Tomorrow Daily 106: Our 'Best of 2014' Extravaganza
Tomorrow Daily 106: Our 'Best of 2014' Extravaganza

Tomorrow Daily 106: Our 'Best of 2014' Extravaganza

On today's show, it's the last episode of the year, which means it's time for our best of 2014 episode. We're retelling our best news stories, pop culture stories and our favorite video games. It's gonna be great, so let's get this party started. Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings, citizens of the Internet! For the last time in 2014, welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best geek talk in the known universe. I'm your host, Ashley Esqueda. Joining me as always on this final show of the year, Khail Anonymous. I'm excited. They let us out once a year. They do. Like for one day, out of the studio. They let us out of the studio. It's true. They let us out. So that's today. That's today. And that's why we're dressed up, so. We were able to go and get some clothes. Mm-hm. They said, go get your fancy stuff. And then they. With an escort, we had to go to our old homes, and get our nice stuff and bring it back. Oh, you already went. I didn't get to go yet. Now we'll never, ever get to be let out. Oh, you didn't get to go back home yet? No, no, no. Where'd you find that? I. The Price is Right? There's actually, yeah. This is actually Drew, Drew Carry's. it belongs to Chris Hardwick. We got it, we stole it from the Walking Dead set. Thanks Chris. This is our last episode of the year. Like we mentioned, we decided we would. We would do a best of. We would tell you what our favorite stuff was, we like to know. Yeah, we helped, we got help from you guys. Yeah, we listened to what your favorite stuff was, and then, this is all kind of ramping up to CES, which we'll talk about in a little bit, but, I mean, I guess there kind of have, they're our own headlines, but, let's talk about our best of. [MUSIC] Okay. So our first category is Best Tech Story Mm-hm. Of the Year. For me, I mean it was an easy choice. It's the Rosetta landing. This is >. Oh yeah. Comet 67P. I Yes. We landed a probe of the Philae. We landed a Philae probe. On the surface of a moving comet we had a sling shot rosette around orbit like a bunch of times. Yeah. It took, [LAUGH] so many years to get this done and it was, even though it wasn't 100 percent successful the way that the ESA had hoped, I mean what a tremendous accomplishment. Yeah, it's unbelievable. And, and they did say as it gets closer to the sun it might actually get enough solar power to reactivate, fueling might reactivate. Aw, poor little guy. And they might be able to get some more data, which is pretty great. So that was my, that's 100%. Like hands down, easily my story of the year. I got super excited when I saw all of the team celebrating, when they. There they are, they're super happy, they're all excited. Learning that actually happened, there's some pictures. That's, that's the Philae lander going down from Rosetta, they took that picture from the Rosetta. Spacecraft, I mean just what a moment, what a great moment in science, it's just such an achievement. That's easily my favorite. What about you? No that's definitely up there>> It's up there>> for everyone who's a science geek or what not. For me it was bionics, people becoming slightly more robotic. And just like the future of Deus Ex. Deus Ex the game. Yeah. Human Revolution coming true. People are going to be cutting off their arms on purpose. First off. To get good arms. Now you can run as fast as an ostrich. Well kind of. This guy made bionic. Ooh, the bionic boots. And so he can run 25 miles per hour. Really fast and it's basically these these like, like boot attachments that replicate an ostrich's Achilles. Legs and gait. Yeah, yeah. It's pretty cool. so that's awesome, that was really cool that was a really good story, I liked them a lot and then, it was the man with the bionic arms this was from last week recently too last week, that was last week, yeah, so basically, we have bionic arms, that's been, that's been done before, but this guys has two, and on top of that he controls them with his brain Yeah his brain waves are controlled the two arms and simultaneously yeah, simultaneously. And so yeah, there you go. It's pretty exciting. Again, huge tremendous accomplishments and achievements in