Ep. 732: Where all our 2011 predictions will be wrong
Ep. 732: Where all our 2011 predictions will be wrong

Ep. 732: Where all our 2011 predictions will be wrong

2010. As -- go and everyone I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Wilson tang and I'm Justin yu and this is the show where all art when he let him predictions will be wrong. We have a very. Terrible track record at predicting things we thought avatar would be the worst movie. And it turns -- is a bit is the best film ever conceived very I don't know about the best film -- -- the highest growth for years we alternate to -- you would never take off. Every movie released in -- -- Well I I don't know I kinda think that that's true though because I was but to say I -- saw a couple three movies. Over the holiday break quick time not on -- it was -- chronicles of Narnia. It's like the movies at their -- if it's also why did you see we'll it was the it was I was in Hong Kong -- the only one that was in English that can actually watch again. There was actually a Natalie 3-D movie which I was told was very inappropriate -- Yeah you don't really wanna know what it's about that okay okay Leo 3-D like it really hasn't meditative experience I -- -- all in all these are the movies. You know like there's a there's a moment -- -- cross over into the 3-D world and this was -- doing well I remember last year -- yes that was the whole. Being three B -- realize the first my kids and I noticed that. And now I feel like we're just -- needed because everybody bitterly every product you can. This year will not only have a way for you to do -- 3-D. -- -- You know maybe -- -- And a 3-D printing and -- 3-D printing media. People -- -- there. It really existed in the whole -- -- that'll never happen. We'll -- so so last year we are here we did the relied -- from the -- -- stage it was amazing. That's all they talk about. Now they're like -- members or or -- -- the greatest. So. What we're gonna do this year CNET. -- their top. That's the key yes products. So we were wrong on all of them -- things that were terrible with predicting. -- but -- wanted to do it that wanna go back and sort of do little where are they now -- thing right so let's look at some of the top products that we voted best the -- last year. Fast forward to a whole year see where they stand now -- you wanna start thing well -- the first big one was the Panasonic. Three B. PC PV. T 25 abusive of photo this is something no bird I think it's a catchy. Catchy name for -- 3-D plasma TV but apparently got. One of our. Our best of Fiesta Bowl guests around because of why did it -- it's -- just a -- so why are apparently it looks fantastic its its relatively low power but it's the -- it was one of the first 3-D sets. And I don't know if you guys remember. Earlier this year watching 3-D contact. Her -- Watching like a three -- only site known for its not about. We are after all -- at three Italy but -- but -- say only that it. What was cool kind of content when it came as they roll -- a -- union. Documentary. -- it was the it was about like the info tomorrow what and that the content just -- yeah yeah like I watched five minutes of it. And I hurled them. And how related rent it worst headache I could take and I'm gonna be -- If the reason why I don't even care about three TV -- anyway if they make me throw. Separate images that are going to vote on it or what you don't he's got this. How does have a strong and treaty and yet know if you don't -- -- go snowboarding yes. It's not like I have mentioned this before and -- -- hot you know that looked at in this. It's -- explain itself or think you think perhaps you would not have a limited -- other content. You know it was it was because people don't know how to me read the -- -- youthful -- news very -- music and champion of grabbing whatever 3-D cameras are out there like I know last year there is. Couple from with Sony Panasonic. And is making the -- you know documentaries. With no regard to. How the -- changes perspective. Here focus when you're close versus -- -- way look at and there was a lot of nasty things like it was I have mentioned this before but a glow yet you know like the earth -- And the sides of the earth felt like we were ten feet away yet from here it was written from my feet I wanna throw up to figure that yet the best that this yup and I'll be honest that's completely screwed up and the reedy. TV categories. Are -- will you know it doesn't make me wanna throw. The 404. I'm not that I don't treat your words wisely last year we voted the Alienware M eleven acts as the best in gaming. And and no coincidence annually and is very -- thought through to give us some some some good to do our show with every day -- yes Wednesday. So let's look at the Alienware M eleven -- -- that was -- that this bad -- actually have a great properties read I can't get over it's actually a lot smaller than it which is pretty cool. Brilliant actors flat out member that would customize their own could change the color of magic on you wanna likes. Because it but it can only make that happen -- -- Alienware. If they don't yeah. I wanna read. Fair enough so that's what we're excited to