Move over Curiosity, there's a new robot in town. And by town I mean planet, and by planet, I mean Mars. NASA sent the InSight Lander to the red planet back in May of 2018 and it finally reached its destination. People all around the globe watched the landing unfold alongside NASA scientists, including the notorious seven minutes of terror between atmospheric entry And touchdown. Touchdown confirmed! YAY YAY!! Fortunately the mission was a confirmed success with the InSight team celebrating after getting its first set of data back, including the lander's very first picture of its position on Mars. This NASA's eighth successful landing out of 17. Insiders design to gather data on both the surface and the inner structure of Mars as opposed to just the surface or atmosphere. Its instruments will measure things like seismic activity and heat flow in the planet. Crust, mantle and core. Another exciting first for the Insight landing was the launch of two small satellites called MarCos, designed to relay information from Insight to Earth. It's the first time a cubesat has ever made it out to deep space. Insight doesn't depend on them for a successful mission, but their successful deployment is. Actually pretty cool because it means scientists have a new quick way for insight and other future objects to communicate with Earth. So what are the next steps for the Inside spacecraft? Equipment checks, setting up solar arrays, and sending some basic information to scientists. The team estimates the first true seismic data will start coming in around March of 2019. We'll be keeping tabs on Insight's progress on I'm Ashley Esqueda [UNKNOWN] humans.