Tesla CEO Elon Musk pushed to reopen the company's Fremont California factory in violation of the state's shelter in place guidelines. That's what we're talking about on this episode of auto complete. We've spoken before about Ellen's oft voiced opinion on the US has extended shelter in place guidelines. Which is why it came as no surprise when he took to his favorite platform. Twitter to threaten California with moving Tesla's HQ and manufacturing operations out of state. He then announced that Fremont would be reopening this week and that if anyone is gonna be arrested for the violation of the strict shelter in place orders. It should be him. Alameda County where the factory is located, relented and agreed to let Fremont reopen as long as it maintained minimal business operations. Now, as sensational as that all seems, what does it all mean in practical terms? Well, first it doesn't mean that the big T is going to all of a sudden start cranking out models S and X, again, nor 3 or Y and big numbers. This is a partial reactivation only. Next, it means that California is setting a pretty dangerous precedent. If a billionaire can bully the state into changing its rules now Then what's to stop someone else from doing it in the future. Even with this, there's still a small chance that Elan could still end up moving Tesla's operations to somewhere like Texas. Would that be a huge hit to California as a whole? No, but it would definitely be a big loss for Alameda County and the Bay Area in general. Specifically the loss of manufacturing jobs. car manufacturing jobs in California don't really grow on trees after all. Is this pretty frustrating? Yeah, and it's worse because Tesla's workers are caught in the middle. California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzales voiced her frustrations first on Twitter. And then more eloquently in an interview with CNN, in which she said, we should be outraged by a billionaire that has gotten so much from its partnership in California, that continues to put workers in unsafe conditions continues to Union bust continues to wave his finger at California, as if we're supposed to allow that and let him throw his temper tantrum. That's it for this episode of virtuous autocomplete, I've been Kyle Hiatt, you've been just fabulous. And I'd asked you to not only hit the subscribe and notification buttons if you did what we're doing, but chime in in the comment section and let us know what you want us to cover next. Until next time, stay home, stay healthy and wash your damn hands.