Ep. 95: Bring your own technology
Ep. 95: Bring your own technology

Ep. 95: Bring your own technology

-- Hi everyone welcome to reporters' roundtable -- England San Francisco this is our weekly show on a single tech -- each time. And today wanna talk about a topic it's near and dear to my heart and that is called the consumer is -- nation of IT. Or cleats or better yet let's call it BYOT bring your own technology to work. It's it's one of my favorite topics because I'd like working with the tools that I like to work with I don't like it when some IT guy sitting. Let's be honest down in the basement says on you must use this computer and you must have the securities offer He I -- I I wanna only tools. So but this is a trend the movement towards the U biotechnology is a trend that is as taking hold of IT departments around the world we're gonna talk about that today. Now for end users I think I -- liking your here are our UIOT is great gaming you can use your iPhone instead of that crappy three -- -- Blackberry hand me down they wanna give you. But fright He managers. I don't know. Can be a nightmare security problems and sport headaches or maybe can be a great way to improve -- Allen and accurately and more secure we're gonna talk about that. We're talking about this with two experts first up Fritz Nelson -- the editorial director of information -- an editor at large at -- Online by Telecom. The end -- -- back PA by I he's the editor in chief of -- back in the old days long long long time ago so it's great to have you back it's. And that connect connects to the threads that way. It was those of those who -- a fun time also after we talked with -- -- we're gonna have recorded interview. With Tom Gillis is a VP and general manager of Cisco's security technology group so after -- -- stay tuned for -- -- -- for -- let's start with -- What happened -- -- used to be that IT could tell an employee you will use this any -- would say yes sir yes -- And get on with the job -- You -- listen to your opening remarks and I think you know you use your kind of the exception you you've always been. A T encourage you've always been somebody who's. You know done your own brought your own table now I haven't always been able to buy it right always wanted to -- -- -- I haven't we all but. But I think the phenomenon has changed now that there are more devices. You know those -- about the device side there's a lot more devices. In our fingertips we're seeing them. Now being bought by consumers. The other thing though is that -- there's a lot more software out there that were using at home and so I think the other of the flip side of it is. You -- consumers use FaceBook. They use they might use Twitter they might use all these social tools and that they come into the to the IT shop or they come into their corporate environments -- say. It should all work like that -- in -- Oracle financials. Should work just like FaceBook works how come it's not just. One button -- -- the log -- up a -- to do all these trees yet. But but at home I should just be able to open window to get fresh air in just a raid the refrigerator whenever I want when I -- come to work I don't know in my reasonable expectation is not to the duplicate that either so why are consumers expecting. The same technology. Well I I think the technologies Newton you know I mean opening the window isn't new and and I think you don't. They think that maybe there IT guys screwed it up you know you're using the wrong stop if you just use something more like. What I use at home mom and so then. I T is is sitting -- going but there's a reason we have all of this there's. There are you know we have security we have softened it's a little more complicated. It runs on servers. It takes up a lot of bandwidth we have to control people's bandwidth we have to control what people are doing. And the users like. First -- not only do not want it which is what -- before but I don't understand. And -- and and to be fair to speak further the consumer in a corporation right now -- who comes in to work. I don't believe that I don't believe that my PC needs to be spending 30% of it CPU. Running an antivirus -- on all I'm doing -- surfing web I don't believe that I can't use this product because it's insecure I don't believe that this. HP laptop is the best laptop you can get for me so what is going on the ninety in reaction to that. That that push back. Well I think what what you sought to the last couple of years was pushed back. To push back right so they said sorry. You're not bringing your iphones in a year sorry no we enjoyed no FaceBook we're gonna block your access to certain Internet sites and so on. -- -- now you're starting to see is. I T kind of collectively shrug and throw their hands up and say we can't control its out of its out of control so now how can we instead of trying to control it. How can we prevent. Accidents from happening how can we protect users from their own stupid mistakes. And and how do they mean when you have. Masks and Android phones and FaceBook. Access happening all over in in in the enterprise how does an IT department deal with what used to -- -- technologies that. To an explosion of things they know nothing about. While I think. One of the things that IT has done is is non try to communicate. And also so let's -- -- tell these. So -- end users then why we need to protect them. On it and it has a really work as like He says I don't believe it. I don't wanna hear dad Nan and -- again. On I think the second thing that happened was due EU go back a long wait like I do you remember web -- I mean what -- is -- around right. Web sense was technology that lets you. Filter