Most people just look at their selfies on their phone, but you can be the kind of person that keep their selfies on your backpack. This is the POP-I backpack. Looks just like a regular backpack, but the key difference is, it features an eight inch display that slides in to the front. It's flexible, shatterproof, hit-proof, and waterproof. And best of all it is super lightweight The removable display slides out, and inside you'll also find a pocket for a laptop. The ten inch display looks kinda like a tablet, and it connects with your phone care of a Bluetooth connecting app. Simply scroll through your gallery of selfies or Instagram shots or choose any number of logos and pictures that you can put onto your backpack. It might not be for everyone and Pop Eye is certainly targeting the 7 to 29 year old millennial market. But if you are the kind of person that likes to wear your face on your clothes and let's not lie who isn't? Then the pop eye backpack is probably to you.