Nanjing, China is getting a vertical forest. Trying to keep the air clean is not an easy task in cities. Plants are a great natural way to filter out the air, but when land is scarce there's only one way to go, and that's up. Two buildings will be constructed in Nanjing, China. They will feature around 1,100 trees and 2,500 shrubs and plants. This vertical forest will produce approximately 130 pounds of clean oxygen per day and absorb 25 tons of CO2 per year. The project should be completed in 2018. The Nanjing Vertical Forest will be the third substructure built. The other two are in Milan, Italy, and in Lausanne, Switzerland. The one in Milan was completed in 2014 and is used for residential purposes. The plant life serves to clean the air help with temperature control and less in noise. In Nanjing, one building was serve as a hotel, the other will house a museum, offices and an architecture school. All of these vertical force are designed by [UNKNOWN] Architects. The firm said they will develop similar projects in other Chinese cities including Shanghai. For more information checkout I'm [UNKNOWN] see you online.