[MUSIC] Apple has made choosing smart speaker even harder with the arrival of its home pod. So if you're looking to buy one, here's what you should consider. You can spend anywhere from $40 to $400 for a smart speaker with a home system. [MUSIC] So start by setting a budget. Apple's Home Pod is on the high end of the spectrum along with the Google Home Max. The regular Google Home and Amazon Echo both cost around $100 while the Home Mini and Echo Dot are both both 40 dollars. The Echo and Google Home are great options if you're looking for a home assistant to help you around the house. Alexa and the Echo works with more smart home appliances while Google's assistant might be better answering your questions. And Siri and the home pad can't just keep up, at least for now. But if music is your main concern go for the home pod or the home max. The sound quality of the others doesn't come close. If you're an apple music subscriber the home pod is the one for you. But for Spotify and other music services you may want to go with the home max. In San Francisco, I'm Vanessa Hand Orellana, cnet.com for CBS news.