Tomorrow Daily 124: Real-life athletes vs. VR gamers, a Millennium Falcon drone and more
Tomorrow Daily 124: Real-life athletes vs. VR gamers, a Millennium Falcon drone and more

Tomorrow Daily 124: Real-life athletes vs. VR gamers, a Millennium Falcon drone and more

On today's show a teenager gains the ability to play guitar with a very special prosthetic. Virtual reality takes on real life in a competition of skiing. Who's going to win? I'll let you know. Alright, and, in judging this particular book by it's cover. Means it will get upset, and walk you out of reading it. So, you should never judge a book by its cover. Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC]. Greetings, citizens of the Internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best geek talk show in the known universe. I'm your host, Ashley Esqueda. Joining me as always- kill anonymous. Whoo! Whoo! Sorry, [CROSSTALK] Yesterday was energy drink day? Khail's bloodstream is actually just caffeine. I didn't sleep last night. As, somehow, again, not surprised. I like when this show's high energy. So I'm hoping, hoping that this brings you please rather than pain. [LAUGH]. Yeah. [LAUGH] Okay. Hopefully by the end of the show, you're not just like, cringing in agony. Yeah. We have a lot to talk about today. Some really good stuff in VR. That book is totally weird. As always. So let's not waste any more time. Let's hit the headlines. [MUSIC] So, this morning, I really wanted a feel-good story. Like, right out of the gate, I was like, I'm in the mood for some feel-good. Mm-hm. I need to get hit in the field, in a good way, and I did, by finding this story about a Colombian kid named Diego Corridor, and he was actually, born without a right hand. So, just, no right hand. but, the cool thing is, is that he wants to learn to play guitar, and this group- Named 3D glook. Worked with him to build a custom prosthetic. It didn't, He was like was like it doesnt have to look like a hand. It doesn't have to be like very sturdy. All I want to do is play guitar. So it's a super simple hand with a shield for the forearm and you can see they. Etched in Lincoln Park, cuz that's one of his favorite bands. And then there's a pair of pincers that hold the pick, and he's actually really good. Wow. Yeah, like in we, I think you can hear a little bit of it. [MUSIC] Play Free Bird. Free. So it's pretty cool. Yeah. So what's it, is this like a 3-D printer thing or? Yeah. So this, this is not actually the part that makes me feel the best. I mean, I'm really excited for this kid. It's creepy it says Linkin Park on it. [LAUGH] He's like super good at it. What, like Linkin Park's gonna sue him. Yeah right. So there are non-profits out there, and I [MUSIC] I had sorta like, peripherally known about this, but, like, I didn't dig into it as much as I did today cuz I was so fascinated by the story. There's a bunch on non-profits out there including, like, this group. That are dedicated to providing super simple prosthetics to people for, that cost around, or under $50. So this is one of those prosthetics. It costs less than, it costs about 50 bucks to make. Oh nice. Which is pretty odd. Yeah, it's almost nothing. Yeah, I mean it's like all things considered very inexpensive to be able to get this kid his dream of playing the guitar. And he's actually really good, like he's really good. So I just think this is such a cool, like a feel-good story. And it's really amazing how just a couple of years ago before they started this explosion of 3-D printing. This would have been completely out of the question. You have to go, you know, gotta go to a doctor, get it fitted for it, it's like very specific process where they measure you and they have to make this custom mold and all this other stuff. And now it's like okay well, let's just get your measurements and then scan you like, with a camera and then we just have a 3D printer printed out and it fits your arm and you can play guitar. It's just really, it made me feel so It really is uplifting, yeah. It made me feel so good, It was like, a warm fuzzy for the day to start out with. It's really cool that they're allowing him to enjoy his one of his favorite art forms. Yeah. Very cool. I love it. Good, good, great pic. Yeah, thank you. I hope everybody feel really good about about science and life in general after that story because I know I did. Nice. So