Kanye West probably won't pay back the $300 he owes Jensen Karp (Tomorrow Daily 379)
Kanye West probably won't pay back the $300 he owes Jensen Karp (Tomorrow Daily 379)

Kanye West probably won't pay back the $300 he owes Jensen Karp (Tomorrow Daily 379)

On today's show, we deep dive into the world of fake dog corpses, hollow anatomy apps, and of course, the robot that folds your laundry. Then comedian Jensen Karp stops by to tell us why Kanye West owes him $300. Kanye West owes this show $300. Not true. Come on, Kanye, pay up. Tomorrow daily. [MUSIC] Greetings, citizens of the Internet, welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best geek talk show in the known universe. It's the actual Talk show day. I'm Ashley Esqueda. And I'm Jeff Cannata. It's big jam packed fun show today. So, much fun. So, much user feedback. So, I mean, there's just a lot going on. I did so much research. And good stories too. Great stories. Great guests. We can't wait, so why Are we sitting here doing this? Let's hit the headlines. [MUSIC] All right, let's talk about dog corpses. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] Okay, if we must. This is actually a dog corpse to prevent other dog corpses. It's a synthetic. Dog cadaver- Yeah. for veterinary use, hopefully. Okay, so let's talk about Sindaver, let's talk about what they're doing. Aw, look at this pooch. Sindaver is a company that actually make synthetic cadavers that are human, and now they're making ones for dogs so that they can send them to veterinary colleges. As we mentioned earlier this week [UNKNOWN] Veterinary colleges use sometimes terminal dogs. I mean, they're still dying or sick, or different things like that. But they actually use living animals, which is never great. And also, Well, Well, it's not just that, they operate on dogs to learn, and then they put the dogs to sleep when they're done. Well they don't- It's really sad. Always put them to sleep, the thing is, a lot of them are terminal, a lot of them are gonna be put to sleep anyway- I think you're spinning this, I think you're spinning it in a direction. I dunno, I just- It's a sad thing. It's sad all the way around. So, this could potentially save a lot of lives, because you can You can use the synthetic dog instead of real dogs for the training purposes. Maybe a dog that would otherwise have been adopted. I don't like kill shelters. And maybe dogs that are at kill shelters go to the colleges and stuff It sucks you guys. Let's be honest here. This is a terrible way of doing things but it is the only way to do it. I can't believe it took until 2016 to make this a thing. It feels like you could have had a synthetic cadaver a lot earlier than this because they certainly didn't look human. Well they are expensive and that's what it is. I did some research. We had some people talk about this stuff, so SpikeTiger wrote in and said let's drone up the skinless dog. What could go wrong, which made me laugh. Pin wrote in and said it's not saving doggie lives, most veterinary cadavers, or most veterinary test subjects, I think it says veterinary cadavers but it would be test subjects, are euthanized shelter and research dogs and would be put down anyway. Which I thought was an interesting point but still we hate the fact that people have to practice on living beings because we wouldn't want anybody practicing surgery on me. It's a little Nazi Germany to me. I don't It's a little gory. It just feels a little. So I did some research on Syndaver and I'm very impressed with what I found. So the guy who founded Syndaver took it to Shark Tank a few years ago And got a deal for like three million dollars investment from one of the sharks Yeah, sharks love cadavers And then the guy backed out Uh-oh Now that guy is probably kicking himself because SynDaver's doing just great. They're synthetic cadavers for medical training and stuff like that. That's awesome. They're a little more expensive than an actual real life cadaver which I found out costs $10,000. I can get you a dead person for 10 grand? Well here's the thing, is it's 10,000 for the cadaver but then on top of that you have Say for storage, travel, there's a lot of extra fees, that obviously, And cadavers only fly first class. That's right. So, yeah, so cadavers are expensive. They're really expensive. And I believe, if I'm not mistaken, the cadaver, the synthetic cadavers, are about 20 $5000? I feel like I read that. Don't quote me on that price. It's like buying a season pass to Disneyland. Three times and it pays itself back. [LAUGH] So true. [LAUGH] It's like three cadavers. It pays for itself right there. I'm sorry. It's actually more than that because the cadaver dog is $24,000. That's where the $24,000 came from. It's $24,000 for the dog. I hear the cadaver dog is the cadaver's best friend. Mm-hm. That's what I hear. True. SynCadaver, the Syndaver, so these are the things that people had questions about. Can they be repaired? Well, congratulations everybody, I did some research, some more research, I'm very fascinated by this. Syndaver if you want to send me Look CNet, you guys gotta [CROSSTALK] Talking to you Bob Look I don't wanna show up at work one day and there's a There's a body laying on the table There's a cadaver of a dog here, even if it's fake, I will probably throw up You'd probably start crying I'd cry Okay so they are repairable, you can repair them after individual surgery It'd be terrible if they were one use. Single use cadaver would be terrible Well, that's what they normally are. You have to think of it that way. Well, because they're real. Cuz they're real. So these are re-usable, they can be repaired. So you would replace individual parts that you would operate on. Hilariously, you're doing surgery and then you have to do surgery on the Because of the surgery right?