Well. I'm gonna let it do it. No. No. Wow. We're gonna disengage. [LAUGH] I mean okay. Go back in that lane there. Okay. All right. Well here's- See, that's what I mean about weird scenario. Okay. I am here with George Hutz at the with the comma AI self driving. Well not quite self driving. Assisted driving hardware that you can put into Basically, well, how many, 39 different models? 63. 63 different models. So at 35 miles an hour, I'm just gonna hit the regular cruise control button. We just hit set. We're gonna hit set at 37 miles an hour. You're on. All right, here we go. And the steering is on as well steering is on as well. Steering is on as well. We don't have we don't have states. We don't have Any complex states like that. Okay. Like it's either engage- Or disengage. Or not engaged. You heard that beep, beep, it's engaged and you are good to go. All right, so this is comma 0.7, correct? The last time we saw you it was 0.5. So what are some of the differences between what we saw the last time we took a drive in San Francisco, and now this drive that we've got here in San Francisco? We can deal with much more new- I mean, sorry we're in Vegas. In Las Vegas, yes. [LAUGH] We can deal with much more- My goodness, a truck. Nuanced scenario. Aah! Well? I'm gonna let it do it. You're gonna let it. No, no. No, no, well. We're gonna disengage. I mean, okay, go back in that lane there. Okay. All right. Well, here- See that's what I mean about weird scenarios. Right, right. There's nothing you can do that's safe there. Right. And that was definitely something. This is why we say that that there are no self driving cars. Yeah. This is still something that you have false- You can reengage right here. Okay. This is something where you have- Let's put this up there. Yeah, let me have two regulars, please. It's just like normal cruise control. Okay. We should be good now, right. [LAUGH] Yeah, so there are no self-driving cars in this world, right? Because you still have things like that giant truck coming out in front of us where the driver does have to take control. So Your system you don't have to keep your hands on the wheel. I can keep my hands off the wheel, but I still have to be engaged with my eyes. So how does the system know that I'm still paying attention? So we have a camera right here. It's actually watching it because we're at a full stop. It's not gonna progress beyond the green alert. Okay. But when the car starts to go, if you are still distracted, you hear a little beep And we can make it actually just do it right now and it's gonna just beep at you and tell you yo we're moving, yep. Okay. And there you go, you looked right back at the road and you're good. Okay, so now this car ahead of us has gone and the car, the Civic has gone just fine Keeping up with this guy. And we're set to 39 miles an hour, that is the max that the system can do. But I thought we can do this on the highway as well. You could set that to whatever you want. Okay. So it's just like cruise control. You can set that to anything at all that you want. I think I'm maxing at 95 or something. [LAUGH] We are not gonna let this car drive itself at 95 miles an hour. [LAUGH] But All right, so what are some of the new features that we have here in this new .07? Look at that. We're about to go through an intersection. There's weird lines everywhere. There's a car next to you. And it's gonna stay perfectly on track and line us up right in the middle there. The really impressive ones are when the intersection's on a curve. Yeah, yeah. It projects, it understands where humans would drive the car. Okay. It's not just looking at lane lines, the lane lines actually on the display are mostly just there to reassure you. What it's actually using is that middle path there. Okay, It's where it's deciding this is where I want to put the car. Look the lane lines are gone and it drives perfectly [UNKNOWN]- And it still knows. Okay, so it's kind of like looking forward to saying what is on the other side of this intersection. Now that is, would logically Connect me to. I mean, it's something really that is asking the question, if I'm a human in this scenario, where do I want to put the car? Okay. Right and then it flips the corner. So how does it know how, okay, now we've got lane lines in the middle of the intersection and it curves. Okay and- See it- And then it's gonna curve back. Hey, look at that. All right. All right, now how does it know how a human would drive? It's watched, so we have about 10 million miles on these devices now on the fleet. Okay. And these devices upload the driving data to our servers. And these are driving data of people who have already purchased this hardware So we have about 1000 daily active users Okay. 1500 monthly active users. And those are people who have this installed in their car. And they're basically teaching the system how to drive. Okay. That truck scenario back there where you had to correct it. Every time users correct