The 404 Live from CES 2012
The 404 Live from CES 2012

The 404 Live from CES 2012

And years. CVS twenty well. Thanks for tuning in everyone watching online on Jeff Bakalar Wilson tang and I'm Justin yu and this is the show where it -- is. It's this. We're very lucky today joining us on our first -- -- -- -- also and -- leads right between hello. -- you so much for having and I got. Okay it's a real privilege to -- -- they're impressed them constantly this morning. I mean -- they barely let me out of my trailer. -- at my job and -- on CNET editors that you have a trailer. That's a little bit like gardeners are. But. -- -- Today my blog my life I -- I -- that yet on doing it right. And this is instead the. She stated that he stated that came through the EC. That in that women's event was. Where this network -- cable. Company where they are the company on -- kangaroo. -- -- -- -- -- When -- anything they've been trying to go with educators supervisor -- -- -- -- around a stage eighteen channel there who. Economy here and so sure -- Well I think -- ever been in Las Vegas -- Yeah I'm glad it. Again so now you that you can you help create these headlines what with a kangaroo had life here on its network. Here. That was the biggest -- -- So -- actually. A couple of major preferences that this morning yet on anything major that sort of thing is like industry changing. It's good that the theme -- yes until this year. One thing I've noticed is that the -- to -- the -- algae and -- this morning. Arguably televisions that we are going to people interacted with and antibodies. Which I think Apple might feel about -- -- you can't. Rumor about Apple television and count of the deal is in theory read and you'll get your house and say theory. That he be right. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well I don't see how Microsoft is that you have the Xbox correct -- -- usually efforts he -- With the functionality in yet but I never found myself accidentally pausing -- -- speak. I enabled that in the Apollo and now I can't think that this in Europe -- -- There -- view now. But one thing that I was really excited about with the -- was announced is that they have a five megapixel camera that's gonna be sticking around the front of it. And they're talking about the next generation of karaoke. Using that television on the client side. I know I'm not leaving my house for the next year and ever changing -- -- -- -- -- problem licked off. The top. -- -- -- -- -- They just -- -- -- those that program. I'm watching -- scary looking general we're getting. So we have stories to cover all the way our show usually works is via start things off with the news of the day. -- -- a familiar with what's going on we have a few headlines that we've handpicked. By Justin you know just use normal once during the day after us. Justin beaver odd yet justice isn't -- the -- and yeah on the side of the table which is actually gonna be active CES this year he's writing on Wednesday. -- Yeah. Yeah -- know the fresh out of -- tattoo parlor and a giant tattoo she writes on his -- -- edit it there. Absolutely dead on if you like I -- -- -- was and how. Ha ha its -- and I think -- That is my view would be right I actually think he's gonna be here at the yes on Wednesday right there. He will be. In the convention hall and we're doing our show we're gonna try to sneak a camera into is that. Little press count all eager camped -- -- hours a day I think it's gonna be one of Argentina and employees with a backpack on a camera attached that'll do that people agree that. -- this is scary thing that -- actually be at the yes on Wednesday he's promoting a company that makes robots. And no announcement yet on exactly what it will be. I'm hoping it'll be a life size replica of -- Just click -- Exactly -- -- going yeah it would do it that a lot of room. Of the don't think about so what does that we have you seen the headlines would read your attentions on and here's what I'm really excited about an upbeat talk about printers but hey -- -- -- I got -- it is so cool -- three printers are gonna make. A huge mark at this year's CES and -- actually our own Brian Tong was on the stage yesterday. I he was talking about the new line of Q3 -- home printers. So that's a little bit at this is really cool to checking out we have the -- right here and you can actually watch the first hands on video with Brian. Does compete -- maker bought. And got to basically reprinted a device to let you print out hardware. In layers you can eat yet plastic at the same material that's used to make legal -- at -- and demo of Brian has all kinds of things out on hand this video. I actually snapped this photo of him trying on one of the products that he printed out a -- -- that's a pair of women's she -- hope. -- -- -- I'm sure you -- not broadcasting this live on television. There what do you think gambling and mean does he have a -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If you could -- anything from a pair of -- to jewelry out front with time that you can actually print -- -- of your own head. At the Q3. It'll take a