>>Yeah, totally. They use that to replace the parts. So SynDaver, for example, the most expensive thing I think he said. There's a great AMA on Syndaver. The skin cost $2500, the most expensive, but it's also the largest organ In the body, right? Yeah. So it's 2500 bucks to replace [UNKNOWN] So you do, you know, you're a veterinarian, and you do, you know, you practice to fix the dog, and then the [UNKNOWN] unfixes the dog so that the next person can fix the dog. I like all of the That, all of that, I'm into it. But I think you're gonna be really excited about this one last thing before I move on. All right. They asked, somebody asked on Reddit how do you ship a body, how do you ship a fake, synthetic cadaver. And this is what SynDaver said. They go in some type of container which may be an acrylic display tank, a military storage case, or in our new storage system that kind of looks like Han Solo frozen in carbonite. Worth it. What? Whatever it is gets packed onto a pallet and shipped out via freight. I think they know exactly how to sell- Yeah they do. on something. Sold. I wanna write a check. Do you accept checks? Will you accept a post-dated check? [LAUGH] For fifty years from now. My goodness. I thought that that was super fascinating and I gotta tell you Pretty crazy stuff. So moving on from the fake dog cadaver. Right. Let's talk about Hololens. And let's talk about how amazing this is gonna be, because- Opening it up is a great idea. Yes. So, I think this thing we wanna talk about is Open API. Right. So, for those of you who were not around a couple of days ago Cleveland clinic. And they collaborated with a partner to bring this hollow anatomy app officially, like this is their app. Look at that. You don't even need a cadaver. You can just have virtual cadaver. A virtual cadaver. I mean it's an interesting thing, right, maybe you don't need that if you have something like this Right. Maybe. So yeah, Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic made this app, and so what they're doing is they're saying hey, and we can show students the human body in such a way that we're able to help them learn and we can for example, put labels on everything in the body and then take them away for a test, all augmented reality-wise. That would be a great thing. Yeah. This is definitely one of probably the more exciting and most developed HoloLens app that I've seen thus far. Yeah. But it's certainly key to an open API. This is the point of an open API. The most exciting part of this, for me, is The idea this is a brand new technology, right? Yeah. We are on the very tip of the iceberg right now with what augmented reality applications are going to be like. That's true. To have that API open to be able to throw tons of different minds, tons of different creative angles at this technology, and see where we can push the boundaries, and have everybody Research and idea influence everybody else's, I think it's only gonna be a great thing for when this finally becomes a consumer product, because I wanna see the most applications for this. I wanna throw out the boundaries and not just have it restricted to what Microsoft thinks we should do. Sure. Did you, speaking of augmented reality, did you see magically Patent?>>Yeah, but they say that's not what it's gonna finally look like. [CROSSTALK] It could be a full face shield which would explain how they're like it's a full field of vision. Which I think would be great, I'm all for the full field of vision.>>I would wear a visor. Do it. Let's all look like storm troopers and make it happen. But they did specifically say that's not their final design But that's their original concept I'm in to it I'm gonna say, give me that visor Yeah I want it, I want it. But yeah, so this is really cool, and I think open APIs are so key right now in terms of new technology, like you said we're on the precipice, this is the beginning We're about to take this incredible adventure into worlds that we haven't really explored before, into ways of delivering information and entertainment to people and I think that an open API is so key To having more ad more people with ideas get on board and be able to create without having to be found by somebody, or be given access, and it's so, so important to me, I think, to have an open IP access. It's gonna be better for the health of the project, because they could have just had a short period where They had maintained control over it and they sold things. It would sell well. But open it now. Open it up early before [CROSSTALK] Way early. Consumer product. Have you seen all the previous stuff of people taking screenshots and sharing what they're seeing in hollow lens to Twitter? Yeah. Amazing, amazing. Okay, last one, let's talk about Fully Made. So you guys are a community divided about Foldimate. I find myself in the odd predicament of asking you what you want more, a robot to fold your clothes or a fake dog cadaver? That's a really hard question. [LAUGH] That's a hard question for you? I mean. Amazing. I mean, the fake dog cadaver would just be so fascinating. Let's me just explain something to you guys. When I was a kid, my favorite DOS game was Operation Frog. I loved that game. And I loved science- And you loved clothes being folded for you. And I loved the human body and I loved morose Weird, morbid things. So, this dog cadaver, right up my alley. Listen, if I could just have a human, a fake human cadaver in my house all the time, I would. My husband has a human hand inside a jar, a bell jar at home- A real human hand? A skeletal A human hand skeleton in a jar, that's what we have. That's just to remind him not to step out of line [LAUGH] No he bought that for himself, I didn't buy it for him, I mean, if I was gonna get him a gift I would be like look at this human cadaver, it could be you if you step out of line Is it so that any time you're around the house and you go honey can you give me a hand and then he throws it at me and then I grab the jar and I smash it on the ground and I go you know what I mean [LAUGH] Already clapped, [UNKNOWN]. Foldimate is a robot that folds your laundry. We're gonna, we gotta discuss Foldimate here because Here it comes. $700. It's gigantic. To have it do your laundry, right? Yes. Okay. $700 you have it to fold your clothes. It can't fold oversize stuff, it can't, I mean it can really nicely fold your shirts, obviously. Look at this thing go. It's so