it, it gets uploaded to our servers and our servers can learn from that. So that's on the server now? The truck experience's on the server? Yeah. Okay. All right, that's cool. That takes a little bit of time. The full resolution one only gets uploaded over Wi-Fi. Okay, all right. So now our lead car has moved away so we're gonna just like regular cruise control, regular adaptive cruise. Did you see that? Did you see? Yeah, he just cut right in front of us. That's fine, that's fine. But what was really nice is that car just cut in front of us and I felt a little bit of breaking Yeah, but not like a huge amount. I've been in other systems where it's just adaptive cruise control. I still have control those steering wheel, but where the braking can often be really jarring that does that doesn't seem to be a problem in this vehicle. Yeah so with scenarios like that we have cut ins and cut outs. We know what the cars going to do. We have very sophisticated models, saying Like it's not just saying there's a car, I need to stop. It looks at that car. It knows the temporal history of that car. And it's saying well I know that car is actually crossing the road. Right. I'll slow down a little to make, Little bit. Almost to make you comfortable. Yeah. Now in the last version that we saw there wasn't any automatic lane change. But you said that there isn't here it looks like maybe a good time to change a few light. Yeah if you like, sure. So just turn the blinker on to the right. Okay. I will actually know what let's wait a minute because we have a big turn coming. Okay. All right. We'll do an automatic lane change to the left, because the demo is actually almost over. Okay. So we've got this big change to the left. It doesn't, now is this connected to maps? Does it know that that's a big change, that's a big curve and maybe it'll slow down? No, it's just looking. Okay. It slows down for the curves. It does, it will slow down. It will slow down for the curves just by looking at the curve. Okay. You'll see it slow down a tiny bit there. But it wasn't that necessary. Yeah I did too I mean to 37 now. So these are tricky scenarios. Look you're coming up behind a stopped car. A blind stop car. Yeah. And you look at that. That was really smooth. Change lanes to the left now. Turn the blinker on to the left. In the intersection. Go ahead. All right. And now nudge. Now turn it off and on again. Now nudge the car to the left. There you go. Whoa, look at that. So I still have to look in my mirror. Yes. I still have to- And you're actually gonna wanna turn into the parking lot right here. Okay, so I'm gonna take over? Yes. And so to disengage, it's just a tap on the brake, a tap on the cancel, or a little bit of, whoa, or a little bit of. So to disengage, it's just a tap on the brake. Cancel or just any kind of torque on the steering wheel. The torque of the steering wheel won't cancel, but it will override the steer, right? So if it detects that you're putting torque on the steering wheel, it'll stop putting any torque on the steering wheel. So you can make minor adjustments without having to disengage. So just pulling here and now you're ready for the bad surprise. Bad surprise. My goodness, sorry. Well So if you saw aside from the incident with the truck and careening into our lane, you had zero disengagement. Yeah. One of the problems that we have as a company that we try to convey is when self driving cars work well you notice nothing. Okay. You had to do nothing, you even had to ask yourself, did I have to do anything? Right, right, I did, yeah. You did it, except for again, that truck shouldn't have done that. That was the truck's fault. But aside from that. So what I'm gonna do now is we're just gonna turn the car off. There's a little toggle switch right here and this toggle switch is called enable open pilot. So, I'm gonna turn it off. Okay. And now you have to stock on the system. You can drive us home. I'm gonna stock on the system? Yeah. All right. But remeber, the Honda, you know people say open pile and all. It's adaptive cruise control and lane keep possesed. Yeah. So, now you can see it in the dash cam Mode. Okay, so this is just a regular dash cam. It's not monitoring me. Nope, that's Not monitoring you. It only monitors you while the system is engaged, okay? So just go right up here. Feel free to try to watch try to drive us home on the stock systems and if you want, you can, you can count how many disengagement that has.