see what Alienware com. -- this year. I mean I guess when you ask where they are now people who sell -- I -- people who buy these things into the wave of new ones coming -- -- again on the bleachers where. The teeny tiny portable gaming now winners that go well well what else anomalies. We we have smart books America the united readynas -- the netbooks here art book categories of to take off last year and that was. Anything that didn't run windows and that will form. Essentially so and we don't know what happened -- iPad came -- nobody really cares this is no longer catch. Up. -- -- off the list has been -- we've eliminated from CS that's fine inaccurate is now. Exactly exactly -- you know speaking of -- -- the other products as the Motorola. Back -- it yeah this is one of the first. Android phones just before the -- -- the keys here. It was you know lot of people really interest -- Because it has -- keyboard. Built in and you know the -- -- this the other day I don't think anybody really gives a crap. Whether a phone has keyboard -- Are gonna go ahead if I go ahead are both agree -- all the new phones coming out. Well I've just percentage wise how many of them have keyboard I don't know -- ruined that was like an AEA iPhone question feature killer. Yeah he would get an iPhone because he didn't -- people. Right that was one of the reasons I didn't want a magnetic seatbelt I mean even now and now they're making -- evo with a keyboard shifts so they're just playing. They really want me to lose my head put I don't you know I think. For the Eagles shift forward I think that's proof that. Keyboards in you know -- are are not going anywhere necessary I don't know why I just don't I I type so much. -- small box like yeah. That six month learning curve -- they -- typing. One it was all part way and then it learns like all the wrong things to land on texting -- like all things. The big deal I feel much safer the safety -- of the keyboard. Initiative and things I understand that lets move on -- another thing that we. Really admired last year it was the -- five pro -- this is an SD card that's been put into a camera. And allows you to wirelessly upload photos to the Internet I think it's genius I still have difficulty grasping at it now I just don't understand one or cameras don't have that built in Wi-Fi and know that. Heatley had some companies that -- -- I know that you know -- the iPhone I'm going -- is really popular but it's like the convergence. That's what ends up happening -- yea you go out to a party or an event rather take a picture. And the only thing you're thinking hold times -- -- get home to upload this right -- right -- like it just takes out that the middle men and young adults to think that a party everyone else in our. Up. At a party -- and already done it right he's already if indeed everyone within a ten -- radiant never go to a party with -- and it will be live -- Oh -- yet not everybody behind waiting that's how. That was -- Night. A -- got a lot of traffic that ended up being a in a very easily I'm -- -- Google -- this great -- -- credit I deserve a cut. I've byproducts to be its credit actually -- -- like you know the iPhone the cameras that not the greatest threat better than it was before. But it still won't know you know it will disappoint you but not quite there. Especially when it's dark but you know a lot of -- that's with a pro cameras might take a picture upload it straight to their Flickr at their FaceBook. And this is the -- part of that actually think sort of did take -- of more on the eve like if you knew about -- look at it if a lot of you know if if it's the mainstream. There had heard about it sure nobody you don't see ads for great I think a lot of people would -- But that's on that's actually talk about what's coming up for a 2011. It seems like everybody. And their grandmother. Is making a tablet and enjoy -- yeah and -- and remember last year. Microsoft came out it sort of introduce the the form factor for the mainstream said he would have a windows late. Tablet coming out and what does -- matter wanted to keep on October engine BD 500 units and Wilson is love that is critical and even Apple. Well how many of you -- playing -- night that. I'm getting -- -- yes well I'm here next time it took all my strength not to get one for Christmas. Which ultimately we predicted on iPad yeah I -- correct code label that our -- -- -- -- against. An -- my camera and it's fun yeah yeah because the -- -- the social network would be a terrible. Apple in money and look at it. I. Hope they can get that dollar but -- -- -- everybody you know now that Apple sort of I guess pull the rug under Microsoft. A much better product. Everybody's. Clamoring to get their own -- without break and I'm hearing tablets from people and never expected -- -- video. Two years ago this is that this this is the manufacturer you go to Wal-Mart to violate any you know relatively inexpensive. Plasma what. In two years later there they want cards CNET best of you know that -- choices here. And now they're releasing phones and tablets right so I don't know why it's like everybody's -- they're becoming like America's estuaries. Like -- landed