beautiful. It reminds me of those little folding apparati that you see at a retail store. Giant mistake they're making is they don't let you look inside and see it happen. It should be clear. It's entertainment! Yeah. It's absolutely entertainment. Your kids would all be mesmerized. Right? Yeah. It's like your future kids, Jack, you could just sit them in front of the folding manual. Just watch the clothes being folded. Fold it from take a couple hours and relax. So we have so really good user feedback. Look at that it just popped out. Just popped out, here you go. So we have great user feedback. Scappy wrote in and said, quoted me where I said I can only pre-order one thing two years in advance which is my Tesla. Me too, or me three. Which I like. Nice. It is me three, because Jeff preordered one too. It's true. Kieran wrote and said $700? Why? I could probably just give my mom 20 bucks and she'll do all my folding for me, even though it is pretty cool. That was the thing that I did not think about which was a lot of laundry mats or dry cleaner services do fluff and fold. You just take your laundry for $20, a whole bag of your laundry and they'll fold everything for you including your fitted sheets and your underwear. I'd say ride that gravy train as long as you can because those days are limited It's so right. So yeah, you guys had a tennis shoe, but I found something that's even better than the folding maze. What? Are you ready to see it? Is it a duck in ever? No it's not. It's a clothes folding apparatus, here it is. This is laundroid. Laundroid! [CROSSTALK] It already has a better title. It already has a better name. It's really big, but here's the kicker. You don't actually have to clip anything on, you just dump all your laundry in there in a pile, And then it sorts through your stuff. It takes a little while for you to get through. I think they said three- Come back in a week. It says three to ten minutes for each piece to clothing to figure out exactly what it is. It needs to be folded rather. But here's the thing. If you just dump it all in overnight and hit it for eight hours, and it folds all your clothes. In the morning, you're already done. Hopefully it figured out what it was. I don't want my pants Folded like my shirts. Yeah no I don't want that. Maybe it thinks pants or shirts? Ever glitch hackers. Hackers get into your Laundroid. Don't hack my Laundroid. Don't hack my Laundroid bro! It folds it like a big middle finger or something. [LAUGH] In a middle finger What? Damn you hackers! You're like no! So terrible. But Laundroid so that was a prototype at CES this last year. Next year they're saying they'll partner with Panasonic and they think they're gonna have a full working one next year at CES [CROSSTALK] We have to see it So, fingers crossed everybody [CROSSTALK] And you said, they're gonna build these into homes? They wanna build them into homes in Japan by 2020 [CROSSTALK] Into washers and dryers, so you just Into washers and dryers by 2018 [CROSSTALK] Theoretically, it would dry your clothes And then just fold them up And then fold them up That's the dream guys! Meanwhile, I'm sipping margaritas on the couch. That's right. Exactly. What a world we live in. Are people into this? I am, so I think that's us. [LAUGH] Do we need anybody else's opinions? Do we feel like this is the ultimate bourgeois thing? But how expensive is it gonna be, cos it's huge. It's so boujey, youse guys. Super boujey. But yeah, I found it an improvement over the full Dmate. Just in case you had some extra cash to throw around. I mean, if I'm gonna buy one Folding robot, it's going to be the lawn droid. Why not get the best one? You want to get the best. Yeah. You want the best. Speaking of money, Kanye West owes our guest $300, and we're going to ask him why right after the break, so stick around. It's tomorrow daily. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show, friends. Our guest today, we're very excited to have him. He is a writer, a comedian, an art gallery co-founder, a podcaster. And he has a new book called Kanye West Owes Me $300 which is not just a snappy title. [LAUGH] Well, welcome Jessicar Pangays Thanks for hearing me man Thank you for having me, it can't be a snappy title it has to legally be true, that's why it's the title. Okay My lawyers told me that over and over as long as he technically owes me $300.00 we are fine. So he technically owes you 300 dollars He does, he owes me yeah So let's start with that Okay let's just get that right out of the way Well when I was 19 years old I was pretty much Los Angeles' biggest battle rapper, which is weird because I look like an accountant, but I was killer, like I could murder anybody, and that turned in to a million dollar record deal at Interscope, with Jimmy Ivine, it was like the Yankees of the music business Yeah, sure And so I recorded an album with them and it was, I recorded with Redman and Fabolous and DJ Quik and DJ Clue? and Mya. Sugar Ray, which is less impressive. But one of the people I worked with is a young Kanye West. We became close friends. He's not sort of the guy you know now. He was a very, kind of, Quiet, somewhat humble guy, a little strange. Not Kayne West, 20 20. No, not like ranting about jogging sweats, like he's sort of a monster now but at the time, very sweet. We became friends, hung out, movies, dinners, awkward sex, we would do that. You know me as a person, at this point, couple minutes in, I could not hang out with this version of him that you know. So one of the things that he wanted to do is record and record a song together And as a producer, not a rapper. Nobody really knew he was a rapper. And he had to leave, he had to go to his mom's house. His train's about to leave- Wait, wait. So you made a record with Kanye West- Yeah. where you were the rapper, not him? Well no one knew him as a rapper. I just think that's such a cool story. Yeah, yeah. It's so fun. His managers would never even Wouldn't admit he was a rapper. That's amazing. Like when he told me he was a rapper it was a secret. He was like I'm a rapper. I was like really, that's crazy. Like he was