GameSpot Plays--Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
GameSpot Plays--Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

GameSpot Plays--Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

Gaming Hardware
Marcus Phoenix. Oh all right, cool. Let's do it. Hey everybody welcome to another game spot plays. Danny O' Dwyer with Mary Kish we're going to play some Gears of War ultimate edition which came out nine years ago. Oh sorry yeah this one is coming out in the not-so-distant future. The original Gears of War came out back in 2006 and now I feel very old. It will. It will, especially if you go back and look at the old graphics. Yeah this looks great. It does. This looks as if Mark's being [UNKNOWN] super HD. Look at that show me Dom, Dom look HD. He looks good. Look at that. You're my best friend. This is how I remember the game looking but I'm sure if you did a side by side Dick-head Baird. [LAUGH] [LAUGH], his hair does not look nice and tufty. Came out of a Final Fantasy. We're at, we're playing the single player, this is Nightfall, like the second chapter, you've already played the first, let's start right on into it, this is running at 30 frames per second in 1080. I have grenades. You are full of grenades already, of which to tag people. And you've already played the first part of the game, first chapter, did this feel like [UNKNOWN], did you get back in the swing of it real quickly? I think so. It feels the same, even maybe the things that you might not love about it are very similar like some of the AI is a little funky but you get that same vibe of Just the love and nostalgia of it. I love the ability to recharge your gun and- Shoot boomers in the face, they don't even react. Well, it takes a little bit of time, I **** up my reload. [LAUGH] It's all coming back to me. This is one of the most difficult games to talk and play as well. [LAUGH] From well I when this game come out I'm coming up on ten years as a Gamespot user as registered. Yeah. Wild. So this was like hot in that era and often it was people playing this video game and the two sequels afterwards and then the prequel and getting their **** handed to us. So if you missed a couple of back to reloads don't worry about it too much. Just makes you feel like a jerk. Trying to win that Yeah nailed it. Got the boost and everything. I wonder if a little bit of it is reflex memory 'cause you remember the timing of it. Oh no, a bear. Bear's down! Oh, and another thing you must remember about the Gears of War games is people getting banned and You have to run over and save their ****. Oh there's a snipey in there. And vice versa. Yeah, look at that guy. What bodies have you come up against? I had my first boomer standard locust [UNKNOWN] and oh man that guy. Come after me. Any clicky clickies? Yes, a few, but not the ones that have the yellow goo attached to them. Oh yea, [UNKNOWN] No, they come up here too, lambents, that's later on, so this the evening, This is like the nightfall campaign, so later on you get some lambents and they're yellow and they explode Explode. That sets up later on when you find out that the lambent, oh ****. Here we go, Gears of War spoilers ten years in the making. Yeah, that the [LAUGH] lambent eventually, where did he go? I kinda need to tag him [LAUGH] Yeah, do it. Yeah, the lambent actually end up going against the locusts, and that's with the whole new story, Yeah. But that's Like if when you're tired. I have like no concept for what happens where. They have dumb AI. Which game was Dom's wife's whole thing in? That was the second one. That was the second one? Okay, yeah. That's where they go down there and they find out that there's- Yeah, tag that jerk! [LAUGH] It was worth it. [LAUGH] I played this at GameCon, the exact same thing happened to me. Those **** the minute you tag them, it's like. [LAUGH] [INAUDIBLE] Maybe they know that they are doomed. I wonder how much they know. I got to go back in a little bit. No worries. Yeah, so how are you finding it? How are you enjoying, Yeah, no, it's got the same feel. I love it. I loved this game when I played it before. This is probably one of the very first shooters I ever played. Boomer. Oh yeah, Boomer. This is one of the very first games I ever played and it gives you that feeling right back, that sense of comradery with your friends, but it's a nice shooter that. You know it has some