at the sands -- -- here -- the current time grant of electronics. I get another it is more a big list of many factors that it's related to release a honeycomb powered tablet well I mean companies here Archos Asus created still. Unauthorized and an -- fusion garage LG Motorola and others that's nice not. I think the most interesting thing you could you could talk about this as a category assurances the iPad. Is that when the iPad came out the number one question besides why did they decide to name the iPad -- was what are you gonna use it for right and now. I think we've counted there's something like fifty different different tablets coming. Right and everybody I've talked to who's got an iPad or or tablet. I think the only one that's really useful to Samsung galaxy and America loves it. -- -- -- I'm really -- it I'm definitely get one in March right or any he has really considering getting into a tablet at all. No public like the iPad to the I'm gonna guess that the dogmatic I've read through I mean look high in -- -- will play with an Android tablet. Put out for me a lot of the genes that I like what I'm seeing on on the and I really you know -- read comic book. -- -- And every. Time. They -- you I'm laughing because -- Like last you guys were correct in all over the whole idea of owning it I don't know what you're talking about. But don't want a more than in the iPad like all I've accessed -- this and view is they made and they're all kind of -- he liked -- -- that -- crop right here. This is eight bendable neck and -- optic connectors. -- your iPad that'll let you and an arm -- Q you're yeah if you're so lazy as this doesn't mean they aren't. Brag about it yet having an odd as that pulled in -- hand. -- not have been waiting room Stan this. We definitely complain a lot of people like I'm gonna get a Kindle or -- in the iPad is too heavy. Let's implement its picture by the way accident. With delight you can I -- Does I hope he's okay though. Well. I hope she doesn't have to do how someone about it -- -- based -- how. You have your life. -- just look like an old Asian man Andy -- can come -- I didn't bring a and -- I wanted to mention this mention is that like I found my old iPhone yes Christmas. And the thing is heavy bits at -- and 67 how computers have these what I used to carry I think all over the place and looking object you. It -- it's okay I had my laptop or we -- -- a few more minutes of where we get this very thing. I want to talk about Nintendo -- second Nintendo is sort of gonna be it's -- the first time in 1516 years. And obviously everyone's excited about the 3-D yes which you'll see more of from the era here -- almost totally my little brother who just received it yet I felt right and it's gonna wanna -- -- this thing. Some news is leaked out apparently on the Japanese Nintendo website. There's this big disclaimers saying that. Kids six and under. Should review the use that -- yes sparingly or not at all or. Or speeds -- never hit that 3-D technology is actually had it -- to their how well it is the three s's claimed the theme is that you won't need to put on glass right that's that you. Deals to get greedy -- through this some sort of magic -- Yeah huge print images that are projected to both isolated event shows layers. Contrast -- affect the development of children I know I think that -- you know country survive. -- like I think a variety. Or media outlet to the angler at Hitler or anything lately that whatever economic got a break -- And by -- mean children. I use that it got me that you can't fix and it really be using an intended -- absolutely. I mean first of the -- on whether and I can tell me you can't hear me now -- -- -- -- here you're the evil can't get that combines regular. All put you know like with any -- -- the big you can take a walk every now and then you've got X. Especially him no -- when your feet six inches not immediately -- -- walking around and it might crop that plane could -- -- -- I got -- -- the people you don't own a pop up. Wow like that has already happened right now right I don't know maybe it within the very interesting disclaimer. And obviously the media goes nuts whenever they see this but oh my god they. The new Nintendo then don't buy it for your -- when they would like anything I just think look at yet. He's been playing video games to this war but -- -- -- -- and -- -- I mean -- reply. It worked out. Wolf we're coming up on our break free we are what we're actually can be having -- -- from a very is it. On the show with -- -- talk about what's going on on the floor. Will also you know find out what the kind of weird stuff all the kind of wacky products that -- that are coming out here it's yes. We'll see guys after the break -- -- -- what we'll do is we'll have her and then also we're gonna have an Alienware contest. Thursday and Friday that just -- -- -- real quick and we have a phone number to call 1866404. CNET. Somehow we'll make that works well all this after the break. See guys in this. Best. To the right back to the big -- though. We -- day before doors opened its quiet -- yes now we talk. All my got probably millions of people -- one to -- camera -- diligent. Ending