science and technology. Just so cool. Like that's, I don't even know what to say beyond that. Those are my favorite. I mean, the other one would be the fact that we can live in the clouds on, what was it, Venus? Yeah, the proposal of the goad live in the, live in the clouds of Venus, cloud city of Venus. We have some of their favorites too, coming up. Yeah, we do, we do. Okay, okay. Alright, I won't Myself. Okay, so now what we'll do, I'll let you start this one off. This is our best pop culture news. Oh yeah. My favorite pop culture news was Margot Robbie and Jack Courtney. Jack Courtney, [INAUDIBLE] you include Jack Courtney. It was basically they announced the cast of the Suicide Squad, but my favorite was that Margot Robbie is perfect for the role of [INAUDIBLE] This is a fantasy. Stop showing Jack Courtney. Wait let me, let me explain about this B roll here. This is a really awesome. Suicide squad fans made a trailer. Mm-hm. They did a, they did an amazing job on this. But yeah, John Courtney's finally getting a stay in the sun to be Boomerang, I think it was. He's got to stay in the sun like all year. I feel like he's been in everything. And then, yeah, and then, Marco Robbie. I can't wait. I just can't wait. She's gonna be pretty great. I mean, I liked it. It was pretty good. [UNKNOWN] For me, like, for me, the number one thing, it was the Star Wars trailer. The teaser trailer. That was my thing. That's a big geek pop culture thing. Listen, guys. We're all gonna pretend like Episodes One through Three never happened. Maybe, maybe the good part, so that's two and three. Like, that's fine. But, seeing this trailer made me feel like Star Wars, as a franchise, is truly in the right hands. I really like that, for example, BB8, the little robot that looks like it's riding on a soccer ball. Is a fully function real life robot that's not CG. That's awesome. They're doing actual practical effects for a lot of things that they can do practical effects for, and miniatures. Just like the old trilogy, the original trilogy in Star Wars. I know a lot of people are freaking out about this broadsword. Light saber, but I'm really excited about it. I think it's gonna be great. People are gonna be super pumped. When the music kicks in, and the Millennium Falcon starts flying across the screen like you just, you get super jacked up on Star Wars, you guys. And it keeps cutting to black. Sorry about that. Yeah. It was hard not to get excited after you've been hurt so many times as a Star Wars fan. Yeah. Plus you've had a pretty, you think they've had a pretty good year for Star Wars with Disney considering. It's been a pretty good run. I think a lot of people are really scared when they announced Disney was buying Lucas Films, oh its over guys, pack it in. Like let's go. No, oh no they did good with Marvel. Give them a break But that was the argument was Disney, give them a chance look at the great things they're doing with Marvel. Letting them be kind of an autonomous studio and it seems like they're really kind of giving- Star Wars, the, the, the fun, and also the gravitas that it deserves. Yeah, and plus you like the the animated series that they have going on? I do. I like, Star Wars Rebels is really good. I'm looking forward to, Gary Whitta is writing a spinoff Star Wars movie. Oh yeah, that's right. So I, and there's all kinds of great It's a rumor? Star Wars stuff. So for me, it's a big Star Wars year for me. But next year obviously is going to be even bigger, they've got. They've got celebration, they've got I'm sure a whole bunch of stuff planned for the theme park. And then of course Star Wars in about a year. Yeah. Little less than a year. We're on the countdown. As the hype-train is leaving the station we're all aboard so. I think we've all been aboard ever since that trailer dropped. Yeah. Hm, let's see it. I think we all just got right on the train and bought a one way ticket to hype-town. okay. So Favorite Video Game of the Year. We, we both thought about this a lot. We had some runners up. I'm, I'm real disappointed in this a little bit. This was, this was really tough for us. Okay. Because. Yeah. There were You go first, you go go first on this one. There were a lot of good games. Do you wanna? I'll go. Okay. Alright. So Ashley's video game of the year. It had to be Mario