web sites you don't built a big database of web sites -- you can or can't get to and and one of the things -- web sense always did in their a lot of companies that do this -- is picking on them because they're actually in the news a little bit lately. But what web sense does is it is instead of -- telling the user. Where they can and can't -- blocks them. It protects them from their own danger you don't know. Denton would -- you can and can't go because it's protecting you from going there but that means if I try to go to FaceBook cannot -- -- -- -- humans that's gonna go over really well. Well but com. But but so but there's a policy that so I -- and -- policy DC here the things that we can and can't do. It's in the corporate phones. He you -- you can bring your own device and is great to -- have to sign a waiver. And we're gonna have to control it wants its on this network and we have the rights win win you lose your device to -- that -- You -- of you can bring your own or will buy you want. You know it's your choice but. If you if you wanna bring your own in your have to live by our rules mean people are getting upset about it. But you know that I guess the biggest problem is communication. How to White House and IT guy tell the end user population and only protecting you and the company. From the bad things that you might do so it's really about compliance if if if you have a confidential document on your phone. In you lose your phone we need to white. Not because we think you're doing something bad but because somebody might find that phone and have access to that. And we could get in trouble as a company you -- get in trouble as an individuals who were trying to protect you from these. And how is that dialog between users and I keep people going -- used -- feels like and it's been in popular culture spin kind of portrayed as an ongoing war. Between users anti T. Is it getting better or or is this expansion of technology coming into the workplace making things. -- more tents. I think that it's getting a little bit better because I T is saying okay. But there is a backlash of okay but it's not and I'll just allocate the money in -- it's an okay -- you know analysts take the iPhone vs Android phones. On there are hooks in the iPhone there enterprises APIs in the iPhone software that let. Mobile device management technology. Plug in and do the things it you can do with -- and managing Blackberry. But those folks are not as strong an Android. In the operating system you seeing Samsung and others sort Adam themselves but you're not seeing it so much. Don't will be seeing a lot more with with iPhone and in and in so. I think as the technology get stronger it makes it so that IT can say yes more often linked. I wanna talk a little more about Apple. Of course you know that the world changed when. Steve Jobs died recently and it as part of that we were all watching these great -- He -- and we are reminded I was reminded. Of the real iconoclast think they're real anti establishment message. That jobs and Apple were pushing with. When when the Mac came out and from that point on here's the crazy ones. You know these are the ones who will change the world by flaunting authority by laughing in the face of compliance. Nonetheless. Apple's having a big impact on this whole movement -- -- blowing in the in the in the iPhone four rest announcement they I think Tim Cook talked about 93%. Of enterprises now have iphones and could -- only one or two knows but. -- Debt that mentality still exists -- mean you were around when the you know for local law. Apple file system and you don't He had to make netware servers talk to your Mac's in it -- required lots of special tricks to make that happen right. On. You know I think a lot of that's gone away I think technology is help fix that but there's still a notion. That Apple and Apple products are more. Toys and fun things -- true serious. Business devices He believes I know I mean. You know whether it's the mean it's heated -- graphical people. People and we both are using Macs right now. You you you talk about engineers who have to do lots of heavy duty design stuff. You -- I think the other thing that's changed is a cloud has needed a lot easier doesn't really matter what device you have the right so. If you start to put apps or services MacLeod but who cares -- have a PC or Mac so I think. I think it is changing but I do think there's still that old school CIO who thinks that Macs are toys are still here it. -- -- the cloud. That to me seems to me the -- That seem to me sounds like an even more. Interest thing -- point of contention between users and IT. Especially when -- think about something like say drop box. With this application you can take any of the files you're working on. Put -- in drop box on your computer on your desk -- that your computer company's computer and then go home and there they are. You don't even have to sneak anything out and in an envelope or box anymore it's just. -- -- -- Security is like destroyed. -- Well I think that happens a lot of other places to but I I think. -- an animal I'll touch on them but I think it's it is a huge security concern I mean one of things that you can do people who do that inside the company. You can now watch and see that they're doing that -- arms of so there are ways to see anomalies and file transfers and and even to restrict certain services. Or what have you but you know people always -- around -- what what prevents them from going to the local coffee shop and down and and dropping something in drop box there. Com but I think you know. It there's a productivity gains in doing that and I think that's what -- T is