you know standing room only and a second half. Upgrades before we are lucky enough to be. Greeted by -- -- boy thank you so much for you will -- you for inviting me my very first appearance on the -- for him. Mary my inaugural visit right here very long time in the me very bluntly I'm glad you're here -- -- to kick off your first -- -- -- nine you're you're doing CBS coverage exactly right here -- got 14 announces full disclaimer world let's see yes. So this should be no surprise didn't. -- -- -- Well -- If it already he's. -- that you you've got the chance to walk the floor yet -- seen some really just thinking what's the hottest thing you've seen. -- -- -- -- -- I'm most excited to purchase myself. Well yeah definitely not 3-D TV of course yeah the helped -- Yeah I wouldn't think that that theological tablets that's always fun and I liked the work -- smaller more innovative stuff right I mean I am really not looking to violet fifty. That's not in my budget not my teachers here. Not my -- apartment space. Children you know but the smaller stuff in -- cameras that goggles that had them on the language -- medical snowboarding gold -- this guy's -- and that's okay this was fantastic. Pair of -- the you can either -- -- underwater like scuba diving goggles or or on this now you -- skiers -- cities. -- But it looks and it's been all downhill graceful -- we -- -- Perfect opera on the boots this fall at the field with a camera though weakened document all of his wipe -- yeah and -- remind you wouldn't be enough tape. The ignorance of the people -- -- -- back up and running over six year old -- I don't think the -- once I know it really doesn't. Very vividly visual back. A particular episode so how they were -- that they pretty look like regular models reveal little -- up top but you're not much heavier which is apparently aren't -- -- and then -- its many eyes to have this little camera. Flaky see -- you're smart -- -- happens behind him Otellini it's I think yeah so then on the side here I think he's a right handed to but it's. It went for start for stop and it takes still photos and then you -- hit twice it'll take video alive and when you're wearing the goggles -- little blue light flash a couple of times indicating. -- -- a picture or we're -- role playing on. And they think of pulling it up to twelve hours of video might oh my god now how -- that Howard if the charges you to charge it up but they say it runs her alone time and then the other side of the goggles you have a little. Outlet where you can take the video off included posted whatever you're gonna do it. I don't know what you know I don't with -- so 2008. Like over 300 -- -- -- Or an idea that toppled I want you to -- -- -- built into the things like that what -- I would definitely have it sync with your phone. Having nothing to hide the fact that you're getting what twelve hours -- that's and I'm not. I do not work for the company liquid something or other but I will think that it's pretty reasonable. So it's a 350 on the Kindle -- how much is -- professionals. You know. Really inviting. You think even under public release we shared out to be cool if they somehow made it into a -- -- -- library. I -- -- -- I forgot it. -- -- -- -- -- -- Adolescent medicine and information. You have any experience. -- this I have about that. The -- Page. If liberty and. That's really cool so -- like -- on. I'm I think now I mean you when you come to -- yes you know you're gonna be seen units flat screen to be seeing new smart here. But it's that that funds smaller -- -- I port is this in our community I feel like. I know this instruments already have the big -- apps like I can't put it bigger. You know without straining my head turning to the human right. And -- are currently the TV's that's probably. You'll. And at you know all of -- -- Smartphones so I'm trying to find it on next thing. -- -- -- -- -- -- And might have I might have yours -- right here. I get on -- -- are alive now if -- -- -- -- the picture this this is actually a joke but I think it's a funny one. Itself full time now that you've put. -- really -- raise your arm. And use -- it's like your quarterback you know how -- how -- little -- that did not -- -- one of these innovative. -- but that lets you use your arm back and at one -- is that you're gonna double planet. In the -- more on the it might be the one that changes around their prediction look this is the game changer -- I think that that we're gonna see that like industry yes -- waiter coming up you know you'd like the -- -- -- they go it did not. I was in Hong Kong over December. I'd never seen -- my pants and in. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- People walking on street actually using an iPad I look at the place had so you're seeing here you don't -- people using and get mode. -- -- would never it was different. Was that they actually have jackets now. Where the iPad fits inside one of the one of the -- -- it out like this is like. -- that charge on the dock it to their possible. Directly to withdraw money from -- yeah Steve Jobs -- Definitely but -- I approach -- that people do this -- -- Really working on it like little minority report. -- -- models -- on the -- you know that that wasn't so yeah you're not a -- really. Yeah you got somebody gave you a 100000 dollars to make -- an excellent. Ideas you for -- have. Completely -- -- TV yes -- look at me treaty to be arguably more than anymore. The glasses free ETV. It -- Yeah yeah definitely out there and have you gotten use. No I really didn't know what we're out like this morning immediately feel like you're not to work its way they aren't full on sentiment out there so we know from afar and went on -- -- advertising was -- haven't -- I have not my words with that is it's probably gonna be this one degrees. And -- I have things that normally would not come -- You know met -- demise of the I wanna watch -- the -- I don't think you're I think of it by hand and just watch. That's one of the features it's a -- accurately and -- girl over to of the -- Amy's experience significant. I thought about that unlike other 3-D but it only works. Like yeah. And what I don't understand is how they're gonna go ahead and justified last year selling every single pair of 900 3-D is that he. And in the show photographs of all the -- -- smiling at home that had. There -- advantages they you know net non. You don't yet did you know. The big -- before the show even started though was Google TV. -- remember how big that was just two -- three months ago and went I don't have those -- the article yeah yeah right you saw a new York New York Times says. -- -- you know school sort of just dropped the ball. And said hey don't all -- stuff you're planning for CS as far as Google TV Internet connect remedies. It's not ready yet don't even think about releasing. And but a lot of people we've talked to have said that those Martinis are major -- to keep an -- -- and we -- -- -- pick -- up -- with -- -- for whatever -- -- -- -- CSI Miami. Then we'll CBS plug. Any -- like a proceeding in a hot -- these YouTube videos of Caruso and one on -- -- I I think the biggest. Detriment to the platform is that he -- still like you -- blogs lately you're it's it's essentially have a computer hooked up to your TV if not. Really that's sort of home and -- -- is seamless that -- laid back kind of experience that threat. I'm -- I been a little disappointed with this. Because the whole idea of global TV is -- he's fantastic. I really dig it but all the first products not up there. I wouldn't use any of them not even I think that was the largest tech review. This couple Sony TVs -- about 500 dollars is expensive no real brands -- wouldn't. That people can ultimately idea instantly identify with that's as of its Google TV that's the morning and I know Intel and all these other people -- smart TVs but. Where are they think -- -- year -- early. I think it was -- through Google meaning it supplement that -- mindless status or be careful because they know you're so here's. -- You can and all that well I don't think that's -- It will be bringing that of during the census I'll say why doesn't the sentences the Census Bureau however we're just kind of story page. Give us all you're yeah. We need to walk around what people door and no cars and -- just let Google knows and Google athlete knows everything you're doing. Exactly how many people where -- you know where I am bitterly right now. Obviously again I know it. Like look behind me and it's so Verizon is -- well. And everyone's -- Verizon iPhone. Because the world if you know like I think like if that does happen efficiently. Wouldn't -- be. The last possible. -- -- news that anyone would care about you know I was surprised that it's all the rumors right now our. That Apple was supposed to say something about. Verizon iPhone. Around -- but everybody's announcing the list either -- the end of the month or just before Valentine's Day. I think it's gonna be really I think I personally am very seriously considering. Dropping AT&T paying the 400 dollar fee. Uniting to give them a concept that's -- really that hate life that much right. I think rises in that it's better. I've ever time I've had Verizon lives pre -- every time I've had Verizon I'd -- The -- service -- customers' servers pollutants of them much. Put quality and coverage -- I mean it is really couldn't be I think the best thing that's gonna happen those -- -- probably be some competition. And those like 150 dollar phone bills that world getting the iPhone might -- drop down ten dollars and now there's people who pay that much -- -- I can't get the very minimum 105. The same plan that and -- -- -- at him suckers if just modify with the migrants now AT&T micro -- or night at the apartment to buy it you gotta buy -- -- them. -- -- -- -- -- -- Our service I think it's a little bit happy that we're gonna worth 950 dollars. I think micro -- to sit on our floor. Right near the door window and it and it does even work that well that is totally -- seen. The content itself. It doesn't work it's little body really like it's it's sitting right to -- your right there yeah and -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- this is why I have a home -- only person under forty. I have. Q it's weird I took them like. It's very littering I'm like I get out here. At