photo images prints out a place that you right yeah basically stands a nice image of your bus from the shoulders up and then it -- layer by layer of laying down -- -- plastic. You know eventually you have it takes about. Five minutes early to -- action for an object yet yet -- -- you know Jeff and our sort of joking around about this. One day treaty partners -- -- -- to print. Three partners to -- -- and yeah offensive. Under an -- for the work that you've -- -- gonna go let. That's how they're gonna cut back yeah. If you have a thousand dollars you can buy one today I think you know it's not that bad it's not it's not -- -- actually affordable yet right now it's like you said. Single color like plastic. Lego like very very -- hard kind of plastics and you can print like little toys that the plan was -- -- little flute and you have. -- -- with his -- person originally yet. And now plastic. Authority under. I got to make them -- favorite radio 404 or live from the that's what it's well right after this. -- and. Full or move forward and their captors to show where we all -- things. Oh. Yeah. Next to. You the full world -- streaming live from CES 2012. -- usually at our show here via. You know we we tried to little news but we did our homework. Help out -- actually did something of professional football. -- -- I think a tax on real inflicted. You know it's it's four years I don't. 50 hey better late than ever guys today and out first thing -- wanted you. -- talk about something that we're calling. New Year's tech resolution. KC SOs coinciding with brand new year and we think it's a great venue for us this year. What we want to resolve in the new year but strictly for -- You don't mind we're gonna share I would New Year's resolutions with everybody -- gone past he'd like -- morons the right all -- -- -- All right all -- I haven't figured it out there last night at the win -- the -- -- for. A lot so and so you know it started around via speech here that it so what -- -- this year is the next. Giving and my cell phone content and stop giving those people might well. -- -- -- and it doesn't do anyone any good. -- -- -- -- About that I believe them in your -- and yeah it doesn't work out -- -- -- you know yeah. First. I feel like this only happens when your inebriated it happen -- on he would actually looking iPhone the day after new years and had a number a new number in my phone. -- -- -- -- -- Anything and had a girl magazine and an ex girlfriend and couldn't have -- -- back -- yes. -- a clean and it's ha ha. -- my New Year's tech reviews and local phone related okay and this year I resolve. When you when I'm having a conversation with someone. Actually looked him in the -- it wouldn't -- I fumbled. He added it -- -- under the thought I'd think it is I'm gonna. Well yeah. I still don't know what color wheel and -- how. So heavily is -- anything that you are thinking about it yeah I said -- about a new owners. Do you think I need to get a new phone and a phone that I -- and networks yet I have in -- eyes and -- -- different -- -- -- -- -- pretty good I have no interest in -- -- -- -- -- at all -- So I don't -- -- -- prepackaged and ready -- ready for any visions of an iPhone so I think -- and I. -- I ever. Came to perfect. You just -- This year which I really aren't gonna be really difficult for me we've talked about this before. An Internet hate the iPod and headphones out in my ear while I'm riding my bike around the streets of New York. This typically does not release its health related -- -- -- -- health and my safety night. It's gonna be hard to not Playboy to run by -- and I'm proud -- -- You feel good but -- soundtrack Netflix and your bullet -- nothing in -- out nothing -- -- and seeing him. Karaoke on the -- -- -- And they're fun and frothing at its executives -- yeah definitely go to New York that price that's. Your tech resolutions that right there were gonna do this maybe a couple of times over year gain a -- -- I'm sure we will develop new -- the longer you stay here -- makes -- right next. Now you know we think we did our homework here at the -- we have a crack team. Research developed in development team. I mean you know. All these different statistics about the he has some of these things -- I didn't know anything about the big show and now we've learned. So much. This year we have mind blowing that and -- it's cool with everybody I think we're just gonna. Go ahead and -- -- you -- aspect so odd it's the first that this is very interesting. It says at any given moment the male to female ratio on the show floor -- get this. 473. -- -- -- -- -- I don't believe it or not. This is an improvement from last year to 640. -- the amber associating that differential due to the fact that Justin Bieber -- probably in -- right here. Then you've been -- that -- -- how many ladies and. And Molly you know ultimately ultimately yes yeah I think you're you're the only four here yeah the -- with. Yet -- -- walk around with you. And I -- we're not gonna tell you -- Make it -- black yeah that's -- I would like -- if -- -- yeah it's still on that walking around a radical approach -- and this fact -- is really interesting so apparently at last year's yet. On over three tons of toilet Paper three -- the toilet Paper reviews. Over the course of that we conference rising and so what if -- -- planning committee solve that problem. And in the bathroom -- at this year's CES conference. All the toilet Paper dispensers have now been replaced with newspapers and magazines. -- you know that was the word and the other -- What is your statistic that -- -- the -- -- -- it as many of you knows he has this year -- expected to be bigger than ever -- others -- 140000. Attendees that's great but. You know that accident numbers with -- a lot higher. 