Ep. 68: We're all out of bubblegum
Ep. 68: We're all out of bubblegum

Ep. 68: We're all out of bubblegum

It's Tuesday November 20 ninth and you are experiencing. He. -- haven't nominal -- nominal. Crave podcast and I -- think of a word that was. As better than anything -- -- seventh womanizing right at that moment you decided you wanted to -- -- way. Exactly and add to that would you get things come in tablet while Honolulu and novel phenomenal moment the moment have you on the the -- -- I reached for you -- your address stylized story and it wasn't and I just tried to create something like a little balloon animal of a word. And default it just looked ridiculous now but at -- you reach for us was important because. If you don't reach for great we'll have this conversation. You know if we are in the show right now you don't reach for a party like -- -- install ready to dash oh yeah exactly because you reached for. That -- -- -- actually gonna make this a national ever is the fact that using a relatively. Well wait so let's say -- Bonnie Cha. Usually hear not here this week I its own Campion -- -- the -- -- that JCC show. Likely be back next test yet as -- she is putting the show -- and meet us there that. Which she was -- anyway yelling her keys to. -- -- It does show Amazon. Without -- -- steak okay. Monitor hacking -- costs me about it haven't you ever. -- some kind of super high tech hacking of all the computer monitors -- you you. You know -- you feel about tablets yet. It is customary in the field against someone else take him out of the box to put the money that's less sure that -- -- -- -- know of any kind of hacking -- think that. I like Mars and I think -- of all people of all people should try this this is a instruct doubles packed four deep polarizing. Your computer monitor screen so that it looks completely blank in toll put on a polarized pair of sunglasses I think liking this idea a lot on this. This is like they live -- that -- -- -- anybody papers and and keep David -- we think that I didn't seem that. I think oh my god got to see they live. Well basically these are alienated movie -- back in the eighties. Where these aliens had to had to take it over like these high levels of government already. And they had these messages so subliminal messages in advertising only to -- messages if you -- -- glasses. Exhaust gases agree this is the -- -- the -- Cindy Perry -- park. From they live action was shot yeah and and consult -- -- -- The Arctic everybody petrified to collect. In the -- -- and pretend and it's just it's so great. Restarted backtracked. Are we getting paid by the word now by the punch hit -- Although these -- big plug on that in their Islamic front shots and Clinton faces and biting and whatever problems battery -- -- anyway. Right so the glasses. Relate to this particular story yes it is a subject if we bring -- alien messages -- gonna appear on your screen if you have these glasses -- That's what I'm saying look at some economists -- there it is right there like each awesome. Without these. -- write papers gonna come and punching and now he's Telecom is gonna say. I've come here. To kick ass into -- -- Animal held above and he says that them. Actually says that in the -- here won't play hits. So great it's so awesome I saw that will be at like 154 -- that succeed wherever I it was one of the best movies that are seen. Hill school of markedly despite what numbers alone and just want the public blog that he does what he -- not getting anything done. -- -- -- -- so brutal to. Its place -- Yes are running slightly at the moment right leopard comes into your apartment or your calls -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think you -- listen to. Yet I I will put on the glasses if you have to tell me twice suck my bubble -- some side. -- -- So go and do that if you want him although like a real risk -- of really cool it like I can't imagine it's easy to take out the glass -- your computer monitor and and remove the probably not as vulnerable arise filters it's like he has like you know a -- -- there. -- and then half of passengers. You can get their best -- Bassett. Once they didn't get that half -- that issue and has already -- that that happened -- the acid bath. You better as the best when you around when you -- that then if it. Two times the -- a -- -- problem while Obama mobile mobile mobile mobile I little printer little printer is. Going to be debuted in 2012. Not here yet but in all it's here in picture any video and being and super cute. And it is. It is first for those of you who have these -- and beautifully cultivated RSS feeds but never have the time to read them. Printer here it's like a few adults is gonna print them out free every morning. I'm out a little real love thermal -- -- receipt Paper. Take it with -- it also prints out a little sudoku puzzles and the weather or old your to do listen. I'll -- all kinds of little useful information it's a combination of they -- An app that use the kind of connect all of -- -- your news feeds and information your your schedule and it. Figures out on dated a basis what the most interesting stuff is that it print out free every morning in -- So -- actually -- -- -- itself yet again and and it does it in the. -- as possible AM what is little duck feet to yet -- -- soundtrack. I area to go out the door now little printer hooked up taking on you might want to. So they can print this and then goes to -- first serve its. I'll come back when. You really -- Any time today little content. I'll still help me he -- the old. XMR. Com. Very cute. Very