being pitched as a producer. He couldn't really be both at the time. Yeah. He was also like a big dork. He had like adult braces and stuff. Wow. So people weren't stoked on him being a rapper. Sure, he didn't have the right look at the time. Yeah, or like. So opposite. It was too hard to understand. Even for me and everyone else. And so we recorded. He said he needed to leave. I said listen I'll get a car service for you. The label gave me way too much money. And he's like no I'll pay you back, I don't want it. And he would text me two ways at the time. He would two way me every week about this $300. But after awhile when someone does that you're like Yeah, you owe me $3. [LAUGH] And so we kind of lost touch around couple of months after 'Through The Wire', after he got in the accident. And we haven't spoken since. But it is my biggest outstanding debt that I have in my life. [LAUGH] I think that's my favourite thing. It's the largest debt. I feel like now he can Probably afford it. I would assume. I guess we're all a little questions when he said he was $53 million dollars in debt. 53 million and 300 dollars in debt. [CROSSTALK] Maybe he added it. [CROSSTALK] It was fifty three seven and then I remembered that car that Jensen got me I'm gonna throw that in. Maybe, who knows. But no, I have not had much conversation with him, so who knows. And since that time, you have kind of done a little bit of everything. So you have a podcast that's on Earwolf- Yeah, it's on Earwolf network. Yeah. And you've got a, you still do the show with the baby? We did a show with a baby for a long time. We had a show called Baby Talk in Los Angeles, Dan Levy and I, and we would interview a six to eight year old, every month at the Meltdown theater with three of our comedian friends. So if you ever looked for a Billy Eichner Yell F off to a seven year old we have the perfect show for you. [LAUGH] We have karate, people asking for that. Go on YouTube we have like Blake Griffin, Jon Maloney, we had so many great comedians come through and do it. There's like nine episodes on YouTube. Great. Baby talk. And you also cofounded an art gallery. That was right after the rap group. One of the greatest art galleries. I visited it many times, gallery 88. So basically when I left the music industry It ended on sort of bad terms, which you'll read in this book. And I needed to find somewhere where I could sort of wholeheartedly curate, not worry about someone else telling me something to do. And a gallery's perfect for that. You can put whatever you want on the walls and you can live and die on your decision. You choose, yeah. And luckily, 13 years later, we're still in business. A gallery isn't exactly a sure thing. No, or on Melrose. Yeah. Melrose has a lot of turnover. It has a turnover rate of about three months. We had thirteen years. We are pretty much one of the longest running businesses on the block now. That is so awesome. You do a lot of pop culture type stuff too, which is really cool. Yeah and directly with the companies a lot of times. Like we have worked with Breaking Bad and Lost In the Oscars, in The Avengers. And we just did The Force Awakens with JJ. I have a number of things that I purchased there on the walls in my home. I love it. A bunch of Ghostbusters stuff. Yeah! [CROSSTALK] The Ghostbusters event was amazing. Yeah. But, so all of this Stuff, all of your very eclectic life, all these different endeavors that you've been part of are in this book? No, this is just the rap career. Just the rap career. Yeah, this is basically my childhood in Woodland Hills California which is not quite a city of much minority. Mostly just Whites, Lot of Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, and I came up rapping, it was my passion since the first moment I heard it, and I became very good through training. What was the first rap you heard, what was the thing that jump started it all? This group called Third Base, not necessarily a big famous group, but they were three white dudes, or really two white dudes as the rappers. And they spoke to me. They didn't try to appropriate the culture. I knew even at that age, this wasn't my music. I knew to love it and to understand it, but not to steal it. Sure. I don't how to mo town and things I have studied. And so, these guys third base made it their own. And that was the first time I heard it, when, I can do this. And that was what I was into. That's cool. And then it ends the last day I decided to rap. Wow. That's cool. And you started your career just extemporaneously? Or sitting down and writing? For the book or for rapping? Rapping. Writing really first. I'm in sixth grade. And it's still kinda good. I look back at the sixth grade stuff, and I'm like, this is pretty funny. It's in the book. I put in some of the lyrics from sixth grade. They're decent. And then free telling Like Ms. Finkelstein No. isn't what I No I was rough. [LAUGH] NO, no no, I was. You could read in the. I was claiming to have sex with her Ahh No. I was.. Sixth grade You understood what rap was about. [CROSSTALK} I had studied long enough. At the time, that was. Yeah, that was. At the time, no. That was it. At the time it's all, that's all hip hop is still please. True you make a good point. And so, yeah. I knew what to do. And so, yeah, then I became. I like battling Battling is what I wanted to do especially because comedy was so ingrained in me. And so that's free-styling at that time. So that's how I got into free style battling because I wanted to use comedy and music and that was the easiest way. Do you still rap? Not much. In the last ten years, the Clippers asked me, I'm a huge Los Angeles Clippers fan They asked me to do a song two years ago for half-time. And that was the first time I'd rapped on a microphone in a decade. Wow. So they put that at half-time. And then since, for the book, I've put out a couple things. I did a song with Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park. Which we just released for the book. And then I have a song with Nova Rockafeller from Canada. So there's some things I'm doing. I put out a freestyle for the book. So some things I'm doing to promote. And I still have it. [LAUGH] That's good. That's good to know. Still killing it. Excellent, still crushing it. So in the book, there are a lot of these sort of interesting like factual encounters with people. Yeah. Like one of my favorite things that you mention, and you have a trailer for your book. I do. Listen. If you're not sure about buying it, go watch the trailer. The trailer will sell it. It's great. It's right here. And you talk about how Mark McGrath threw you a 21st birthday party. Threw you a party, and then you never spoke again. Spoken, I've never seen him again. Ok, fair enough. He actually tweeted again the other day. I did not send him a free book. He tweeted himself reading the book and congratulating me. Amazing I don't know if he knows [UNKNOWN] [CROSSTALK] He hasn't gotten that page yet [LAUGH] .