Karting. There was no other choice for me, It was an easy pick and of course- . Luigi's death stares is a little [UNKNOWN] Yeah so, Mario Kart 8 in and of itself is a great game it's, it's fantastic. There's me, I'm right there, This is my- Oh, So this is from your races. Yeah, these are my, these are from my races, that's me, and there's Mike. Mike and I have a long standing Mario Car rivalry that spans ages, generations. Its a generational [LAUGH] its a long standing. Feud with me. We're yeah, yeah. He races me,. Are you good. He's very good. I'm better, but he's very good. Why do you think this is game of the year beyond the fact that you like it? Still has my attention after six months of being out. I play it all the time. Has your attention, okay. Great, great retention value. Love the DOC. They released so many new tracks. They released like eight new tracks, that's crazy, that's awesome. I really like what they are doing with the Amiibo's, where you're able to you know have costumes and stuff like that. So I really feel like Nintendo finally like really did all the things I wanted out of a Mario Kart [UNKNOWN] game, and then of course, I mean Luigi's death stare they see me rollin' how did, how did we, get, how are we so lucky to get a developer who made, that face while making the game and was like, people are gonna love this, like that's that's so amazing [LAUGH] Look at that face! He's serious He's so mad! He's not putting up with your junk, Luigi's gonna fight you. He's like, it's not the Year of Luigi anymore. He's furious. Yeah. He's gonna take everybody out. It's [UNKNOWN] Luigi, it's, it's Luigi forever. So, okay, go ahead. So, I was on the fence about what I was gonna choose. What was your, what was your second place? My second place was, god. I'd say Shadows of Mordor Okay. And, I think that was my- You did like that game quite a bit. second place. It was like Assassin's Creed, but, like, with a little bit of like, Aah! You, you get so angry at that game, but like, in a kind of a good way. so, but, in the end I picked the game, I like to pick a game that I think people, if you bought it you'd feel like okay not only did I like the game but I got my money's worth, okay and it's it's something I'd be able to share with others sharable it'll be. It, It'll be something that I'm still playing once the year is over. Or maybe I'll come back, or maybe i'll come back to.>> Retention, got it.>> So I pick Super Smash Brothers, Wii U. Ooh, good one! So we picked, We both picked the Nintendo one. Which I didn't- Listen. Which I didn't, I didn't like that, I didn't like it, I don't like it, okay. It was a great year for Nintendo though. This is like, this is like a solid year for Nintendo. But there was a lot of good fantasy games out this year and so I almost. [UNKNOWN]. But anyway, so for Super Smash Brothers it was a long awaited game, you know, it was, it was a Wii U seller, it sold Wii Us. Yeah. And they had, they, so as far as, they added so many modes, you can customize the main characters now, they added more characters, they promised they'll, there's going to be more that are going to be unlocked when you, if you have the 3DS and the Wii U. You can play as yourself. You can play as your me. You can, there's so much customization. There's so many extra features. It's got so much replay value. There's so much to unlock. You can use the Amiibos. And the one thing I loved about it is it's easy to pick up and play if you're new. Who's your main? Well I go back and forth between Sheik, I love playing as Sheik. Okay you like speed characters. I really like playing as Sheik. And then also, this is gonna sound crazy. But I really like playing as the neighbor from Animal Crossing. [LAUGH] Sorry. I just really. Because if you're the girl you hit people with a frying pan. It's funny. An umbrella. Sorry, you have an umbrella. It's not a frying pan, that's Game and Watch. You have an umbrella and it's really funny. Like it made me laugh. But Sheik mostly that's mostly my main. All right. Who do you play as? I played King Dedede. I played King Dedede as my main. That is not an ex- Oh man yes, his mallet will ruin you. Because you've got a big hitbox, you know we're getting too, you've got a big hitbox because he's very powerful. But anyway, so, yeah. So that's your game yeah. The only