The vertical takeoff and landing drone or Vertol is Jim's first foray into aerial mobility. We are preparing for a world where advances in electric and autonomous technology make personal air travel possible. It is a concept designed for the moment when time is of essence. And convenience is everything. You've been at the office and now you need to get to a meeting across town. The Vertol meets you on the roof and drops you at the verde port closest to your destination. It uses a 90 kilowatt hour Evie motor to power four rotors, as well as air to air and air to ground communications. As a passenger, it represents personal space and a panoramic view of the world passing beneath you And there's a glimpse of what autonomy and Cadillac luxury might look like in the not too distant future. We have other concepts coming, including a luxury, two seated design for you and someone very special. To decompress, relax and enjoy a multi-sensory experience choreographed for more intimate journeys.Each concept, reflecting the needs and wants of the passengers At a particular moment in time, and Jim's vision of the future of transportation. This is a special moment for General Motors as we reimagine the future of personal transportation for the next five years and beyond.