[MUSIC] [MUSIC] Total bunnies is the most comprehensive coding board game ever. It introduces kids to some of the concepts of computer programming. So the very basics like sequencing And conditioners to more advanced concepts like loops, functions, inheritance, parallelism, stack queue lists, and many others. I'm total mind is the world's first ever artificial intelligence board game. It is a board game that introduces kids to some of the concepts. Artificial Intelligence. So yes, 1 billion kids can code is initiative. I started with the goal of getting a billion kids into coding by the time I graduated from college, and that is around 2013. So yes, we're with yes and buying custom code. I had been doing workshops. In places like library schools, tech events, communities and corporations, like Google, Microsoft, Intel, Facebook, and many other places, so we can make coding accessible in every corner of the world. I think it's important for girls to be involved in STEM because. I think girls can do a lot of things. They can do anything that boys can do, but they're originally scared to join in the STEM computer science field. And I know that many girls do want to join it, but they're scared because there are too many boys. So with some of the workshops I've been doing for girls only, I hope I can inspire and encourage girls, that it's not only something that boys can do. But it's something that girls can do as well. And I believe that girls, they can bring more creativity to any project. And that includes software and computer science. [MUSIC] I think my biggest challenge that I have faced this far is probably my age. A lot of people think just cuz I'm 11 years old, I'm an 11 year old girl, I can't do anything, they don't take me seriously. But I believe age is just a number. If I have the will and the passion to do something, nothing can stop me. So that's one of my biggest challenges. But I've learned over time to follow your own imaginations, not other people's limitations. [MUSIC] One of my biggest goals is so annoying getting coach you know, getting kids cross the world helping them gain access to stem and coding tools. But another one my goal is getting more and more girls into STEM computer science. And I also have an initiative called cookies with coder bunnies. Where I interview people, so that kids like me can learn from their creative ways of solving problems, and basically changing the world. So with this, I help in the future, and now I can inspire more and more kids to see that, look, all these people that you look up to are doing all these great things, and then you can do these too. All you need is the mindset and the will to do it. [BLANK_AUDIO]