Is there a technological way that you can determine that a video has been manipulated in that way and tag it so that people on Facebook if they see a video it'll be tagged warning, this has been Manipulated in a way that may be misleading. That's a question you may want to take under advisement, but it seems to me, again, this is a new area that's gonna get more and more serious, I'm afraid. And again, what I'm trying to do is give the consumer the maximum amount of information [BLANK_AUDIO] We agree with you. Deepfakes is a new area and we know people are gonna continue to find new ones. And as always, we're gonna do a combination of investing in technology and investing in people. so that people can see authentic information on our service as you're thinking about these cures, i hope you'll continuously come back to the idea that what we need to do is give people more information. I must say I'm a little uncomfortable with where the line is between taking down misleading or fake information And taking down what someone else may consider ligitimate information in the market place of ideas. Jefferson said we can tolerate errors as long as it's truth is left free to [UNKNOWN]. We have to be sure that people, that we're not censoring, but at the same time we're providing, our customers, our users, your users with information, that they can, the context is I think the word you used, they can have context for what it is that they are seeing, I'd hate to see your platforms become political in the sense that your censoring one side or another of any given debate, Mr. Dorsey? So, yeah, we absolutely agree. As we are building a digital public square, we do believe expectations follow that and that is a default to freedom of expression and opinion. And we need to underatand when that default interferes with other fundemental human rights, such as physical security or privacy. And what the adverse impact on those fundemental human rights are. And I do believe that context does matter in this case, we had a case of voter supression around 2016, That was tweeted out, and we are happy to say that organically, the number of impressions that were calling it out as fake, were eight times out of reach of the original tweet. Thats not to say that we can rely on that But asking the question how we make that more possible and how we do a velocity [UNKNOWN]. That's [UNKNOWN] that you very much and if you have further thoughts as you're flying home About technical ways you can increase the information available to your users through tags, ratings, stars, whatever. Please share them [UNKNOWN] we'll look forward to working with you on this problem that [UNKNOWN] important to our country. Thank you very much. Senator Lankford. [UNKNOWN] Mr. Chairman. I wanna follow up on a statement that Senator King was mentioning as well about deep fakes and that's something that I've spoken to both of you about before in the past. It is a challenge for us and I would just reiterate some of the things that he was saying publicly. When it's the possibility and now the opportunity to be able to create video that looks strikingly real. But none of it is actually real, all of it is computer generated, that is a very different day for video sharing in the days ahead. And I know, as y'll have attacked issues like child pornography and other things on your platforms in the past. Y'all will aggressively go after these things, we just telling you we're counting on it. And becasue Americans Typically can trust what they see and suddenly in video they can no longer trust what they see because the opportunity to be able to create video that's entirely different than anything in reality has now actually come