[MUSIC] Cutting edge fashion and cutting edge tech haven't always gone hand in hand but in recent years we've increased Recently seen them cross paths on the catwalks of the world's most exclusive fashion shows. At London Fashion Week 2019, we saw UK Carrier 3 join forces with the top fashion school, Central St. Martin's to see the designs of tomorrow Come to life with Magic Leap mixed reality and 5G connectivity. As the roll-out of 5G commences across the globe, Three has established a permanent 5G base at the fashion college, which will allow students to work with the technology to develop new concepts in terms of products and also retail experiences. [MUSIC] To mark the beginning of the collaboration, designer Gerrit Jacob used Magic Leap, powered by Three's 5G, to add a new dimension to his looks as they were displayed on the runway. The celebrities sitting in the front row witnessed animated skulls and lightning projected over the models as they paraded the designs in front of London's fashion elite. The benefit of 5G to mix reality as well as VR and AR is that it reduces lag. Making it smoother and slicker and increases capacity, allowing for more social experiences. London Fashion Week is the first time this combination of tech has been used in a fashion context, but we're looking forward to seeing all the ways in which 5G improves our lives as it becomes a reality in the next couple of years. Keep it CNET for all the latest news about 5G developments from around the world and the cool things people are doing with magic leaf two.