>>I just tweeted at him, I was like thank you so much, I hope you like your chapter with a heart. He was very nice to me. We had a song together and he was a friend. And then, after he got a, I mean, I guess I could spoil this. He got a humongous virgin Mary tattoo that night Cuz he was so drunk. No. And he got a Virgin Mary tattoo on his neck, and then he had it removed shortly thereafter. So no matter how crazy I think my 21st birthday is, I did not beat mark McGrath. No. He's not even religious! He just pointed at it. I'll take that right here. I need that right there. They're like, the bull, or the Virgin Mary? The Virgin Mary's fine. The lady. Put her on. It very much sounds like this was a, not to use a book metaphor, but a chapter in your life that had a beginning, middle, and end and you are past it now. Absolutely. That's a lot of therapy. That's ten years of therapy. Cause when you're 19 and you sign a record deal for a million dollars and the tell you you're going to be on TRL, and they tell you you're going to work with Timberland, and they tell you all these things and that doesn't come together. As much as that sounds like the smallest violin in the world, it is not. It is very painful for a child. [SOUND] Hard!>>Very hard. And at 36, I'm a grown man. I'll take any of your disappointment. My parents are divorced. I'm fine. When you're 21 and you know this is your job. And also, I went to college. I graduated. I could have went another route. I was a sitcom writer by trade. I could have done those things, instead I lost two or three years because of rapping. Sure. And it's my passion, but I was promised a bunch of things and those did not come through. Now I feel good, but at the time it was really painful. Yeah, I'm sure that's really hard. So what do you think now about sort of the landscape of, I mean obviously, We talked about this with Jackie too. People who are independent, able to get their music out there regardless of, who know, labels and things like that, like do you think that if you were doing this, you were rapping now At that age. Do you feel like you would have gone through maybe like a YouTube or a Soundgarden? Do you feel like you would have done indie or would you have gone for that record deal? Look at me. I was made to rap on the internet. [LAUGH] That's why I'm asking. Especially because, at the time, you have to understand, no-one looked like me. in 2016 or sounded like, I've dressed like this, I've sounded like this my whole life, in 2016 it's hard to find a white rapper that doesn't belong at Pacific Sunwear Right Sure I was the first of that mold and I listened to it back then and went this feels Like even I heard and went, I'm trying because I can't be anything else. I can't talk about guns, I can't talk about jewelry, It has to be you. It has to be me, and it was startling. Now I listen to it in 2016 and I'm not really that creeped out by it. It's just the way the world has evolved and the internet being a big part of it because if you're selling realistic rap from a kid who grew up in a middle class suburban home The strongest way to put that out is the internet. I didn't have that at all. Napster had barely started when I got out. It's true democratization of the medium. It helps. It gets you other audiences. It creates sub genres within a larger genre. I didn't have that opportunity. I'm still happy with what I did but My project was made for what would later become the internet. Do you have a lot of time to listen to or look around for up and coming musicians that you're really into? Yeah. Is there anybody online that people should be listening to right now? Yeah. That's what our podcast is called. Get up on this. And it's me getting people up on musicians apps, movies, TV shows, anything. And I love at a group in LA called Villain Park. No one truly knows who they are yet. They're kids. They have some connections. One of their brothers was a 90s underground rapper, like I was. But they're incredible. And they're kids. And I don't even know how many, probably 1000 followers. 2000 followers? But they sound like a throwback group. 90s farside sounding but they're kids, yeah. Wow. Knowland Park. Knowland Park. I'm publicising them. They've never emailed me. I've never spoken to them. >. Well your the Mark McGrath of Knowland Parks life right now. [LAUGH] Let's make an old license for me. [LAUGH] I appreciate the metaphor but, push it a little harder That's awesome I like it I like it. So what's next after the book. Do you want to write more books? Do you want to do, I mean, because you do a lot of things. So what's next for you? Well I'm writing, write now I'm writing the S piece the ESPN Oscars, this is my third year in a row, this year we have John Cena so I'm super excited about that as a host. Are you gonna go for the meme? Well hold on, there are a lot of memes, are you talking about John Cena? Yeah Maybe [LAUGH] Maybe You have to tune in to find out. I'm so jealous because I feel like you would be my best friend and we'd get along. You seem like the coolest guy. That's what everyone says I used to write pro wrestling. I wrote Monday Night RAW that was my first writer That is amazing. We need to have you own just so I can just talk to you about that, [UNKNOWN] I