say rescue. Funny that you mentioned horses, because one of the reasons they're developing these things like, Big Dog, one of the things they're developing is, allowing like either soldiers or people to put heavy equipment or, or packs or things like that, like, supplies on the backs of these things. Yeah. And then have them, if you need to walk somewhere, if you need to go somewhere without. Taxing yourself, you can actually put them on on these dogs, these robo-dogs. Yeah, wow. All right. So really cool. That Google money is paying off. Well so before, it's, this is actually just an interesting little side note about that video. So before, whenever Boston Dynamics would show a video, they would put funded by the US government because they used to be funded by DARPA. Mm-hm. And so now they're not. They're, they're owned by Google. And this is the first time we've seen a video that hasn't annotated where the funding for that robot came from, so it's very possible this might be an entirely Google funded robot. So it's, it's really interesting to see how that company has sort of morphed in the last year and a half. They're progressing. So fast, these guys. Pretty crazy. Yeah. Watching them like, fortunately- Like Big Dog, how long ago was that? That was like not even- Just a few years ago, like a year or two ago. Oh, it was a few years? Yeah. I feel like the really scary one that like hops back and forth was pretty [CROSSTALK] Well, they keep, they keep updating them. And that's what I'm saying. Yeah. So you'll see the ones that are like, yeah. Like Cheetah Bot is one that runs really, really fast. Fast. And then Pet Man is like the one that looks like a person. And it can like squat and pivot and stuff Mm-hm [CROSSTALK] That freaks, that freaks me out. I don't like that. But Spot looks pretty cool and I feel like I might, I might like that in my house someday. Maybe like a little helpful robot. Yeah. Running around scaring your other dogs. A little dog robot. Scaring all the other dogs. Speaking of animals. you, I want to talk about a wi-fi sheep. You. Did you just say you? You, yeah. [LAUGH] Okay, go ahead. I'm sorry. Moment of silence for that terrible joke. I'll file, I'll file that. I want to talk about wi-fi sheep. Okay. So, it's really hard to get internet in rural areas, okay? Yeah, okay. There was project Lum that Google put on, but Gordon Blair is a professor from Lancaster University who was using sensor-equipped sheep to create hotspots. Wow. Okay, also, this is, stuff like this has been done before. Last summer, a UK seltzer-based company EE. Put these sensors in like cow statues. Okay, Alright. At a music festival.>> Give people like hot spots at a music festival. So apparently it's really easy to put these sensors on say a collar. So they're going to want to put. Collars on these sheep and you know, provide a little bit of wi-fi. Get a little hot spot action. Our b roll, can I just say really quick, our b roll for this has absolutely nothing to do with the story, just blocks of sheep, because that's all that I could find. Those aren't wi-fi sheep, those are normal sized sheep. Those are disconnected cuz sheep. They're disconnected. Okay. Please continue. Now, I just wanna watch, now I just wanna the sheep. Okay. I know, you just wanna watch the sheep. so, up, okay. So, a lot of people are doing a lot of, okay. First of all, the technology can do a lot of things. Okay. Unravel that. And then I'm gonna quickly tell you how this is being used with other animals, too. Okay. Great. Scandinavia is using reindeers. They did, potentially gonna use reindeers with this technology. That's amazing. so, some of the things that this tech can do. If you put it on your sheep, if you're at home and you wanna put this on your sheep. If you have a sheep. It can, it can help you figure out agriculture. Okay. Also note if there's flooding, pollution where your flock is? Yeah, okay for your GPS, if you're gonna locate it. Yeah, where the fark are they? [LAUGH] And then air quality and, and lots of other stuff. Austria may use the ear tags as hotspots for wi-fi. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, so like a little. The little ear tags they use to like, identify the sheep. They would also be able to put sort of a little sensor in there. [UNKNOWN] Wi-Fi? Yes! You can find out if they're under attack. Interesting. Like, I'm telling you, there's a lot of stuff. This isn't just Wi-Fi sheep, but that's the cool part. This is interesting. Yeah. It sounds like when you were saying where they can trap. Pollution and stuff that they would be able to also put those sensors in like, stationary places around their farm. So like, if you had like a tree or whatever, you could actually put- Or a scarecrow or something. Yeah. Yeah, or scarecrow or whatever, you could place these sensors around to help track your farm and all of things happening around and in it. Yeah. I mean, so apparently we're a few years away from it but, I mean this is, it just totally makes sense. I, I love this. Good, good job farmers. Yeah. Yeah, use your, use your animals as some, like, you be like. Is there a sheep around here? I'm not getting a wi-fi signal.>>I just like the idea of Kale and I going out in the middle of nowhere in like New Zealand and we're just like we just can't find any wi-fi. Cause where is your, where is your flock of sheep at. Where is it at.>>I I think that's I think that I think it's a really cool especially the whole like, it senses the air. Yeah.>>I mean farmers need this kind of information.>>Right. Well it's also really good. It can make me hamburgers and stuff. They could make you hamburgers, that's terrible, don't tell, don't tell the sheep that. You, they, they don't know. They can make you clothes. Oh yeah. Make my clothes woolen clothes. Make me socks. Wool socks. But I really like this because if you have a farm and you're like, Scandinavia has this tribe that lives up in the norther like northern Scandinavia. And they literally, like, travel with their reindeer flocks. This is, like, permanently. Like, that's how they live. And so for them to be able to have connectivity is something that really, they, they never had, you know, access to before. So that's pretty cool that they're, you know, working on this type of stuff. >So crazy that you're reindeer can get you on Facebook. >Yeah your reindeer will be able to log you in to Wikipedia so that you can look up new names for your reindeer. You can find cool new names for your reindeer. You can name him cool stuff on Wikipedia. That brings us to our hashtag of the day which is hashtag t d sheep. What else can we do with animals and technology if we combine them. I mean, we've seen the robot dog. We've seen wi-fi sheep. I mean, what are other things that you guys can come up with. Speaker 1: That we could do with technology now. Speaker 2: You know, 50/50. When it's my turn to do the TD, it's either, like, ridiculous, or I gave a little bit of thought, and it's still ridiculous and stupid, but, do remember twitch place pokemon, and then they did fish place pokemon. Speaker 1: Yeah. Speaker 2: I want to see more games where we're having animals play video games. Speaker 1: Play video games for, like, automatically? Speaker 2: Like sheep plays GTA. Speaker 1: Sheep. Oh! Yeah. She plays GK. That would be really dangerous. Mouse plays, mouse plays Grim Fandango. [CROSSTALK] I like that. I feel like running around in a maze [CROSSTALK] How can new Call of Duty be by a cow? It should be Cow of Duty. Oh! Cow of Duty. I'm sure there's a lot of other puns. If you hashtag TD and you have a pun, please [CROSSTALK] Yeah. Please [CROSSTALK] What about you? I think for me with animals, I, I really like the idea of I really like the idea of navigation. So, like, seeing eye dogs? I like the idea of having like sensors in the collar that would help a blind person get around even better. Oh, my god. That's. Brilliant. Yeah, like I, like I think that would be really cool, so. So how would it feed back into the human? Well I think you could do it via smartphone, like via, you could either do morse code, or some kind of notification with the vibrations. Or like an earpiece. Or an earpiece, or something like that, where it was like you know, for example. A dog could technically go across the street, but then maybe the sensors can sense that there are, you know, a, a, like obviously these dogs are really well trained but, I would say just an added enhanced layer of like of extra things that it could sense in the environment that the dog necessarily could, or, or would be able to do as well as like a actual technological sensor. Right. I think that would be really cool.