deeper. Speaking of AT&T the company has revealed forgy handsets. And their LTE launch plans. Probably of the get and LT Ian nuclear power. It another 150 another it. AT&T contract you -- working for the answers. Among the announced four G phones the Motorola a true X orgy. The HTC -- forgy. And the sandstone in use. Four G. As well as the last time with all of them you know ending every phone in a four G. Announcer get you know. Even when -- -- This age he added that better than that to get -- Call for we've we've -- wave of autonomy. Viewers those over longer. Well nobody asked about -- that they -- whether T-Mobile. Really cut -- -- the agency's it's -- forwards the I was an even aware of the debate over how. -- but beyond that like. Are any of you clamoring for four GO OT Verizon. And now my its client authority it. I mean OK I won't lie. When I was on my honeymoon -- getting -- -- one's -- that -- -- the -- doing all unless they've looked like. Something that my wife. That's the official. Can also -- the amount of -- -- always about you need to know where this works where each however. That was really cute. And today it's here for genes and turn on and that's been all that. So yes I do like having me again like this sort of -- things but I think the bigger issue is not summons the -- with. Grade and that it -- on my you know -- Monday. That -- the latency like if you hit something's gotta wait -- a second to for the network to respond and it. Don't them your community at -- as you go and where you -- -- and New York is the worst places I don't deal. Except that that's not art but -- -- -- can't write and add on emergency vehicle on. -- done. I -- -- city. That. Anybody who has like AT&T service here yes. I feel like this annual thing. I would switch it over image. In -- microphone hole like it's -- -- -- work -- work better service I can I get it. For better service and to be honest I don't expect. -- I'm making phone calls when I'm in that because this has to be this is -- and so there's more. Smartphones years. Per capita fair -- square you know mileage in place on the planet right everybody's -- in what percentage the key to your question. Everything close to fifty and now there -- authority presidency thirty. Black berries -- next category. Accurate. I -- it be ameliorated. Injured in ivory distinctly in the black. And Nevada. We're getting close we aren't you go around the table here in stores today -- would you expecting like what you've got years your hands on -- -- -- -- prematurely brat. What you've got regret what's out there. Is there something right now on Wednesday you can say yes 111 is. Well how -- tell you what I'm looking forward to -- either later today -- yeah. And neither had told us on CBS that's -- an ambulance and reportedly CBS in CSF in the morning show and affiliates around the country were really looking to catch them up fitness and -- and the marriage okay. I mean Wii Fit is obviously old old news but there's so many more gadgets break and implementations of technology out there and -- -- Yeah exactly the sort -- see a lot more like one of the more innovative things -- all but they -- the they have a product now they can. Measure blood pressure and heart rate very when your iPhone gets a -- e-book reading -- -- -- -- We need a weight loss or PG. -- gullible -- level up and I gotta get more -- Italian that would work to -- -- you people left and right. You -- mobile content we've been able to my favorite -- -- working at -- was watching the birds would view word yet. Stands in the Wi fi for the first I don't like this page in a generic will be here -- insists Anthony. Yeah that's what happened what. The system normally good enough. Yeah I'll review to get into the store her hypothetical opponent and you can make inside and look at him now and the -- It really -- Hope you're getting married and I'm the present yet going to apply that meaning exactly and. This I okay -- go to what environment yet you know I do all the -- stuff I think there's going to be a lot of cool new gaming accessories in the vein of sort of overseeing. I really like that the surround sound headsets lot of people are trying to do maybe multiple systems that. I think that's pretty cool obviously -- 3-D S proudly here that's going to be a huge deal definitely. The thing I'm most excited about. You'll have to just and you. -- hope my limited credibility -- the line. Coming up next 11111. Apparently -- an anonymous it's -- apparently -- that Apple. He tipped off road related. It will be it -- that it had been right yet. And that means. She gave -- that. I think -- okay that's good to know and we expect that it. Woodland let's excellent excellent that -- not do anything else that night on a printer. None of the I don't -- coverage there. As well. Stay tuned more scenic beauty for all the latest yes for -- to drive. -- live streaming from the stage here yes yes. Eight hours. Every -- Her next book what we're gonna have an Alienware konduz is gonna be really cool 186644. Theatres in a vertical. Paris February thank you so much for America reliever -- -- you see guys tomorrow I'm just MacBook I'm -- -- and I just can't. I'll see you later.