starting to see them is not what are the dangers but what are people able to do. So so instead of saying. Please don't use drop box -- box on -- or Google docs or whatever is in going to use it. We'll be fine with it here's some policies and rules in place work. Because what they're seeing people do with drop box is. Somebody can easily set up a drop -- to send me the files there -- large video files Muller's presentation files it's so quick it's so easy. It doesn't clog up email systems mean there are some benefits to using a drop so I think I T is more more willing to live with that. The down sides because of. Positive it's announces its interest in what you're describing is a fundamental shift in the mindset of a ninety professional from. These are the tools and I -- supporting and I'm going to make sure I'm supporting these tools in the best most reliable way. We -- used to be too. I now have to watch. Everything that is happening on my network all the devices that are connecting -- pay attention also some might be coming down the line in north that I can support it in and -- secure reliable way for people. That's -- totally different. What I have to pay attention to mindset. How to -- people train themselves to make the shift from. Here's my universe and you can have access to too here's the entire universe that I have to now support. They just have to give them when they have to do with the times to you know I I and I meant to come back to assignments and web -- and there's a there's a web sense product now is what they've been in the news. That blocks links in FaceBook. And -- -- -- -- of the as the realization from IT that people on FaceBook when -- work they're clicking on links this is exposing. Their systems to vulnerabilities. So how does -- deal with it well of course technology to the rescue here comes a company like -- and and they're just one example but I think what I T has -- they have to have all the phones. They have to have they have to be on all the social networks the to use all the services and they have to -- only to be -- you know. Actually that sounds for a lot of -- people get anti TR I speak from personal experience here because I did this job. In an amateur fashion for a short period of time apart when it journalism. -- no offense to the real IT professionals out there I was not one. We you do because in part because you like playing with toys. So there's a Candy Land aspect to look at this -- service -- -- mine. And and now site -- you're saying his. Well to have tests all phones of any night funnyman -- -- Blackberry need to seriously need all the stuff just in order to do their jobs -- -- -- in and subways could be even more fun and spend before. Absolutely MEI you know you and I get stuff all the phone to ensure everybody else right and and -- CIO Scott sleek you know what -- you you have these yet you know can -- -- and -- -- and gonna play with them. On they aren't they you know. We're talking about. Steve Jobs earlier and CIO wrote it to us to say. You know he's the reason I got into this business and -- T you know. On. There was that sense of of are fond of being able to play up technology -- that technology part of science and I and I think -- If anything at least you don't sort of fiddling around with the router tables. I can figure I can fiddle around with phones and mobile device management software lot more fun. So say you're consumer you have some wacky piece of hardware that nobody -- has noticed the company has -- -- like an HP touchpad. Some weird technology that you bought for cheap thing and you'd like and you want to work with it. What's your vice AT getting IT to help you. Run this one off product for -- and connected to your work network and get access your work files all that's. Well first of all be the CEO. It in case that doesn't work palm I think. You -- campus privileges of what you're saying yeah but I mean. -- its closely associated to that -- And I and I'm need to use this -- too but I make friends with the -- people aren't careful making prints. It's a problem but go ahead and -- I don't believe that but I but I but I you know I think. If if you're working with them they are going to be more likely to their people complain about ninety and just throw them under the bus -- ninety has a hard job. Their job only is going well when nobody saying anything but. Help me out with this because I mean this applies not just -- keep people but anybody in the service industry when when when somebody who's a customer or medium. A user of that service. You know tries to be nicely IP -- 90% you know here's a six pack look at this you know cool new phone I got wanna play with -- Don't don't they -- -- there arises -- -- he's gonna want something from -- now. I depends on the relationship you have with them cut kind of I mean I walk over to all right T department and I -- kind of feel the collective -- -- what's He gonna ask us for this time. And -- console in bringing new tablets and saying. You know help me with the security on this stuff make sure I'm okay. Yeah I mean I guess there's always that but immunity if if you if you involve them if it's fun for them. Then they're going to want to help you if you -- you need you give them a touch and it's a play with this for a week and get it all set up for me. You know so that's of the downside financially at a senate up for this -- and the plus side -- I get to play with this new device and everybody thinks I'm cool because I have negative back to them. It works Sony I think there's there's the other thing you have to do is convince ninety that there's a business benefit to doing it. Why do I need you to look don't block