light too cheap you know -- -- -- -- I like this has like a -- it's like. -- out of print isn't dead zone can still be a useful way for us to leverage all of the great news you've got. Now coming your computer but you -- have the time to. Interact with or like you mean your foursquare. Coupons or not its on air -- wouldn't be at the time in -- -- to have little -- -- go to his little training algorithm there. -- figure out. Wrong. The low and making it okay. Explain what -- wouldn't talk about Alex okay so -- it could tell what schedules so -- looked. Seeking -- next in the EU but anything. Well. Now any kind of weird to print out like the whole web page like text you know a little printers. Like it. -- to trying to print a copy a Wikipedia. Started Paper. -- -- an -- is kind of it's cool to have these little artifacts. And I mean hopefully they're recyclable hopefully the little replacement reels and Paper don't cost. Thirty bucks a pop now. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I still think that this is that. This is talented and -- that is -- of buying a tablet. I'm gonna -- a little -- And little he's gonna print out and neighbors -- it's just and I couldn't play it actually drawing the trajectory of a little bird. And a lot and yet. -- what is it conflicts. On the best Angry Birds player ever -- -- -- -- -- -- -- is being I'm actually. If this that this pops up I would really want you should at least agree to the video. Should there toll things -- This one comes courtesy of -- -- shock and is a concept. Futuristic. Computing concept that. Will turn Euro poll. Apartment and all of the stuff inside of it into computers including pizza boxes -- -- It is. It's just not I think so much as it is -- -- new way of thinking about computing calling it invoked computing. It -- everyday objects and computer interfaces. Communication devices. -- using a ubiquitous augmented reality system. Yes I think the -- up. -- -- not really doing that they're not really turned the pizza box into a computing device they're turning pizza box out into like a projection. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Video. In that little clip this lets the part of that -- about. -- days instead of us as human beings as the masters of this planet having to learn. The way to like we have to take the time to learn -- interactive devices. Pizza boxes and -- -- labor all the computer technology is gonna learn how do you want to use the technology. And in this Frenchman for example. We want to use instead of opening up laptops to get online -- opened up pizza boxes. If -- -- the closest thing we have to us at the moment who does like pizza where stuck on the couch. Where. -- in mobile giant fat. Lazy. Pizza eating the computers actually -- on the coffee table on the other side of the room can't reach -- but I can recent pizza box I can't even feel my legs my computer it also can I say in the pizza -- and -- it. And I can open up and I can use it to Washington need to India's bright. Yeah and this is gonna make that happen. -- -- And the time I spend. And is in the same example our -- the phone rings and I don't I can't. I'm not get to my phone but I can get to. This banana. -- -- -- is right there on the coffee table to my you know that's not going where I was on the phone with me. -- it and it is we -- news. Regards weekend news. Google's. -- locals. But what's good and that that -- news alone. -- -- a goofy version of Google Canada I -- I liked this idea of the future in my sat apartment. You know not being allowed to get around and having. My Google signed. Often. And notable fruit. And is being LT. I mean this is what Ellis. -- could bill as he could be. Or to be a thousand times -- And -- and the use -- Honey did you get the message -- left for you the text message. It will not open the pizza box up and -- text messages from -- also and I checked the Apple. I like the actual Apple Apple Reverend Wright not the Apple and it -- -- -- quality there. That's what does -- this is iPhone and Apple. -- I don't even know Apple -- it's I think they do it yet again as -- Apple's only be released into Apple today called -- But I -- -- say that many Smith divorce you and eighty. Added I mean it it could be cool right. All like like I -- actually interact with giant Nestle I'd be applied to Obama mocking tone and I'm not sold one excellent either but I do like that fact you can. Change the volume which is only at the only thing that's -- -- I guess you did -- Stream through the video whatever man alone. Call me. Well I like there's these two different versions of the future the one where you just pick up anything. Yet around you and -- like. I can I can make any means you can't communicate. Electronics and yet exactly yeah the room is going to detect that I want to use this keyboard to tops in my mind that phone or guitar that. It found boxes gonna be how I check my email. It's AM and then there's the version the future -- little printer and -- it. Well like we're going backwards in and deciding that we want little dedicated devices that just do one thing right and can print out information we would otherwise -- to. Receive on any number of things around that's what I -- -- use your your headphones you know I think I think you know. You know how well you know you have Apple's REI had a -- in the disease you have -- said the stuff around you. About you know it's also and to have for its argument about the parents and -- use trans going to be you know similar -- does -- make -- -- -- -- -- -- At -- -- Had been I had to dig it out. It. There's