Google is releasing its own security key and we've got an exclusive look at it. It's called the Titan Security Key, and its code is completely written by Google so it'll be coming in USB form and a Bluetooth form. A security key is an extra layer of protection for your account, so even if a hacker has access to your password they won't be able to log into your account. Thousands of passwords are stolen in data breaches every year. That's why even if you have a really complicated or long password, you're still at risk. That's why Google encourages that people use security keys instead. It's pretty simple to set up, just go to a website that support security keys. Google, Facebook, and Twitter all support this and set it up under the two-factor authentication section. You're gonna prompt to set the key in and it will register that key for your account So the next time you have to log in after typing in your password all you really after to do is take the USB code again, The time security keys will be available on Google's online stores by the end of the summer for $50 as a bundle [MUSIC]