my access to ESPN. I need to be -- -- I'm doing I don't know sports -- something like that if you can convince them that there's a business productivity need. -- -- then -- be more willing to let. You know what their foot off the gas now yes in. Hobbs and wealthy can do that let us that the secret -- that when I'm I'm I'm you know automation and it -- designs. Website. That's the should I -- people saying no to anything we should should should FaceBook for example people -- Now I mean it would ship -- your question is should I keep people say -- yes they should say no I mean I think the hardest part of the job is communicating. The policies and why -- exist you brought up drop box before easy enough for me to take a confidential file with them and put up there what I can do know my phone I can take my iPhone. And take a final -- it's in my email I can send it to somebody outside the company. That's not a good thing -- But I I think. You as a ninety person you have to say. You don't we have these policies -- financial services company. We have regulations we will be fine you'll we will all lose our jobs and you don't so I mean I think there's a point in which you have to say. You know people think. That ITM. Com. Puts security around everything. But what they really want to do is compliance. They want to abide by privacy. Laws they are going to be audited and -- there are regulations that they have to follow. Yes securities part of it but it's only one piece of it it's not a draconian need -- IT to stifle everybody from doing something. Com. We've been talking about BY oh technology and as much as it is obviously trend -- -- not what I -- -- would doesn't appear to be a widespread trend yet so. If you're working at Cisco we're we're the next interview with Tom -- -- in Cisco's of the oil policy. The most businesses as far as I know do not with exceptions -- -- for phones. How is this going are we seeing it is their -- ground -- towards. Be why go lower a an allowance policy maybe -- some companies work incentive here's your computer it's here's. Thousand dollars by your own computer. And what -- a worker due to get a -- to be more progressive when it comes to. -- technology. I I think I actually think and I talked a lot of CIOs and I think they are moving towards a BB YO. Kind of policy on one thing we haven't talked about is is you -- and it's always easy just to turn a mobile but He has the ability to. Creating corporate apps store for example you know to start to set -- things where you can keep people safe. Whether that's giving them a certain budget you know you have a 3000 dollar budget -- -- the corporate apps easily ones that will -- to install. You know back and -- thing is is starting to happen. On I think the other thing that that is going -- Push this further and faster is on the panel mean to geek out too much here but there's -- that technology that we toppled a lot about -- sentiment analytics. You know the ability to do analytics on what's happening on Twitter and FaceBook and out on the social networks and mapping that too. You know surveys in and actually data demographic data that you have. Into respond to customer's just in time whether it's somebody in in retail somebody in travel or whatever. To provide offers to them -- to know what they're doing to study them to understand how they feel about your company in your brand. These technologies are starting to come into IT and I think. The more -- -- people off and -- this stuff. On in in true corporate enterprise application environments the -- they're gonna be willing to be okay with people bringing in their own -- And doing whatever they want -- -- -- I think that trend is is that. Did there is more allowance. -- careful who -- but they are allowing more and more -- come who you think of the peak technology companies that we are familiar with. Winds moving forward Microsoft. Google. Apple. Or or is the small let companies. The guys who make -- -- are some signals. Drop box -- -- -- up to 38 -- -- Public you know we haven't talked about -- -- much either but it but -- On the I think it's the big plays mobile and I and I think are honestly you know I keep saying this. I really think Microsoft is going to. People are gonna hate me they're gonna make -- big comeback I mean that they're they're being it's it's sort of top to top that Amazon underdog -- -- -- We think about. Something like connect. In the user interface of Kinect becoming the next computing interface than Microsoft has an opportunity to own. Windows eight people are very excited about that you know the blending of mobile and desktop. User interfaces. Is is a reality Apple's embracing it to. I think Windows Phone 7 is a remarkable. On operating system especially this new version and so I think in in and Microsoft as being cloud to handle the you know online versions of word and PowerPoint and so forth I really think that Microsoft stands to win. The really big here if they don't. Screw it up too badly but in order for Microsoft to win if what we're talking about comes to -- Microsoft has to win not just with -- keep -- have to win with consumers first. You would have already won with ninety and -- writes a dissident happily they've lost with consumers. And -- in my own company we have moved away from it and Microsoft infrastructure of office and outlook and exchange -- of Google apps infrastructure. That's a now's a pretty serious transition that was -- a few years the making and to get us now to move back company decides to move back. I can see that happening anytime soon. Yeah I think once people plunge in two things like Google docs and and in other solutions that might be hard