reason why some people would be like some people be like no this other game is because a lot of people don't have a WiiU yet. That's true. okay. Let's do it. Your hash tag of the day. Yes. Has nothing to do with Best of, Nintendo! it has to do with C/Net at CES there's no TE in front of it. It's a really weird. #CNETATCES everybody's going to be using now. Every, everybody, okay. Everybody talking about C/Net or CES that's the hash tag. Not seen net, its C net at CES. That's the official hashtag. #CNETATCES What happens if they- Hashtag that. If you hashtag that, you have a chance to end up on the wall. We have Tweet wall up on the live stage. Oh, okay. We have lots going on with our coverage. We're, we obviously have the most comprehensive coverage of anybody out there, so you definitely don't want to miss our coverage at And we are going to be doing a live show, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, on the show floor from our stage. Our main stage. In South Hall at CES. Yeah, if you ever wanted to see those Tomorrow Daily bloopers- Tune in for the live show. There you go. So yeah, that's your, your hashtag is CNETatCES. We want you guys to tell us, what do you think the top three trends are gonna be at the 2015 International Consumer Electronics Show? Nintendo? No. Wrong. I say, personal service robot. Really? But G bo, G bo, amazon echo is kind of like a personal service robot, like we have these like virtual personal assistants now in like, a little robot form alright so I think that might be good, obviously home automation's really big, but like VR would be huge, I think this is gonna be a big year for VR Or or the cookie if anybody watches black mirror. Yeah. Cookie, crumbs. When do I get my grain. Yeah, oh that thing. Ooh. Where do I get my grain. [INAUDIBLE] Anyway, inside Black Mirror joke. You guys should really watch Black Mirror. I saw Kale's recommendation. It's incredible. So good. So unnerving. Okay, go ahead. But yeah, so like we said, we will be back on stage live at CES 2015 on January sixth. one p m pacific time I hope some usu, cause we have, we have quite a few usual people that like, watch the show show up I hope they show up Yeah I hope you show up They'll like know, like inside stuff Yeah and then, that's good so we hope you show up, we're gonna take a quick break we're gonna get to, into it, your user feedback, which is all of your best [UNKNOWN] a bunch of you guys wrote in, its. So awesome. I'm sorry we couldn't get to all of you. And then of course, our very last phonetographer of the year. Oh, no. So stick around. We'll be right back. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. It's our Best of 2014 episode. We hope you're having a delightful holiday and a good New Year. We like to, every single week, talk about the things we are into, and so I figured, let's, let's get into it. So I really feel like we should dress up all the time. No. We look so snazzy. Yeah, we look great. This is [LAUGH] [INAUDIBLE] Put that in your resume. What are you into? Okay. So I'm a little bit behind on this, but it's totally fine because it, I'm into Fargo, the television miniseries. Okay. it, it's been open for awhile and people have already kind of seen it but I binged watched it. True. Nominated for like the most amount of Golden Globes of anything that's nominated. It's very popular. So yeah. I, I, I had to watch it. It's great. [CROSSTALK] It's Bilbo. You gotta love mini series. Bilbo Baggins. Yeah and the Billy Bob Thornton plays like like an assassin. It's fantastic, it's kind of like a one, like a whole bunch of drama and murders and stuff like that. I don't know how to explain it. If you've seen Fargo, though, the movie, you'll understand that it, Fargo is such a town where, you know, everyone, you know, is talking like this, you know? And it's kinda like, everyone is real nice. And it's small, and they know each other. Yeah, it's small, everyone's nice. So when a murder happens, it really shakes the town up. Oh, don't you know? Oh, no. Oh golly, no. So there you go, yeah. I really recommend checking it out. Let me know if you end up watching it because of my suggestion. Yeah well you have a couple weeks off definitely. I haven't watched the last episode. I'm watching it tonight so. Now hopefully you guys have some time off for the