tell me about VR cause this sounds amazing. Okay. So this is a crazy VR story coming out of the Wearable Technology Conference. This is made by 3D Live because they are showing off. A, a, this whole competitive sport of skiing- Yeah. Where two people are skiing in VR live, and one of them- [LAUGH] Is actually out there skiing, and they're competing against each other- It's ridiculous. In both a virtual and real space. So what is happening here is we have. Two people in a virtual reality simulation and one guy actually out there skiing, but they're all competitively skiing against each other. Wow. What's even crazier is that [LAUGH] They're in three different countries Oh, wow. At the same time. One's in Munich. One's in Greece and one's in Austria. Whoa. And the, the guy in Austria is actually skiing. And that's And The video on the bottom right? Right, yes. Okay. I'll, I'll, I'll explain you the tech in a second. Okay. The real guy skiing is Bagard Engen, or he likes to be called Dr. B. So here's the tag's here's how its, how it's working, all right. Okay. And then I'll tell you who won. Okay. All right. So the people who are back at home skiing, looking ridiculous. Looking insane. Are using, their, their motions are being read by a Kinect, and they're using a Playstation wake board, and then using an Oculus Rift to see the mountain, and, and, you know, see what's going on, all right? Wow. Okay. So, so, that's what each of the, the people that are at home are doing. Dr. V on the other hand, who's actually out there skiing is wearing this, sort of, like, A-R headset to kinda show him where the virtual reality people are and also kind of recording what he's seeing. Right, Okay. So, so, that's all of the tech, that's Okay. All of what's going on. Very impressive. yeah. They were showing this live so that's crazy. So, so here's, here's the results, all right? Yes, tell me who won. How many races? There were four head to head match ups. Four head to heads, okay. In the first one Doctor V destroyed them. Okay, smoked them. All right? . What? Then it looks like the VR people kind of figured out what's going on, and so they ended up winning the rest, of the, the re, the 3 rounds. Oh, that's depressing. So virtual reality wins. Well, come on! Dr. B pointed out that, when he's going down the hill, there's actually some people on the hill. So he needs to be careful and also, he has to worry about death, and actual, like [CROSSTALK]. So yeah there you go. That's crazy. There okay so what is the goal there? Yeah what's the point of this? I always explain with the goal. The goal is to have people indoors and outdoors both participating in real activity even if someone can't actually make it there. So. I love it. It. So I mean I guess that's, [CROSSTALK] that's kind of a thing that people need. But like I guess if you know my grandma can't like make it to the, the ski slopes I can still dominate here? Well no, no think about it. So like how cool would it be if you like entered a contest? Mm-hm. To race against cross country, an Olympic skier for your country. Yeah. And then you could go and like do this, like sponsored by whatever company and then you would go and they would have the room set up where you could see. Yeah.>> Even if you didn't know how to ski. Yeah,That'd be pretty cool. And you could totally do it. You could race against like your, your idol. You could play golf against. Tiger Woods, or you could, like, do all kinds of stuff. [LAUGH] That was 300 swings, Kayle, Yeah. I think time for us to move to the next hole. I think it's, I think we're gonna have to just no more Mulligans. I kid. I'm sorry, no more Mulligans. That's, that's pretty cool. Again, [CROSSTALK] It's really cool to see VR and AR. both kind of meet each other in the middle and see what we can do with that, Yeah. Because, you know, there always seems to be a focus on one or the other. I dig it. And it was also live! Super live. Don't forget this guy was live in 3 different countries. That's the future. Is, like, that sort of thing. Can you imagine a cross-plat from HoloLens, like the skier with HaloLens? Like watching people and also seeing, like, his. Actual view, and then having the people, the Oculus Rift, and it's getting, it's gonna get crazy, everybody. It's gonna get crazy. I think it already is crazy. It already is crazy, which is gonna, that means it's