didn't figure [UNKNOWN] 2005 and was a great experience, not something that I wanted to do ever again. I could very easily. Did you get the crazy Mr. [UNKNOWN] calls when he was like change it all? [LAUGH] Well, I didn't get those calls. [UNKNOWN] He even called the new kid to do that. He was very nice to me and very sweet and John was always a bright spot. He was the guy who walked up to my mother and introduced himself when she came. He's that guy. Charm parade all through and through. Like a politician. I've been so stoked to be reunited with him and be making jokes with him and he went and bought my book at a store yesterday. What a nice guy. It was the most adorable think I could think of. [LAUGH] If John Cena walked in and bought a book in my book store I'd be like what book is that? [LAUGH] Sell it to everyone Everybody can have it Did anyone see John Cena buy this book? I'd yell it out loud. But yeah it's been fun, and then I'm on the alternative press music rewards with my friends Jack and Alex from all time low, they're hosting. And then to Rob Riggle's pilot over at TBS. So I have a lot lined up as far as things to get me away from my life, a little less self-centered. Sure. And then hopefully something new. More projects, more things. Fantastic. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. [CROSSTALK] Thank you guys. Where can everybody find you? Yeah, it's jensenkarp.com, with a K, so J-E-N-S-E-N-K-A-R-P. Everything I do, Which is a lot of stuff it's all hubbed there. And then on Twitter it's JansenClan88 but that's with a C though because I'm not racist, so that's J-A-N-S-E-N-C-L-A-N-8-8. That's perfect. Smart, well done. Yep, that's it. Sounds great. And I'm gonna check out villain park. They're great And definitely go pick up Kanye West owes me $300 because it's very funny and there are a lot of really great stories in there about a lot of your favorite 90s hip hop artists. Want to know something on the way out? Yes, please. Mia loves quesadillas.>> Don't we all. I mean who doesn't love quesadillas. She told me many times then we talk about quesadillas for 15 minutes. [LAUGH] Now we know how to get her to come to his show. Yeah just set up a quesadilla plate. Amazing. Perfect. Yeah. Somebody call the taco man. Yup Alright guys that is it for Jensen, thank you so much again we really appreciate it. And we'll be right back with our. And also a delightful back it or hack it if you like taking pictures of space. So stick around, this is [UNKNOWN]. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show friends. We have to have him back on just to talk about Raw. I think we- I wanna hear wrestling behind scenes wrestling writing stories. I think we should take him to dinner and just talk to him all night long. That too, that too. We'll get all his secrets out. So fun. Looks like he's got a lot of not secrets- What a life! In that book, but yeah. Pretty cool life. Thank you again, Justin. I wanna be a young rap prodigy, that's what I want to be. Prodigy. We need to get you a time machine. Yes! First the time machine and then the rap career, then the money. Then it all comes together. So are you ready to talk about some crowd funding? Let's do it. OK, it's time for Back It or Hack It. I recently last year tried my hand for the first time at astrophotography. Taking pictures of the stars. The night sky. And we don't mean Brad Pitt, people. Astrophotography. Not taking pictures of the stars. Not paparazzi photography, it's different. So it's difficult, right? It's not easy. It's pretty tough. Yeah. One of the things is you have to have. I have my X100T with me, so on my Fuji, so it's not an amazing DSLR camera, it's a fixed lens and everything. But I set it up on a very low tripod and turned it up toward the sky, used the little sky app to figure out where the Milky Way was and took my picture and I did it time lapse and everything. But the thing is is you have to actually, because the Earth is moving, you actually have to adjust, there's ways to sort of adjust for noise and movement- Hm. and things like that, so for really long time lapses, you're going to have the streaks across the sky- Yeah. because obviously the Earth is rotating. So, I thought this was really fascinating, so this is on Indie Gogo, it's called Tiny One. And it's the world's smallest astronomy camera, Okay. and this is pretty cool. If you even have a passing interest in taking pictures of the sky, which honestly like I think sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we go gosh I wish I could get a picture of the night sky right now And you can't, because your phone just won't cut it. It's not gonna do a great job. So, these guys made an astronomy camera specifically designed to take pictures at night of the sky in such a way that it actually has algorithms that will adjust Of your, it'll adjust noise. It'll adjust, it's pretty awesome. So they have a lot of examples of pictures and time-lapse that they took. On their website they have like a Milky Way IFS transit. A whole bunch of stuff that they were able to capture with the Tiny1. That's pretty amazing. And it's- And so it's a point-and-shoot camera. It's a little point-and-shoot camera. It's really their thing. They're saying, we want to make this easy for people. Mm-hm. And it's very sharable. You can connect it right to your phone, you get your images, you share them Through social media, which is pretty cool. So yeah, and honestly, they show it on the Indiegogo. See, here's some of the stuff- Beautiful. They shot with Tiny1. Gorgeous, look at that. Amazing, gorgeous stuff. Is this a camera that just has this functionality also? Or is this a camera that you really couldn't take A picture of your cat where you only have to take pictures of the sky. That's on the FAQ and they do say as a matter of fact you can take pictures outside of regular night time photography. You can use it during the day. There's a day mode switch. That's cool, see? When you switch it, it turns on the IR cut filter and the colors come out natural. So I think that that's pretty useful then. It's not just this Sort of very niche