actually use this. A -- -- decorations and. How does this thing get online. Donald's -- that. It's up some sort of -- -- that the user. I haven't lost it. It's like noise and I don't know why the room's up rejecting the Internet on to my Christmas when you might talk to me -- here exactly and Stephen. It. -- Clinton and with a major breaks down and. Well did you lose. And so they can again. -- Man we -- really go to this video. Because it American idea of a dynamic duo we actually got out of the studio. And escaped its objective. Information. Technology. And talk to real life person I believe we did you talk to mark wrote them aren't more and we have we got the lowdown. On the keep on pro to -- keep on at 49 dollars isn't doing enough for you. 30000 dollars in my you all to keep on capabilities he could ever want. -- I'll -- do you like robots. -- Yeah. And that's why we're all gonna talk with -- article asking about the keep on -- -- The adorable 30000 dollar -- robot. -- and dance can look around and can do amazing adorable -- yes -- -- Can learn a little. Long ago because cameras in the eyes and a microphone and -- those sensors are used by therapists in another room at a computer. To control the robot an interactive people keep -- pros intelligence is largely. The intelligence of a human being behind the wheel like there was a revised. Trying to interact through the simpler body with children for whom humans might be too complicated to understand so the simplicity of this character. Allows them to more will be more comfortable and and maybe more engaged. Mikey -- on the other hand. Given that given the cost constraints we can put cameras in science but the nose is still a microphone. In my keep on -- rather than cameras we added a number of touch sensors around this the belly of the sides back. Of the -- as well as on top of the head. And -- for the pro you're talking about controlling with your computer by -- also have. -- looks like Nintendo -- note here for controlling so here just using that the buttons. I can easily make him look around I can make -- balance I can make him -- side -- side and I can even provide a rhythm that. So -- you so. -- -- -- -- Has. Quite a lot of complicated stuff in the base and this is where all the magic happens that the motors. Motor controllers. Are all in in the -- and they're controlling the body from below kind of like an upside down Mac that so. This. This is really the reason you know the main reason for this is a very high cost of the coupon program that all of this this mechanism is. Handmade. By -- machinist and shop. And -- it takes quite a while to. To build and then assembled one of one of these robots on the software side we're also trying to have more autonomy so that. You know perhaps keep -- can automatically detect. Cases people's faces and recognize this space is so that you know that there -- controlling it can spend. More time looking at the interaction trying to respond appropriately rather than you know pinpointing exactly where the robot should be looking up a big part of of our goals with the development of this -- is that is that. Some of the proceeds are being directed to build more of the research -- and will further -- the development. Of this project actually distribute those robots to. -- to. Practitioners would be using them. Thank you so much for showing -- -- -- keep on keep on pro in the same space as family reunion and keep bonds. And that -- -- that holiday sales for Mikey -- He personally thank you very much other birds coming and how he makes the eight foot tall version ones that well. We -- McDonald's Wendy's is coming back here -- don't -- -- oh my god. W site -- The Mikey -- -- June. -- that it created bought myself now. Can cause I don't think you might wanna -- -- Heck yeah law. -- -- -- I use up -- and -- my. Was attacked at that it's excellent. Obvious it never ends actually just. We currently the tight again almost that now -- -- that'll be to bonus for people actually don't take. All my doubt it'll only around -- defense. Did it now will be on the music making all while media with its arm that that little bit of acting at the end yeah I had no idea and do that like -- it's like. We just a -- -- -- these two things of both of both -- walking -- and finally keep on dells which is walking and other okay. Once -- And there it is so I apologize from my horrible acting you can and cannot -- -- -- more than one take half fighting. You now article and wanted -- of -- that's a good I'm pretty sure he only did you know when it now I think it says I have like ten takes -- -- deal. How did you not nailed it. It was amazing thank you accretion in Al over the soft and smooth its -- -- But that but. But when I -- the tag. This is just so's you know that is. Its its phone means and recently we need when it's out in this -- How we have that video separately T from the -- in the links in the show notes. What else do we have to talk about how we have the we have an email should be new phenomena. Like Humphrey out how to dismantle I had to start -- a little bit are also my apologies but. This first welcome Bonnie Cha. Low. Then we created -- a welcome my job we have been awaiting your arrival you may regret your decision to during crave -- -- guys. I'd why you buy is very grow in the treat clubhouse don't tell mom that this girl on the cheap club geez he's referring to our podcasts and -- as it all of Iceland tree house -- -- -- -- And -- on the G -- don't tell mom okay it's time someone told the Japanese to cut it out we know that they'll -- -- net. And -- -- comes