This legislation also brings the power of the internet to every corner of the country. From rural America to our cities. How we must close the urban rural digital divide. Guaranteeing better, cheaper internet. So, that we can create jobs in. Saving the internet has been a grassroots effort. If there ever was one, Because average folks understand, that they do not want their costs of using the internet to go up. They do not want their freedom to be constricted. If they should decide to start up a business, they wanna be on an equal playing field with the big boys. There is so many reasons that we need net neutrality. You know, we don't let electric companies, also a monopoly, say you can charge this house one rate and the same house next door another rate. We don't let our highways, even when they're privatized, say you can charge this car one rate. You can charge that car another. We need the same rules on the internet. It's got to be open and free and fair.