Google Home is meant to be a voice assistance. Meaning it's supposed to assist and make things better or easier for you. Here are five of the most helpful Google Home commands you can use right now. If you want the most pertinent information every single morning, just say okay Google good morning. Or okay Google, tell me about my day. Good day Casper, The time is 4:44 pm. The weather in Concord currently is 59 degrees and cloudy, with a high of 59 degrees. Have a wonderful day. This will give you the time, a forecast for the day, what the traffic on you work commute It's gonna look like, will give you any appointments upcoming in your calendar, any reminders you have set. And it will also give you the news which you can customize in the Google Home app under more settings, news. If you wanna make something new for dinner but you're not sure where to start Start, just ask Google. Say, okay, Google, how to I make tzatziki? Combine the strained and chopped cucumber with two cups plain greek yogurt, one and a half tablespoon lemon juice, four pressed garlic cloves, one third cup chopped dill, half a teaspoon salt and one eighths of a teaspoon black pepper. It'll list the ingredients and everything you need to know to make the dish, But if you need it to repeat something, just say, okay Google, say that again. Or, okay Google, can you repeat that? If you want to pull up the webpage that Google is referencing for the recipe, you can also find that in the Google home app under related to my activities. With the help of IFT, Google Home can actually help you find your lost phone. Just go to and sign up or log in and then click search at the top of the page. Search for the Google Assistant channel and then look for the app that's titled Tell Google Assistant to call my phone. Select it and then turn on. Then you can just say okay Google, find my phone. Okay, calling your phone. And IFTTT will give your phone a ring. One of the most unique and helpful features of Google home is the ability to throw content to other cast enabled devices around the house, you can throw music to your cast enabled speakers, or movies, TV shows or YouTube videos to your television with Comcast, after you added all the cast devices in your Google home app and give them each a unique name Just say okay google play stranger things on the TV. If you want to hear a particular song on the radio but you dont know the name of it, dont worry, all you need to know is a little information such as a few verses. Boosting that or some other context. You can say things like, okay Google play that song by Aerosmith that's on Armageddon or okay Google play that song that goes please don't make any sudden moves. cubits by 21 pilots playing on spotify.>> For more Google home tips be sure to go to