holidays, you can just binge watch it up. If you can, if you have access to it. Hopefully you do. What are you into? okay, so. I'm not 100% sure about this I just got into this last night and I found it very interesting. This is called Plague. Not Plague Inc., which we discussed, not Plague Inc. which is that really awesome game. Where you try to wipe out humanity with a virus. No this is if I had, if I had to say it was something it would be Tinder meets Reddit. Kay? Like are you with me? Kind of. Okay so here's how this app works. So basically this is very fascinating. You get a piece of shared information. So either you post or you see other people's post. You have kind of a timeline but it's one piece of information or a picture. Or cloaked or whatever it is at a time. And with that information you either swipe up to share it and it shares it, and or you swipe down to, to kind of download it. Okay. And so basically how this works is if you look at the screen here, you can see it'll show like kind of not infections, but it's like, it's basically like here's the spread of the content that you shared. Here's how, here's where it's being, it's going viral. Here's where it's getting exciting. So there's not a whole lot of people using it right now, but I really like this idea of sort of, it's not self policing, but it's very similar to Reddit, which I really enjoy hanging out on, which is you have up votes and down votes, and you can, you know, basically the best stuff kind of rises up to the top. So I, I like this idea that we can kind of not police what people are sharing and what gets really popular. But it's like, if somebody posts something super dumb. Everyone's gonna be like no, downvoted, bye bye, like adios. But if it's really good people will share it a lot and you'll see this kind of explosion of it going viral and you can look at a map and see exactly where it's being shared. It's a really great time killer. It's cool, yeah, it is. I mean, look at that. It's sort of like Tinder, it's a good time wasting like you were saying. But I just, I find that really fascinating. It's a really interesting way to do social. So yeah, just swipe up and down. Cool. Super easy. That's a good find. It's interesting. It's a fun little thing. Yeah, something interesting. for you to check out. If you hate it tells us about it, I don't care. It's fine. Speaking of you telling us about it. Time for user feedback. [MUSIC] All right. I'm going to find a vista. Why, why are you finding a Vista? Leave it alone, Neil. I want to prove to you. Let it be. It's going to be the first thing up. No, Tupac. [CROSSTALK] Tupac. Tupac's the first. Why did I like that? Here's the Vista. User feedback. We asked you guys to use the hashtag TDBestOf2014 to tell us your favorite stuff all year. You guys really rose to the occasion. Ultrasoup wrote and said my #TDBestOf2014 story is #Bloodsport. Sorry Khail. Son of a. See I knew. But then we wrote to us. two seconds after that said actually my real TDBestOf2014 story would be either the iPhone 6 or Mario Kart 8. Oh yeah, yeah. He's in my Mario Kart 8 boat. You're in my Kart ultra soup. Mario Kart blood sport. No. And then Marty wrote to us and said here's my tdbestof2014 self-driving, google self-driving cars! Oh, look at that cute little thing. That's the official one, that's the one they're gonna be driving around. I love it, I'm so excited about self driving cars. Can you drive an Ikea? Maybe yeah. Sometime's they'll have, I know BMW is doing a really cool thing where you can actually call up your car from a parking garage and it will come, it like basically drives it out for you. Its a self, like a self valeting car. Oh that's weird. Its really weird. I think they might have that at the show. Okay [INAUDIBLE] Sometimes with cars they'll do it off site or behind the convention center there's space for- I'm gonna trick one to drive me to Hawaii. So. Perfect. Great. Yeah. I'm sure you'll do really fine in the water. Chris wrote to us and said I just love how seamlessly you guys slide in guest hosts when one of you sick or on assignment. #TDBestof2014. So I got sick for episode 99. I didn't. I got 99 episodes. Oh god. And that one wasn't it. That wasn't one. Okay. But I really enjoy that, thought it was very nice. Abdulrhman says, TD Best of 2014, of course, GTAV