Ep. 72: Laser sharks in 3D
Ep. 72: Laser sharks in 3D

Ep. 72: Laser sharks in 3D

Hey it's Tuesday. January 17 the music -- the planning system that -- I'm pretty I'm Donald bell you're watching crave. -- -- You with me Eric Franklin and -- an antenna. And not -- here in -- committed -- -- when we survive CES with another one hunting game in it is us. Lewis who is -- in my the only one who actually to block the show floor more than like -- hundred feet I think regularly -- Pretty deep right now this is different as you could -- In the end -- that implies now well. Though I want to show floors once again -- you know what to make that face. You -- that face you want me go further now they did know you want yet. Called you and Italy as police and so how -- -- it -- out there because -- alone. You probably enemies are more than -- you know less crowded then. I felt it was less crowded than in previous years I remember being on the show floor. Couple years ago -- -- wanting to start kicking knee caps and because of the amount of people around me adding -- that adding that feeling this year is I had room to move around -- Hi. I went hall and policy okay okay Eddie and I like hurting anybody Rhea when we locking foods south dollars and central yet. That little time or a little bit -- okay because I -- -- The whole -- back if it exactly anybody get -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You can nightmares he asked the entire time and they'd like to know that having this is welcome in a that was aspects. Like to stay -- -- yeah I actually got it. We knew it was -- I'm glad travel light truck like oh yeah really. Can't. Well if it if it means one naked gay out of the entire time there at the and it's the reason one less -- pac man yet. -- -- sure everyone is probably sick about hearing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Nonetheless with -- and we're talking McCain is a roundup of the things that at least the skate to the while I was there. With my blinders on just looking at tablet news -- all of -- the fun wacky capable. -- -- There's a lot -- -- -- that first -- Samsung's Smart window. Holiness this the city there. Let's say -- a window that closing your home happens to be revealed to double as a touch screen and I think Android based touch screen. For you know -- all of your wonderful. All your futuristic. That the feature of my alerting me where it. -- -- -- Touch needs. -- I mean their neighbors have to see you when looking at Warner whatever happens to -- you're inside your website and toys when your your browsing. Well the Internet and I think the thing is it's like yes sure I'll always love to. Looking at recipes while standing about it window yeah -- or given Twitter hasn't holding my laptop by the way it just seems kind of weird to live. -- Madison while they -- in Wendell. It's it's. DD future -- -- like applications of this. A more exciting to me there and do window like having everything on my media wall Kindle. The call the -- arm and -- just kind of stretched out and doing yeah exactly you yeah you really need it but rather be -- the addition our. Can they do a shower version of that sure yeah sure I'll get a -- People don't have a you have a robot shower -- -- if -- handed three it's kind of object you know Twitter -- news feed yet. Is there is he checking -- -- the shower room wall sidewall. Sanity checking. Those are you looking until late last and a I'll never have a glass away you would need to -- netbook and immediately if -- About that. The rich easily hear your -- and I'm outraged by an average but about -- about mirrors can be managed utility Anatolian. Alarms. -- alarms whenever he will welcome shelter will will be used to it. I just like I like the idea of having been able to connect with any part of my house -- your house -- -- Mean that's that's at least how I see this. Now in future I dislike offending my neighbors with my browsing habits absolutely -- wind and some -- and -- We know it not to screen -- it is running on my window on. The well ones that reportedly use so I mean usually -- of yourself you know -- I think I think people will. You know who respond to them. -- -- -- That's almost a -- title but it. I don't I don't know elementary guy after that the it people who are gonna find the podcasts are not the audience we want to. -- Italy and yeah. As I well I do love now is three ER TD two approved. Display technology you know -- -- -- But okay well wait hold on let me let me before you shatter my enthusiasm -- them and this is this. This is the -- -- the holy Grail right for completing the the -- that. 3-D laser projection in holographic. Future and opening helped -- -- -- can -- programs so they there's this company burden not the snowboard company Burton but another company. I think there from Japan. That has created this. Laser display technology that can. Both like -- and