Ep. 708: Where we want DrCoolsex to give us a full body physical
Ep. 708: Where we want DrCoolsex to give us a full body physical

Ep. 708: Where we want DrCoolsex to give us a full body physical

Everyone there's -- so today it's Friday November 12 grade yeah. I'm Wilson tang and I'm the only goes on the full report today and this is the show where doctor cool -- -- -- give -- -- good. Body physical. That's right we've got doctor cool six or was it definitely very -- -- I'm 13 doctor plus one there's only make the make. One on one arm one -- -- And he doesn't underneath it and you can. Also joining us on today's show we've got these lovely actually from the chat -- a long time -- the pendulum -- ago. And get it how is she she Annan. It's nice he's -- her love and much stinks to Scott Stein for joining -- As well today -- hesitated. One host three yes. You -- to -- last. 3013 on exactly. Maybe -- net -- and the business. The royal -- today was a really abstained from morning because they can't get to work and find out that -- unconventional. -- -- -- Guardian no they suggest is I've gone for the next week -- he comes back and sweet she came over my desk so I can learn best -- got. We have a special we had special guests or. And having special -- dust and and the reason why doctor cool -- -- 13 of doctor cool -- here is actually you know -- was really kind of weird an -- thing about all this. Is that you released a new video yesterday your doctor cool say you -- -- not adviser nominee we do we discussed. Sketch comedy might not which we hope it. You try to know what everybody who -- you know not everybody have to expect that a lot of people who try to use in the viral. -- actually becomes viral because you never know -- can really interest people. But you've been doing videos like this for the last couple months most three years three years okay that's -- effort for good time and -- was interest in the reason why you're on today's show. Is because you release a new viral video yesterday. That I can legitimately say is going barrel as necessary to see it on Twitter I -- the place yeah. And it is the so you -- -- little -- com well we produced a movie trailer for Doug funny -- -- -- -- -- the Nickelodeon Nickelodeon select the the show that we all sort of grew up with. Well it's usually only on -- I mean yeah that's. -- -- I want I didn't crop it. I I -- Nickelodeon back when it had the silence the snail never. -- -- Don't -- that they're I don't remember as a some sort of garden environment with them with us now -- you just playing in a guard and I got. Yeah. Did they sold doubled -- Now six they can't do that until we know it's an otherwise -- Summers called you know arts are really forget about that part Summers like a fine artist. Easier to those seen in previous years he watches -- a CD again this is yet a minute or so. That was the -- that I watched and you can't -- television. Which I think was Nickelodeon at the time -- not see when you bring that Suffolk -- are you confusing Nickelodeon. Nick at night -- -- clearly I Love Lucy and and and napkin yeah. Like a level and up with an actual Nikola like I say now we are. Client's machine exclusively. I saw -- -- climb into the moon and that's awesome and -- -- trained. Or ten seconds and then I moved Donner got a much reason I got into it and it felt -- -- there's green slot -- -- It's only on the the awards show now the may be that -- away. It's been a long time anyway -- early or you're not from that error but I -- What I think it's like to I think that 22 to 32 -- -- yeah yeah yeah outside and I'm 36 okay so -- I gotta say man you look pretty good for -- -- that's another way of saying your home. Old yeah in my car yet again. Yeah okay -- -- Angela you grow much and I -- yes I am -- Nikola again. And TV on it and well trying to yeah and I mean and you know Doug was the I guess the -- typical. Like. Adolescent growing up always been seen being happy being -- -- that -- -- that. Line between like adolescence and childhood I mean he -- -- Iraq he's yeah he's constantly afraid of being judged. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- There's is Indiana Jones character and -- -- ads for dash. That's out of but I am but I know you -- human. Yeah that's yeah if you've seen ads yeah. Really yeah. The movie it's a little -- more or -- it -- and I personally don't 1980 now yeah yeah it is he pretty. I an actor and as a huge gap in my Nickelodeon knowledge and huge gap in your memory I think that -- -- -- movies you buy yet anyway we produced a we took it as that this -- -- -- we produced it as it does a live action movie. Much inspired by as if it was kind of departed state that -- thank Doug went to college comes back for years later. And what would that -- DRM -- to trailer to. Represent our great we've got the video cued up let's watch it stopped talking about it. Does he really makes a -- aren't you ago. -- -- -- Where to begin. School's over and can't -- and and and whose -- Home form work. -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah. I thought maybe -- Okay. Friends. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Thing in two yeah. And. How about the time that I eternity liver and onions and -- Because. A warning you'd like me. I asked them the first time in that. You'd like to be. Pat. On 12 -- what's the rush. Roger. -- -- -- -- -- -- Already. This was a constant part. That light at all. It's time I told you why I. It's. -- -- -- -- You can count that in the -- All the sound tracks are original but then my Buddy Ryan -- Angeles due to be -- aired that he would be -- all this all sounds so did the original. -- yeah -- is so funny like his it was just not only was it nostalgic like bringing back Doug. But what I -- -- it's just it's so funny because he was making fun of all these I guess lately there's this indie movement. I am obviously you can get -- it's perfect for that -- current. -- in this sad dusty -- -- habitats nostalgic for sure I've never even. Yeah. I'm not familiar -- any there -- as it is. I that is very funny music -- on have I and cooler I -- that's the little -- my partners are at Alex and drag. They they're really good at taking an idea and in making they wanna think we're just taking a -- -- -- like we need to know hopeful stories make. And we need to know the art Whitney yeah and it then yeah that's a problem with like trailers and generally tenderly give everything away -- by the time you you know Allison she gets of them at the end of -- well that's is -- does that when you don't know how. What's he Denton and Pacific prosperous yeah -- a little different she looks more. A little -- -- I'm not feel a penny more that was -- -- strange. I thought of those things -- you TV guy yet -- cater to the hot girls you. People like -- gets even just differed. -- Then the letters. And -- and you know Angela a big fan you know big fan of before -- also did the graphics -- Now now you know you're into the government -- I recently -- -- When -- she doesn't work drove formula. Charlotte sketch and work and in -- make up at the -- kindness street union's. So I mean like we -- or I asked this of almost everybody like who comes on the show. What you know what what's your story been doing this and how did you guys get started Alex and I met. Is at -- citizens it -- doing an improper class with robbery old Robert kind of I'll really yeah we are taking a class of -- all. And we met with -- my curriculum to classrooms -- yeah yeah yeah it's as easy to get what you asked that. We mentioned doesn't ever -- doesn't seven. I've already been an -- and down here already kind of like I had -- -- career but you just look like in between. Going -- movies and I -- building New York so he still teach you some workshop -- political workshop with and that's -- And -- certainly and probably together and we still -- -- isn't that was a group name. Our target yet armory in -- -- that we're in is called stamp and -- club a little bit of an anti Millar written and lol I taking classes he -- -- -- Senator I got serve afoot in that world is an estimate that -- hazard and they -- connection here area and yeah Sasser within a few these TV. Now I'm a little unlike and is a position to shake her -- know -- -- is -- is -- due -- advanced -- My secret oh that's national damaged villages and I Gavin and I are forming in that area so using -- as -- he started -- You see it on seven we -- -- be demonstrated in Providence like couples have a star rated together so there -- three let's let's start -- -- that together we produced sketch. Boar rat sketch back to -- The first thing that we've been produced -- sketch -- for five months the first year. And then Alex -- -- stayed. -- -- -- and other guy kind of start fading away and we got. Greg our editor's note the three of us and -- that's -- -- now we the first thing that would like really went we did Joaquin Phoenix news media. The it was actually in because you're inspiring him do it -- they actually -- -- -- -- we we were -- put it in there and you can see. Our video like a bit there's one thing really really cool right yeah and yeah we had this minute but -- -- says school. Cool and then I David -- remember that actually have now -- remember it -- members in the hope you're okay and again. I know that those did this is like a semi came -- kind of took off a little bit but the Mario Kart a -- -- -- -- -- five million it is five million downs so I mean like. No it's like we were talking earlier that it's hard is that