gonna be so good when it's actually consumer ready. So that brings us to our hashtag of the day, which is tdversus. Versus, versus? Yeah, I like, I like versus. Versa, versa? [LAUGH] and we want you to say what activity would you compete in if there was a real live versus virtually olympics and would you be doing it in real life or would you be doing it via VR headset? Okay. You go first. Okay. I think, for me, I would be, I would love to do ver, [LAUGH] this is going to sound insane, but I feel like I was really good at operation fraud when I was a kid. Do you remember that game? It was a science game. Anyway, I'm a nerd, okay. Operation fraud? No, I mean [CROSSTALK] You dissected a frog, like, in the game. So you learned about like biology and stuff. Oh. I feel like I would wanna do like a surgery game like with actual surgeons like as an Olympic sport. [LAUGH] So wait. Somebody's getting cut up so can have fun? No. It wouldn't. It could be like a cadaver. You're like, donate your body to the Olympics. That's all I'm saying. [LAUGH] So, it's like. I told you it was weird. I told you it was super weird. That's great. Well, I will be spe I'm not saying we'd be like rounding up [LAUGH] People and being like, hey, guess what? You've been randomly selected to get. To get chopped up today. Did you know what Ashley just did? And I wouldn't be chopping up anybody, I'm not a professional. You give me a virtual body. That's the whole point. Okay. I be do, how'd you spin the bottle? Competitive Spin the Bottle. Com, competitive? Yeah, do like virtual kiss like- If there's a gold medalist in Spin the Bottle it's Khail Anonymous guys. [LAUGH] Somebody make a GIF of that face' cause that was brilliant [LAUGH] Speaker: Me kissing, that's how I kiss [CROSSTALK] Speaker: I'm sure that's not a gold metal fan kiss you made, I'm sorry. But yeah, so that's the, that's the hashtag TDVersus, TDVersus. alright, I have tell you about this book, cause I saw this. And I was like what? And then I looked at the video and laughed so much because it's, the, it's insane. So you've all heard the old adage never judge a book by it's cover. I like how you did an old woman voice for that one. You have to. Because it's usually something your mom says. Not your mom specifically. My mom sounds like this though. Collectively all of our moms. This is an experimental project by an Amsterdam creative agency called More, and it, this project is called The Cover that Judges You, Ooh. so this is, that's an actual book cover. That's not AR It that's a screen inside the cover. If you're listening at home, there's a book with a C on it. and then a face, and it's like this crazy little face and the guy right now is making faces and he came at it with a smiley face and it wouldn't open and now notice his face scanned green and see he smiled again and it locks it re-locks itself, so the whole point of this is that. It's, okay, this is, the technology in this book is insane. The real book, you can open it and look through it. It's got like a whole bunch of i'll explain what's in the book in a second. But, there's this screen inside the cover of the book. The screen is in the shape of a human face, and there's face tracking at the top of the actual book itself. and, when you walk up to it, it scans your face, it does face tracking. And if you come at the book like come at me book, if you come at the book with any kind of prejudgment so if you're really happy or if you're like not thrilled about it. Or if you're just, you know, you're crying. I don't know why you'd be crying at this book, but for whatever reason, if you come at this book and you've already prejudged the contents of it and the book can scan that in your facial expressions, it will continue to stay locked. It will not let you in. So the judge of you. What? Judging your cover. What's inside the book? Judging your face. I, I don't, what's inside the book? Okay, so what's inside is, it's a collective of creative work that has already been judged and, and won awards. So the the whole point of this is, is that, well this is work that doesn't need to be judged again by you because it's already been judged. Okay. So it's in this book and you should come at it non judgmentally, and that's how you can get in and look at [CROSSTALK] it. Oh, okay. What's in the book? Which is weird. I, again, creative works, creative works. So probably