on current consoles. Yeah! And Nolan's Interstellar movie, and knowing Tomorrow Daily. Aw. Yeah. How delightful. Love Interstellar. If you still haven't seen it. That too. Well, producer Logan. Producer Logan! Still hasn't seen it. You can give him a hard time. Just look up Logan Moy on Twitter. Give him a hard time. Find him, give him a hard time, please. One lastly [UNKNOWN] said, sent from, I'm sorry, the funniest thing of 2014 that I remember is when Ashley was in San Francisco for the iPhone event and thought that Sisqo was dead. Please play a clip, I have been watching this the first episode, keep up the good work, you guys are awesome. Do you have a clip of that? No, I, it's like a four hour live stream that we did for the iPhone 6 event. So here's the thing, I scrubbed through it a little bit, but I didn't have enough time to like find the clip, and then what you have to do is you download the entire thing and you have to go through it again. So I didn't have four hours to sit and watch the whole thing. Sisko's dead? Listen. I may have started a terrible rumor during that live stream that Sisko had died. The rapper died? Because I didn't know. Yes. The Thong Song guy? Yes. Because I didn't know and I really genuinely thought I had read a story somewhere that he had like died in a car accident or something. [UNKNOWN] and so Brian [UNKNOWN] and Donald Bell made fun of me the rest of the show, and, RIP Sisqo started trending on [LAUGH] twitter because I, I accidentally made that horrible rumor up, but he was fine and he actually released an album like a few weeks later, so you're welcome Sisqo cause I gave you a bunch of [UNKNOWN] Well Tupac released an album after he died, so. That's all I'm saying, he could still not be alive I don't know. Yeah nobody would know. There's no proof. I haven't seen any paparazzi pictures of him that's all I'm saying. Call it Cisco make, tell us you're okay. Come on the show, I'll let you sit in Kill's chair. Yeah, replace me that's fine. Just for a day that'll be awesome. But yeah, I also, that was a real highlight for me. One of my first livestreams. Ended in RIP Sisko. Killing Sisko. Yeah I killed off Sisko. It was terrible. All right you guys it's time for our final phonetographer of the day. [MUSIC] So our very last. Last of the year. Not the best. They were all the best. Yeah. Oh, they were? I would say they were all the best. Okay. Yeah, you're right. They're all very good. Except for that one, you know. Except for that one. I don't wanna name names, but, you know who you are. Nate wrote to us and said, hello kale, AKA Mr. super food. [LAUGH] And Ashley. These are phonetos. That what he's calling them. I took while I was in China in October. I had the opportunity to climb a portion of the Great Wall and was rewarded with an incredible view. The portion I climbed was very steep so I felt like a baby trying to climb stairs on all fours. [LAUGH] Pics taken on my ancient iPhone 4S with a broken screen please come quickly iPhone upgrade! No editing, perfect nature. Enjoy! Yours truly. Nate the Great. And there he is! What up, Nate? There's the Great Wall. What up, Nate Dog? Must have been fun, look at that. [UNKNOWN] Yeah. Nate's all up, Nate's working on his fitness at the Wall of China. Yeah, it's a great picture. It's an amazing picture. You guys really get out way more often than us. Yeah, Nate's definitely one of my favorite, favorite viewers. Of 2014. Of 2014. I don't know, I'm gonna have to think about it. Hm, hm. It's hard to impress me, I don't know. Well. Think about it. Maybe it's got A game going. Maybe it's got its A plus, plus, plus. Maybe one less plus. Maybe A plus, plus. Alright we're good. If you guys wanted to submit your phonetography, speaking of A plus game. You got to submit your phonetography's for CES so Send over a link, a little story. The more exciting or interesting the story, the more likelihood you have to get it on the live stage. So make it good. Yeah. Is what I'm saying. Make it a good a picture. Make it a good one. Maybe take one on New Year's? Take one New Year's Eve? I don't know. Anything exciting. Whatever, whatever floats your boat. If you would like to send over your CNET at CES feedback, you wanna tell us what your predictions are, you can email us, too. If you hate. Hate email. That's fine. You