[MUSIC] While your dehumidifier is busy zapping moisture from the air, it's also collecting mold and other nasty stuff. Cleaning it out is often a critical part of its maintenance, especially during periods of regular use. Here's how to clean your dehumidifier. Always make sure your appliance [UNKNOWN] powered off and unplug before you start cleaning it. Grab a dry cloth and wipe the outside. If it's specially dirty, you can dampen the cloth but definitely don't spray water or any cleaning solvent directly on the [UNKNOWN] Add mild liquid soap and water to the reservoir, scrub, rinse and air dry before you reinstall it Remove the air filter and wash it gently with soapy water. Let it dry fully before you put it back. Grab a small vacuum attachment or a brush and clean out any nooks and crannies that might have collected dust and other debris along the way. Remove the bucket filter and rinse it with warm water. Let it dry completely before you return it and that's honestly it you're done. These steps broadly apply to cleaning many types of plug-in residential dehumidifiers, but be sure to read the manual that comes with your appliance to get specific use and care information.