difficulty to it Mm. Obviously but it's not too difficult. You could definitely. Oh man, He almost killed me again. Yeah. It's more difficult when you're talking about the game. But it's forgiving. It's well I think. I always found these games to be pretty free of it. Yeah, it was one of those. It was like not many Shooters of this ilk, especially on console, people don't tend to play them on hard mode. But there's something about Gears where people were sort of more willing to give this game a shot on hardcore. Because it was easy but challenging sort of a normal mode, and then when you played it a bunch more... Did you feel that? Thought it was gonna hit me. But yeah, people were kind of like willing to give it a go in hardcore mode because it's one of those games where if you die it's super fair. You get why you died and you figure it out and you get better at the game because you're like okay, well you know what? [INAUDIBLE] The game tells you a lot too. Like how many times are you playing it and they're like, Why don't you try flanking, [LAUGH] [LAUGH] like they're yelling at you what you actually supposed to do. So it shouldn't be too hard. Mm-hm. But they find ways, still, with the amount of bad guys they throw at you, for you to die a decent amount. You are big with your co-op game, did you play Gears One and Co-op? Always. Oh yeah? I think I Really enjoyed playing this in split screen. There was something really enjoyable about it to me. Like to communicate with someone in person, side by side is great. Scream at them! It's way easier when they're right there beside you, not just on the internet. Yeah, oh and then you jump right into multiplayer right after that. [LAUGH] And, [CROSSTALK] In 60 frames per second, now. So, many frames. [LAUGH] But yeah, in 1080. And, again if you forget, if you wonder, oh, okay it doesn't look that good. [LAUGH] Go back, and look at the original one, you are wrong, it's amazing. One of my favorite things as well is that gears came out in 2006, which people forget, YouTube was not YouTube we now know and love. Back in 2006. Or even if you go to, like, look up YouTube footage of Gears, like,capturing [INAUDIBLE] are so bad that it just looks like **** vaseline mulch. [LAUGH] It's just awful. It looks like nothing, even like the original. So if you go back and watch video of it it's like, Oh God! Like, this looks like a **** PlayStation II game. When in fact, it was for the time it was super technically impressive game, and then one of the biggest games in terms of its online connectability. Oh definitely On the Xbox 360. This is one of the first games I remember seeing furniture and when it shot it actually blowed it up [LAUGHING] Oh my god, how do you do that? Like, now it's not that exciting but at the time, color me impressed. Yeah. It's cool. Get out of my way. Oh look, it's Gears of War 1 that one's being an idiot. Yeah. I don't know how much effort they went into the A-I but it's as you would have expected. It's like nostalgia, wrinkles and all. Take it as it is. What the ****? [INAUDIBLE] Don't worry about us. We're just, we're peaceful. Yeah, there was an earlier one where I saw Bear just chainsawing one of them and he just glitched out and jumped all around and then Bear just chainsawed nothing for a good solid few minutes. It was weird. But, I don't know, I forgave it back in the day too. That used to always get in my way when you're Setting up and you're trying to, if you have a better spot and you're trying to get there. Yeah well like back in 06 aswell. Like we were still really, like F core missions back then or you know, even like AI buddies. What was it Half Life 2 came in at 2004 they had all these He, Alex Vance, Oh, I guess no it was episode two, episode one, it was episode one where they had all the Alex Vance like buddy machines. And that was like the first time you had a co-op buddy who wasn't a total piece of garbage and kept getting you killed, you know.>> Yeah. Yeah, and Gears was kind of on the crest of that wave as well. So yeah, there is probably a lot of stuff that we forgave back then that may seem a little rough around the edges today.>> Right, and you kind of have to give it that. A little Just a little break here and there. [INAUDIBLE] Give me, you.>> Yeah, it's risky giving away [INAUDIBLE] [CROSSTALK], that's some Gears of War [BLEEP] right there, on the ground in front of you. Look, by your toes.