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Battle of the Humanoid Robots: MenteeBot Is Ready

Battle of the Humanoid Robots: MenteeBot Is Ready

2025 Audi Q6, SQ6 E-Tron: Audi's Newest EV Is Its Most Compelling

2025 Audi Q6, SQ6 E-Tron: Audi's Newest EV Is Its Most Compelling

Hands-On with Ford's Free Tesla Charging Adapter

Hands-On with Ford's Free Tesla Charging Adapter

Nuro R3 is an Adorable Self-Driving Snack Bar

Nuro R3 is an Adorable Self-Driving Snack Bar

First Look: The $349 Nothing Phone 2A Aims to Brighten Your Day

First Look: The $349 Nothing Phone 2A Aims to Brighten Your Day

Best of MWC 2024: Bendable Screens, AI Wearables and More

Best of MWC 2024: Bendable Screens, AI Wearables and More

Latest How To All how to videos

Tips and Tricks for the AirPods Pro 2

Tips and Tricks for the AirPods Pro 2

How to Watch the Solar Eclipse Safely From Your Phone

How to Watch the Solar Eclipse Safely From Your Phone

Windows 11 Tips and Hidden Features

Windows 11 Tips and Hidden Features

Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3
VisionOS 1.0.3

Vision Pro App Walkthrough -- VisionOS 1.0.3

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

Tips and Tricks for the Galaxy S24 Ultra

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro

TikTok Is Now on the Apple Vision Pro