after that may be some really. Weird men -- -- sympathies suit stuff yeah -- talked about on the show before haven't. Pressured her and then did the dancing little creatures -- down to my -- -- here and at a school. And then there's the giant cat -- -- -- school girls -- which you know the jokes write themselves for that -- and then Nancy you know there's going to be you know. Giant monsters with tentacles and probing and all the other stuff that I've talked about the Japanese enemy. -- there's that stuff is. Next thing now that is -- that and then it's gonna be not the fun. World he thought it was going to be now but he drought floor and at -- that -- -- from sleep. And what's the deal with the quote -- quote extra appendage that you have to hold. I think he can figure -- We're gonna do it again this is great show and I'm glad that he's back and that which don't topple our game. Yes. This is the top of my game -- right. This is a way really at at and -- will. Yes that's will ever -- is what yes this is this is a shining mountain. And like this is your life flashbacks in error it's gonna cut residences in the day. Really. Meant I -- sure I did he did him let me do it a second time in mind that. My acting and I really could have nailed it and keep on acting via McDonald's said no but also has been done that -- -- PS is in the air was the -- trying to force the guy and some kind of compromising position against his will. Is that the penalty for -- Mean if you -- -- against his will now. Then maybe but I really think it is I think he is and yeah yeah there he got me it took -- a couple glasses -- line. Let them really up to his loot and -- from our -- our friend Earl -- Early indexes seat you're -- Taxes and you if you guys want money child back on the show right right as saying it letters. God to crave at cnet.com -- the -- I think I understand maybe she feels like. You know she was -- shooting something she really knows she won't I think if we if we all collectively get -- of -- crave -- -- -- via beyond that showed that nothing more important than being on this show nothing at all this is gonna be the highlight of your life yes this this is you know going to be -- higher heights. This. -- and now you wanna be on top of your game on -- -- he would join the podcast. Allow -- when we have in. -- -- They -- the camera there are confident that his -- it's less. Hoping anyway it's not as it like I'm pushing bits than actual transition into the camera -- huge -- -- -- it was more like I fell over an extreme -- happening anyway. I don't think you even if you stayed up to -- Om I don't have much -- geek news this week but I do have something I don't need much. Because if you're familiar with Neil deGrasse Tyson. Astrophysicist. -- -- frequent frequent guest on The Daily Show -- called their report. I probably civilians on the new artists podcasts which is an awesome. And so that -- -- This guy is out awesome he's great he's Smart he's funny. -- -- and he was interviewed by Steve Hinkle -- kind of out of character. Like I think maybe a year ago but they -- out of character barely got a character vehicle basically there was out of character. -- -- -- -- -- -- Com it's an hour and a half long interview so I mean you know Digg and -- new watchable to -- entertaining so cool. I have a a little clip I want to play you click that link it should go to where it weeks ago I Stephen. People other for a second. And so he's talking about an obvious and ash as it is a we know that there's actually coming to hit earth -- year 2036. We know this is it. Products including 36 but it doesn't it will likely -- the Pacific Ocean. Its -- we got the three mile. Explode catching the -- send waves of tsunamis. The first one from the impact the second because -- wanna -- back into the cavity. To hear dropped back down and sends another -- this'll go on about forty times. The -- and -- I was just on the Santa Monica beach two nights ago. So there is the first city to get it because it is digital before breakfast and monitor -- orbiters into the Pacific. File storage also thought it would take up the entire West Coast United States but don't have to -- We know this -- effects. And but I think two people died. -- -- -- who want to -- -- -- -- And yeah it's really. It's full of like. Like this make any well what I really what these guys he really makes its cells with the court he but he makes science fun. You know I mean some people like yourself are. You're -- science anyway I'm kind of designs but he really makes it. Like really easy to swell like -- so he says he doesn't like a really great sense of humor it's is. When he talks are just completely captivated interest in what he's saying -- is a kind of voice and yet it's like. In the Carl Sagan like populous popularization of science yeah thank. How good crossing of I wanna -- -- mystified. As though comprehending my guess what he's talking about exactly what he'll still put me to sleep in -- the most wonderful way he had shares cycle whereas I don't Milne addressed nationally the -- -- government stand up comedy chops yeah toll he toll -- the community comedians taps. -- Yeah anyway check out that. That's will have -- notes album. And you can check out the rest of the stories will be talking about next week at cnet's crave blog. -- -- the crash can't figure out how the camera actually captures how does this -- -- I have don't know what is that -- And it's like -- secondly it says for retirees and that that. The I until then. We'll see advanced by Mac.

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