We're testing the Holmes's ability to hear me over background noises versus the Amazon echo. Hey Google, play Seven Nation Army. It's gonna be at full volume. All right, Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes, playing on Google Play Music. From this system, shouldn't be a problem. Stop. Still fine. Alexa, play Seven Nation Army. [BLANK_AUDIO] Seven Nation Army, by the White Stripes. [MUSIC] Notice Alexa's louder [INAUDIBLE] volume. But still should be able to hear me. She just did. From a distance, things are gonna get a little more challenging Hey google! Play! [MUSIC] Picks right back where it left off. Hey google! Hey google! Hey google! Stop! Alexa is going to have similar trouble. Alexa! Alexa, play. [MUSIC] Again, it's a little loud. Alexa, [MUSIC] Alexa, Alexa! [MUSIC] And at that volume it's gonna have a lot of trouble hearing I would have to shout to get over it. [MUSIC]