Speaker 1: If you ever wanted a more ruggedized longer battery life, apple watch it's here. The apple watch ultra, or it will be soon. I got to take a look at it here in apple park, in Cupertino, and it's big. Speaker 1: I wanted an apple watch for a longer battery life for a long time. It's here with a whole lot more in the apple watch ultra. Now the ultra is not just about a longer battery life. The thing is a full on ruggedized sports watch. That's coming out [00:00:30] in about two weeks. It's expensive. It's $800. Now that maybe that's not quite as expensive as some of Apple's addition, brand fashion watches before, but there is a lot of stuff being packed into here to maybe make that worthwhile for someone who could afford it. That being said, there are also other new apple watches. Apple has split the lineup into not just two but three different versions. There's the apple watch series eight. There's the apple watch se which is a new model. And there's now the ultra at the top. Speaker 1: [00:01:00] So of the things that are on the apple watch series eight are also here. There's a lower power mode. There's also a temperature sensing, which I've tried on wearables, like the URA ring that I've got on my finger, but the ultra has a whole bunch of other stuff. That's specifically targeted at outdoorsy people, hiking people, people who might want to power use their apple watch. It starts with the design, which is very different. It is titanium, but it's a little more bulbous looking. Um, it has a curved look at the top. It's [00:01:30] flat though. And it has almost this kind of James Cameron meets Casio GShock type look, it's big. And I have a big hairy wrist and it fit my wrist. Fine. A lot of other people might not be like that look. Um, but the watch is only one size and one price. And all the models include that cellular option though. Speaker 1: You don't have to necessarily turn it on. So that look is big, kind of threw me, but I got used to it, especially with these giant new types of sports straps. It has, it is a [00:02:00] bold look that won't necessarily appeal to a lot of people, which is fine, cuz it's in its own category. The battery life, as I said is longer, it's supposed to be 36 hours of normal use up to 60 hours in low power mode. That sounds promising more than the regular apple watch. It still may not be enough for people who are expecting that extra long GPS type life that they may have on a garment watch. But GPS speaking of outdoor stuff is upgraded on this. The GPS is L one and L [00:02:30] five frequencies. So it could be a lot more accurate for outdoors and GPS things. Apple has also updated the compass app to add whole new modes, to zoom out and give your perspective to also be able to navigate and backtrack. Speaker 1: And there is a button on the side, a new side button that you can use to set way points. The apple watch before had one side button. Now there's another on the other side, that's orange. And you can use that to program things like the compass or for aquatic [00:03:00] things. And apple says that it's also certified for scuba. So it does seem particularly oriented for doing things like underwater stuff. And if you use that side button, you can use the apple watch ultra underwater in ways that you couldn't easily before with any other apple watch that being said, I don't dive with apple watches and I certainly haven't tried the ultra yet. Speaker 1: The display is brighter 2000 nets, which again is meant to help in both outdoor use and things like underwater use. You can also enter night mode with a couple [00:03:30] of new watch faces and there's one particular new watch face that apple has set up to be a super compass laid in type of a thing that you might want to use with the ultra. There are three new straps that work with the ultra. One is the ocean strap that is this bold rubberized strap. That's meant to stay, uh, securely fit. Even on top of a wetsuit. I actually like the look it's, it's really bold, but it, it it's a lot. There's also an Alpine loop that has little nylon notches that you can put a titanium [00:04:00] clasp into to keep it locked into place. And there's kind of an evolution of the sport loop. That's called the trail loop. That's more of an elasticized band. That's very snug. Um, they all look really nice. I mean, apple has really nice straps. Um, I don't know what the price configurations are necessarily yet. There are also new microphones on the ultra that are meant to be more receptive and louder speakers. And in particular there's an emergency siren that can be sent out at very high decibels [00:04:30] to send out a ping in case you're lost somewhere. Speaker 1: I did not get to test this out in the apple demo room. It's probably a good thing, but it's an interesting aspect in case again, if somebody was outdoors, what it doesn't have is that new satellite feature that's on the new iPhone models, um, which could sound very useful if we're using it on a watch, but a watch is much smaller. And I don't think that technology exists yet. And like I said, there are a couple of new sensors on the apple watch ultra the temperature one, which is also on the eight. There's also a new depth sensor. [00:05:00] That's on the side and that's compatible with a depth sensing app that's on the apple watch and there's also a new oceanic plus app. That's a third party app that does this whole bunch of extra scuba stat type stuff that, um, you could also use if you're doing any sort of aquatic activities. What you really have on this is a more ruggedized longer battery life, extra botified, uh, better waterproofed watch with improved GPS. Do you feel like the apple watch ultra is for you? Does battery life [00:05:30] really make a big difference for you or are there other features that are compelling about this watch? Or maybe you'd rather go with something else, let us know in the comments and make sure to liken subscribe. Plus we're gonna be back with a full apple watch ultra review in the future. Thanks for watching.