item, it's actually a usable camera that has this cool function. Yeah, that his this really cool function that technically it's interesting because when you look at cameras like our smartphones. Phones. THey are designed for best use in daylight. Right. Bright daylight. You get the brightest, most saturated beautiful pictures in daylight. But then as you start getting darker, darker, darker, you start getting noise. It starts becoming very, kinda muddy. Yeah. And this camera's sort of designed the other way around. Right. Its best photography is at night. And then it also has the ability to take daytime pictures. Pretty cool. Which is really cool. I don't think I have a use for it though because I live in Los Angeles and there is no night sky. But you go places though. I do go places. Go on vacations, The places I'll go. The places you've gone and will go. [LAUGH] And the price I thought wasn't bad. It's 400 bucks Yeah. For the pre-order special, which comes with they say you get a Tiny One camera, a wide-angle kit lens, you get your name on the wall of appreciation on the website, which everybody likes. Sweet wall. And the name on the Tiny MO Universe star map, they're going to make a little app that's a star map like karma. I feel like this is the perfect camping camera This is a great camping camera. If you're going camping, you bring this camera with you. Because sometimes you go camping, you're not gonna wanna bring you big, expensive, scary. Your DSLR [UNKNOWN] definitely. Yeah, with the lenses and stuff. Well also it's a lot of stuff to bring. If you look at traditional astral photography gear, it's a lot. You bring a lot of stuff. Yeah. So why not have something small and compact that you can just throw in your camping backpack, your hiking backpack, go. Yeah. Do your thing, and then take beautiful pictures of the night sky. I think is pretty rad. Pretty awesome. Yeah. I say go for it, back it. Yeah. Back it, back it! I think we're both going to back it, although I think I would have Very few opportunities to use it but I would Fair enough. Still think it would be neat. Yeah, but it'd be nice to just have point shoot that is designed for better night photography. Yeah. Yeah, pretty cool. So yeah, so tiny one, the number one. Do you wanna talk about intuitive I think ours are the. Yeah it's pretty Exact same. Exciting week. Let's do it. [MUSIC] It's time guys It's one of my favorite times of the year as a big video game fan, we're both gearing up for E3 It's convenient that it's almost exactly six months away from Christmas, because this is like video game Christmas Video game Christmas Christmas. It's video game Christmas, if you didn't actually get any gifts, you just heard about what the gifts that are going to come at Christmas are. That you might get- Yeah. at a Christmas in the future. Not maybe even this year. Probably not this year, most of the time. Yeah, it's like really- very few things [LAUGH]. like sort of a teasing video game Christmas. But it's overwhelming, it's huge, it's exciting. If you're into video games, this is the biggest convention of the year. It happens here in Los Angeles Ashley and I will both be covering it, and have done for years, and it's, Gamespot made this amazing video, Look at that. A very, kind of Full House esque, 90s sitcom, trailer with all of the people who are gonna be joining us on the Gamespot stage. We will be guests of Gamespot this year. And we're gonna be doing tomorrow daily once next week. One time. So here's all the great spots, people of course. Then, they also have the kind of funny team. So you've got Greg Miller. You've got Collin. You've got Nick. You've got Tim. Theyre all gonna be there. Yeah. And not only do you got Kinda Funny, You got **** attacks. Yeah. You got critical role. You got eye Justine. Man. The hits just keep on coming. You got us. We haven't shown up yet, but we promise we're coming. Yeah. We're showing up. I think we're coming up right now. I think it's right after this. So me and my virtual. There she is. Me and my virtual boy, and there's Jeff eating an apple. Very And why would they assemble such an all-star group of people to cover E3? Well, it's because E3, here's Andrea. Andrea, it's got Smosh Games. Aw, look at all these folks. It is such a, this is a who's who. It's a who's who of internet people. I dig it. The reason that we've got such an incredible cadre of fine folks assembled is because This is the most exciting video game event on the calendar. Yeah. And there's gonna be big press conferences from all the major companies. Yes. Big announcements, surprises. Games we know about that are gonna be there that are awesome. Games we don't know about and we've never heard of! Potentially new consoles from the big manufacturers. VR is gonna be there in a big way. Yeah. I'm personally excited about that. What a year! I think this is one of the most exciting E3s in recent memory because this is gonna be I think full of surprises, full of unexpected stuff. And also the games we know about that are gonna be there are really top notch. If you had to pick one thing in your wildest dreams to come true at this year's E3 It can be completely unrealistic, what would it be? Well, the easy answer to this is the one that I think is the one that is least likely to to happen and that's [UNKNOWN]. I want [UNKNOWN] and I also want to be inside. I want [UNKNOWN] to be like, hey. We're supporting our virtual reality concept with the biggest game known to man and half life, that's not going to happen. What I do think might happen, a very strong possibility and a lot of people are saying that And it would make me almost as excited is Red Dead Redemption 2. I think that would be [UNKNOWN]. Red Dead Redemption [CROSSTALK] I'm hearing a lot of whispers. The whispers are getting louder, then they get quieter, then they get louder. I think that's a pretty solid bet for that surprise to hit. But I always get excited about the things I couldn't foresee. Things that are coming way out of left field and brand new IP and stuff. What about you? What about in your wildest dreams? Wildest dreams is Nintendo