[MUSIC] It's hard to keep up with all the changes on your feed these days. So let's take a look at a few of them and some tips on how to up your game. [MUSIC] Instagram changed the order of your feed and instead of seeing posts in chronological order you now see what Instagram wants you to see So here's the bad news. There is no way to go back yet, but there is a way to make sure you don't miss the posts from the people you want to see. Click on the three dots next to your favorite account and turn on post notifications. Anytime they post, you'll get a text alert on your screen. The easiest way to test if you've gone overboard with your edits is to tap and hold your photo before you publish. [MUSIC] If you need to turn turn it down, check with the black dot under the edit to figure out which one you've just used, and use the slider too to adjust. [MUSIC] Same goes for filters, they're not and all or nothing deal [MUSIC] Tap the sun icon to call up a slider for Lux. This helps balance uneven exposure, adding detail to areas with little or too much light. If you're uploading multiple photos, the filter will apply to all of them by default. [MUSIC] But you can also customize them one by one, by pressing the icon on the bottom left. [MUSIC] If you have a few go to filters that you use all the time, rearrange them to make sure they're at the top. And just remove the ones you never use. Swipe to the right of the filters until you see this icon. Drag and drop to reorder. Or tap the checkmark to hide the ones you don't use. [MUSIC] FYI, your activity on Instagram is now available for everyone to see on the message feed, so if you'd rather keep that information private, select the profile tab, tap the settings icon, scroll down and toggle the off position on show activity status On Android, open the profile tab. Tap the three dot icon in the top corner. Scroll down and turn off show my activity status. [MUSIC]