to go back. But -- it's gonna be hard to make corporations move off that is while I mean -- I'll be the first one to say Microsoft makes technology in most areas that's good enough not ever the greatest. Problem in they have a few opportunities to maybe be the greatest ordered the first store to be innovative finally. On but I you know I think those -- you could give Microsoft as they just keep chugging away shipping and it their patient. And their their followers I would even call them fast followers. And -- wanting to win the hearts and minds -- -- Might take five more years but they'll they'll do it I mean do you really think that Apple. Is going to make you know if if if if Apple products are 10%. In corporations right now -- in terms of installed base to really think it's gonna be 25 or thirty into a three years. I don't know what to -- and I do think I think that there's a reason at the -- Apple's portable computers Mac books -- of the pros in the errors are selling so well because consumers love them and if you're worker you're sitting at your desk you've you know your your windows laptop the three year old windows laptop next year. Eight month old Mac laptop you're gonna wanna use a Mac laptop -- -- stuff on its sexy etc. And I think. That. Pushes a move towards not just Apple hardware but also. Web based applications and I. So I do think that that Apple is point -- extraordinarily. Important mainstream not just design are not just coastal. I T provider because the consumer consumers love. The experience than that of Mac product -- -- do you see Google is is. Jumping in there I mean I'm gonna -- -- Google payment or enterprise here with the super -- reversing this in you know what that it's. So. We were -- that a window shop. We still are officially all -- most people in -- in the computers are windows computers. But we started to use. People were using Gmail for their personal email -- was open all the time and other applications and then we started to use. Google docs to share files amongst ourselves. -- to do work. And we stopped. Relying so much on the office suite and we -- -- more work and in you know total end user version of local -- and IT eventually noticed that's. And over the years -- -- you know what we're gonna move to Google apps such as the corporate version of docs. And now the end users who used to have their share their files with the co workers using docs now doing it in apps. And moving between the two is really -- this is the same it's the same thing you can -- link the accounts together. -- -- Yeah I I think that who will listen is an ongoing serious credible threat to Microsoft because. The stuff that Microsoft had all the features and all the office apps. As 90% of the teachers -- used. The one feature that Microsoft didn't have. Was web based easy sharing. Is the one feature that Google -- it better than in the Microsoft I think two -- penciled notes. I agree and who can we use Google docs in much the same -- but I guess. This is one area where. Microsoft has -- the consumers over -- is in their productivity apps right and so to some. How many consumers do you think really know what Google boxes -- -- it's more and more redirect I could be in a bubble here because. You know -- write about web apps but I don't know I would like to see. Web based apps and I don't really care it's Microsoft or Google I you know. When we do sharing it's nice to be able to have simultaneous. Editing -- documents it's it's quite good in our industry. It's you know almost required nowadays right but. The general consumer who just -- to type up a little notes or write a little file -- the kid who needs to do their homework. You don't I don't know anything -- Google's -- A permit for and -- it Fritz Nelson is editorial director of information we can the editor larger bite. Where should people go to -- find your stuff. Well I information we dot com in my mind -- information we dot com slash for its excellent and now -- dot com. X -- -- thank you so much for joining us. It's been a great discussion -- are happening -- were going to talk now I that a record interview with Tom Gillis who is the VP and general manager of Cisco's security technology group. He's got the vendor perspective on a lot of the same questions that efforts and I were talking about let's watch that video. Now I'd like to welcome Tom Gillis -- VP and general manager Cisco's security technology group. Cisco of course is that gigantic RIT company -- some speak recently -- GigaOM mobilize conference without the topic of consumers a nation of IT and that I thought to bring him in so Tom thanks so much regular conference. -- so Cisco -- mean. This is what you guys -- -- on AT company. How does an enterprise company had an enterprise -- company support the modern consumer. -- that's a loaded question if you look at. Probably the biggest change that sweeping through the corporate enterprise it's being driven -- -- consumer states. And historically we usually see technology go the other direction starts at -- price makes its way out to consumers but this. He's consumer devices ipads and -- and tablets. And -- our -- People are realizing. How you know efficient -- how -- and colleagues and they are their consumer lives and a brilliant to the work and expecting -- and -- -- The Johnston IT -- is that. That's never been all local corporate computing are the model corporate computing world -- you get that corporate laptops. That -- a controlled set of software is controlled security configurations. Andy used to sit in on a putty colored box that -- I -- it -- willing to bet and so it's a very very radical new computing model. Is it wore out there