>> [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] Yeah. Yeah. So gross. Those muscles. I hope we come across the couch, it's always fun to break those up. It doesn't make any sense why that would give you any joy but it's fun, oh my. The [UNKNOWN], wow this is weird. Because I haven't played this game in like six years and it's like you were saying before we went life it's like this strange kind of like dream version. I kind of remember this ****. Yeah it feels like a dream. Do you remember when you hit why and it told you what to do and it would say This is the pushable car. Do you remember that? Oh yeah. Oh god. Because this was the game that like back in the day, I don't know how to push this Just boomshot that, maybe it's because you got that thing in your hand. Oh it's got a dip on that? I totally forgot about that. I forget many a thing. That was a shot! I think I got it. Dawn can wait for that shot. You remembered doing that? A lot of gears wasn't so much about Oh. It's okay A lot of gears wasn't about shooting it perfectly, it was about getting in the right position which is why they would always say stuff like Plank them and stuff because it wasn't always about just being a perfect shot it was about knowing the right thing to do in any given scenario. Yeah. Yeah that's true. And they always stay true to that. Cole's dead. Cole chain. He'll be fine. He doesn't live to. Cole chain baby. What was the name of the [INAUDIBLE] again? Oh. Not Thunderball. But. Lightning Bolt? [LAUGH] They're all **** dead. This is what it's like playing online the first week. There's one behind you as well. That guy is gonna kill me if I leave. I'm going. Get up. You know what really sucks? One behind you as well. Is if I- A friendly. Oh my god. If I die, or if they live, it's fine, but- [SOUND] I died. [LAUGH] Now I have to redo it again. You explode. He just got you and you just exploded into like three or four parts. [INAUDIBLE] dumb noises when he finds things that he likes, like sweet, or nice, and he says really weird ****, cuz that was his thing. [INAUDIBLE] It's not over yet Barry. [LAUGH] It's not over yet. How many times have you Raised your finger to your ear and walked slowly in the [UNKNOWN]. Yeah I would too. I like to hear just the weird things that he says when he find things. I remember all of their. Really, impressive. All of their dialog was really good and memorable. This is just a trip down memory lane. Yeah, this is available. Depending on where in the world you live. It's like forty bucks or something like that I think over here but also if you buy this game before I believe it's December 31st of this year you also get all of the old gear game. Literally, like one, two, three, four and judgment. Yeah. You have backwards compatibility. Yeah. Whenever that preview comes out so it's like Fully out there for everyone? I guess this is the only one that looks as nice though. Yeah, this is the only HD too. I've got all the original, look, good zoom. So the people at home can enjoy that. They look really nice. Yeah, you'll get all those games again. And you'll get to relive the whole story. Oh sorry. That bit with the zombie lady. And then. Oh who could forget. The bit with the, inside the, that was in this one. Where you go inside the beast. Oh the worm? Inside the worm. Yeah, that was in this one. That was all right. It was the big, actually now that I think about it this one also has the PC only. Mission. There's an entire hidden chapter. I think it's chapter five? It's before the ram train stuff and after Marcus's family homestead stuff. There's this whole extra battle and a bunch of mid-levels that they only [CROSSTALK] That's right. You get the bonus in this one. Out from there. There's another good reason to have it. It's a pretty, as you know, as cash grabs go this is a pretty good cash grab. Yeah. You get a lot of bang for your buck in this one and, I don't want the hammer version. No nobody wants the hammer version. Nobody in the history of Gears of War, that's a real, oh **** I ran out of ammunition or I accidentally picked this up. When I was doing something [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] do you remember the old way you used to do this was with the D pad and you have to choose the right gun that you wanna switch out with the one you want. I always remember like switching out with