photography the, you know, maybe some poetry. You know what? The fact that it's kind of like. Vague. Un, under scripted and it's vague. No they want you to get in there. [CROSSTALK] And not really know what's in there. Yeah. Makes me kind of want to smile. [CROSSTALK] Curious. For that book. No, see, and they won't let you in. Wait, what? You gotta just come straight at it, without any judgement. Without an expression? Cuz you're smiling at it, which means you've already judged that you like it. See? I can't even be happy that I'm about to read a book? You, you prejudged. You prejudged. You can't do that. All right. You gotta come at it with a straight face. And then it'll unlock. And then you can smile all you want. Actually don't smile in, at the cover, cuz then it'll relock itself. Just open it, and then you can smile. That's good. So that's what it is. And the book's for sale, or just that one book? I, I, I don't think they're gonna be selling it, but it, it's a it's a proj, an experimental project, the Amsterdam agency is called Moore, M-O-O-R-E, so I'm sure if you looked it up on Google, if you Googled the cover that judges. view, you can see the video, which is like the funniest thing. It's so bizarre, like the face on there, then, it, like, scans the guy. It's so weird, but I love it. Reminds me of Pagemaster, do you remember- Yeah, totally. McCauley Culkin' it up, Christopher Lloyd [INAUDIBLE]. Hashtag McCauley Culkin' it up. Pagemaster, God, I love that movie. movie. [CROSSTALK] I think Christopher Lloyd is the Pagemaster, right? yes. I forgot, I forgot the other voices but there's also [CROSSTALK] I like books a lot as a kid so, that was, like, that was my jam, the Pagemaster. It was a cool story, yeah. Pretty awesome. Anyway, we're gonna go watch the Pagemaster and we'll be right back after a short break and we have an awesome Mod Squad this week, and of course, your user feedback and our phonetographer for the day. So don't go away, Tomorrow Daily. Okay. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. man, that PageMaster is great. So good. I don't get it. So, there's another, so once you go into the dream, there, there, there's another level, and then you go into another dream level, and then there's another one and That's. Then there's the bottom one. That's the prequel. It's at, the PageMaster, little known fact, prequel to inception. Actually. What? Direct prequel. I don't know what inception is. And Cobb is Macaulay Culkin as an adult just FYI. I don't want to know that he grows up. Oh. Okay well you guys it's Wednesday which means its time for another round of Mod squad which again,. Working on a graphic, but I promise, we'll get you one. I saw this, this morning, and, and may have squealed. Like, whee, like, I made an audible noise that was unlike me, because it was so delightful. So, check this out. Here, we have a video of this. This comes from a French RC enthusiast, who calls himself Olivier. And it is a Millennium Falcon drone. It is a drone made to look like the Millennium Falcon. Don't get cocky, kid! Self-built drone, put, he even [CROSSTALK] This was inevitable. Come on! I mean, [LAUGH] how amazing is this. I know, right? This is awesome! But the thing I like the most about it is these super bright LED's on the back and on the front. Like super duper bright.>> If your just listening to this your bummed.>> You're missing out so much right now. So he said he didn't spend a whole lot to build the millennium falcon for like skin or the little case thing that the drone is held in. So really the cost was in the drone itself and then he said that this particular drone which is pretty cool. Goes about 60 kilometers an hour without that casing, but with it on, it's, it's about half. It's about 30 kilometers an hour. Yeah. So, it's, it's pretty heavy. So, it doesn't go lightspeed, is what you're telling me. Unfortunately, with the casing it can. Not do the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs, I'm sorry. There are actually instructions. He, he has instructions on building your own. He, he which is pretty cool of him. Yeah. I think it's pretty awesome that he's wi, willing to share all of his all of his build secrets. You can go over to our C groups dot com is where he originally posted it. I saw it over on Reddit. And I was just like oh my god this is amazing. It's pretty fantastic I really