can find us on social media. We're TomorrowDaily at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TomorrowDailyTV over on Google Plus. We have a Tumblr page, We'll put up Nate's picture today. Yep. And then YouTube. Don't forget that you exist. So [LAUGH] if you, if you're watching us on YouTube. You do exist. Subscribe to CNET and/or the Tomorrow Daily. Show, and leave a like and a comment, and also write on your screen, and, then rub some bacon grease on the screen, whatever you gotta do to show your love, and then also if you're listening. Whatever makes you happy. Leave a review. Rate and review us. Rate and review us on iTunes, so there you go. Yeah, and if you wanna find us over, over the holiday break. Yeah. On social media. Yeah. Yep. You can find me. I'm Ashley Esqueda. And I'm [UNKNOWN] Khail Anonymous. And I wanna really quickly plug something. So this week and on the 27th and 28th, I am a board member of a charity called Take This. We do mental health awareness in for gamers. And for other people who are geeks, and it's a really exciting charity, and I'm really proud of the work that we do. If you've ever heard the AFK room at Pax, we, we do that. That's our thing. We're doing a livestream, it's dangerous to stream alone! So, take, take this. So that's our, that's our thing. And we want you guys to come over and just you know, we're gonna be live, I think we're gonna be livestreaming for, for 24 hours? Oh wow, cool. So should be really fun. We're kind doing this as a fundraiser but If you guys want to just hang out and watch, I think I will be. streaming p s four stuff on sunday, so the twenty eighth Cool but yeah, I'm really proud of it, I'm excited to do it, it's the first time I've ever done twitch like by myself, which is terrifying Oh, yeah I usually jump in to other people's stream and like hang out with them so, this is the first time I'll stream on my own mhmm I hope you like talking to yourself Yeah it's gonna be super weird, Also before we go I wanna mention. And it,- Mention. Big shout-out to, Logan, producer Logan- Producer Logan. For his tireless work. Tireless. Over this end, dealing with is. It truly- And his, Grand Theft Auto- His Grand Theft Auto 5 addiction. That was his game of. End of the year. Mm-hm, mm-hm. So, and also bringing up food, because we are locked in this studio every day. Yeah. So thank you for feeding us. And for sliding stuff under the door. Yeah, we really appreciate that. Cool. And it, the newspapers, so we can find out what's going on. Yeah. The newspapes, appreciate it. It's really good. Papes? The papes. Like in Newbies. Yeah. All right, friends. we, we love having you here. We can't wait to see you at CES 2015. We will be back on January 6th with brand new live episodes for the entirety of CES, as the show floors open. Every day, every day. The three days of show floor. Combing the floor. And we're our responsibility is to find like the weirdest stuff or the funniest stuff, coolest, weirdest, or the most interesting, we're not gonna tell you how this string is slightly bigger than this one No, No and the battery life lasts twenty seconds longer We're gonna tell you about all the crazy stuff We're gonna be like Spider [UNKNOWN] or whatever whatever it is, and we're gonna have guests. Too. Everyday we have special guests that are going to be sitting in with us. Some juicy ones too. From a really fun channel that you know and love on places like YouTube and all around the internet. So stick around for that and we hope to see you there. Live and. Live and locked and loaded at CES. Yeah. I'm really excited. Yay-ah. So that's it for the show, you guys. For the, for 2014, that's it. That's our, that's our last show. [APPLAUSE] Thank you for watching. And be good humans! We'll see you next year. Bye! [MUSIC]

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Apple 'Mercenary Attack' on iPhones Explained

Apple 'Mercenary Attack' on iPhones Explained

What's the Future of Phones? Expert vs. AI

What's the Future of Phones? Expert vs. AI

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We Revisit the iPhone 15 Pro Max, 7 Months After Its Launch

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2025 Audi Q6, SQ6 E-Tron: Audi's Newest EV Is Its Most Compelling

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