the gun I actually wanted [INAUDIBLE] get so bummed when that happens. You don't realize for like five minutes when you're just [INAUDIBLE] The auto- That's the one I wanted. Yeah and you have a Hammer of Dawn and you're indoors. [LAUGH] And like this is worthless. All right I think you got one more bottle in you. [LAUGH]. Yes, hit Y to look at things. Stranded Gatekeeper. Oh that's one of the dudes, that's one of the friendly guys. He's gonna be like hey what's going on. Yep. Hello. Are you stuck in zoom mode, or are you out of it? No, I just wanted to look at him. Hi buddy! What's up? What's up? Same old [BLEEP]. [LAUGH] Oh yes. There you go. Gears of War Ultimate Edition. Same old [BLEEP], this guy said. This kind of looks like Fallout to me. It's like Shaft where the guy is talking. Yeah, I could definitely see that. Can he get in, or is he just being weird? Find Franklin, leader of the local stranded. Okay. He just let these four burly dudes with chainsaws, guns, just wander in. Oh. Oh, they don't like us. They don't want to talk to you. Okay, so there's different factions, and depending on what you're in And is whether or not people like you. Cuz you're like, you're part of the cog man! Yeah Trey. [INAUDIBLE] Thrasherball! Thrasher! You got it? Yeah [LAUGH]. Did it just come to you? Yeah it did. It wasn't like written on that guy's jersey or anything? No I thought about it for a really long time. Thrasherball. You can see the lighting and everything is definitely. [INAUDIBLE] Like way improved since the 2006 games. This kinda looks alright. Right. And this is supposed to be future America, where we eat rats. [LAUGH] Hey man, this isn't Earth. This is the [UNKNOWN] . That's a giant hammer, lady. Sarah? Is that what it's called? Yeah. Well they eat lots of Sarahs as well and they've both got Chinese lobsters, which is great. Oh yeah, looks nice. Ooh, we're gonna see a cut scene. These look very good. These, they were all completely remastered. They're done. And they look beautiful. I think they re-did mocap and everything for this stuff. I think they, yeah, they completely redid everything from scratch. And you can really see it. Oh yeah. It's not a game Dom. Don't worry I got it. I won't let you down. Don't let me down Dom. Hey, Santiago, what you doing here? They got history. They do. He's used to play Blitz. Thrasher ball. Sorry. Thrasher Ball. Wait no he didn't play Thrasher Ball. He did not. It's Cold Train. He's married. For now. [LAUGH] She's a real looker. But I'm not giving you my ride, yo. [NOISE] Oh I remember this. This is one of the worst sequences. [LAUGH] This is where I think you have to drive the whole What is this called again. God, this is a trip down memory lane. I'm all right. This is fun. I'm looking forward to playing this for the main fact that I'm going to be guessing what happens next. It'll be like watching Friends again for like the first time in 10 years. [LAUGH] And you're like oh this is the one with the turkey on her head. The one with the [INAUDIBLE] Yeah. [LAUGH] Here it is. Hey, yo. Yeah, this is the one where [LAUGH] I think [UNKNOWN] bats and they come and get you unless you hit them with lights? And it's actually really hard. It's not an easy area. It's not easy, and it's also kind of tedious. Yeah. Which is one of the worst combinations in video game. But we'll forgive it Some Gears of War is kind of alright. I mean, here's another trove in the Gears franchise which is two of them wandering off and the other doing down their own Split up. You go left, you go right, none of us wear helmets. Let's all wear really big gear. And it's like, I always want to hang out with Dom. But it's never bared. It's always marked. No go right. Dom you come with me. [LAUGH] You **** do your own thing. You guys deal with it. All right, lets wrap it up there. [UNKNOWN] Gears of War. Ultimate Edition. We do coming on the side in the next little while. Yeah, take a trip down memory lane. I mean, it's absolutely Such an enjoyable thing to remember, and all those memories just come rushing back, all those beautiful memories. Forty dollars for nostalgia pangs. Get it on Xbox One real soon. Let us know what you think about Gears of War: Ultimate Edition in the comment box. We'll see you next time on Gamespot Play. Bye. Nice. Nice Nice Nice Better On Ya Nice Ooh, it's all bits.

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