want to see someone make like the x wings or something like. Guess what he's doing, already working on a tight fighter, he had a sketch up of a tight fighter with the drone like rooters in it oh it looks amazing I'm so excited about that too. Like, now I wanna see them fight. I know. Now I wanna, I wanna see the death star. I wanna see the whole battle. Listen, Olivier if you're watching, figure out a way to make them shoot like, Nerf projectiles at each other and just see if you could have them fight because that would really cool. I would really like that. Awesome. I would enjoy that. But yeah. Finally, finally a drone that if I saw flying in the air wouldn't be annoyed by. Or scared by. Yeah. And you being so excited you go like oh my god it's the Millennium Falcon. They'll just be screaming I love you Han Solo! Look it see your wearing Chewie. Oh yeah I'm wearing my I'm wearing my. Chewies gonna drop the base. Chewies gonna drop the base. Wow wasn't that convenient. That's super convenient. Yeah so nice work Olivier nice work that's really really awesome so high five to you all the way from the U S of A. Okay guys it's time for your user feedback. [MUSIC] So many good pieces of user feedback. We asked you guys to use the hashtag tdblocks to tell us what university you'd like to see rebuilt in Minecraft. and then you could like walk around it and stuff. Ok. Alright, what do you got? Alright, a couple of you guys said this: Daniel wrote in and said I'd love to see the Harry Potter universe or the adventure time world as well Oh my God. Adventure time world would be amazing Yeah, I knew you'd like that And very, very like confusing and scary but yeah Weird, yeah, super weird Yeah, that'd be cool, the. What is it? The candy, candy. Oh, yeah. Candy Palace. That'd be amazing. Justin wrote in and said, I'd love a Minecraft world inspired by Zelda Ocarina of Time in full scale. Maybe young Link and adult Link's worlds. Good one. Really, really good. Pretty cool. Also very. Timely considering Majora's Mask 3D is coming out. Which is pretty fun. You just had to drop that, huh? Kajan wrote in and said, I'd wanna explore a few places: Harry Potter, Narnia, Total Recall, Gotham, and just for kicks the CNET Studios. [LAUGH] I'll tell you right now, if you want to build the CNET Studios in Minecraft it's prob, it's like. [LAUGH] Oh, god. Just- You just- Just build it right on this. Wouldn't like [LAUGH] Be like it's just a square, guys. It's a square. I mean, look. Behind the camera there's all these, there's a machine that makes fudge over there. There's one that- Mm-hm. There's the gum, gumdrop slide is over there. The cotton candy machine is right back that way. Then there's that dinosaur. I don't know why they hired him but. I think that's for Price is Right. I think they, I think they just store that here. It's kind of crappy but. I think they store the dinosaur here. But yeah I don't know. Gotham would be depressing. So. Gotham I wouldn't want to go to the narrows, that's all I'm saying. [INAUDIBLE] go to the narrows. Pin wrote in and he said, New Cap City, including V-Club from Battlestar Galactica spinoff Caprica via Oculus or Google Cardboard. Love it. Love all that. Yeah, going in the Battlestar Galactica would be a lot of fun. I would really enjoy that. I would actually want to go in like the resurrection ship for the cylon because I myself may or may not be a cylon. I'd blow it up. No. I'd put a bunch of T.N.T. in there. No. You would not sir. Yeah I would. Imam wrote in and said, Hogwarts, I want to see how someone would recreate all the tunnels and the chamber of secrets. So this was a very popular answer. Harry Potter was hugely popular. Harry Potter, Hogwarts, like a lot of people really love that. I know even Stephan wrote in and stuff and said we don't have his feed up, but he said he wanted to see ,. Mm. My God, my brain's not working. Middle Earth. And he sent in a video of like someone's huge Minecraft, like Middle Earth building. Yeah, somebody did that, yeah. okay, Jimmish, and then lastly Jimmish wrote in and said, I want the world from Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland, which is a. The book. And I haven't read that book but now I'm interested. Yeah. I want to check it out. That sounds really cool. I figured I'd just give that I'd give that some give that some props. Good for him for not picking