>> Alright, so we're gonna set It doesn't set to low, wait, there we go, 27. We'll set it up to 30 and there is the steering, all right. All right, so yeah, well, that didn't really work. Yeah, no- Yeah- It didn't really work. It doesn't see these lanes at all. It doesn't see these lanes, no. No, whereas open pilot would drive you perfectly here. And it's not slowing down at all for this turn. Definitely doesn't slow down for the turns. [LAUGH] You're evil, man. I mean, and this is what you have to do cuz people don't get it. It's so hard to communicate how really good the system is I don't even think Tesla autopilot can do that stretch without disengagement. You don't think so? Maybe No update. What about, like Mercedes Benz is pretty good. Which one? What was the last one I was in In the GLB and the CLA the new tlbs and CLA haven't tried that maybe it has gotten better. But I would like to see another system that's capable of doing that. That's not like waymo which doesn't count. See, and I'm not sure that the Lane Keeping Assist in this Honda works at this low of his speed it might just own it might only work and read the lane lines at highway speeds. I'm not 100% sure though. It's a team 18 miles an hour? I think so, yeah. Well I'm at 35, and it's not seeing any of that. Well there's no lanes, right? Well. These aren't, well they're not lanes. There are lane markers though, well that not on this side, but there's lane markers over here. There's Bott's dots. So this doesn't read Bott's dots. Depends. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. All right. Okay we're coming up on a red light here. Let's see what happens. I know. This one probably doesn't work. It might disengage it 25 miles an hour, so I'm going to cover the brake. Totally covering the brake. It's gonna stop, but No, that was pretty smooth. That was pretty smooth. That one wasn't that bad. That one wasn't that bad. And I have it set for the furthest distance. Yeah. All right, so it has me, it says Stop. [BLANK_AUDIO] I can't really tell if it's disangaged but a lot of times it'll disengange and then you'll like roll forward a little bit. But right now, I'm able to keep my foot off the brake and still remain still. This car is pretty good about that, yeah. Yeah. The new cars will do it. Aside from Tesla and Supercruze, I don't know another one that will now just re-engage. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So when that car pulls away, you're gonna have to step on the gas. So is this new software available now? Yep. Okay. So you could just go to comed.ai and purchase all of this? So we only sell hardware, we don't sell software. We give software away for free. That right, your software is open source. Our software is open source and free, available in our GitHub. The hardware that we sell, so this is our new hardware, this is the Comet Two. And if someone want to purchase this system, what all do they need to buy? They, with a Comma Two they just need to buy a Comma Two, and this is called a car harness here. Yeah, [LAUGH] I know what a car harness is. Well, we called it. It didn't move, there we go. So I gotta step up my gas, right? We called it The secondary that the giraffe and the panda had a bunch of animal names all that's gone By a comma two and a car horn is really tried to trigger naming a little bit more consumer friendly And just does the hardest go into the OBD Yeah, so it connects to down to the OBD installation video. Okay, It's pretty easy to run one wire to the OBD and you connect it up here as well. And what's nice too is the last time we did this, the rearview mirror was gone and there was a bunch of stuff here and it was kind of messy and sloppy. And now we've just got this which is I kind of wish it were a little bit lower because this isn't the way, but that might just be my tall driving position. And then just that one cord that comes up and everything's very neat inside the cabin. So when you buy it, you can mount it wherever you want. Okay. You can put it down to the windshield, I like it there because I like it out of the way not obstructing the view, and I could still see it. I think I drive down a little lower. All right, that's cool. All right, so if I were to purchase this, I just need to purchase the comet two and the car harness. Yep. And then download the open source software. Okay. I mean that sounds simple. How long does it take to install? See what we get we here when we gotta cut out, it's gonna be fine. It takes about 50 minutes. Okay. Even for none techy people. Surely if you want to go slow. [LAUGH] Yeah, this thing that has, no. Like I would not [COUGH] Right. Let's see if we get this one. Is that gonna be at a full stop car? Let's see, yeah, come on, don't fuse. Yeah, don't fuse, dock system. Yeah, yeah, yeah, look [UNKNOWN]. This is really we're going really close. Stop, stop. I don't believe it. [LAUGH] I don't believe it. [LAUGH] But also I had changed that to stop to the closest distance to the car in front of me. There's no way it's So stock systems almost never see a completely stopped car. Really? Yeah.>> I wasn't gonna trust it. I didn't trust it. There was no way I was gonna trust that. You can put the thing up to max So if you're behind a car that's moving, it can track the object over time. Mm-hm. If I'm in a stopped car, it's easy to confuse it if you don't have good vision software for a light post or for a manhole cover. Okay. We can put open pilot back on. [LAUGH] Yeah, let's do that