I is the little particles. To make a projections. Substrate and then actually project laser. Onto it to illuminate it and the mood around. And -- you get the that dvds at the hologram projection home -- the alert and that apparently. You can reject in water or in hand. And if you make a stronger F -- if these are stronger laser -- actually project. Into -- far into the air. On the -- and I think like into the sky keep you have your 3-D projected laser shark. Covington devour city. It's she can have. That differs from -- the search for laser beams and yes totally different. There. Are so so neither of these are. 100000 dollars three teams -- say -- -- actually in three dimensions these these projects right that's -- application for this is that you -- and they get eventually to it and it. Just a -- that looks pretty so. You can -- you could actually use this for modeling safe the death star got its -- week. Mrs. welcomes back to stop sending -- -- and -- -- bad thing. And -- well I -- businesses. That. This -- California think that you know what was it was almost it's over thirty years ago now hold that. Lucas. You know it came out all these ideas or help these ideas in a movie. And then. In the day I was thinking that we were only world accustomed. You know right now the -- and we're gonna. That's that's come out soon have a -- with. Where we shouldn't lays out my many years and -- -- like 37 years later and we're just now beginning to the point where maybe it's possible to put it. And you know -- -- -- -- addictive to have some kind of like. You know mainstream. Application of this is just kind of weird ammo and I -- supporting -- taking this long swims. -- This is the same -- jet pack ran its lake where's -- flying -- re -- yeah exactly but at least until lucas' credit. He did put this in like. Technically plays the movie. I can't wait a long time ago I alternate universe losses in residence and -- this is coming in the year 2012 yellow book. I don't know is like. Humor makes it says that these dangerous gotta be here -- he you know Hewlett -- neighbors in mr. Lucas -- -- and I'm the same as I I I I I kind of had expectations of that myself. I should write in all I'm saying is that when I -- and -- had nothing to do with my time -- to build my authentic RTD two replica. -- will now have this technology the -- -- to put in believes it immediately checked there. I -- I can rest happy yeah I I've done it. This is before after your -- you. This is I asked -- she left me but both. Like once -- made enough money that can also provide our TD my with a serving train grass like wow and also the rocket needle and you know -- roof. I you know not only asking -- that very quick yeah. And I. We'll let you know why and what am I feel sad. I need a -- Where did -- get the happy. She began what has no incentive does that mean UIR two will be like projecting -- media holographic image of my wife and small. On the keeping people -- -- it did with the with the roof and -- So -- right now the the free made on this is kind of as the departed and of ten to fifteen -- -- -- NASA. They're hoping over time that you'll be able to do to get up to thirty yeah but I -- what's insane is that. It's like the frame rate is the -- is measured by how many times the lasers can. Basically. Like. Set fire to be incorrect -- and -- -- of the -- Baum. The way to use and that it can engage frame rate is it that and of itself is impressive -- just like it's gonna Kris. Is not just refreshing the screen -- is -- screen dot. Particles. Those buttons on health. If it -- the articles and now I another part of the feature we were promised. Now yeah more sophisticated. Skateboard technology and -- -- -- -- two yet. Parents and now. Thinks too. Chaotic -- labs now. There is eight. Connect powered motorized skateboard that you. And Sharon. Both the right yes zealots should be cut to the media -- -- -- -- do it. It's amazing exciting stuff. -- Video -- -- a stadium resistant area this is amazing setting says another I I I'm not being facetious when I say this is in the. -- -- -- -- -- Him so motorized all terrain skateboard. Here's -- with gas goes up till I think 35 miles per hour 32 miles per -- or something like that. -- -- worked on version that goes up to 65. Mile per hour and necessary -- I don't know. I don't look I don't know this is necessary to be honest but it's pretty cool a home uses AA uses -- Android tablet. And undertook a windows eight tablet and -- -- connects. You'll sensor. And basically you can control your speed by the distance. Your hand is a waste from the actual sensory room so you push your hand down towards the sensor you'll passing away he slowdown practice is really call. So that you'll notice steering column based on student body to break when they can -- that was my concern is that -- if they've made it it's hearing left or right based on your hands going laughter and not your body going left -- right right how does that not to steer away from new and yeah yeah exactly the only control the speed with your healing those -- -- -- You control everything else that your body weight. I can say this is 10 who really don't like -- and literally because that's not so this is me my first time the Wii in that. We didn't actually get them to me humans into a -- were confident second check -- -- Iowa like go crash in and around convenience items. Massive re I or other things in its casket the end -- so little -- in the chair massage and take. You have that videos of there's. You hear me -- if that's if proceeds. She starts -- big Internet. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that's the most intuitive way to control skateboard. Used to. -- -- Until I didn't think this is gonna be president when she told me about -- -- whatever they when he brought it I actually got on -- -- this -- This is pretty and curious like what the maneuvering -- lake when you got your hands like controlling the speed in -- Sure Ryan -- new. I am not an experienced it would the guy who did this -- I think his name was I don't know that's sort of that's what -- about -- His experience -- -- -- so even inexperienced -- -- used -- skateboarding with wheels this being and it Al windows eight tablet or what ever right now. Yeah and knows that these people I now I think you're probably used to wait that is a hit oxen you place your hand into you can see the screen you will be used to -- -- -- it -- after -- still like the -- it with. How is that much better than having like a little fun accelerators is just a matter -- looks like your -- Looks like you mechanical which of mine your mind powers instead of being quick and trust -- I was not a believer. At first -- -- -- it until I tried it when she -- Hopefully -- I idolize him like. Bring your enthusiasm for it it has some cool. -- a guy in a video that they look at that cool on it. I agree that looks pretty it looks kind of goofy just doing it I think once I get used to build them insulate you look cool I'll -- it immediately looked cool. -- -- that -- and you you let alone. On a Segway and a -- An eye on out and then -- -- -- -- department well. I think I'll -- thank you use you can you can use to re using that Kensington. There -- common outlets -- have announced something on February 3. -- dated one of reveal -- me that this is the this is this is. The Y and then. What we're gonna find out why they did this and basically important -- there's no info only when this coming. Now and are now about the period they're gonna announce some look at -- they have a lawyer -- hope this area. Community and -- -- it correctly and doesn't let anyone can honestly. They take it to high heels -- -- like that utilities. Lost it would be the best press we have yet. It's. Exactly. Anyway it was cool. I hear. Is something that I think is going to change more lives. Than anything we -- and connect controlled altering skateboard. -- this is coming and that -- I'm saying this we -- even putting gives moto story and planet here at M -- -- is that important. It is a -- that -- Not a -- but just to see the attachment -- -- has a built in. Motorized -- And the ones this is a company that is so inspired. That Mark Cuban is part of the financial backing for this company -- wrote via. While. It's keeps going doesn't yet -- -- It is AM and that -- that eating -- I think it's like a fellow and latched -- spray of water that you're never gonna run out of warm water heating your -- And then. -- the remote control. It. It -- well I'm down to 49. And all of America and -- be warmed yet it. But cleaning experience I -- -- -- -- -- it and might be worth it to recognize that is present me yeah. -- the days I've never actually. -- -- the day I -- I don't know no I don't trust. See that's the thing America can't get on orcas were all world Ole state of art are are -- holes being violated -- -- -- louder. That part I don't licences to do the job thoroughly as -- -- controller and it's all exactly what you need is like a version of -- of the go pro cam. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The Britain's. -- -- done ahead I don't know. You know. -- like -- combining. You know we knew we had more witnesses in beings. Him. It's all and that's that's what's gives me about the days -- saying and holes in -- yeah yeah yeah yeah. Apprehension yet capture and Donald apparently -- you know about it IE I can be -- -- and a and a bad. And now it's even using it right now. Yeah -- and I found that being -- analyst you know. And I think. This is one of those those things that if it really does. Come in its hinges on the shelf Home Depot. This is here -- -- -- of the entry entry level version could be as low as a 179. Dollars. It could be this could be America's obsession you know yeah that's price