gets on Nintendo DIrect and Reggie Filsame is like I know we said that we would only have Zelda on the show floor But. [LAUGH] And then all of a sudden, they wheel out the NX, and they announce it, and they're like, we are gonna launch with Metroid game, we're gonna have a Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Splatoon II. Spla-two-n. And then he's like, mic drop. And then he throws down the microphone And the entire convention center explodes except for the Nintendo booth. [LAUGH] Those are my wildest dreams. That's about as likely as the Half-Life Three thing, but- And then he rides away on a unicorn with Gabe Newell who will develop Half Life Three for a VR headset that's Nintendo based. Woah. [SOUND] Ta-da. You know. [UNKNOWN] You're hired. [LAUGH] That's perfect. Yeah, they're great. I hire Ashley to write E three forever. You're welcome. But the thing I'm really looking forward to for me is obviously E three is a real big source of indie games. For me, I love indie games, you guys know that. Cup Head, finally, this will be the last year we see it at E3. So with more bosses, there's an easy mode now, so I might actually be able to do something, besides just start crying at the booth every year. No Man's Sky, will be the last time we see that at E3. It'll be nice to see these games that are very close to being finished, to get to see them in their almost finished state. Really excited about all the VR stuff, Playstation VR We have Tim Schafer coming to our show on Wednesday, and he's gonna talk about Rhombus of Ruin, more Psychonauts Yeah, Psychonauts VR experience But I already got my dream come true, which is Psychonauts 2 so I feel like this is just extra icing on the cake The stuff I know about, I'm excited, Crackdown 3, I was a huge fan of the first Crackdown I'm excited for Horizon Zero Hour from Sony although we heard that's gonna be delayed now until February. You'll see The Last Guardian also hopefully the last time you'll see it at E3 before it comes out. Gears of War 4 we're gonna see more about. With our good friends Leann McIntire. That's right. There's so much excitement and I'm such a fan of VR I think Occulus is gonna be showing the touch controllers and maybe we see some of those launch titles and maybe we get a date [UNKNOWN] That would be awesome. It's a really exciting year. I'm excited to see what Zelda is. Yeah, me too. Even though it's on the Wii U, I just want to see what it is. I want to experience, I want to feel Hyrule again. Yeah, an open world Hyrule. Open world, beautiful Hyrule, that's all I've ever wanted. Our Numa's gotta be so proud of himself at this point. I'm really looking forward to that. But yeah. that's what we got. E3. It's so much to look forward to. So much excitement. It's going to be a jammed pack week. One show. One show I have set my schedule for E3 And I haven't put any time into eat, and barely time into sleep. Do you need those things though? I feel like we've transcended those things and it's just pure video games giving me nourishment now. In virtual reality maybe it will feel like you ate. That is my plan. That's a good plan. We have one show, next week. It will be live from the Game Spot stage at QTM Wednesday afternoon Pacific Time. Yeah. Tim Schaeffer's gonna be there. We have some other guests coming. It's gonna be jam packed with fun. We will have seen everything. Well, not everything, but so many things by that point we will share with you. Don't wanna miss it. Yeah. It's gonna be good times. Yeah. So, that is into it so let's hit our phonetographer Jane. Get out of here! [MUSIC] Lance, I wanna talk to you because we, actually guys, everyone out there we need to talk about this selfie theme here because. I love the selfie theme. We started out strong and then I think people forgot what a selfie was. Well I think maybe people. People got intimidated by the selfie perhaps. That might be true. So here's our picture today. Don't be intimidated by the selfie. This is Lance. That's good, look at it, a hand is part of your self. I agree, so- I mean, you're somebody that has a hand in a jar at home. Listen, listen, producer Logan was fighting me on this one, and I said no, I'll allow it. iPhone 6s, he says, he says Tidi, I'm giving permission to share this photo taken by my iPhone 6s at the city of Ilo Ilo, in Philippines. Hope you see this. Thanks and more power to your show. You told people to be creative. I did. You asked for this. We asked for creativity, and like I said. Because he took a picture of his own hand, I'll allow it. But, some of you guys send in landscape pictures. What? Just landscape. No human body parts? Well. PG. Keep it real, guys. We wanna stick to this theme this month. We wanna see your selfies. Yeah. So, come on. We wanna see those smilies, those pearly whites. Those twinkling eyes. [SOUND] Come on, guys. Do it. Email your selfie picture to tomorrow@cnet.com. Do these things! Tell us how to pronounce your name. Yeah. Even though an idiot could pronounce it, we still look it up. We are those idiots. We are those idiots. Tell us the story about it, give us permission to use it on the show, and tell us what device to check it with. That easy. Indeed. It's that easy. That's gonna do it for this episode. Yeah, that's it. We are at tomorrowdaily.com if you wanna share the show. Gamespot.com will have all of the live coverage for E3 2016, you're not going to want to miss it. They start early, Monday morning. And I'll be live tweeting all the press conferences, I'm going to be in attendance at all of them. So if you want to follow me on Twitter, I'm at @jeffcannata. And I'll be live Snarking all the post conferences. [LAUGH] So if you'd like a jokier point of view you can follow me @ashleyscalla and again, Wednesday, 2 PM, Pacific Time, Live, Gamespot.com, don't miss tomorrow daily next week because we're only doing one show guys, one show. That will be a good one though. Lot of video games to play but we're gonna be doing it. That is it We will have a great weekend, and until then. Be good humans. [INAUDIBLE] [MUSIC]

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