200000 people actually find out. On but strangely enough 60000 people cancel their ticket active they announced eight yen with can be -- -- -- It's that you know it's the hottest it could have been huge this year -- It -- I think it's gonna happen professor. Now I have this extra piece of luggage that and the -- that it had nothing new packet -- it didn't -- right now all night. Yeah I mean you know that really changes the landscape. Of lots -- yeah this is my -- -- -- -- Life without that element. Comparing it yeah that's the great -- FF -- and I think it but I did it you know I already feel like -- -- sent it out much. And more on nowhere tending to be somewhere that I cannot -- six. We're gonna all right and we're constantly checking into the convention senator Rebecca found and there are -- That you absolutely that -- simply change -- a lot this year. A couple of really sort of some big strange announcements also sort of happened on just before the -- started -- at the show actually hasn't. It shows starts tomorrow -- You know sort of a typical things a party happened. Lenovo for example announced a HT TV. Which is a company that's known for making like the thinkpad right -- and make laptops. And a well they'd actually release. It certainly beat Apple to the -- they're actually been released and HDTV. 55 inches 3-D -- with enjoyed built in. And to -- download apps. You really straight from the TV like a lot of the other TV -- that are on that we mentioned earlier because they'll be altitude you know they have webcams built in. And there are huge. But this one is only to be available in China. So that's gonna work out for everyone here. Why is that what it. Their basements and -- the -- content they really thought that I'm not here -- So it's running Android and ice cream sandwich in terms of like -- well it's got like a dual core snapdragon processor and died a couple alligator ran. Stewart's legal action -- download -- a line installed them it's almost like a put a Smart phone. Inside an HTTP rival. Voice control like -- were mentioning earlier on but sort of the other really strange sort of announcement before CFCs and started. -- -- -- -- On the other side Vizio as a company that traditionally makes HT TVs. They're jumping into the PC and laptop and that's crazy poking keep up with. They have had their own ten inch tablet as well all -- one PC is well. And they're new ultra ultra books that -- sort of questions right so it's really really change -- almost fifty sort of like really wondering. You know what else is new. Where as yes -- our identity crisis can. Lot of confusion at the end but we're here to help you through that outward into another quick break and them come that would have a -- -- more funds with a human activists -- -- -- -- -- yeah -- the home page and welcome back to the poor poor human life and yet to when he twelve. No one here yet. -- we don't really have a -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- There's thousands of people in the I'm I'm not yeah. They got -- but starting tomorrow we're going to have a lot of prize giveaways. People get involved in our show we're gonna get a lot of stuff so -- in the Las Vegas attending the show you so everyone in that it. Come over here and now we we're gonna have some more -- non -- is bigger than directors now now -- -- not closed it got to come replica allies -- yeah that's right -- -- -- viewed in the shows. When it -- safety heat island now I. We really -- -- -- -- we just call me welcome back. With you can actually -- to you know that analyzes could be there -- using them just so -- oddity that opened out yet keeping her. The fifty minutes of us drooling. I am Wednesday and out of the growth all right what we're gonna do now is another thing we've ever done -- the -- is a staple of our show back in New York. It's something we called -- from the public. Well we have a very geeky audience loves the pull it up when their toxic and then I'm -- Everything about what we talk about and I think we got a voice mail from my buddy rich so I think lets -- the first ever calls on the public. Catalog thing is that through it. -- -- -- One former CNET and -- Songs and it. For some of -- woman of my owners drive. Yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll be doing this all week to its if you wanna give us call you can do that that 186640. For CNET yes he's there is now. All right so this is -- we have had a voicemail from rich in Cleveland apparently there's another CES that we don't know about that Syria says. -- -- Did it quietly lobbying work for years but the talk to -- out rooms PBS interactive budget -- Connect CES 22 up and gotten so. Popular that thing which he can't should be here -- But we electronic show area. That they're over here but -- electric companies what you give it up. Also great new product. Never hurt or arts on the market this year. BC. Well I don't. The -- are also seeing the ball here. Are stationary phone prepaid service that -- really fantastic. Dollars a minute. And -- country again and again you'll get -- you have to use it. No contract like this but -- -- Marine Corps sued the receiver doesn't all law. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Really fantastic again wish you guys could be here but to let you know -- you don't get to the actor Elliott of the equipment -- -- That is not a great -- so. -- -- out -- if they leave it for that awesome I thought I would like -- check -- average actually works out of our adjunct Cleveland office mentally I don't know. It. Exists and it. All right it's time for another segment something we're calling tech infections. Are in water and get -- excited about this. Basically what we're gonna do you. Become so pervasive in -- went the other lives we've all develop needy. Personal habits that we're not proud of -- We're all guilty of committing something. That. You know that in the eighties he recognized that our personal you know you're at it had to do so with that we're gonna spill the beans for you right now -- -- segment we're calling. Tech confession. We're gonna. High tech investment of -- -- -- a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah that was my pockets lately here's my technique that's okay. Now I'm not ashamed to it made it. But sometimes -- -- in public. And I'm waiting for somebody. -- will be private conversation on my phone with myself. So that it appeared I'm not -- Oh I guess it's -- that everybody here is among the -- think anybody do you have. Where this all the time I talk to myself -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Pretend to do that with a text message -- and just scroll through menus oh -- will promote his imaginary people that talk -- What are you -- -- Why ice islands that now -- I -- this is where -- -- -- have been robot Justin. What is your -- there. And if you receive an Asian -- before but -- about okay. -- embarrassed about this on my tech -- is that actually still prefer using disposable cameras and 35 millimeter film. In cameras and prefer that -- digital to cry a little bit win with -- at the -- with an announcement bankruptcies -- Ma and does in fact you know and I still care and a 35 millimeter camera -- out with friends family but after I take the photo. Don't have to pretend to like pinch and think. I'll take credit okay not a gaggle of little guy that got an iPad and a deductible that. That's my goods -- those that aren't -- Hey my my tech interests. On so many guys now via the use Macs and iPhone. Really into the that Apple products but. You know it's just a facade. Omelets to attendees at work and then -- night when I go home got a windows computers. This is just the case that even actual -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That might catch. Up almost anywhere worked them hard. But that there. All right heavily. -- air. Act and that's all boils down a little -- the audience. Actually there's three people. There again -- not gotten prepared if it. -- actually really really embarrassing tech convention is that I -- at home watching my movies on my. Laptop that I don't have cable. I really enjoy my laptop overheat and -- -- my body. Ready to let -- -- -- On the -- yeah. Yeah like that. Cancer causing surely there. -- that I don't think that I love it our own electrical link to it anyway nothing and then I don't want to beyond my account the email but. But I. And on picture you like a -- otter displayed. Under lots of video. But people -- -- -- about that is. Not supposed to do these according. Newspapers today tells me that there is there -- that people. It. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And then. -- -- -- that the -- like it. Without a personal coming from personal experience my my wife makes it looks like it. It's like putting on a helmet -- -- -- by. You put on this late -- it. Likes my hand and put that she doesn't want to look at the you can literally ruin. Your -- -- I can't. Have to be well Mattel might sneak like putting the -- to operate -- at night. But that's something I personally view us through it on the right dog Clinton. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- All right -- that's -- occupations going to be doing a lot more that. You missed point well yet. We have another thing -- talk about waiter we're very involved with later. We love interacting with our listeners in the great river action that's brand new -- -- -- When we're done. That I think doesn't explain that well. You know -- -- really really is yet to hear it running around were actually preparing this year a huge strategic. And you know sometimes with Twitter micro blogging isn't enough we need micro micro 140. Characters that -- like a minute to -- you -- minutes. So every day while we here at -- we're gonna. -- -- One letter and -- UB QT has too busy to tweet. Though the library exactly at the hash tags can be TT excellence we'll about it then there are used to be cutesy for today today -- It took that anywhere you want to. I think it that the motion -- so what we wanted everyone who. Following -- -- each week that every windows. But things. This information. I love that there are more hash -- characters and yeah. I just thought that the cut and -- the real work. These in the beginning that's right and while -- -- be sure to follow our Twitter page -- slash app. 404 absolutely. All right -- Got a lot of big things coming up on your show we will becoming on the live here on CNET TV. Bubble got a few minutes before we hit the end of the show on -- thumping that's your view your -- yet -- PS vita. Which we actually have a live demonstration of the device on Thursday Thursday I would you know the pre production unit of the American right right it might be the real one might be the actual might have -- in -- -- want to be applied voice -- yeah so today and today Bonnie Cha reported that the vita. Finally has. Pricing for the three G model so every earthly things you've viewed -- coming in two different flavors if you will -- and fifty dollar Wi-Fi only version. -- 300 dollar Wi-Fi slash three G version. Which is going to be using AT&T'S. Data service will -- rooms was to go about it yeah. So the pricing is as follows for -- -- -- fifteen megabytes of data it's gonna be fifteen dollars a month. And if you want to really get supersize value -- two gigabytes of data for 25 dollars a month. Best thing about in my opinion there month to month there's no long term contracts you don't have to be stuck in this the yearlong deal paying all this money for your data plan on your -- but the real question. These are you going to be used to have that amount of data on the go. With the PlayStation vita will. This is the thing that kind of concerns view that so India sort of announcement he said that it was gonna. Com when it. And three game damn -- so is anybody actually be downloading their he has yet again. Over three G. Right onto their he has -- right so again that's probably what it leaves the gate relegate -- -- that would take. -- I don't know about -- half months. -- it. Costs and featuring. Yet -- and rightly or not but you'll get too late if I took -- train from New York is the LA you'll all right I -- got -- -- -- on the plane. It's so it's an -- story we're gonna be talking a lot more about the vita as CES 2012 continues. A real quick we just want to out talk about a couple guess we're -- in the coming days tomorrow from G four Kevin Pereira is -- -- -- yet. That's going to be a lot of bodies are really cool dude we'll be talking about them some of the stories and what he's experienced -- parts -- when -- well obviously we talked about. Allies that you he's gonna be here on Wednesday so you'll hear again fifteen minutes of us drooling right it's -- to -- -- significantly better. And then Thursday like we just said. The PlayStation vita demo will be here and very very -- also stick around because I think later on the week. L cool -- is gonna stop by -- heard -- it is someone else very. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's something he's got a new line of headphones that I believe that so yeah all. Rappers coming out with headphones I think center has one -- has -- -- -- as a way of me locate them here is indeed -- from people. Tomorrow -- by the local. Man has got to follow Apple iPad -- I don't know but it embryo before we leave any sort of big predictions -- -- Your expert at the current water and predict that there's going in the EO EC -- on Friday -- don't have them. That is -- -- -- me and my -- because Mercury EB. Yes we will talk about all rumors that we were expecting -- yes that did not enter button and all things like maybe they'll that is the because they're desperate. And. An -- areas -- Friday's those very ancient date. Going to be slap happy and exhausted. Totally inappropriate and very cool and could follow all of that on and we its Twitter page -- -- Emily Dreyfuss DRU -- at -- Actually that. We'll do it for us today if you want to give us Paul please view 866. Or open source unit is another call we actually mean you know them them yeah -- that. Email -- the -- dwarf. Evolved on Twitter. You can check out our handles that are shown -- just those Bob Woodward that the great job security that part of the program answers for you and I think that's. The floorboards -- CNET dot. So different that you actually prepared yeah. -- -- Regularly -- -- your back in the this day tomorrow the of them. Totally didn't put that we gotta get out here right now if you guys tomorrow -- -- MacBook iBook and I'm Justin -- makes it definitely at this with a low floor. Hi tech low --

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