you produce these videos and -- know keep you hold. Like sometimes like the funniest thing that you think Mikey he'll literally cracking -- when shooting and when not. Ends up tanking. And then something that you like and it's it's literally an idea I had like on the toilet yet and it into being huge -- it's. It's hard to be of the figure out what it is a big -- like there's no personal -- yet but. Well we like it happened to kind of like -- to call it collective missed out. That's one and then when he pointed at 32 year -- -- of who we are. And if you can do that. People are gonna be like if the first of all you can make a lot and secondly can make -- remember something that these love -- you're gonna. Well yeah you know it's funny is like. You're growing up especially -- in that strange time -- -- between my guess would be 1114. If you really into shows like -- -- there was Rocco rocketed watching now that's it was not this is like a funny. I personally jokes that they get away with that you can not get away pretty -- -- was pretty bad I was reading the that was awful quality images and it's. But whatever they close ups of like themes and areas but also it was actually disgusting and but then like there's a there's a moment in your childhood where. Thank you you did you make a decision like I have to put all that behind him like you you even ever admit -- you -- For like five years if -- -- in high school. And not ones that -- been on weekends it'll another really does not just a launch that yeah. I think he got home sorting your magic cards. But you bring all that -- like that. Yeah I completely forgot about all that stuff in that was like such a huge push and much yeah you know let's get into -- -- -- -- -- there because this is apropos. Two two what you doom. I guess it's YouTube last week or a couple of days ago put out a press release and -- Much said that. What is it -- 535. Hours of studio are. Uploaded to YouTube every minute -- every you know every single minute. And yet as an elementary or there's there's stuff like your stuff rate lichtman tactical -- -- but then the vast majority of it. Is -- or people who can't sing yeah people who are trying to cover Justin Bieber got -- I. Or is the fault for being uploaded nobody now. You got that let you down we say our files -- -- easily be ten gigs is something compressor to get it -- they get more views and hands gimme more more work. -- -- -- an Internet yeah but you know I remember when YouTube and I guess people still been talking about it public YouTube was was either -- him. It's been destroyed television destroy everything people started suing each other. And now it's back essentially where it was at the beginning mine yes. The Daily Show it's just part jokes people scene and then occasionally the viral jamboree -- -- -- If the good the most obvious things like failed along with people yeah getting hurt -- -- you know. Or like you know -- the other the people who are doing shows that are pretty successfully leaned on the people who have like a billion subscribers -- just like. Crap out of media and make it to the ladies in those things kind of confuse me tell the truth is like you know act -- watch from what I watch -- once in awhile and then I feel like I am. Tuning into some channel on Mars that I really don't care about I'm -- Hey I thank missing and missing the point yeah but I know that. -- -- I think hey I thought I'd prefer to watch yeah I prefer to watch it just Syria and I want north saying it's like entertaining and it's on its own right answer that's. You know way. Original content that's being created. Real quick by the end of the story that -- -- that that it. A every Internet three major US networks will be -- broadcasting twenty parts day seven days a week for three -- sixty pad is a year. For sixty years to cover the thirty days of -- uploaded it. Sixty years of three channels -- for hours -- -- and now that's true. Easy and unfortunately I would proceed yes I don't know hide the mechanics of how -- -- -- -- you're just adding to that I'm just adding this is more time it isn't on the TV it's it's just more crap and for -- this magnitude. We take a little break here. We got some more stories and more voicemails on the other side and more from doctor cool six. I'll see you guys about 45 seconds. This is that. -- -- -- -- -- -- The show where we -- all sings. Yeah. Thank you and -- -- Don't have voicemail or accidents don't have -- -- -- you get to voicemail. Not to comment people loving feed. -- -- We're gonna say captives there nostalgic like two seasons and you -- someone from the term just you've mentioned. We'll percent of the videos on YouTube -- cats that anonymous do it yeah. I -- rally. Yeah like 35%. You know seeking someone -- just do like a mashup of like every single YouTube mean like have like cats. Rick roll someone while these auto tuned and -- I. Like that -- -- and O'Brien's the things that even hundred the last you know at the time that he's thinking -- and one -- -- island intense. Yeah it's pretty and it. Angela Condit has become a little bit that I'm using your incurable it's the thought if I open and PP PP he didn't complete the and they're not -- with a. Let's get into some voicemails -- Got a couple. Related to. Much stuff. -- to -- it needs so much crap going on dust and I'm I'm so sorry Justin that is decidedly did -- take the day -- -- here. Pants down a -- that's normal on indigestion. But now -- -- -- -- and -- unedited edit them but just some things to say just like a -- like today sees is not as offensive as he has. Offensive that we now have to Toronto police yeah I. Took me like he's certainly. Smart and yet and that's that's leaking is that ethical lines that are afterward we keys any other. That's fine -- I'm -- into very. Female. -- it does the work every morning my son parts and some. New wing then he tries to ignore it does -- are smart -- -- like I -- a -- -- -- carnivore. And I like how I heard that I heard it if I was a thousand or more I wouldn't be gas. It's -- as I do the same thing I I. Both part and say amateur answers effects on a carnivore I didn't want guys they that is anti in my eyes is going to a guy -- -- yeah I'm a little thing out there. I you ago -- conditional love. -- CNET world. So first voicemail we got actually we've got a couple was -- about this and I'll sit this one up -- a little bit so we do a lot of stuff on Apple for. We promise a lot of stuff from the fourth when they predictions on the 44 we even try to turn into a segment. And it's never happened but occasionally we can we just cannot keeper stuff together enough. We got a couple was -- -- that. -- book forum but -- -- can't don't yeah. And non and you were a year or two -- I don't know. -- going and who the -- -- they didn't that you make up on the fly. I will lead to impeachment it team keep notebook -- and get this. -- -- -- -- -- I'm not that -- whom -- Of the show. Should we be content that's going all -- -- capped a new -- a look like they need to. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Are not quite so sure we said the division of news like you know next time you like they don't cause he's gonna making. I predict and shows live an immense on the flat. And now it's telling you -- -- -- ever hear about our biology that angler line to. Bring on board and as you're thinking of bringing in guest house speaking of we do communities can to that is not a good time to give the guesses what -- we -- little -- now nobody's talking about that. And -- ancient extinct. Technology while we brought a ten well I have a bunch of these things that -- I say forgets that people love them or is I'm thinking highly language now easily. I -- I think I think they're fantastic and I I thought -- can you just then that. Yeah it's yet I don't need to pass an on or if you're -- and I I brought you to laser disks around you. Yeah I. Classic 1990. And -- demonic all right. -- -- this do you want she's it is beautiful 480. -- relays that's -- I'm so I don't know who wants life but yeah. Whoa you -- those hello and I or on share them there's this awesome its like having LPs this yeah I think gorgeous -- aren't really gaffe. This is fantastic so we were -- lot of younger and younger listeners if you're if you have believed it if there right at home all of in my dad has one. And -- that's -- -- -- -- -- the suspect part of this angina non -- gadget you can stream it on Netflix and HD and better. Great mirrors. Such -- you know we've got a lot of younger listeners and inevitably. You noses and -- and eight track. -- laser disk is pretty much in oversized. CD DV or dvd or dvd this is like pre dvd yeah and you have my favorite part about these -- -- -- that you always had to you. But happily do the movie you can put -- over later racket yeah. -- I at the very end delays in its life cycle they were very excited about motorized. Largely uses players that would do the flipping for you movie industry on both sides also lasers around us yeah so it but it would still positive the little movie like. And side one ended. -- waiting it loading combo very engaging with side to you yeah I really policy initiatives via Internet. And I'm telling you flipped it over there's like a previously outside London yeah. They use the start like -- in the middle with CNET and good yeah. Really bad choices and -- had initially interest in the program in the middle -- sentencing if you like hey I need you. And -- -- -- -- inside the -- not not act and my I never. Laser