between the employee and the IT professional. -- it becomes the war between employee in secret program that they are teaching and their job right and so and so you know this is -- of things we've seen is that forward looking companies. Aaron -- embrace. The consumer station of the importance and put in place. Programs and processing ability is bring whatever device they actresses so what's our conversation at Cisco our own -- teaching. Saw this trend coming almost three years and so we enacted any -- calls -- to school -- news. IPhone Android Blackberry is -- mobile devices Symbian devices. The device meets your particular needs and you can. -- justice work in and music ethicists. So so how does that work if I work for Cisco you guys no longer provide me with technology. I aid now I'm supposed to bring my own -- phone and laptop. Yes so well -- laptops are treated differently than us are well but that's just all employees. We -- our own laptop and and it's not infinite array but it frauds and purposes it's all major. I'm Smartphones. And hardware configurations that are available so. You know Christmas morning when you open up your new you know Android galaxy tablet or you -- units and -- do juror. You can bring it to Cisco Cisco products -- -- for the plan. And you get full connected -- in -- being used just like a regular computing device to connect its corporate email you can access core applications. It's better now and it's been a very very successful for -- company -- are -- -- doing this is -- -- technology plan. Well you the -- the interesting thing is that. I talked to customers about this topic all the time and some customers those AG's you know we changed to allow that and -- -- -- really. I haven't had to stop it and assist our that we just endorses. So -- If it's happening whether we like -- repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell. Yeah exactly it's you know -- -- it it's a wonderful trident structured concept and -- -- -- term for firms are using an innocent huge opportunity because. If you are pro active need to could establish security camera -- can allow. Any device the consumer device to be used safely in the enterprise by the same or possibly even better security and -- -- in the traditional hall. But it if we are reactive and -- bring -- of eye does anyway -- typical compose -- framework layer change can be difficult due back. -- right now I used to do granted it was in the eighties. But I did IT for a small engineering company and the concept of the people bring their own devices in and putting them on -- network. Which -- literally. Strong under the floor tiles by myself. Scares the bit -- would have scared of Jesus out of -- then now that -- I have my iPhone and by keyword tell me no you can't have that on our network -- -- screw you. So Apple first let's talk about the IT professional what advice do you have for the IT pro who is dealing now with having to support. Weighing more device -- more numbers of devices and subsidize is never have before just in a nutshell what how -- they not go insane. Yes I think -- -- nearest is but authority professionals is get proactive. In a deal want to lead the conversation instead of react to it because if you're -- a conversation you can do it away. It's not gonna make more work for you you can do it where it's gonna make us. -- and so you know one of these tools in your toolkit is getting users to self support the lot of things have been done very successfully Cisco you can -- whatever direction you want. We know tools to -- its -- -- network yourself permission and write yourself. -- are pretty easy and we all have our computers -- called upon which it works users. -- added -- doesn't completely eliminate the support load dramatically reduce and -- pro -- approach can -- it. And the advice for consumers -- come into a new company may be one that might not support the Cisco level of thumb of -- They're bringing an end there -- MacBook there Android phones or whatever they're saying. I -- your computer a Taiwanese this computer and how to they worked through them less enlightened IT group. You know. I -- many cases when you're talking can happen by -- are all if the company offers more or accessed. You know -- -- devices it's just gonna work. -- and then a question become I don't like it remotely and so are you can access as a so we're trying to make it easier and easier to do so we are teaching to deploy it. But He can't solutions gonna work across every major platform iPhone iPad Android devices Windows Mobile Symbian Symbian senator. I'm so it's it's well within regions yeah I teach in to try it He -- to your user. I'm you can lobbied for this is it looked as delusional in this way and are tools out there that make its usable -- -- -- Yet -- -- user and I lobby for this I've managed to find out the name of somebody unite here from a can become innocent -- -- file a help ticket. Which is which is I T speak for screw you. -- they file a help ticket and then -- may be figure out how to file I don't know what category -- because it's -- it's not a help ticket item it's that policy change. -- nothing will happen for months and months and months. I that's -- editorial comment than anything but I mean I don't know how to get people -- even here inside CBS or not supposed to talk too much about what happens inside here but. It's been -- process to get this company up to speed with letting people bring in their own tech and I just wonder how you get people. Edge gaming how do you tell you what the values a letting consumers bring in their own technology. You said in less expensive houses less expensive. Well insensitive but the but they