something that was just like made into a movie yet. Yeah. Not picking the obvious. I like the unobvious. Good. Alright guys it's time for your last user feedback which is our Phonetographers of the day. [MUSIC] This is from somebody who writes in a lot, Rik. One of our, one of our favorite commentors. He's, he's always on it. Guys like, every episode he has a response for stuff. Oh really? Nice. I feel bad that I don't pick it every time, because like. Okay, what do you got, Rik? All right, so he says hey Ashley and Kayla. high, high five. Rik here. Big fan of the show from the beginning. Haven't missed a single episode. Last week, I went to a friend's wedding, to a city of Kolkata, India, also known as City of Joy. I got some pretty good shots on my Nokia Lumia 1020. He sent a link to pictures and said one of them is a picture of Goddess Saraswathy, goddess of education and learning, and also a panorama trick shot featuring my friend, I told him to stand at different places while doing a panorama. [LAUGH] Hope you like these pics. And it also makes me your favorite user. Thanks a lot Rissa Kesh. Oh I love it, it looks like his album cover.>> I know. I totally dig it. I think it's awesome. Rick's friend. That's the name of his band. Yeah, yeah. That's pretty cool. No it's the name of that's the name of the first single off the album. I gotcha. I'm going to say the album. Cover. Okay, so this is the album cover. And I would call the album Kolkata, City of Joy. Oh. City of Joy. That's the name of the album, City of Joy. Yeah. And then of course the very first single is Rik's Friend. Rik's Friend, yeah. [MUSIC] I am, I don't even know how to respond to that. But Rik. Really great pictures. Good job. You have a good friend who's willing to be filling in panorama's with you. Very cool, it's nice. New favorite? [COUGH] Yea or nay. I like Rick's friend. Rick's friend is your new fav, oh. Rick's heart just broke into 1,000 pieces. Sorry Rick. I say it's up there, it's in the 90th percentile but I don't. I can't, I don't know. I'll know that 100 when I see it. I'll know it, I'll know it then. All right guys, if you wanna submit your phonetography or if you wanna send us some user feedback for anything. You wanna ask us hey, if you want some advice from us, that's cool too. You can email us I'll tell you what belt to wear tomorrow. Or what shoes to buy, I don't know. Just send us, ask us questions. Why are you trying to set us up like a dictatorship of clothing. A dictatorship of clothing, no. I just. [LAUGH] You know, people need advice. All I'm saying. Oh okay ask [INAUDIBLE] Just in case. No, or Kale. [INAUDIBLE] Or Kale. I'm not gonna, I'm gonna tell you some. I'm gonna tell you not to wear clothing. Just go outside. Just go outside in your birthday suits Mm-hm. If you want to email us you can do that tomorrow at Of course if you absolutely hate email we are on social media we're on Snapchat, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter as tomorrowdaily. And then we're over on Google Plus as Tomorrow Daily TV. So that's that's where you can find us on social media. Mm-hm. And if you're Rick's friend, don't forget to subscribe. [LAUGH] I'm sorry, poor Rick. Rick's friend. Well, Rick already subscribed. Oh, yeah so. He left. Rick is, we got Rick locked down. [CROSSTALK] Not anymore. Then we're gonna do subscribe, comment, and like. Yes. And if you're listening to the audio podcast, There's a baby here, I don't even know where it came from. Don't forget to rate and review. And yeah. And make sure you include random babies in your review. Random. Just mention that we have random babies in- I love all the random babies. Yeah. So anyway there you go. And don't forget to follow us on our own person Twitter account. You can do that I'm @AshleySkevan on Twitter. And I'm @Kelnonymous on Twitter. And that's it for todays show. We're gonna be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird, wonderful, awesome, cool, science, geek, pop culture. All the things that you needed to know that you didn't need to know, that you didn't know you needed, I don't know And now you know I'm going to, and now you know. Wow. I feel like we need a shooting star now, the more you know Katy Perry So we will be back tomorrow, but until then. And be good humans. We'll see you guys next time. Bye. [MUSIC]

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