just never really took off in the US like -- know who's -- in Asia a little bit. But it really only took off. In classrooms yeah. Like every classroom that it TV had a laser disc player because they had there's like a scanner you get -- the -- -- for fast forward to elect a specific place you need to be what they really -- yeah -- simply used in science textbooks each -- having -- this is the and you know about -- that's I think that's the reason why they -- so big was that they produce all of these -- it's documentaries and actually teaching -- -- teaches -- but the laser disk in. But hit chapter 38 and don't take a smoke -- -- Only that but -- knee you know. It or else they were -- to smoke in the room. Cigarettes and yet these are big and in the 2015. Back to the future to envisioning the future. Oh -- back alleys of -- -- -- piles of -- Version of the future was laser disk city. Laser discs and then I gotta be completely honest I found all of these on the street constant about a 150 -- -- -- took all -- -- home. Which is a classic -- yeah these -- Total recall like I'm hungry I'm fine we're gonna find some place to put this up -- studio it is. Just think cover alone is worth it let's say I was like I think there are now -- yeah. Can I think it's great dvd and it's like a little smaller than posters perfect -- all have a public they are really great you can buy frames for them at Urban Outfitters. Really effort and and a final frames follows a little bit and -- my eyes they fit in the vinyl that's really crazy Eddie know that that is absolutely insane. -- a well thank you -- so much I don't know we have them in time to get to. You more storage got a bunch of voice -- not just and having STD's and iPhone the stuff seasonality and yet yet. I'm after and yeah accounts. -- -- can take the test live on the show. Intervention but there is an iPhone as to the test and I think that's weird story that again sciatica so you know and and it. Yet another voice -- That we won't delegates you this one is about stickers. You're -- -- yourself. Send a self addressed stamped envelope to twenties when he street -- your punches and point six any given iPod you can replace noted that had to address at a still -- -- there. I don't yet know this'll touches on Mickey blue one on before -- welcome Annan on Elliott Elliott and the -- I think that's about it. This chart get to one more story before we get out of here. You guys are looking at the rundown. And you just pick -- pick the company -- a bunch of stories. How by loads. FaceBook we talk about FaceBook a lot there -- was an invite that went out this morning. From FaceBook to go to a media event on Monday and the rumor is. We don't want -- -- email. Any comments. -- what is the that different from anything I mean now it's gonna be like. Statements like that does the -- FaceBook -- exactly or there or what I'm I'm guessing like you had to pick -- the screen name. -- -- dot com slash you know pencils and detain. If -- someone else. You log in here mail every day -- -- if you're at at these aren't C I think that's that the seem like your -- there are I spend -- or basement and already I don't wanna spend more time. Yeah can -- email myself my status and Pakistani LA -- kind of convenient. -- -- -- have to like and expect sometimes you actually do that Blake I won't try to. -- I know myself in order to update something or vice Versa -- by the whole idea of you know FaceBook being non net. Providing email. Doesn't really appeal to me because everything I have is already on Gmail yeah -- there. -- and it works of -- Google documents yet. -- -- source everything race Google exactly but everybody I know who's you know kinda young thirteen 1415 scene. They make funny for the fact that I use -- What are they yeah they ministers the messages. Yep I've had people. In the prep classes from the from the from the generations -- me into it I noticed don't use email -- -- -- And it's it's -- and that accident and that really I. Cannot stand having on me every time I actually took months FaceBook chat am I disable always funny I'll never never put an awkward conversation -- Yeah Deanna. I don't know where it match -- come from any. I can't because I I think it whether this -- you don't look at me again -- -- better. And and I -- sorry well we we gotta get going because we've got about thirty seconds here. Thank you all. Becoming the show today thanks Travis is can be -- show I was gonna do -- read the news talk about the budget deficit can we go watched an article Paul Elliott. And what have a great weekend I'm Wilson tang -- thank you for listening hope you what's more Doctor Who six videos. Separate weekend that's a pilgrim -- that it.

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