>> And also help to know where your dog is if he's in your house and just walking around. Or your dog jumping off a gate and running, running away in your front Ooh no, hey, hey. yard like, like what happened this morning with my dog. All right. All right. I'm, I'm gonna freak out. I, I actually, I actually think that's going to be a hard one. Yeah, so. That you're, you're TD. So I guess we'll see. It's pretty good. You're either gonna have to have to beat hers or beat my pun. Yeah. Need a good pun. okay. I can't wait. So I have to tell you about this hearing aid because I saw this video and I thought it was the craziest thing I've ever seen. Okay. Now. So obviously when we think of hearing aids we think of those little bits they put in your ear and then you know, you an turn it up or down based on a little pack and. Staff like it. There's kind of a, you know, that's kind of the, the basis of it. That's the only thing you really think of. Well, not anymore, because this engineer named John Williams, not that John Williams is saying it's totally possible to hear through your tongue. Okay, so. Okay. I don't even know where to begin with this. Yeah. But I will try. Ew. So he's building this device. That, sends sound impulses, it sends impulses into your tongue, like electrical impulses into your tongue, and he's hoping to teach the brain how to translate those impulses and decode them into something you'd be able to, quote, unquote, hear. So this works a lot like braille. So, this is the, this is what I have, like the understanding I have of it is it works a little bit like braille. So, when somebody goes blind. Yeah. And they need to use braille, they have what's called a sensory, what is it called, sense substitution. Sense substitution. Right. And so they get at better at things like feeling things, and understanding braille. Yeah. Or hearing better. Yeah. You, your sense is heightened. Right, right, exactly. So like Daredevil, like Daredevil. So he went blind and now he can hear because Alright, now I understand. Look at that. So it's a sense substitution. It works similarly to that. So, this object, would basically allow, you would have to train your tongue and your brain to decode those impulses into actually hearing, but it would, you would basically train your, your mouth to hear. Like, as opposed to your ears doing it. How long does it take to train your tongue? So, they're not sure yet. So, here the thing is it's, they're using like what, they're saying the hearing aid would be like a retainer. Yeah. That you would just pop in just like a retainer. When you're sleeping or something, oh. Just all day. Okay. Like you, you would wear it during the day like you would a normal retainer. And, and then you would like press your tongue up against it if you wanted to hear, like, like you press your tongue up against it for those impulses. Gotcha. So, you wouldn't be getting hit all the time with, like, just crowd noise and stuff like that. Yeah. There's only things you choose to sort of listen to, but the one thing they have to do is they have to map out all the nerves in people's tongues because they're not sure. If they can make one device that is sort of a one size fits all type thing, because everyone's nerves are sort of mapped the same. Yeah. Or if everyone's nerves are mapped just a little bit differently, causing it to be like a custom build situation for every single patient. We don't know that? Well that's what they're working on right now. So there, so they built the prototype for like for one person. So now he's like now that we've built this prototype now we can move on and see if this works the same with every person and so then we'd only have to build one thing. Or would this be more like a prosthetic where it would have to be custom made for each individual person. Wow. All right. But totally crazy and I thought that. Yeah, remember. Who would have thought about hearing from my tongue? Yeah. And apparently this could be way cheaper that a cochlear implant which is like they can run up like $100,000 if you have like testing and, and implanting it and all that other stuff. So and it's also. It's also lot less dangerous. So it's just popping a retainer in your mouth, instead of having, you know, having surgery inside your ear to implant something. So, pretty cool. That's crazy. Yeah, I know. I saw the headline today and I was just like, nope, nope, that's wrong. Like that, that can't be right. And it was. I just have to wrap my brain around that one. Yeah. Some brain wrapping that needs to happen, okay. So, let's take a quick break. Let's take a quick break and try to wrap our heads around that, and we'll be right back with our. Experience at, at the Marvel Experience. Oh yeah, we've been talking about this for a long time. We talked about it last week, we finally have a video for you. We're excited to show it to you, and then we also have your user feedback and our [UNKNOWN] for the day. So click away. Tomorrow daily. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. Oh. Kale is still trying to figure it out. Okay. So, here we go. We finally get to talk about the Marvel Experience. We do. Okay. I'm really excited. So This has been a big question mark that's been in the air. So, anybody that's like a nerd knows that there is this, this traveling show. That Marvel is putting on. It's like a traveling circus, but not quite. Yeah. It's, it's got a, and the reason we're covering it, cuz not only have we, have, cover nerd-centric stuff- We like Marvel. But it also has a lot of cool technology. But it's a traveling show, it's been going around, and people have been like, well, okay, so- What's the deal? What's in there? What is it like? Is it cool? Like, I wanna see a little bit of it. So- So. Producer Logan. Here you go. Thank you for this. [MUSIC] [INAUDIBLE] Okay, so stage one, we're going to the recruitment staging area. We just put our information in to get our- Yeah. Shield badge. I just so yeah-, We're feeling very heroic. Yeah, this is stage one so we're going to go in there and check that out so let's- . Yeah. Let's do it. [NOISE] Kale wants to push everybody. [INAUDIBLE] Over here. [INAUDIBLE] More powerful than anything you have ever seen. [INAUDIBLE] So as you already know, it's all contained in a dome, but there's, there's a whole lot of effects going on, whether it be sound, light, so it's pretty cool. Cool. It's not just, you know, a room with stuff in it. There's all kinds of technology here at the Marvel Experience, including Kinect. This is the interactive video experience where you stand in front of the Kinect and then you can summon your favorite Avenger by just doing something. [INAUDIBLE] Aw, see, I got Iron Man. I brought an Iron Man, here he is. All right, so we're here with Rick, CEO of Hero Ventures, the, the creator of this entire thing, right? This, this is your baby. This is my baby, and no one's more excited to be here than me. How did you go about choosing what you were gonna put in each dome? You know there is so many different types of media, there is so many different ways to present the content. We wanted to keep ratcheting it up a level with each new dome. So, you saw with the screen, you go to dome projection. You get to this main dome and it does unique interactive development. And then there is a. 360 degree holographic dome coming up that you haven't seen yet [UNKNOWN]. There's a motion ride. There's a, there's a Hulk moment. Yeah. That I'm not gonna spoil for ya. Yeah. And a bunch of other things that are a lot of firsts here at the Marvel Experience. [MUSIC] Tell me how you're feeling right now. I'm feeling spectacular. Amazing. [MUSIC] Alright guys that is it for us from the Marvel Experience. It is touring. It's coming to a town near you hopefully you can check it out online. Kel's gonna go buy all. All of these action figures, and we are going to,. We're going to continue shopping, so bye. Kill, Kill, we don't have the budget for that. [INAUDIBLE] Nope! So that was our, that was our Marvel experience. Two hours, by the way. Okay so break down real quick. Well, we need some facts. Do, do it like so it's not like shotgun we don't like draw it out Okay. it's, it's for around $35 like depending on peak hours and holidays and stuff. It's anywhere between $29.95 and $39.95, if it's like, you know, that's the price range for [UNKNOWN]. Over twelve. You have to be 13 plus it's between 29 and 39 dollars to go. To our experience you can go to the to check out more about it if you want to learn more. There were seven domes. Plus the gift shop. Hm. Technically three domes that were. Technically three big domes and then like used like other like sort of staging areas, where they had some cool interactive stuff, like a Spiderman safety video that, that made us all very entertained and- Yeah. We laughed. But it was cool. Like, I thought it was interesting that they went with sort of. More of the comic book characters. It's not Cinematic Universe, like, you're not gonna see. Don't go expecting Cinematic Universe. You're gonna see anybody from any of the movies. No. You're not see any clips from the movie. You're not, you're not even gonna hear the voice of anybody from the movie. Correct. It's completely separated. Imagine it's just a mar, like, Marvel property. Comic book. You get to see- All the, like imagine an animated Marvel, you know, special, but like, it, but they, they