and if -- only really. Works okay you know. There is a -- targeting -- -- to get really -- -- or offensive but there's a portion of America can't kind of reached behind it is such a great job yes that's true I had I don't insulin like that this could be a product that person really probably bring them has closer to their loved ones. And it -- of -- now that it's a decline in -- oh yeah right -- I know now what the problem that was a problem with this person. That the there is again because of -- lack of and a flexibility and afterwards. You didn't want a message stand around the so this could be -- toilet seat that brings all America into a new millennium and refreshments the end. -- nor does the movie that that they -- three shell technique and that the future is keeping about what like three shells -- when used with a Paper anymore with with last alone and it. I want all around -- demolition demolition man yes this is that the this is one step closer to that. That revolution of clean -- -- is also wants a closer to crops that look like -- bullet which is like 22. Cause I'm I'll support our young -- athletic and get you if I'm -- eventually NF maniacs are good. I -- I am. Now got a section here that I am on a two story section that I am putting under the umbrella of zombie attack zombie apocalypse -- -- on -- but for us in Taylor of former camp out in our -- Amish. -- you know on claims. And you know that power of it -- failed us. And we we need to build keep are -- small band of humans alive and then -- Power track. Is there force this is the fuel cell -- charger that -- was able to get demo at CES. That I is like a hydrogen cell charging station. For your gadgets it's -- it's and he sold that. REI. And it's one of the -- that it -- selling under the idea that it's the most reliable. Outdoor power solution if you need to keep like you'd GPS. Technology -- running -- the only year iPods this community. Was -- so reliable ad because in certain of our right before our little cartridge in neat plug and ends you put in some water. Assuming that no matter where you are you could find water or. This is the -- accident the last -- you can. Or you can -- a little cup and the new -- canister and you got an -- that he. Little power station back in I think we you know re re -- your -- has now a couple of different Eric you guys are like. My parents are trying to chemist and -- more come to -- it. And just sit down and -- Now of course in the zombie apocalypse will have to keep this particular manufacture. Cigna chemistry up and running to make the cartridges or it's enough threat of those -- the even out of those which I like it. I like it. I just don't go don't go -- self via during the zombie experience you know you want is -- someone. But what -- you back yes that was -- double as well. The -- size so that -- done this 200 dollars. For the unit and at four dollars per cartridge. Coming to an -- annually in stock at. The -- Another thing he should get -- this spare one cell phones. From ex pal power that. Hypothetically. Function for up to fifteen years in storage if you have a little lithium ion be doubly totally bad area. And eases some kind of weird pattern is this like their food and head -- -- Maybe if they hand -- I think we're I think you're going to write again -- looting -- why is it looked like some kind of way. Some inter dimensional demons have a feeling that it's coming through and get to that -- the -- B. Like -- the pocket so I just. -- -- is still damn Manges L. That -- -- three -- -- and they'll get a little more hard originals made his. And you know shut them down and analysts let's calm let's make while tranquil -- thing as right now no -- -- reference. And now I ten hours of talk time off of one double a battery. Act and also if you if you're using a lithium. You know I -- at this particular once again. Energizer. Lithium and -- double standard -- you can get a shelf life of up to fifteen years. In theory in the right. It did five years it's pretty and -- it and it's an -- -- it's a cell phone compatible phones sound like a wireless to landline exactly it's yet. Right -- you one has the hope that the the network of -- your cellular network it's gonna be up and running and -- -- race ray yeah that's that's the question is. Having announced -- -- little about that silly little happy if I media CES was already bad enough pre satellite. Was directly communicating to the satellite. You know that would be -- be different. This. But its -- Likely price around twenty to fifty dollars based on their features to -- available soon is -- one features provide your own sim cards show. -- media then I'm just glad that are are -- overlord to look at. -- guess that's the most imports it's I in this and Andy not a populism is only you know three of us remaining and -- -- -- all look to this at the -- and needs are and I thank god they are here. It all starts here with the RA I think if you're willing to do and there. This is the time. We go to little segment about to -- -- -- -- -- that willing to do it now plans to. -- -- -- malware. And now our. It's the added -- -- really cool clip though some rise of the planet BH recently. I really like this I've seen it twice now and sometimes even better. And the reason I do you know the reason I. Hold in such high regard because of -- circuses performance as Cesar. Its sponsors Oscar season they're trying to. Get the of the academy of voters would of -- called. To kind of look at his performance. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's kind of hard to wrap your head around that -- is that really him is -- how much of -- is that as is animators at the CD artists whatever and this video kind of illustrates how closely. His acting was to -- -- -- -- gotten. Steven. So. That's -- -- -- Ngo and and I would not expect -- be -- -- put the ball from -- put it out and now let them lightly or that they don't need it as an -- slaughtering Sunnis whose column -- actually add that allows someone I was listening some -- has recently where someone. So when someone was like you know I love juvenile to me I love you how deeply column -- -- regions like doom them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And ultimately in true name. Here. Is this other organs and okay well and this is like some trailers and -- -- witnesses. As this are gonna hit six page. I think this. -- the animal farm from CNET here. And in doing that -- -- the music and let you reenactment at ED UD ED I do -- is a disease if -- yeah he. So what I -- what -- will say. Like. -- feel like a lot of people kind of what about people where I've heard people commit funds can say oh this will be goes no -- the interest of but I think it and do you think that like going forward we're gonna want more out of our. Cause that's that's that's not -- seedy characters -- one -- we're gonna want more from our seedy characters and I want more like. -- emotional investment in this is only way to really do that have some person actually please was it open as it opens -- the playing -- for actors very you know the more average looking among us down. -- -- To be held down -- a you know leading roles in movies sharing it CD into India Canada and monsters -- -- -- Beautiful people share beautiful blue people -- you -- Andy got the data. I'm here I'm I'm I'm a -- empire. Brilliant young scientists -- -- Silly season from the along with a private colleges Caroline is much appreciated in some respects -- -- actually I don't -- button. -- mean that it is technical difficulties. Ahmed -- it is -- The producer -- antibodies education and it's coming out right now. It. Notices the and it -- it. This is its legacy otherwise -- This. Now this is the scene by. The video much right now shows insert displaying that seat Burris. -- yet been -- -- -- experience Franco. Like pretty -- and they generations James Franco -- it's gonna look like insert it in these yet. You don't need. -- -- -- -- The period -- give up anyway it's pretty compelling technically -- -- link in the show -- right now and -- it anyway. And lastly I want to show -- column Paramount releases -- -- cool picture of Captain America from the dangers. He looks really bad -- really war torn he has is is great wound on his arm and they'll dusty and and whatever is hairs all messed up and when and that's it looks like a perfect but I'll -- fears -- gays and you can use. He's isn't looking out -- -- a metaphor for a like I will as a slightly from -- day I'll protect you from the water that's trying to -- Cuba. I don't have this shield is doing yeah I -- wireless -- underwent. On this yeah -- -- -- I just want to show that picture that kind of like you know people are really completely it's gonna deal lite whatever but. -- -- -- pretty critical I think I like that. Picture -- -- bushels kept America how. I -- Americas is complete. Devoted our own -- And a -- Movement -- That's all we have a -- -- thought -- As you want to -- Checking out and enjoying partaking of these stories will be talking about next week please check out our crave blog. A testament com or whatever is -- -- -- Other than that. Yeah it. And it's please follow us on Twitter. His -- active Twitter especially after CSD. And I think my Twitter muscle is now broke and we truly love -- as -- During the -- again. I have a very funny did a kind of fell it was all done formula isn't as opposed to something in my own awesome in this post yeah. Delegates and technically is my name so that the -- you know. Deepest -- out the up and down check back next week will be back you next week on Tuesday it's ten times in place. He then. Spokesman for didn't. I can't have any problems. And yeah slowly. -- -- -- -- Look. -- --

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