observed is that vast. You know. The way this works for most companies is that the blue's initial stance might be no. NN senior management. Will -- company's devices realize how are closes and all of a sudden becomes your calls it a slot which is what Albertson's. You know some executive got an iPad and -- -- Some executives -- an -- that is the secret. Built by -- you're you're the CEO or that the density of sales and iPad for Christmas and then they will be sport -- Spirited and become company Paul stereo so now -- us it's how we actually make -- affordable. And so what you know the boot different companies have different approaches the way we did -- Cisco's that you employees are these devices themselves. And not take most of our employees feel that this is a fair deal because they like the freedom of choice that flexibility to pick the right tool. For the right job so what we found an aggregate is that has reduced our costs by about 25%. -- the same time. And has increased our user satisfaction by 200 hours. So users like it better it's cheaper for the company we can depending on how good we can actually provide. Better security to get a -- traditional PC all so it can be a win win win if it's done. I don't know if you can answer this question but what are the devices are the products that consumers have the most satisfaction width if you could give advice to people for. -- than the modern workplace. You know it's really interest. Op. I think this gets the heart of the matter is that there are different tools to for jobs and and you -- you can look at market share numbers lets them. -- -- laser guide but it. There are certain devices that -- who illegally -- They're really really good for certain applications directly authority at all to -- -- -- if you're device infections are gonna look for. You know initially you can different -- so it's hard to answer the question specifically on this date. You know we're moving to more heterogeneous world -- more types of devices and more sort of operating systems not more GOK speaking of. -- heterogeneous devices I have to ask you -- the Cisco cius which is that the business focused tablet the Cisco's come out with. On this you allow anybody in your organization to bring any device they want on -- your network DC many -- devices within Cisco. Are people out. -- and absolutely and and it's relatively new -- -- so we're still calculating our internal use as well as external devices. But not one opens on -- about serious is that it has video capability built right and so we're doing this be -- road. Video within Cisco. We make extensive use of data communication. We've got telepresence system and that timber -- -- -- -- like cius is so so for me personally. It is really transformed the way I work because used to fly a 100000 miles here. You know what kind not shocked now would it would this all -- high definition video conferencing can -- I can talk to five times ten times many customers -- -- quark. The Archos here doesn't limited -- parts. But it makes it much more which. It one of things have happened at the mobilize conference there are some I forget -- losing your session or another somebody asked how many people out there using drop box and in the audience everybody's hand went up and that -- question was how many people's IT group support drop box. And like three hands when it opens it. Can drag it drop box is one of the most interesting products have all the technology that's consumer to bring into the it the enterprise because it just looks like it Jain -- security black call. Who would that would -- -- at and and and products like. I -- -- you know it it's not alone and there's a bunch of these consumer based on -- based applications that are coming into the at a price just a consumer devices. And so you know we don't work on putting controls place that allowed to teach you put some -- to honor. But you external applications that -- don't control we have a -- called sexy what. It does exactly that you authenticate users you can go to traffic and see what's going out there -- make sure sensitive assets at least have some level control. On unit -- don't control processor -- application. Clearly this is the track we're seeing more more sap. And forward thinking -- teachings you do -- go out. Final question related to that is there anything that an IT department or that a consumer could it could expect. A consumer employee should expect that -- -- person would say no to. Well the job Mikey is -- first is to ensure that employed. You know the great and user experience and its axis in the direction you -- the second to safeguard. It's an absolutely there are are so many new technologies that are -- need to have safeguards in place you are a perfect example. You're putting I'm so sensitive financial -- on -- You know controlling -- -- after posting -- installation on FaceBook act passed in the control. On and so it's almost like concepts but those controlled knee put in place in our jobs is and you all -- the Archie. Our tech vendors we see our customers the tools to do that I think it's still early and journey but we're definitely that's our focus -- are urged keys. Thom -- is that -- general manager Cisco's security technology group. Tom Gillis excuse -- VP and general manager of Cisco's security technology group Tom thank you so much for the time really appreciate it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- everyone's thanks for watching first that was Fritz Nelson of information week and bite and followed by Thom -- of Cisco. We'll be back next week with another episode of reporters roundtable --

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