kinda blow it up. But an interactive experience, yeah. And they're, so, and then one of the big domes is like a training area where there's all kind of AR and, like, the stuff that you saw. And then there's a full, excuse me, 360 degree video, which was really cool. Really cool. And then there's also the last thing was a theater that you sat down, they had the chairs that moved and everything and it was sort of a Star Tours-esque sort of video. So, every single dome has something completely different, and honestly, the way I feel about it is. If you super love Marvel, or you just, like, are a child at heart. You have to go as a child at heart, then you'll enjoy it. Yeah. It, you have to go as a child at heart. Don't go as your grumpy internet self. Yeah. Don't go as a grumpy Gus. Go as a child at heart. Yeah. Don't go as a grumpy internet Gus. Go as a child and enjoy it for what it is. Because, and don't expect it to be like. The whole of Disney's Tomorrowland turned into the Stark Expo because that's not what it is. This is a traveling tour. So obviously they got to keep it. Easy to travel with. I mean if you keep all your expectations in check. I think it's really fun. Yeah. And I think you would have a good time. That's the thing is I occasionally I slipped into grumpy internet mode. Uh-huh. And be like This should be better. This isn't the movies. I would have done this. I would, I would have been like okay, be the child like [UNKNOWN] that you usually are and I had a good time so. And I, I think that we both agree that if they would have done, we would have liked. To have seen if we could offer improvement. We would like to have seen a little more set dressing outside. Also, I heard it's a lot cooler at night. Yeah. They, they project stuff onto the dome. I would have liked to have seen costumed characters so I could have like- Yeah. Taken a selfie with like, Captain America or Spiderman or something like that. Yeah. Or even, even like AR characters. And I would have loved more S.H.I. E.L. D. representation, whether it be. Someone in a suit. Like these, I'm only, I'm only suggesting things that seem simple. For a little immersive. A little more immersion [INAUDIBLE]. I'm not like" Wouldn't it be cool if there's a giant laser beam and it shot at everybody?" Like, nothing like that. Just like easy, just hire a couple of. A couple of actors, put them in suits.>>But overall we had a good time.>>Yeah, we had a good time.>>We had a good time, I got a cool she hulk shirt out of it, I wore it on Monday.>>Mm hm,I got all the there was only Thor, I only bought Thor statues I bought a ton of Thor statues>>Yeah, that's all Kale wanted to buy,>>, to fight them against each other.>> But yeah, no I I picked up a I bought one in a gift shop. I was like oh they got some good stuff here. > Your were on todays, yesterdays episode.>>I did work on the show. And so. I did. Look that up So that was the Marvel experience you guys can check that out online. It is, it is pretty cool if it comes to your hometown. It's traveling all over the place and I think the next stop is San Fransisco so if you're up in the bay area you might want to take a look. Speaker 1: But it was really cool that we got to break out of the studio though. Speaker 2: We did; we escaped. Speaker 1: It was awesome. Yeah, we got more footage; we're going to have a much longer experience. We even ran into a fan. Hi Brian. Speaker 2: Yeah, hey Brian. Speaker 1: And so that will be extended. Speaker 2: That will be on CNET. Speaker 2: You'll see an extended; you'll get a bigger feel of what's going on if you're still trying to decide whether to buy the thing. Speaker 2: Even though we had a great time though. Producer Logan? Maybe not so much. There's, that's his picture from the show. He didn't get to have as much fun as we did because he was really, really busy working the camera. That's how he's, he always looks right now, while he's doing this video. It probably is. All right guys, it's time for your user feedback. [MUSIC] All right, it is time for user feedback on Spiderman. We asked you guys to use the hashtag tvspidey to tell us who you wanted to see wear the tights next. I get the web flinging power. How many people say Donald Glover? Nobody. Really? Paul writes to us and says, how about some diversity in the Marvel hero set and make Spiderman Asian? Peter Park instead of Peter Parker. [LAUGH] I like that he even has the name. I know. What about Mexican Spiderman, Peter Paco. Paco Parker. Done. You're welcome. Polka Parker, I'm in, sign me up. Polka Parker well done. I like it. Fabio wrote into and said Logan Lerman from Percy Jackson seems good. I like that choice. All right, yeah. I though that was a very good choice. Ali wrote in and said the kid from Boyhood, Ellar Coltrane. He's about the right age. Is he? He is. Isnt' he like seventeen, eighteen right now? So I think they're looking for about that age, that might be a really good choice. Asians probably chomp at that Oh Man I'd be lobbying so hard if I was his agent. Rick wrote in and said "How about Patrick J Adams aka Mike Ross from Suits as Spiderman? How old is this guy? I was going to say, he might be a little bit on the old end. He's Spider man's dad.>>Spider man's older brother. Then Joey wrote in and of course told the answer that we all think. Oh no, my abs aren't so great.>> Actually you are just giving up Kelsey's identity, as Spider man.>> They know I do this all the time. Hold my phone and take my selfies. Yup, and you shoot webs out. You guys have some really good views today. I really enjoyed it. But first it's time for our very last piece of user feedback which is always our phonetographer of the day. [MUSIC] So Dave wrote in to us and said, I took this pic with my now out of date iPhone 4S. It finally rained here a couple of days ago and this is the little creek that runs through a yard of a nearby house, which means you're trespassing, and then comes out about a block away at a local park. The little bridge really makes this photo. You'd almost think it was the idyllic British countryside, but it's a couple of blocks from where we live in Sebastopol, California. Sebastopol a little town about 50 miles north of San Francisco. Charles Schults used to live in Sebastopol and I hear the Norman Greenbalm of Spirit in the Sky fame lives up the road in Santa Rosa. Tech connection, O'Reilly the textbook publisher is in town. Love the show, grumpy old man Dave. [LAUGH] At least he, at least he's up to date on it. You owned it, like it. yes. He's right. It does look a like a charming little English town. It does. It looks like a little, a little countryside. Yeah. English little English village. Yeah that's awesome. That bridge is delightful. Yeah, the bridge, yeah. yeah. I totally dug this. I thought it was really. Really well composed very beautifully taken. Yeah. Well listen you grump, at least you lived close to something like that. Yeah exactly. Maybe that'll cheer you up you grumpy old man. That's all I'm saying. Easy now. Maybe it'll just bring you. Calm down. A little cheer, well it's just. You're making him even more grumpier. No it make bring a little cheer. I hope. I hope we, I hope hopefully we also do the same thing. We bring you, make you, cheer you up a little bit after a long day of being grumpy and watch our show and be cheerful. Or make you more grumpy. Maybe, maybe that's the case. I don't know. We want to leave an impression of some sort. Some sort, yes. But I, I, I dug it. I thought it was a good picture. If you guys want to submit your picture to be featured for Phonetographer of The Day you can email us at Feel free to send over your user feedback story ideas if you see something on the Internet. Oh, yeah. That you feel like we should cover send that over. And if you absolutely hate email that's fine too because we also use social media. We're on Tumblr, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We're Tomorrow Daily on all of those things, and Tomorrow Daily TV over on Google Plus. But I don't really check that very often so please try those other social medias first. Nobody does. And if you're getting your WiFi from a sheep don't forget to subscribe on our YouTube channel. True. Leave a comment, and like it and then if you're listening on the podcast, you missed all the sheep pictures. You missed all the flocks of sheep. Don't, don't even look it up on Google. Cause you just missed out. Don't forget again to, if you're again, you're listening on the podcast to rate and review to subscribe. So there you go. All the good things and of course you can find us all on our own personal Twitters. I am @Ashleyskezza. And I am @Kelranno. And we will be back tomorrow with a whole new docket of weird wonderful technology and geek pop culture new for you to chew on. But until then beings humans, I will see you next time, bye [MUSIC]

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Massive car-straddling bus completes test journey in China (Tomorrow Daily 402)

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